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从素质教育的角度看高中《体育与健康》教学新大纲   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
马敬衣 《体育科学》2002,22(5):14-17,79
通过文献资料法、专家咨询法等,对高中<体育与健康>教学新大纲进行了研究,总结了新大纲的新变化及基本特征,提出并揭示了新时期高中体育教师在实施素质教育和贯彻执行新大纲时应注意的问题及要求,从而提高对新大纲和学校体育教学的正确认识,并在体育教学实践中转变观念,推进素质教育的进程与效果.  相似文献   

本文通过对高中新颁《体育与健康教育》大纲的认识,阐明了新大纲以全面贯彻教育方针、体现素质教育与健康第一为指导思想,强调了高中阶段应以学生为主体、重视培养学生的个性、创造性、实践能力以及发挥学生的主体作用和创造精神等,从而促进学生的德、智、体、美等全面发展.  相似文献   

<正> 国家教委于1987年颁发新修订的中小学《体育教学大纲》之后,全国各地教研部门和所属学校,正在采取有效措施,组织广大体育教师认真学习,贯彻执行,并积极开展多种教改试验活动。这对提高教学质量,将起到有力的推动作用。这两个新修订的大纲是过渡性的大纲,贯彻这两个过渡性的大纲,将为1990年普遍试行“九年义务教育中小学体育教学大纲”,在师资队伍、场地器材设备、学校体育管理、卫生保健等方面,作好必要的准备。当前普遍贯彻执行新大纲,还有很多困难,必须冲破阻力,创造条件,做好应做的准备工作,使新修订的大纲能顺利贯彻执行。最重要的是应先从认真学习入手,切实加深对新大纲的理解。为此,谈几点建议。一、要使新修订的中小学体育教学大纲能正确地  相似文献   

柏杰 《安徽体育科技》2004,25(1):72-73,83
采用文献资料和专家访谈等社会学研究方法,对中、日、美、俄4国的学校体育教学内容和大纲进行比较分析,以求借鉴和吸引外国一些先进经验,结合我国的国情,制定适合我国学校体育的教学内容和大纲,切实培养学生体育意识和能力,从而提高学生的整体素质.  相似文献   

<正> 新修订的《小学体育教学大纲》、《中学体育教学大纲》(以下简称新大纲)已由国家教委正式颁发这两个新大纲作为九年制义务教育教学大纲编订出版前的过渡性大纲,对于当前体育教学工作将起重要的指导作用,同时也向体育教学工作提出了新的、更高的要求。因此,当前体育教研员的中心任务应是组织实施新大纲。下面谈几点建议: 一、教研员首先要认真学习。要加深对新大纲的理解,尤其是对重新改写的体育教学目的、任务的理解:了解哪些教材进行了调整和精简,补充了哪些新的教材;了解体育课成绩考核的改革办法;了解对课外体育活动和场地设备条件提出了哪些新的要求等  相似文献   

中小学体育教学大纲修订概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 新修订的《小学体育教学大纲》、《中学体育教学大纲》(以下简称大纲),是以1977年至1978年原教育部制订并颁发的中小学体育教学大纲为基础修改而成的。修订大纲,虽然吸取了近几年来体育教学改革的经验,并在指导思想、教学目的与任务及教材等方面,增加了新意,做了改动和补充,但是从具体的教学内容来看,并未在体系上做重大的改变。这是因为教材体系的重大改变,不仅涉及理论上的研究和实践方面的论证,而且还受教育、教学改革整体设计的制约。因此,这部大纲是九年义务教育体育教学大纲编订出版前的过渡性大纲。新大纲以中共中央教育体制改革的决定和九年义务教育法为依据,根据国家教委的有关具体指示(即  相似文献   

为理顺各训练环节的关系,更好地培养竞技运动人才,通过大量调查和测试,根据项目的特点和发展规律,以及儿童、青少年各年龄阶段的不同特点,研制了田径、游泳、体操、举重、篮球、排球、足球、乒乓球和羽毛球共9个项目的教学训练大纲。该大纲经过一年多试行后,自1992年4月起已在全国上述项目的教学训练、竞赛工作中全面贯彻实施。本文对大纲编制的组织和方法、大纲的内容和特点等简作论述。  相似文献   

我国艺术体操基础训练大纲框架的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以文献资料调研、专家访谈、比较、统计分析等为主要研究手段,收集专家对我国艺术体操基础训练其相关方面问题的观点,了解我国艺术体操基础训练的基本概况。根据我国艺术体操基础训练现状,结合训练实践,对我国艺术体操基础训练的有关理论问题进行界定;收集和借鉴国内外优秀教练员先进、科学的训练方法和手段,着重从运动员身体、技术、舞蹈、综合竞技能力、心理等方面来研究制定艺术体操运动员的基础训练大纲的基本框架,对艺术体操基础训练大纲框架的主要内容进行构建,制定艺术体操基础训练阶段监督与考核的标准,为我国尽快制定艺术体操基础训练大纲做了一些前期的研究准备工作。  相似文献   

教学大纲对某门课程来说,可谓是“根本大法”。其重要性是显而易见的。问题在于如何抓好教学大纲的贯彻落实,这是提高教学质量的关键所在。本文的意旨是,从体操大纲和体操教学的特点,谈谈个人对如何保证大纲落实的几点粗浅意见,以供讨论研究。一教学小组长是保证大纲落实的关键落实大纲当然必须要依靠全体教师的共同努力。但教学小组长是一个起着关键保证作用的因素。尽管教研室通过各种形式引导全体教师去学习大纲,理解大纲和熟悉大纲。但由于各教师有着不同的教学经历,他们对大纲的理解、熟悉程度是不一致的,特别是一些刚工作不久的年青教师,对大纲的了解可能更是粗糙的,他们对大纲缺乏较深的了解。因此,有一  相似文献   

九年义务教育体育教学大纲,于1993年秋季在全国(上海、浙江除外)各地开始试行。《小学体育教学大纲》、《初中体育教学大纲》(以下简称《大纲》)试用于“六·三”和“五·四”两种学制。为了方便在九年义务教育中担任体育课的教师学习、了解和使用《大纲》,我们决定举办这次讲座,特请参加《大纲》编写的专家撰稿,主要内容包括《大纲》的性质、功能、结构、教学目的、任务、各项教材分析和有关教学与成绩考核等。为了把这次讲座办得更好,欢迎广大读者提出意见和建议。  相似文献   

通过对新的《普通高校体育教学课程指导纲要》(以下简称新纲要)的认识和理解,阐述新纲要的精神实质和指导思想,找出贯彻新纲要的途径,加快高校体育教学的改革与发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different durations of static stretching exercises on coxo-femoral (hip) flexibility. The experimental group, consisting of 20 sedentary women (20-30 years of age), participated in an exercise programme of static stretching exercises with emphasis on the hamstring muscles. The programme lasted for 10 weeks and consisted of two 50-min sessions per week. A control group of 15 sedentary women did not participate in the programme. Hip flexibility was determined before, during and at the end of the programme by means of a goniometric measuring technique developed by us and described elsewhere. Three sub-groups were formed, each following the same programme except that the duration of the static stretch differed (group 1, 10 s; group 2, 20 s; group 3, 30 s). The ANOVA tests showed that for all groups - the control group excepted - the hip flexibility had improved significantly after 10 weeks (P less than 0.05). No significant differences in hip flexibility were noted between the three subgroups at the end of the programme. This finding suggests that a duration of 10 s static stretching is sufficient for improving coxo-femoral flexibility.  相似文献   

A national free swimming programme for under 16s in England was a central government initiative to increase participation in 2008/09, although not all local authorities adopted it. One implemented a bespoke free swimming initiative (FSI) for under 19s in the community instead, aiming to improve the health of young people through the programme and provide value for money for managers. The FSI saw 33% of the eligible population participating at least once. However, the programme evaluation demonstrated that, despite cost being removed, participation decreased over the programme. Furthermore, the FSI had a large market penetration effect, where the majority of participants were already swimming regularly prior to the intervention. Overall, the programme provided some health benefits to the more engaged participants, but in terms of wider social benefit there was little evidence to suggest the intervention had any additional impact. The cost per swim of the community investment was almost six times more per head than the central government funded scheme, suggesting that widespread programming did not provide value for money when compared to a more targeted programme.  相似文献   

The concept of Olympic education and its use of moral education to shape the development of personality have received insufficient empirical support. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of an integrated Olympic education programme on the development of prosocial behaviour in adolescents. A natural experimental research design was applied in this study. The pre-test sample included 411 adolescents (aged 13–14) who were randomly selected from schools that had begun to apply an integrated Olympic education programme, along with 430 adolescents from schools without an Olympic education programme. The post-test sample included 381 students from schools implementing the Olympic education programme and 402 students from schools without an Olympic education programme. The revised prosocial tendencies measure was administered to the participants at pre- and post-test time points to assess changes in prosocial behaviour and specifically on six types of prosocial behaviour: public, anonymous, dire, emotional, compliant, and altruistic. The analyses showed significant improvements in prosocial behaviour in adolescents from schools that had implemented an integrated Olympic education programme. Changes in prosocial behaviour following the implementation of an integrated Olympic education programme were observed for the compliant, altruistic, and dire types of prosocial behaviour. In conclusion, these findings suggest that an integrated Olympic education programme effectively encourages prosocial behaviour in adolescents. This study expands our understanding of the efficiency of implementing an Olympic education programme in schools. We suggest that future research should investigate the behavioural changes in students of different ages from perspective of both teachers and students.  相似文献   

对我院体操普修教学大纲及其内容改革的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用问卷调查与教学实验相结合的方法,对体育学院的体操普修教学大纲及其内容的改革进行探讨。结果显示,现行的教学大纲已不能适应当今社会和学校对体操教学的实际需要;改革后的实验大纲,其内容具有实用、多样、有趣的特点,适合当今社会和学校体育的发展趋势,及体操教学本身的要求。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of either a standard care programme (n = 9) or a 12-week supported exercise programme (n = 10) on glycaemic control, β-cell responsiveness, insulin resistance, and lipid profiles in newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes patients. The standard care programme consisted of advice to exercise at moderate to high intensity for 30 min five times a week; the supported exercise programme consisted of three 60-min supported plus two unsupported exercise sessions per week. Between-group analyses demonstrated a difference for changes in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol only (standard care programme 0.01 mmol · L(-1), supported exercise programme -0.6 mmol · L(-1); P = 0.04). Following the standard care programme, within-group analyses demonstrated a significant reduction in waist circumference, whereas following the supported exercise programme there were reductions in glycosylated haemoglobin (6.4 vs. 6.0%; P = 0.007), waist circumference (101.4 vs. 97.2 cm; P = 0.021), body mass (91.7 vs. 87.9 kg; P = 0.007), body mass index (30.0 vs. 28.7 kg · m(-2); P = 0.006), total cholesterol (5.3 vs. 4.6 mmol · L(-1); P = 0.046), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (3.2 vs. 2.6 mmol · L(-1); P = 0.028), fasting β-cell responsiveness (11.5 × 10(-9) vs. 7.0 × 10(-9) pmol · kg(-1) · min(-1); P = 0.009), and insulin resistance (3.0 vs. 2.1; P = 0.049). The supported exercise programme improved glycaemic control through enhanced β-cell function associated with decreased insulin resistance and improved lipid profile. This research highlights the need for research into unsupported and supported exercise programmes to establish more comprehensive lifestyle advice for Type 2 diabetes patients.  相似文献   

全民健身政府组织型运行机制的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨晓生 《体育学刊》2000,(5):100-103
在《全民健身计划纲要》的实施中,政府部门起着关键性作用,其所制定的各种法规直接影响到《全民健身计划纲要》实施的效果。因此,对政府组织型运行机制的研究,能使政府在《全民健身计划纲要》的实施中更有针对性、目的性。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines the effect of participating in a web-based health programme that promotes personal tracking of high school students' own measurements of a number of health-related parameters. Danish cross-sectional survey data were used to examine the effects of the health programme on various health measures. Both quantile regression models and standard ordinary least squares (OLS) models were used to explore the correlations between the students' participation in the health programme and their body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, aerobic fitness, and well-being. Participation in the health programme increased BMI and aerobic fitness among students with a BMI or an aerobic fitness value ranging from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile and reduced body fat percentage among students with the highest percentages of body fat. In addition, the health programme led to an increased feeling of wellbeing among students, especially those with high BMI levels and poor aerobic fitness. As the schools participated in the health programme on voluntary basis and at a financial cost to themselves, the positive effects of participation found can only be stated to be valid among students from committed schools.  相似文献   

League Bilong Laif (LBL) is a sport-for-development (SFD) programme that was established in 2013 as a three-way partnership between the Australian Government, the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Government (Department of Education) and the Australian Rugby League Commission (National Rugby League). As a contribution to addressing low rates of school attendance and significant problems with anti-social behaviour within PNG communities, LBL was designed to contribute to (1) improvements in student engagement with education in and out of the classroom; and (2) communication of positive social messages, with a focus on respect generally, and gender equity in particular. This paper discusses the qualitative review of the pilot phase of the LBL project, and the implications for programme design and delivery for education outcomes through a SFD programme. Data were collected through a combination of 23 interviews and focus groups with 33 individual representatives from relevant organisations and government departments in the areas of sport, education and community development. Preliminary findings indicate that despite a challenging beginning, the LBL programme has made some progress in terms of the initial development of programme aims and stakeholder engagement, largely because of the rigorous design process that kept desired programme outcomes at the forefront.  相似文献   

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