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This paper aims to re-examine the effects offunding on university autonomy since therelationship between university autonomy andfunding is likely to be interpreted as a lineareffect; namely, the more funding the greaterautonomy. Such a simplistic vision is less than complete since it ignores the complicated nature of university autonomy. The nature of the latter should be defined contextually and politically. Itsinterpretation should also be placed in thechanging government-university relationships.This paper argues that the effect of funding on university autonomy is conditioned by the nature of university autonomy in a given country. While universityautonomy involves more than a financial tie,greater efforts on the part of universities todiversify their funding bases may well notenhance, at least directly, their autonomy.Through an extensive literature review, andempirical studies conducted in England and Taiwan, the argument of this paper is supported.  相似文献   

The contradiction between the worked example effect that occurs when learners presented with more instructional guidance learn more than learners presented with less guidance and the generation effect that occurs when the reverse result is obtained can be resolved by the suggestion that the worked example effect is obtained using materials high in element interactivity, whereas simpler, low element interactivity materials result in the generation effect. A 2 (guidance: low vs. high) × 2 (element interactivity: low vs. high) × 2 (expertise: low vs. high) experiment investigated this hypothesis with high school trigonometry learners. On an immediate test, high guidance reflecting a worked example effect was found for novices, but a generation effect was obtained for more knowledgeable learners. In contrast, on a delayed test, a three-way interaction between guidance, element interactivity and expertise was found. This interaction was caused by a worked example effect for material high in element interactivity and a generation effect for material low in element interactivity for novices while for more knowledgeable learners, a generation effect was obtained for both low and high element interactivity materials. These results suggest firstly, that both the worked example and generation effects may be more likely on delayed than immediate tests and secondly, that the worked example effect relies on high element interactivity material while the generation effect relies on low element interactivity material.  相似文献   

现阶段中国农村血缘与姻缘博弈现象探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改革开放以后,我国农村基层社会结构发生了巨大变化,其中很重要的一点是姻缘关系正在不断融入原先由血缘关系所支配的传统农村“差序格局”体系,对血缘关系构成了挑战。血缘认同下降、姻缘认同上升的根本原因在于市场经济所带来的人们价值理性的不断弱化、工具理性的不断加强,具体原因是家庭内部关系、社会继替关系的变迁,婚姻圈的缩小,择偶标准的变化等。  相似文献   

人类不同的情绪可能诱发不同的疾病,要维护自己的身心健康,只有避免紧张和负性的情绪,通过适当的活动,主动地调节自己的情绪状态,才能达到保健的目的.  相似文献   

本文从哲学的角度对体育中“人天关系”和“身心关系”两对范畴作了历史和现状的分析论述。外部自然影响着体育运动的发展与研究,体育活动能改变人的精神及心理状态,是精神本身得到发展。  相似文献   

明初天文历法管理政策的失误及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明初天文历法的管理政策由三部分组成:一是实行国家管理,二是禁止私习天文历法,三是国家网罗天文历法和数学人才。采取这种政策的原因是传统天文历法管理政策的影响、明初严厉的法律和对天象灾异说的担心。明初天文历法管理政策导致明朝缺乏天文历法人才,历法落后,宋元时代高度发展的数学严重衰落,西历西法在中国的传播和中国传统历法退出历史舞台。  相似文献   

中秋节为中国人重大岁时节日之一,祭拜月亮是这一节日中最为重要的内容。它是一种原始月亮崇拜的流风余韵,是一种原始宗教在人们心理上的遗存。从月亮崇拜的原始宗教文化心态,转化为中秋节祭拜月亮的文化习俗,从而又赋予月饼以象征团圆的意蕴,与荆楚地域文化有着非常密切的关系。楚人喜秋祀、秋社的民俗特点,为中秋节的形成预置了一个八月节的框架、机制与心理气氛,后来逐渐丰富其文化意蕴,并把一个祈祷丰收与子嗣、庆贺团圆的节日定在八月十五,从而形成中秋节。  相似文献   

本运用教育人类学的基本理论观点,结合当今人类面临的种种危机状况,通过对人与自然、人与社会关系问题的理性思考,提出了教育作为培养人的社会实践与生态环境这一新的课题,进而论述了它们二之间相互影响的辩证统一关系。认为正确处理人与自然生态环境和谐、协调发展问题,最根本的就在于改革的发展教育,全面提高人的素质及对人类所处的现实生存环境的整体关怀能力,才能有效促进经济社会的持续发展,以满足现代人代人物质生  相似文献   

选取两岸具有一定代表性的高等院校为研究对象,分析两岸高校在交通运输产业与专业人才培养模式的关系。研究表明:台湾与大陆发展的极大差异,影响着交通运输专业人才培养模式与产业的关系;两岸交通运输专业课程体系特性与交通产业发展的匹配性呈现一定的显著特征。基于这一分析,福建工程学院交通运输专业的人才培养模式改革要围绕适应服务区域交通运输产业发展,在深入研究的基础上,选择性地学习借鉴台湾交通运输专业人才培养的经验。  相似文献   

BackgroundChild maltreatment has been found to significantly increase the risk of deviant behavior. Academic performance has been shown to have an indirect effect on the relationship between child maltreatment and deviant behavior. However, not all adolescents who have been maltreated engage in deviant behavior, so the relationship between child maltreatment and deviant behavior has remained unclear.ObjectiveThe aim of this research was to examine the potential mediating and/or moderating effects of academic performance on the relationship between child maltreatment and deviant behavior.Participants and settingThe data in this study were from a nationwide study examining the consequences of childhood maltreatment in Taiwan. The database consisted of data from 2321 adolescents.MethodsA secondary data analysis was conducted. Self-report data were obtained on childhood maltreatment experiences, academic performance, and deviant behaviors. Path analyses and a generalized linear model were used to examine the effects of academic performance on the relationship between child maltreatment and deviant behavior.ResultsMost participants were male (61.4%), with a mean age of 15.9 years. The mean scores of self-rated academic performance and deviant behavior were 2.86 and 8.2, respectively. A total of 83% participants reported having experienced childhood maltreatment. In this study, academic performance was found to have a moderating rather than a mediating effect on the relationship between child maltreatment and deviant behavior. Among adolescents who had been maltreated during childhood, those who self-rated poorer academic performance were more likely to have a higher deviant behavior score than those who self-rated better academic performance.ConclusionsGood academic performance can be a buffer that reduces the risk of deviant behavior among individuals with a history of childhood maltreatment. Healthcare professionals and educators can tailor early prevention and intervention educational programs targeted toward adolescents with experience of childhood abuse or poor academic performance to prevent the incidence of deviant behavior and thus break the cycle of violence.  相似文献   

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