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We investigated the collaborative writing actions carried out by 60 Open University of Israel graduate students as they built a wiki glossary of key course concepts. These actions were analysed using a taxonomy of collaborative writing actions (i.e. adding, editing and deleting information) in order to find out what students do and what they do not do when writing collaboratively. Two main findings were reported: in accord with previous research, students most frequently add content to a wiki rather than delete existing text; and contrary to previous research, students modify existing texts to a greater extent than previously reported. These findings may help teachers design collaborative learning activities. Teachers should be aware of the difficulties faced by students when writing collaboratively and should design collaborative learning activities in ways that overcome or circumvent these difficulties.  相似文献   

要想真正成为一名出类拔萃的企业家和职业经理人,必须在工作、生活各个方面具备过硬的素质。从某种意义上说,应成为下属员工的理想楷模。这不仅是指通常所理解的"德",而且也是指同样重要的"智"。  相似文献   

In this quasi-experimental study, we describe the effect of showing dissection videos on first-year medical students' performance in terms of test scores during a gross anatomy course. We also surveyed students' perception regarding the showing of dissection videos. Two hundred eighty-seven first-year medical students at Rawalpindi Medical College in Pakistan, divided into two groups, dissected one limb in first term and switched over to the other limb in the second term. During the second term, instruction was supplemented by dissection videos. Second-term anatomy examination marks were compared with first-term scores and with results from first-year medical students in previous years. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed, with term scores (continuous, 0-200) as the dependent variable. Students shown dissection videos scored 1.26 marks higher than those not shown. The relationship was not statistically significant (95% CI: -1.11, 3.70; P = 0.314). Ninety-three percent of students favored regular inclusion of dissection videos in curriculum, and 50% termed it the best source for learning gross anatomy. Seventy-six percent of students did not perform regular cadaver dissection. The most frequent reason cited for not performing regular dissection was high student-cadaver ratio. Dissection videos did not improve performance on final examination scores; however, students favored their use.  相似文献   

Mothers with mental retardation with or without a history of child abuse and/or neglect were compared on a number of demographic variables. The reasons why children were or were not removed also were examined. The demographic comparisons showed that while those mothers with such a history generally had higher IQs, they were similar to the mothers without such a history. Twice as many of those with a history of abuse and/or neglect were married, lived independently, and had at least two children, one of which often had problems, in comparison to those without such a history. Examination of the reasons for child removal showed that removal occurred if the mother had a problem in addition to her retardation or if she was unwilling to attend and actively participate in a training program and/or did not have someone who could provide support. If a mother was willing and did attend training and had support, children were either not removed initially or were returned upon evidence that the mother was actively participating. In comparison to those mothers with a history of abuse and/or neglect, those without such a history functioned at a lower intellectual and functional level and were living with a relative who shared child-care responsibilities.  相似文献   

The article examines the extent to which the notion of a publicly-funded university as an institution engaging in both teaching and research is likely to be sustained in the European higher education space of the future, given the variety of pressures (including funding and mass higher education) on such a conception of a university and changes in how national governments regard the purposes of higher education. Relevant literature on the changing purposes of universities is reviewed. For illustrative purposes, the article uses an example of recent legislation, the 2004 Higher Education Act, in England, whereby research degree awarding powers are no longer a pre-requisite for the conferral of university status. The position in England's higher education system with regard to research and teaching is contrasted with that of a second UK country, Scotland, which has contrasting policies on teaching and research in universities. The article examines the research-teaching debate from the perspective of individual academics, universities and policy-makers, using recent empirical data where available. It is suggested that whilst academics and their institutions (for different reasons) may be in favour of retaining a link between teaching and research and may resist changes to this, policy-makers faced with rising demands on the public purse may see such links as suited only to an academic elite. Such pressures apply equally to other member countries of the European Higher Education space, so the outcomes of this policy debate about the centrality of research and teaching to universities have many implications for the future shape of European higher education.  相似文献   

The major cognitive deficit of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is impaired executive function (EF), a cognitive component that some theorists believe to be the primary substrate for the general intelligence (g) factor. We review the constructs of g and EF and the relevant research findings on ADHD. We then analyze the results of a battery of diverse tests, including measures of EF, administered to 123 boys with ADHD. The correlations among the EF measures, two well-accepted measures of IQ, and the g factor extracted from the entire battery are trivial at best. These results are discussed in the context of collateral evidence supporting the independence of g and EF and its clinical and theoretical implications.  相似文献   

Last year, Martyn Rouse organised a project focused on inclusive education for the British Council. As part of the link between the University of Cambridge, the Ministry of Education in Kenya and Kenyatta University, your editor was lucky enough to be invited to visit Kenya. Martyn and I spent much of our time running workshops and attending meetings, but we were also able to visit some schools in far-flung rural areas. I recall walking into one village where a group of school children were walking down the street in an orderly line. When they saw us, their curiosity and excitement overtook them and they started to call out: 'mzungu! mzungu!', which means 'white man'. They laughed and waved and it was an unusual, and rather pleasant, feeling for me to be regarded as something so exotic and rare. But when I met Alex Munyere, at a workshop on inclusive education in Nakuru, I came to see another side to the experience of being perceived as different. Alex has albinism, which means that he has blond hair and white skin and experiences some difficulties with his sight. He is also a member of the Maasai community, who traditionally live under the broad, tropical skies of the heartlands of Kenya. In this article, Alex Munyere recalls his childhood and his life at school. He provides a fascinating first-hand account of the experience of living with a disability. Alex is now a respected professional who works with children with special educational needs in the assessment centre in Kajiado district in Kenya. He is a quiet and dignified man but he is passionately committed to the development of inclusion in his country. These qualities are evident in the thoughtful reflections he provides here on the relationships between specialist provision and the development of an inclusive society. I suggest that Alex's story can be instructive for us all.  相似文献   

<老子>中的"无为"又称为"无不为",二者不是因果关系而是并列关系.它要求人们按规律办事,适时而动,该为时就为,不该为时就不为.  相似文献   

《老子》中的"无为"又称为"无不为",二者不是因果关系而是并列关系。它要求人们按规律办事,适时而动,该为时就为,不该为时就不为。  相似文献   

Tip-of-the-Tongue experiences (TOTs) are often accompanied by incorrect answers (blockers) that come to mind persistently and seem to block recall. According to the blocking hypothesis, blockers cause retrieval difficulty during TOTs. We predicted that delay would allow participants to forget their blockers, and thereby enhance TOT resolution. In Experiment 1 participants were asked trivia questions and then retested on the ones that elicited TOTs, either immediately or after a delay. There was an incubation effect overall, with greater TOT resolution after a delay than on an immediate test. Contrary to the blocking hypothesis, however, delay did not enhance resolution of blocked TOTs more than non-blocked TOTs. In Experiment 2, during the retest, participants were reminded of their previous blockers on some questions, but the reminders did not affect TOT resolution. These findings suggest that blockers may be a side effect, not a cause, of retrieval difficulty during TOTs. This paper is based on the first author’s Master’s thesis.  相似文献   

员工情感管理不容忽视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓员工情感能力是指在企业这一特定环境中.员工所具有的认知、表达、控制和调节自身情绪和处理人际关系方面的能力.它是在员工个人技能之外、包含于员工素质之中并直接影响企业整体实力的重要因素。  相似文献   

经过27年的发展,电大进入到改革发展的关键期。在进行了回首历史,温故知新;纵横思考,审慎定位;冷静面对,有所不为;顺应时代,大有作为;理顺关系,和谐发展等诸方面分析论述后得出:转型期的电大定位,必须处理好不作为与大作为的辩证关系。  相似文献   

作为中国古典文学的高峰,《红楼梦》杰出的艺术价值自不可低估,但与世界级文学经典相比,《红楼梦》对人的生存困境的开掘以及人性的纵深企及相对略逊一筹——这并不是说文学必得以西方的"悲剧"观为正宗,更不是说今天的文学创作须要向西方文学经典看齐,而是说中国作家想要创造旷世经典的伟大文学作品,必须指向人生存的深度困境,在文本中融进人类的共通经验,表现人的尊严与价值,将人的命运通过对"命运"的抗争描摹展现出来。  相似文献   

综合清代金圣叹先生的叙事学理论与许钧先生的翻译观,本文认为翻译(笔译)是以符号转换为手段,意义再生为目的,因文生文的文本生成的实践活动。经典作品应该有多种译本,由于原文文本是固定不变的,译者的理解必然也会有趋同的地方,所以重译过程中难免会出现部分文字与首译雷同。但雷同不等于抄袭,重译首先应该关注难点的创造性翻译,可以借鉴旧译,但不能抄袭。重译是译文文本的完善,与文化创新有一定的联系,但也有本质的区别。  相似文献   

Preschool children heard two ten-sentence stories. Each sentence was accompanied by two pictures (one of the subject and one of the object of the sentence), by a picture of the sentence’s subject, by a picture of the sentence’s object, or by no pictures. After presentation of the stories, the children answered questions requiring recall of the sentence objects. Only the two-picture illustration variation produced significantly beffer learning relative to no-picture control performance. This finding held both when children were instructed to make mental images representing the prose and when they simply listened to the text. The results are relevant both to theories of children’s imagery and to practical issues about how to illustrate children’s texts. This research was supported by a grant to the second author from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

日本的右翼势力日益猖獗,军国主义沉渣泛起,日本否认侵华战争的侵略性质并拒绝向中国认罪、赔偿,这是由于日本特有的天皇神国观、弱肉强食的实用主义价值取向、国家愚弄民众、掩盖真相的教育所导致的必然结果.在21世纪,中国人民和亚洲人民应与之针锋相对地进行斗争.  相似文献   

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