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传统纸笔测试注重学生对于事实记忆的考查,禁锢学生的思维,不能满足新时代对人才培养的需求。研究表明,表现性评价更有利于高阶思维的检测,更能促进学生自我反思、自主学习、问题解决等能力的获得。通过文献调查法,发现目前我国中小学实施表现性评价存在以下现实困境:任务与目标不匹配,情境创设不科学,评分规则不明确,表现性评价形式化。文章经过对造成困境的三个主要原因进行分析,最终探究出突破这一困境的三条路径,即加强教师评价技能培训、注重教师日常生活体验以及加大表现性评价的应用范围。  相似文献   

当前教师研修中的许多问题是由于教师研修表现的评价缺失造成的。对教师研修表现的评价缺失主要表现在以下几方面:只有笼统的目的,没有表现性目标;只有听中学,没有实践任务;只有凭借行政手段的管理,没有能够引领教师专业学习的评价。而教师专业的性质、专业发展和课改的要求明确了教师研修的目标是一种实践、能力的提升,属于表现性目标,需要运用表现性评价。在教师研修中运用表现性评价,需要将表现性评价镶嵌在研修活动的整个过程中,在着手设计研修活动之前,就要明确表现性目标,随之设计作为研修活动任务的表现任务,还要充分利用评分规则促进教师自我引导的专业学习,从而促进教师研修质量的提升。  相似文献   

表现性评价在职校学生评价中的运用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
冯莹 《职教论坛》2006,(24):11-13
职业技术教育注重学生实际能力的培养,强调学生的动手操作能力。建立与其相适应的学生评价体系,对于促进学生发展,实现教育目标具有重要的意义。通过分析表现性评价的特征,阐明了表现性评价在职业学校学生评价中的独特优势。对于如何开展表现性评价的问题,从设计表现性任务以及开发评价标准这两个方面加以说明,并提出教师在实施表现性评价的过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

表现性评价在物理教育中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在20世纪90年代,美国就兴起了表现性评价,强调评价任务要与现实生活中的问题相接近。其实表现性评价在我国的美术、音乐、体育等课程中并不陌生,只是在其他课程评价中较少使用。由于表现性评价是一种以评价任务的真实性为特色的质性评价方式,比传统测验能提供更真实的学生信息,因此引起了物理教师的极大关注,并迫切需要掌握表现性评价的理论和操作技术。  相似文献   

表现性评价在小学信息技术课程中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新一轮的课程改革大潮中,信息技术课程从培养目标、教学方法、评价方法上都发生了较大的变化。虽然这次信息技术课程改革目前只涉及高中的课程,但是为广大从事中小学信息技术课程教育的教师指明了信息技术教育的方向。本次信息技术课程改革中倡导用表现性评价的方式来评价学生,什么是表现性评价?如何进行表现性评价呢?本文将结合实际的教学案例来探讨一下这两个问题。  相似文献   

在《信息技术》新课程标准实施过程中,许多教师对如何进行表现性评价感到疑惑。如何发挥计算机辅助测评技术的优势,构建高中信息技术课程表现性评价活动支持系统.帮助教师开展有效的表现性评价活动成了急需解决的问题。本文根据表现性评价的流程。分析了计算机支持系统在评价过程中所发挥的作用,在此基础上设计开发了表现性评价活动支持系统。  相似文献   

表现性评价在美国教师资格认定实践中的应用及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自20世纪80年代起,美国佛罗里达州、乔治亚州、得克萨斯州等开始在专业教师资格认定中使用表现性评价。目前,少数州又将表现性评价应用于初级教师资格认定。表现性评价的应用增进了教师资格认定的真实性和预测效度。我国可以尝试在教师资格认定实践中应用表现性评价,也可以将表现性评价拓展应用到师范生教育实习以及在职教师专业发展领域,但同时要充分预见并积极应对可能面临的挑战。  相似文献   

孔令帅  王超 《教育研究》2022,(7):140-151
表现性评价是国际上一种重要的教师评价方式,与我国新时代教师评价改革理念存在共通之处,但仍需审视其所蕴含的特定价值观念、意识形态影响与潜在困境。在全球教育改革运动的经济、政治和文化三重逻辑中,各国要求提高教师的竞争性表现和教学效能,推动了证据为本和同质化的教师表现性评价的形成与发展。国际上教师表现性评价引起教师专业自主性的缺失,导致教师公共性的隐退,造成对教师灵魂、激情与热忱等不可被测量的人性品质的忽视。超越教师表现性评价,需要建立基于共同利益的教师评价体系,尊重教师的专业自主权;坚持立德树人的教师评价导向,强化教师专业身份的公共性;超越测量主义的教师评价思维,重视教师评价中的人文关怀。通过对真理的探寻、对良善生活的追求和对美好事物的欣赏,锤炼教师的思维能力、道德品质和审美趣味,使之成为具有自主性、公共性和批判性的独立个体。  相似文献   

针对项目化学习中表现性评价运用的现状进行分析,指出存在的问题。分析项目化学习中运用表现性评价的价值和意义,梳理项目化学习中表现性评价的应用分类,具体阐述表现性评价的应用程序:确定表现目标、开发评价量规、引领项目推进,最后根据目前的运用误区提出建议。深化教师对项目化学习中表现性评价的认识、实践和思考,促使构建高质量的表现性评价设计和运用,推进项目化学习的深度开展。  相似文献   

在《信息技术》新课程标准实施过程中,许多教师对如何进行表现性评价感到疑惑。如何发挥计算机辅助测评技术的优势,构建高中信息技术课程表现性评价活动支持系统,帮助教师开展有效的表现性评价活动成了急需解决的问题。本文根据表现性评价的流程,分析了计算机支持系统在评价过程中所发挥的作用,在此基础上设计开发了表现性评价活动支持系统。  相似文献   

This study examines teachers’ conceptions of assessment and related contextual factors at the classroom, school and national levels. A representative survey of Singaporean secondary school teachers resulted in a final sample consisting of 229 teachers from 9 secondary schools. Findings on that, teachers endorse views of assessment for school accountability, student accountability and student improvement, but little endorsement of assessment as irrelevance. Teachers report feeling capable and qualified to use assessments, but concerned about how much they are trusted as assessors at school and national levels. Follow-up latent class analysis identified groups of teachers based on their responses to the irrelevance of assessment; teachers who found assessment irrelevant were present across all schools and subjects, but showed lower sense of preparation for assessment, school-level support and importance of academic success in society.  相似文献   

Assessing Pupils’ Progress (APP) arose from a government drive to increase the amount of teacher-based assessment within school and to make this consistent across schools. We conducted semi-structured interviews with head teachers to gain insight into how their schools applied APP and we compared the APP levels for English and Maths, provided by teachers across 11 schools for 72 pupils, to a standardised assessment (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-II; WIAT). There was a strong correlation between the APP and WIAT for literacy but not for numeracy. Head teacher interviews revealed that APP is used differently across schools and at times is used in a way inconsistent with government guidance, which raises the question of how teacher assessments are used and their purpose. Questions that should be considered are; how is moderation used in schools, what is the function(s) of teacher assessments and what is good practice in relation to these assessments? Clarity about the function of assessments is of vital importance as is ensuring that assessments are meaningful to teachers, pupils, families and schools, especially in light of the weight that can be placed on teacher assessments for all these groups.  相似文献   

This contribution shows an example of how an assessment innovation can serve as a flywheel for changing teaching and learning. This article first explains the development of an authentic, competence-based performance assessment in pre-vocational secondary education (pre-VET). Using these assessments in pre-VET, that is preparatory to VET, is important for motivating students for a future in VET. Second, in an action research 34 teacher teams of 11 pre-VET institutions implement the new assessment, supported by researchers and teacher coaches, to illuminate how it motivates students, prepares them for VET, and influences teaching and learning. Data from 76 teachers, 68 students, 24 teacher coaches and 3 researchers showed how implementing these assessments raised questions about changing educational content and pedagogy to fit a competence-based approach. Increasing teachers’ expectations of students, changing student-teacher interaction patterns, and developing teachers’ practical understanding of competencies and how they can be observed and discussed in assessments are some of the intriguing challenges that require further support for proper implementation of competence-based assessments and developing an aligned competence-based teaching and learning process.  相似文献   

This article reports consequences for student writing quality based on a long-term professional learning project. Project teachers, representing all school subjects in grades 3–7, were presented with a writing construct, ‘Wheel of Writing’, and norms of expectation for writing proficiency. Participating teachers used the writing construct and norms as a basis for writing instruction and writing assessment. The project was conducted in 24 schools across Norway. 3088 students from 20 project schools participated. Two hundred and thirty three students from 4 schools were used as a comparison group. The investigation showed that students in primary school improved their writing quality significantly. Students in lower secondary school did not. However, there was substantial variation in writing quality effects between schools, classes, and individual students. For instance at a number of schools, project students from lower secondary school improved their writing quality significantly. The article discusses potential explanations of the effects.  相似文献   

自《科尔曼报告》公布至今已经过去了半个世纪,但对于学生学业成绩来说,学校投入与家庭投入哪个更重要的问题在国内外学术界依然没有达成共识。本文利用我国东部和中部5省16个城市中小学校大规模测评数据,采用广义教育生产函数方法,运用两水平线性模型,分析了学校投入和家庭投入要素对教育产出(以学生学业成绩为代理变量)的影响效应。同时,采用Shapley值和Owen值分解技术,识别出对学校教育产出有较大影响的投入要素,得出以下4个方面结论:第一,除生师比之外,办学条件和教师质量等学校投入要素对教育产出结果有显著的正效应。第二,父母参与、父母教育期望等家庭投入要素对教育产出结果有显著的正效应。第三,对于小学平均学业成绩而言,来自家庭的相关投入更重要;对于初中平均学业成绩而言,则是来自学校的相关投入更为重要。第四,相比学校办学条件,教师质量对中小学校平均学业成绩变异的贡献度更大;而且,相比小学,教师质量对初中学校平均学业成绩变异的贡献度更大。基于实证研究结论,提出提高我国中小学教育生产效率的5点建议:一是调整义务教育资源配置结构,优先保障初中阶段学校教育投入;二是改善义务教育阶段教师的工资待遇和工作环境,以吸引更多高素质人才投入义务教育事业;三是通过校外教师专业发展培训、校本教研合作等途径切实提高教师队伍的教学策略水平,尤其要重视提高初中教师的教学策略水平;四是政府和相关部门应尽快出台有关家庭教育的制度规范,强化父母在家庭教育中的主体责任,督促父母积极参与子女教育生产过程;五是学校和社区应广泛开展家庭教育讲座和家庭教育实践培训活动,引导家长树立正确的家庭教育观,掌握科学的养育子女的方法,以提高学校教育和家庭教育联合生产的效率。  相似文献   

反馈作为形成性评价的核心部分,在中小学教学管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。在中小学教学管理中,教师为学生提供形式多样的反馈,可以帮助学生更好地利用反馈信息,提高学习效果;教师为学生提供具体和有针对性的反馈,可以让学生认识到自己应该改进的地方,提升学习成绩;教师为学生提供多方位、多层次的反馈信息,可以最大化地促进学生进步;教师为学生提供个性化的反馈,使学生更好地根据自身的特点提升学习能力。  相似文献   

宋囡  程靖 《四川教育学院学报》2012,28(4):108-110,124
义务教育阶段学校实施绩效工资分配制度,能够深化中小学事业单位人事制度改革,建立科学合理的激励机制,促进教师的自身发展及学生的全面进步,也推进了素质教育的继续发展。但是现如今县级中小学教师绩效工资体系并不健全,对县级中小学教师绩效评价的研究相当薄弱,缺乏公正科学的绩效评估方法。因此,如何更好地完善对县级教师绩效工资的考核成为目前研究的重点。  相似文献   


The authors investigated the assessment and grading practices of over 900 Grades 3-5 teachers representing urban, suburban, and rural schools. Teachers indicated the extent to which they used various factors to grade students, the types of assessments used, the cognitive level of assessments, and the grades awarded. Teachers appeared to conceptualize 6 major factors when they graded students; they placed the greatest weight on academic performance and academic-enabling behaviors, such as effort and improvement, and much less emphasis on homework, comparisons with other students, grade distributions of other teachers, and borderline cases. The teachers used 3 types of assessments—constructed-response, objective, and teacher-made major examinations; they differentiated between recall and higher level cognitive skills. However, there were few relationships between assessment and grade level, subject matter assessed, and grades awarded. Results are discussed in light of other research, indicating that teachers use a “hodgepodge” of factors when assessing and grading students.  相似文献   

Science in English primary schools has been judged a success, yet few pupils make the progress in secondary schools that their performance at the end of primary school suggested. Projects where pupils start science work at the end of the primary school and complete it at the start of secondary school—known as bridging units—have been suggested as one solution. This article reports an evaluation of bridging work in science in the north‐east of England. Pupils' and teachers' views of bridging lessons were collected and data on pupils' performance before and after bridging lessons compared. Claims that pupils find this type of work repetitive and that their teachers would rather teach something else either side of transfer are challenged. Findings highlight areas that are still problematic, including the use made of transferred assessments and progression in pupils' abilities, to comment on relationships between variables and patterns in data. The future for bridging work is discussed.  相似文献   

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