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第一部分基础演练 1.根据句意及所给首字母.在下列各句空白处 填入一个适当的词。 1 .Mareia said shew朋going to give as— Party for肠na. 2.Please give me yourr--一-一when you get the letter. 3 .Doesn’t your friend leave am一with you? 4.5—the gid 15 your danghter. What will you do? 5 .Jim was ve汀n一when‘he stood on the platform. n.根据句意,选用方框内所给单词的适当形式 填空。 1 .Tommy_·(8 uppose) to be a witness in thist犯ffie aeeident 2.1 have a favor_(a sk) you· 3.The weatl一er these days ha…  相似文献   

1.词语运用 l)根据句意及所给首字母写出相应单词 1 .The film star has her own hairs 2.The litile beggar was looking at the eakes with 3 .Did g—eyes· you make ana—to her for your mistakes? 4.Don’two叮.The eartoon will bee_at the sarne time tomorrow. 6.There are lots of field m in the eom field.They eat a lot of erops. 7.Nobody isP_· 8.仆ete朗herr—the sentenee many times. At last 1 unde招tood. 9.Hiss一about the New Year’5 party 15 not bad.Maybe we can have at叮. 10.When 1 was a ehild,1 e…  相似文献   

根据所给音标,在下列各句中的空处填人适当的词。sor,lething wrong with it.Pleasedown1 think there areanimalsCan VOU.Listen!50】】leWhatyour name· —All ,.一一VOU—Where ?15 Jim?DoHis unele andin this sehool.1 don’tthen一an?He’5 a new teaeh- Pleasenot to readtell yourin theer-he?teaeller 15T n.tlUO0Dad oftengoesfoodtOHelSSOllle bike in themorning·奢巴nglish teaeher. Could yougive_bot-tles of orangeiuiee_Kate ?Do youtell eateggsbreakast?a blueean lnthere一mW一iil_,look at the kiten th…  相似文献   

田田绍田田田田田田田田田田田田田田由田国田绍田田田田田田组田田田田图田田田田田阳田田田田田田田绍田国田田田田田田招1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1 .Today 15 Sunday,therea二many peoPle in theP2.肠ok!What’5 Wang Jingl—一for?3 .It’5 ve叮eold outside,pleasee_the door.4 .Kate alw盯sw一一一a pu印le eoat.5.一What are you doing,Jim? 一I’m m the bed.B)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。6 .The men_(w ork)near the house now.7.一the ehildren(P lay)games? 一Yes,they are.8 .1 like…  相似文献   

1.词语运用(每小题1分,共巧分) l)根据句意和首字母写出相应的单词 1 .He wasu eXS幻0. 2.Wee _beeause he didn’t pass the ourselves very mueli at the evening Party· 3 .China’5 firsta一Yang Uwei was eonfirmed to remain in good health aftera 21一hour印aee travel· 4.His eo而ng 15 as一to all of us. 5 .He feel。quitel—sometimes beeause he 15 a newcomer to the sehool. 6.What do you usually do in yourl— Ume? 7.He works ha记.He 15 am一studentto his elass们。ates. 8.He 15 a kind man and he oftens一h…  相似文献   

根据划线部分的词写出它的同音词,使句意通顺。看准填得又准又快。1._,you些a teaeher·2.My_15 a doetor.You些业a doetor.3,My Parents buy_English books丛me.4.It takes teaeher an hour to walk there.Ca刀1 take a for him?1 saw a traffie__on myw砂to一school︸、以一6yesterdayImonlingyoucaneome to my birthday Party toll】orr0w.8 .Don’t at the old manlike that.9.一What was the? 一It was November 21st.10._up,or you’11 be late·1 1.At night the temPerature丽11fall_zero·12._his st盯in Beijing,he visite…  相似文献   

1.,点词汇检侧。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1 .Wei Hua 15即ing to the scieneem— 袱th her州ends tomon”w.2.一Hello,伽y lspeak to Mr Wang? 一Oh,俪ta单一一一一,禅ease·3.Then~sth叱pital 15公均ut fourk— 日way·4.You ean watehPI叮5 in at—.It’s叨ite differentfl”m a einema.5.A few Peo讨e can丽te诫th theirl— hands.B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。6.Mr Green finds ith田月_(s tudy) Chinese well.7.How~y_(gu est) ean 1 have?8.Don’t open the衍ndow.Please keep it (c lose).9.一How far 15 it加m y…  相似文献   

第一部分基础演练Ⅰ.词汇。A)根据句意及所给首字母,写出各句空白处所缺的单词。1.Take the e to the second floor.2.The air in the m orning is pretty f.3.W alk about four b and you’ll find the cafe.4.W e’ll have a surprise party and I’ll dress up as ac.5.It is good to be s at hom e on a night likethis.B)根据句意,用方框内所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。6.Can I you to shut the door?7.The m an used to produce six rabbits fromhis hat.8.H e that book to m e the day beforeyesterday.9.The biology teach…  相似文献   

I.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1.At last the Chinese doctors saved the Amed—can p2.We must keep q — in the reading mom3.Mrs Black often q 诵t11 her neighbours and people there d0_n’t like her.4.Did they enjoy tat【he picnic lasf Saturday?5.When you get 0ff the bus,you mustn’t p 0tllers. 缀 鞠 稳 飘 B) 6. 根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。 A lot of foreign eVery year·7.Be8.Mrs Black her knees9.It’s(visit)come to China(care)when you cross the road.wanted to see the d…  相似文献   

妙让苏省乐台币四灶中孕1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1 .Thet‘一--must stop when the lights are red.2 .Today’5 elass meeting 15 ve万i_· Everyone must be;at it.3 .There 15 a beautiful pietureb_the two 初ndows.4.We alw即5 start sehool ons—lst eve叮year·5 .There are four Iessons in Unit One,and the s一—lessonis ve汀diffieult.B)用所给词的适当形式填空。6.Kate usually_(h ave)luneh at sehool, but she_(h ave) luneh at home nov,·7 .1’m 50叮1 ean’t spell the_(t hree) wo记.8 …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。A)根据句意和所给首字母完成句子。1.What’s the w________like today? 2.It often s________in the north of China in winter.3.My sister is a very p_______,girl.  相似文献   

】,J,月矛.摘民1.根据句意及所给的首字母,补全单词。 1 .Thlsl哪on 15 a 11ttled一一二一for usto read .The阳姗50 mon夕new wordsln让 2.ft认.5 sno认几ngh—场stnight.Look! It’5 all white outside. 3 .Mount Qomolangma 15 thet—eein the UU orld. 4.Thebo夕5 are tooe—to sleep,bec- ausetheV’11 visit the Great Wall tomorro叼v moming· 5‘Su市ng 15 mVf--一一一一sport 1 real珍en- jo夕it. 6Tho阳sAlv。臼ison was a gre己t Ameri- Ca」11 7 .Chinese 15 one of the most如Portant l…_二岭ed’in the明dd. 8 .1…  相似文献   

1.单元宜点词汇检测。’A)根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1 .Li Mei ran the fasteot of all the girls.She wo thew~一-一of the girls’200 metres.2 .ff yoU want toe_uP树th the othe玲, you must work harder.3 .Will youh_a meeting thi吕Frid叮?4.1 think Mr Hu 15 watchin宫the students pl叮· ing footb山。尽*hep一~·5 .Wang Jin wao fiotP曲t the fes-es~line and won the fir,tPI‘e.B)用所给词的适当形式填空。6 .Wh。_(t ake)part in Jane’。birihday partyl“t night?7 .It说11 be_(snow) tonight·8.一Who jump…  相似文献   

第一部分基础演练 L根据句意及所给首字母,在下列各句空白处 填入一个适当的词。 1 .1 looked for my lost bike .e一butl eouldn’t find it. 2.The teaeher told us that lightt—faster than sound. 3 .Janeo一a ve汀big party.She invited many PeoPle to attend it. 4.There are lots off--一一一and trees in my unele’5 garden. 5 .1’m going tov一the Great Wall next Sunday· n.找出与划线部分意思相同或相近并能替换划 线部分的选项。 1 .A few of the profession己athletes are usually famous. A .well一done B.well一…  相似文献   

1.词汇。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1 .Wei Hua hasa即odm_,and he ean remelnber eve理thing明iekly.2.It’s即ing to rain.You’d better takean u_with you.3 .Jimh_playing basketball,but he likes 肠。tball.4.1 was b in 1976.50 nowl’m 28 years old,5 .The boy wants to be as—when he 『。ws uP.He wants to find out the seeret of the侧ure(大自然).B)用所给词的适当形式填空。6.We all think it_(use)to le二English well.7 .The forei,er bought a Chinese_(P aint) for his Parents·8 .My father’5 readi…  相似文献   

根据句意及所给音标,写出下列各题中所缺的词语。 ].仁ir。〕 (l)1 have a bird.-一一name 15 Pol-ly. (2)—What’s that? —a desk. 2.「nou」’· (一)xdon,t启共爪一一一!he girl over there· (2)—Isyour mother at home? —-.she isn、. j .LQ:琅」 (z)—A此these English cars? —No,they_· (2)My father’5 sister 15 my—· 4.[己c急」 (1)MisS Gao 15_English teacher.(2) aboutfortystudentselass.a犷 111OUr5.〔hu:z乃(l)thatin the blaek ear?(2_sweatare those?丫入川一}man /到ers///。卜丫\6.「au司(l)Weleome to_…  相似文献   

I.单词拼写。(10分)A)根据句意及所给首字母,在下列各句空白处填入一个适当的词。1.How manv b of omnge can vou see?2,We often have a r at home on Sundavs.3.Would vou like something to d ?4.The old man is w TV in his mom.5.Are vou h ?Here’re cakes t0 eat.B)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。6.She is 州th the other girls.(run)7.We have some new coat in the shop todav.(woman)8.The boy in R0w 3 is writing .(care壬lul)9.——How manv do you have?——We have onlv one.(knife)10.Mrs Green 100ks ,becau…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意及所给首字母的提示,填上适当的单词完成句子1.Please t these new books to yourclassroom.2.—W here is your hat?—It is on the f.3.Look。The soccer ball is u the chair.4.Please put the desk b the sofa andthe dresser.5.Put the broom(扫帚)b the door,please.6.Can you b som ething to school?Ⅱ.根据句意用所给的介词填空in,on,behind,next to,under,between(...and...),infront of,at,near,beside1.The boy John is m y cousin,Ian.2.Look at the photo.I’m sitting m yfather m y m other.3.the blackbo…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1.The first m onth of the year is J.2.Septem ber is the n m onth of theyear.3.The l m onth of a year is D ecem ber.4.I’m12years old.M y b isN ovem ber18th.5.W e have a m festival in A ugust.6.H er birthday p is on O ctober22nd.7.Children’s D ay is on J1st.8.G ina was born on D28th.9.M onday is the s day of the week.10.Spring in Beijing usually lasts穴持续雪fromM to M ay.Ⅱ.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The穴four雪day of the week is m ybirthday.2.J…  相似文献   

1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1·Tom was la‘e for schoola妙‘耳i,‘eac脉 wasa俪thhim.~2·Mrs Brown eats t00 much即d doesn’ttake enough exercise·50 sheisve叮仁一‘二·3·The doctor toldhertot~一一the功edicine three times ad叮.4 .Last nishi 1 hadaheadache anda“—·5 .This mornins 1 had ap_inmyhead. 50 1 have to see a doctor now·B)用所给词的适当形式填空。6. If you~甲。bethi~r,youhave扣eat _(little)food·17 .Eve叮night Miss Wu listens tothenews ve巧 (eareful)8 .1 think y…  相似文献   

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