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In the first of three experiments, ducklings that had received prolonged exposure to the visibly moving imprinting object subsequently suppressed ongoing distress vocalization both during brief presentations of the moving object and during brief presentations of its initially neutral stimulus components (i.e., its auditory and static visual features). Only presentations of the moving object were followed by priming aftereffects (namely, enhancement of distress vocalization over a baseline rate). In Experiment 2, weak, but reliable, priming effects were detected after very long presentations of the auditory and static visual features. Experiment 3 found that these features strongly suppressed low, but not high, rates of distress vocalization, while the visibly moving object strongly suppressed both high and low rates. These studies suggest that initially neutral features of an imprinting object acquire the same sort of behavioral control as is exerted by the object when it is in motion, but that this control is somewhat weaker.  相似文献   

An improved test rig providing both the heat and cold source was used to perform thermal response test(TRT), and the line source model was used for data analysis. The principle of determining the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of test well can keep the heating or cooling rate constant, along with a reduced size of test rig. Among the influencial factors of the line source model, the temperature difference was determined as the most important, which agreed with the test results. When the gravel was taken as the backfill material, the soil thermal conductivities of heating and cooling at the test place were 1.883 W/(m·K) and 1.754 W/(m·K), respectively, and the deviation of TRT between heating and cooling soil was 6.8%. In the case of fine sand, the thermal conductivities of heating and cooling were 1.541 W/(m·K) and 1.486 W/(m·K), respectively, and the corresponding deviation was 6%. It was also concluded that different velocities of water had less influence on TRT than the temperature difference.  相似文献   

In four experiments using rat subjects, we investigated the effects of presenting a novel flavor cue at the time of pairing an environmental context with illness. In each experiment, the subjects were allowed to spend time in a distinctive cage before receiving an injection of LiCl. For some, plain water was made available on these conditioning trials; for others, a novel taste (HCl) was presented. We measured the strength of the context aversion by assessing the ability of the contextual cues to block the acquisition of an aversion to sucrose in a further phase of training. We found that initial training with HCl present made the context less effective as a blocking cue and concluded that the HCl had overshadowed learning about the context. We suggest that this blocking procedure provides a more accurate assessment of contextual aversion than does the consumption test that has more usually been used and that taste-context overshadowing may be a more robust phenomenon than has thus far been thought.  相似文献   

本文设计一个半开放式综合性实验项目,运用自制的小体积密闭试验舱来检测纳米TiO_2材料对甲醛光催化降解性能。实验设计中,对舱体进行综合评价后,选取水热法制备的铁掺杂纳米TiO_2和氮掺杂纳米TiO_2作催化剂降解甲醛,比较了其在可见光下对甲醛的降解效果,最后通过动力学研究可知甲醛在纳米TiO_2表面氧化反应符合一级动力学方程。该综合性实验项目设计覆盖了多学科交叉的综合训练,有助于把学生培养成"具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才"。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the association between children's exposure to maternal intimate partner violence (IPV) and behavior problems as measured by the parent report version of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). METHODS: The study population was comprised of 167 2- to 17-year-old children of Seattle women with police-reported or court-reported intimate partner abuse. The CBCL normative population served as the comparison group. Risk of behavior problems was calculated among the exposed children, in the presence and absence of a history of reported child maltreatment, relative to the normative population. Multiple logistic regression served as the primary method of analysis. RESULTS: Children exposed to maternal IPV were more likely to have borderline to clinical level scores on externalizing (i.e., aggressive, delinquent) behavior (RR=1.6, 95% CI: 1.2, 2.1) and total behavioral problems (RR=1.4, 95% CI: 1.1, 1.9) compared to the CBCL normative sample after adjusting for age and sex. Children who were exposed to maternal IPV and were victims of child maltreatment were more likely to receive borderline to clinical level scores on internalizing (i.e., anxious, depressed) behaviors (RR=2.6, 95% CI: 1.5, 3.6), externalizing (i.e., aggressive, delinquent) behaviors (RR=3.0, 95% CI: 1.9, 4.0) and total behavioral problems (RR=2.1, 95% CI: 1.2, 3.2) compared to the CBCL normative sample after adjusting for age and sex. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to maternal IPV is significantly associated with child behavioral problems both in the presence and absence of co-occurring child maltreatment. Appropriate attention to the mental health of children living in households with IPV is needed.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of associating unique contextual cues with an interpolated learning task on retroactive interference in long-term memory. Rats were originally trained in a two-bar operant chamber with an auditory conditional discrimination stimulus. During interpolated learning, which occurred in either the original or a new context, some rats were trained on a probability learning task that did not include the auditory stimuli present during original learning. Subsequent retraining on the original conditional discrimination task in the original context showed that (1) significant retroactive interference occurs in rats, and (2) the presence of unique contextual cues during interpolated learning significantly reduces this interference. These results extend the conditions under which the susceptibility to retroactive interference can be altered by contextual cues.  相似文献   

Effective school leadership is a vital component of successful educational organizations, and the increasing complexity of schools requires leaders to employ contingent skills and contextualized approaches. We examined administrative approaches and challenges at an educational center of a juvenile detention facility in Abu Dhabi. Qualitative data for analysis were collected through interviews from administrators, a social worker, and teachers. Specific challenges encountered by the leaders of the juvenile center included support and communication issues with parents, discontinuity in juvenile students’ education, organizational and systemic problems, policy constraints, managerial pitfalls following early releases, curriculum suitability and delivery issues, problems involving follow-up and progress management of students, and difficulties regarding the general motivation and rehabilitation of juvenile students. The findings illustrated the significance of leaders’ roles in juvenile education and the staff relationships that influenced the fulfillment of leaders’ roles.  相似文献   

The effects of price leadership strategies and branding strategies on the export performance of indigenous Chinese exporters with a focus on developing country markets and developed country markets are examined based on the principles of strategy-environment co-alignment and marketing segmentation theory. Findings suggest that when focusing on developing country markets, the use of a branding strategy is more likely to enhance export performance. When focusing on developed country markets, neither the use of a price leadership strategy nor the use of a branding strategy enhances export performance. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

翻译是科学还是艺术?翻译实践证明:说翻译是科学还不如说它是艺术更为确切。毫无疑问,更为重要的是大量的翻译实践。  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of a brief cognitive behavioral skills group in reducing anxiety, depression, and worry among a sample of low-income predominantly ethnic minority college students. Students were assigned to a skills group (N?=?54) or a wait-list control group (N?=?30). Students completed assessment at preintervention, postintervention, and 1-month follow-up. Linear mixed model analyses revealed significant interaction (time?×?condition) on all outcome variables, although there were different patterns for each dependent variable. Results support the use of a brief cognitive behavioral skills group among low-income predominantly ethnic minority students to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and worry.  相似文献   

杜光庭是浙江古代文化名人,但对其世系籍贯、生平行实,至今还是众说纷纭,扑朔迷离。全文对相关史志、载记加以稽考钩沉,爬罗剔抉,力求廓清其世系籍贯,疏理出较为明晰的生平行实的脉络,较为客观地为其定位。  相似文献   

Attempts to establish the generality of the defensive-burying response have proved quite successful with several strains of albino and hooded rats and with mice. However, three previous attempts to demonstrate this behavior in gerbils have been completely unsuccessful. Three additional defensive-burying experiments employing gerbils as subjects are reported. Defensive burying did not occur when testing took place in a rectangular chamber (Experiments 1 and 3), but did occur when a circular chamber was employed (Experiments 2 and 3). Hence, the geometric shape of the test chamber appears to be a crucial factor in determining the elicitation of this behavior in gerbils. Furthermore, the overall topography of the gerbil defensive-burying response was found to be different from that of previously examined species.  相似文献   

In this paper, we react to Lagrange and Kynigos’s contribution to this special issue, in which they present some of their experiences from two cross-case studies in the ReMath project (associated respectively with the use of two dynamic digital artefacts, Casyopée and Cruislet). They described how the project, which involved teams from three different countries (France, Italy and Greece), working in different conditions and relying on different theoretical approaches, was structured in order to address the role played by contextual characteristics. We consider how the ReMath approach of using cross-studies, and especially the inclusion of a cross-analysis phase, served to identify particularities associated with designing and implementing mathematics learning scenarios using digital tools. In their discussion of the process of re-contextualising, one of the factors which appears to have been particularly influential in shaping research activities was theoretical framework and they show how this factor both influences and is influenced by institutional and cultural characteristics. To further explore some of the other important contextual factors they pinpoint, such as the role and engagement of teachers, student characteristics and issues related to the empirical settings, we reflect upon the processes of re-contextualisation that we could identify in our own research.  相似文献   

Group and individual forms of a measure were developed to assess the acquisition of behaviors desired as outcomes of instruction in science at the elementary school level. Significant differences between the scores of individuals on the group and individual measures were observed. Students demonstrated higher competence on the items employing the individual format.  相似文献   

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