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The researchers examined how speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in a small northern California school district assessed Spanish speaking English learning (EL) Latino children suspected of language impairments. Specifically we sought to (1) determine whether SLPs adhered to federal, state, and professional guidelines during initial assessments and (2) identify tests and measures used by SLPs during language assessments. The researchers conducted a records abstraction review of 88 speech-language assessment reports of Spanish speaking EL Latino children. The reports were examined for parameters of best practice as outlined in recent studies. Results indicated that for each report the SLP responsible for assessing the child failed to consider at least one best practice parameter. Although impossible to determine at this stage, it is likely that many of these children were erroneously assessed and subsequently placed in speech-language programs. Findings support the notion that many EL Latino children continue to be inappropriately assessed for language impairments.  相似文献   

外语学习障碍的概念在上世纪80年代提出,一直作为一种学习障碍被研究者关注,特别是在外语学习研究领域。这一概念在提出后就存在争议,争议的焦点在于如何定义和测量外语学习障碍,以及是否存在一种学习障碍叫做外语学习障碍。导致这些争议的原因主要来自学习障碍概念本身的争议和分歧,另外在外语学习障碍的定义和诊断上的问题也是导致争议的重要原因。对外语学习过程及其与母语习得之间差异的考察有助于我们重新认识外语学习障碍。  相似文献   

This article presents a review of the literature on object permanence with an emphasis on research on children with severe disabilities. Object permanence is the realisation that objects continue to exist in time and place even when they are no longer visible. This understanding is achieved across Stages IV(VI of Piaget’s Sensorimotor Period. Children with intellectual disability, physical disabilities, blindness, and autism develop object permanence in a similar sequence although at a slower rate than children without disabilities. Challenges with regulation make it difficult for children with autism to demonstrate object permanence knowledge in Stage VI tasks. There is ample evidence that children with severe disabilities benefit from direct and systematic instruction of object permanence. Assessment‐based instruction, establishment of visual attention, consideration of the characteristics of the object to be hidden (including the impact on differential attention), repeated naming of the object, individually appropriate prompting procedures, and direct reinforcement have been found to support mastery of object permanence in children with disabilities.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to indicate the effect of fathers’ psycho-education program on their interaction with their children. The participants of the study consisted of 10 fathers in experimental group and 9 fathers in the control group. Mixed research design was carried out. Quantitative data were collected using Personal Information Form, Child–Parent Relationship Scale and Father Involvement Scale. Semi-structured interview form consisting of open-ended questions was used. The fathers were trained for an eight-week period one week after the study group was provided with Fathers’ Interview Form as a pre-test. One week after the study was completed the same test was applied to fathers as the last test. The data obtained from the study were analysed using Non-Parametric Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The findings indicated that the training given to fathers increased their interaction with their children. The scores of fathers in the experimental group from the ‘Father Involvement Scale’ were significantly higher than those in the control group. The evaluation of the semi-structured interview questions in the qualitative part of the study, the responsibilities and roles of fathers in raising children altered after their involvement in the fathers’ psychoeducation program. This study proposes disability programand inclusion.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical review of the literature surrounding the potential impact of undiagnosed and untreated vision impairment on reading development in the early years of primary school. Despite pre-school screening programmes, it is still possible for children to enter school with undiagnosed, uncorrected vision impairments. This can be due to healthcare access issues for children. Data reviewed indicated correlations between hyperopic vision impairment and poor reading development. However, the relationships reported remain complex, with myopic vision impairment being reported to correlate with high reading ability in some studies. In addition, correlation does not necessarily imply causation. Previous research in the field is reported. Deficiencies in the current literature base are discussed. Finally, recommendations for teaching practice and the nature of research that explores whether vision impairment is the cause of poor reading development for some children in school are suggested.  相似文献   

唐氏综合症儿童语言发展研究的现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从前语言阶段、语音和词汇发展、形态句法习得和语用发展这四个方面对以英语为母语的唐氏儿童语言发展研究的现状和成果作了分析,并在此基础上提出今后的研究趋势以及在我国开展唐氏综合症儿童语言发展研究的意义和紧迫性。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate social competence in children with orthopaedic disability and its concurrent relations to child’s temperament, health condition, and maternal warmth. Participants were 68 Turkish children (mean = 5.94 years) with chronic orthopaedic disability and their mothers coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. Mother ratings were used to measure social competence, temperament, general health condition, and parental warmth. The attending physician rated the severity of orthopaedic disability. Attentional focusing, emotional reactivity, and child’s sex significantly predicted social competence. Age at first operation was slightly negatively associated with reactivity. The findings revealed the importance of emotional and attentional regulation for social functioning in children with orthopaedic disability, and pointed to the susceptibility of reactivity to environmental conditions. The study suggested that social functioning of youth with orthopaedic disability might benefit from temperament-based intervention and prevention programmes.  相似文献   

语能是天生的还是后天养成的?自古以来这个问题一直悬而未决。不同观点归纳起来即两点:一、语言是心智的,一部分是本能、是天生的;二、语言亦属于行为范畴,是刺激反应的结果,是习得的或养成的。理论研究证明语感具有层级性,实证研究证明二语习得范畴下的语感可以通过一定量的训练获得。  相似文献   

4-6岁听障与健听儿童语用交流行为之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在半结构环境下,采用国际上通用的儿童语言资料转换系统-CHIDES、母子言语互动交流行为编码系统-INCA-A、以及CLAN数据分析程序对4-6岁重度听障儿童与同龄健听儿童语用交流行为进行比较研究.发现:(1)4-6岁重度听障儿童与同龄健听儿童的语用交流行为随着年龄增长稳步发展.在言语倾向、言语行动、言语变通三个层面上二者均存在主要类型;(2)与同龄健听儿童相比,4-6岁重度听障儿童语用交流行为发展滞后,主要体现在注意系统、情绪系统、讨论与协商系统、澄清系统,表现为被动的应答,无法主动表达自己的交流意图、主导社会互动的方向  相似文献   

动力系统理论是近年来运用于研究儿童动作发展的新理论。在动力系统理论看来,儿童是一个开放的复杂系统,系统通过自组织产生新的动作模式。关于儿童新动作模式产生的动力机制,动力系统理论给出了解释:系统内部的涨落是新动作模式产生的动力源泉;临界点的变动造成动作模式的突变,是新动作模式的发生机制;行为空间的吸引子决定了动作的发展方向,而吸引子的势井深度又决定了新动作模式的稳定性。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the role of Indian bilingual parents’ book reading practices on the development of the children’s oral language, narrative and literacy skills in English, their second language. About 24 bilingual children from two preschools in Bangalore, India were tested in schools in English on receptive vocabulary, complex syntax, narrative expression, phonological awareness, and concepts about print. The findings suggest that exposure to book reading in English is associated with bilingual children’s oral language, narrative and literacy development in their second language.  相似文献   

随着《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》等一系列教育政策文件的颁布,学前教育如何遵循幼儿成长规律和学前教育规律,回归基本成为值得再次关注的重大问题。什么是儿童早期发展与教育的基本,如何认识基本,是需要学前教育理论研究界深入思考的。儿童早期的动作发展不仅是其智力发展的重要指标,更是发展的普遍特征;运动是以身体为轴心的一种综合性的、多方面的和总体的活动,涉及认知、动机以及情感方面。动作和运动在儿童早期发展与教育中具有重要地位。从种系发生和个体发生角度来说,动作和运动(同时还包括感觉)在婴幼儿期心理的发展中起着积极的建构作用。从动作技能与智力技能的同源性来看,动作问题一开始就并不单纯是动作问题,动作发展本身是儿童早期心理发展的重要组成部分,同时也是其早期心理发展的主要建构力量。对儿童早期动作和运动的研究具有重大的生物学、人类学、心理学和教育学意义。遗憾的是,儿童早期动作发展和运动的重要性并未引起足够的重视。过分强调抽象符号系统的作用,特别是把抽象符号系统和学业学习在儿童早期发展中的作用置于一个极不恰当的位置是当前早期教育实践中极为普遍存在、也是非常危险的倾向。这种危险在于以所谓早期智力开发的名...  相似文献   


Inclusive education of disabled students has been promoted in European disability policies. However, the transition process from more segregated system is slow. The purpose of this study was to provide an insight about different types of schooling of disabled children affected by a rare disease across Europe and to evaluate their and caregivers’ well-being. We analysed data from a cross-sectional study (BURQOL-RD) of persons with rare diseases that cause intellectual and/or physical disability: Prader-Willi syndrome, fragile X syndrome, three types of mucopolysaccharidosis and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The sample consisted of 359 children aged 6–17 and 269 caregivers from eight European countries. Results showed differences between countries in proportion of students placed in special schools, which are still valid option in countries such as Germany, France or UK. Within the inclusive education modalities, lack of special support for disabled students was observed especially in low-income countries. No association between the type of schooling and quality of life was observed, but the subjective caregivers’ burden seems to be higher in special schools. The study shows existent differences in implementation of inclusive education in Europe. More research is needed in the field of rare disease disability and educational needs.  相似文献   

幼儿园教育质量对儿童发展增值的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
儿童发展是衡量学前教育有效性的重要维度,基于多层线性技术的增值评估模型是探讨学前教育有效性的重要方法。本研究采用追踪研究设计,运用增值评估模型,以来自上海12所幼儿园的665名儿童为研究对象,重点探讨在控制个体和家庭背景因素后,班级质量对儿童各领域从中班到大班发展增值的影响。结果发现,教师自我感知的教研支持度对儿童语言与早期阅读领域的发展增值影响显著,并对语言与阅读起始水平低的儿童的语言与阅读发展影响更大。"新手-成熟"的班级教师组合对儿童语言与早期阅读、学习品质两个领域的发展增值具有显著影响。班级互动质量对儿童认知发展增值的影响非常显著,并对学习品质起始水平高的儿童的学习品质发展影响更大。班级语言与早期阅读质量对认知起始水平低的儿童的认知发展有更大影响。个人护理常规质量对儿童社会性情感发展增值的影响非常显著,并对学习品质起始水平低的儿童的学习品质发展有更大影响。为促进儿童全面健康发展,不仅需要以家庭教育为基础,充分发挥家庭教育资源和学习环境的重要作用,而且需要幼儿园以过程性质量为核心,营造温暖、轻松、持续支持的互动与学习环境,注重在一日生活中培养儿童各方面的品质,同时应以结构性质量为保障,发挥师徒制教师组合的优势,构建持续有效的教研制度,尽力提升教师质量。  相似文献   

This study examined the applicability of the four-factor structure of the short form of the Community Living Attitudes Scale-Intellectual Disability11 We chose to use the term “intellectual disability” to replace the term “mental retardation” in the original CLAS-MR scale to conform with the terminology in current usage. (CLAS-ID) in China, using a sample of 325 Chinese community members. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the original structure of the short form of the CLAS-ID did not adequately fit the data from the current sample. Most items of the Exclusion and Similarity subscales were retained while items on the Empowerment and Sheltering subscales were removed. Chinese community members held generally positive attitudes towards people with intellectual disability. However, a measurement tool originating from the Chinese context is needed to provide a better understanding of attitudes towards individuals with intellectual disability in mainland China.  相似文献   

There is limited information about specific research constructs developed by adults with intellectual disability in undertaking research despite increasing involvement in research with rather than on these individuals. Participatory research was used with three young adults with intellectual disability to collaboratively develop a training programme and investigate the skills used and developed when undertaking the research project. Three research domains—Knowledge, Conceptual understandings and Skills, were identified, within which 18 subsets were categorised. Development in all domains and subsets occurred for all young adults, with variations in gains across subsets and participants. These young adults attained research knowledge, understanding and skills that enabled them to become collaborative researchers within this project.  相似文献   

为了解学习障碍(LD)儿童自尊与成就动机状况,通过问卷对LD儿童与普通儿童进行对比调查.结果表明,LD儿童的自尊与成就动机明显低于正常儿童,而且LD症状越严重,自尊与成就动机越低.同时,LD儿童自尊与成就动机呈正相关关系.  相似文献   

语感在整个语文能力结构中处于基础的核心地位,是语言活动的必备前提条件,其高低决定语文能力的高低。因此,培养学生的语感能力应主要进行以下三个方面的工作:注重语言积累,培养语感兴趣;注意课外阅读,增强语感能力;多练多写,提高语言应用能力。  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effectiveness of large-scale, state-sponsored language and literacy professional development (PD) intended to improve early childhood educators' knowledge, beliefs, and practices. PD was offered in a real-world context and delivered at-scale across the state, implemented by an independent contractor. Educators (n = 535) were randomly assigned to participate in one of three types of PD: 30 hrs of language and literacy PD presented in a workshop format, 30 hrs of language and literacy PD plus monthly coaching, or PD on alternative topics (comparison). Baseline and outcome measures were collected by an independent research team to determine PD effectiveness. Growth curve analyses showed little change in educator outcomes over an 18-month period, with no differences among conditions or evidence of moderation by educator or classroom characteristics. Explanations for lack of PD impacts and the importance of evaluating educational investments are discussed.  相似文献   

2003年的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》对高中英语课程的性质和内容目标做出了重大调整,明确了其工具性和人文性双重特征,提出把发展人的综合素质作为提高语言综合能力的前提,通过英语课程促进学生全面发展的目标.这一重大调整对学习方式和教学方法提出了重大挑战,如果能将服务学习这一方式引入语言学习领域,就可以充分发挥其在搭建语言学习与素质发展间的桥梁作用.  相似文献   

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