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为了准确掌握了解篮球裁判员临场执哨时的心理活动状态,为篮球裁判员心理调节与训练提供依据.本研究按确定目的、编写问卷、题目筛选、预备测验、统计检验等步骤编制了《篮球裁判员临场心理活动问卷》.经初步验证:该问卷能够较有效可靠地评定篮球裁判员临场时的心理活动状态.  相似文献   

影响篮球裁判临场心理稳定的内外因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对影响篮球裁判员临场心理的内外因素进行全面的调查分析,并提出加强篮球裁判员临场心理稳定的对策,为篮球裁判员临场提供更全面的理论指导。  相似文献   

影响篮球裁判员临场心理素质稳定性因素分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对篮球裁判员临场时应具备的心理素质进行研究归纳,系统分析了影响裁判员临场时心理素质稳定性的因素,并提出训练培养策略和改进建议.  相似文献   

采用因子分析的方法遴选篮球裁判员临场裁判工作的评价指标,运用四种模糊数学计算方法对篮球裁判员的临场裁判工作进行模糊综合评价,并举实例进行了说明.研究结果表明:因子分析的方法可以有效地对篮球裁判员临场裁判工作评价指标进行遴选,模糊评价的方法简单易行,能客观、准确、定量地评价篮球裁判员的临场裁判工作水平,具有较高的可行性.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、案例分析法,全面系统地论述了一名优秀的篮球裁判员临场应具备的各项素质和各种能力,旨在进一步发掘影响篮球裁判员临场执裁的因素,为篮球裁判员临场执裁能力的提高与培养提供参考与指导。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查以及专家访谈等研究方法,分析现阶段国家一级篮球裁判员的临场执裁体能现状。结果表明:国家一级裁判员体能状况堪忧,缺少有计划性的体能训练、训练手段没有针对性,训练形式比较单一。为能使我国篮球裁判员在临场执裁时拥有充沛的体能,针对裁判员体能问题现状,提出改善裁判员体能水平的实施路径。  相似文献   

对大学生篮球裁判员错漏判成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对韶关学院部分二、三级学生篮球裁判员调查访谈,结果显示:大学生篮球裁判员临场执法的错漏判主要成因是对竟赛规则理解不透彻、基本功掌握不扎实、移动跑位不到位、对篮球技战术理解不透、校内外临场实践机会较少、执法时缺乏自信心等.通过分析此因,为今后大学生篮球裁判员在执法中减少错判、漏判,进一步提高大学生篮球裁判执法水平提供...  相似文献   

篮球比赛中裁判员心理状态调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
篮球裁判员在比赛执法时的心理状态会制约和影响裁判水平的发挥。本文通过问卷对110名篮球裁判员在临场执法时的心理状态进行调查分析 ,结果发现 :篮球裁判员心理素质存在不足 ,裁判员赛前心理准备与赛时的注意状态、情绪调节之间有着密切关系。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等,对北京体育大学100名篮球二级裁判员临场执裁的影响因素进行调查研究。研究表明:影响大学生篮球裁判员临场执裁的因素主要有内在因素和外在因素,内在、外在因素在不同程度上都会影响裁判员的临场执裁,针对这些影响因素提出相应的建议,旨在提高大学生篮球裁判员的临场执裁水平。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法和常规统计法,对影响篮球裁判员临场执法水平的主要因素进行探析,结果发现,主要因素有:篮球裁判员的专业理论知识,临场心理素质,职业道德等。  相似文献   

篮球裁判员是篮球比赛的执法者和管理者,从洋裁判执法近7个赛季CBA总决赛的情况,分析了中国裁判队伍的基本状况,提出了中国裁判员应抓住机遇,加强临场执裁实践,专业理论和英语的学习,提高其裁判的整体水平,逐步向裁判职业化、年轻化、知识化的方向发展。  相似文献   

随着篮球运动的不断开展,比赛的对抗性越来越激烈,对于执裁裁判员的心理压力越来越大。此文阐述了篮球裁判员产生心理压力的表现类型,对篮球裁判员心理压力的成因进行分析,并提出了一些具体的心理压力的调控方法,为制定篮球裁判员科学的心理技能训练提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

关于篮球裁判员主要心理品质的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以国家一级以上篮球裁判员作为研究对象,对比赛中可以影响篮球裁判员心理素质的诸多方面进行深入阐述、分析,研究他们的注意品质、情绪、气质类型等对裁判员执法时产生的影响。指出篮球裁判员应具备健全的心理素质品质,才能做到情绪稳定,注意力集中,思维敏捷,意志坚强,不为外界干扰所影响,达到执法公正,判罚准确的最佳境界。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the ways in which coping style and situational appraisals are related to the consistency of using approach and avoidance coping strategies for skilled Australian basketball referees (n = 133) after three game-related stressful events. The events, ‘making a mistake’, ‘aggressive reactions by coaches or players’ and ‘presence of important others’, were determined from previous research on sources of acute stress among basketball officials. Our findings indicated that: referees exhibited consistent avoidance, but not approach, coping styles; they used more avoidance than approach strategies; and they perceived stress to be positively correlated with approach, and negatively associated with avoidance, coping strategies. These findings suggest that individual differences exist in perceptions of stress (i.e. situational appraisals), controllability and coping styles among moderately and highly skilled basketball referees. The implications for teaching cognitive and behavioural strategies for effective coping with acute stress in basketball officiating are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对我国高级裁判员的咨询和问卷调查,其结果表明,对篮球裁判员正判率影响的因素有许多种,78.46%以上的裁判员认为心理因素对篮球裁判员正判率有着很重要的影响.对这些因素进行了综合分析和讨论。今后在培养和聘用篮球裁判员时,要以心理素质水平的高低为重要的考核依据.  相似文献   

Previous research into sports officiating at the elite level has primarily focused on factors that impact negatively on sports officials, including experiences of abuse, time pressures and fear of failure. However, factors that have positively influenced the development of elite officials have largely been neglected. This is problematic, as a better knowledge about how elite officials progress to top-tier competitions may improve officiating performance and role satisfaction. This study therefore, aims to identify factors that work positively for individuals who seek to reach elite levels of sport officiating. This is important because it can assist our understanding of how to create a positive environment for the development of young officials, thereby helping with role satisfaction, improved chances of retention and, where appropriate, pathways into career development at the elite level of sport. The context for this study is Australia, with a focus on national competitions in basketball, football (soccer) and Australian Rules football as representative samples for referees and umpires.  相似文献   

Experiential knowledge of elite National Rugby League (NRL) referees was investigated to determine the key attributes contributing to expert officiating performance. Fourteen current first-grade NRL referees were asked to identify the key attributes they believed contributed to their expert refereeing performance. The modified Delphi method involved a 3-round process of an initial semi-structured interview followed by 2 questionnaires to reach consensus of opinion. The data revealed 25 attributes that were rated as most important that underpin expert NRL refereeing performance. Results illustrate the significance of the cognitive category, with the top 6 ranked attributes all cognitive skills. Of these, the referees ranked decision-making accuracy as the most important attribute, followed by reading the game, communication, game understanding, game management and knowledge of the rules. Player rapport, positioning and teamwork were the top ranked game skill attributes underpinning performance excellence. Expert referees also highlighted a number of psychological attributes (e.g., concentration, composure and mental toughness) that were significant to performance. There were only 2 physiological attributes (fitness, aerobic endurance) that were identified as significant to elite officiating performance. In summary, expert consensus was attained which successfully provided a hierarchy of the most significant attributes of expert NRL refereeing performance.  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料、分析比较等方法,对关于社会体育学生裁判员的临场执裁进行分析研究,结果显示:社会体育专业篮球裁判员对规则和裁判员手册理解不透彻、基本功掌握欠缺、选位与移动不到位、临场经验不足,缺乏实践机会、临场时心理紧张,缺乏自信等因素是影响学生裁判临场执裁表现不足的主要原因。通过分析原因,为今后社会体育专业学生篮球裁判员在比赛执裁中减少不足表现提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

运用3 1教学法,即分层教学法、案例教学法和微格教学控制法及自主训练有机结合的方法,对体育院校篮球裁判技能教学内容与教学方法的改革进行实验性研究,以提高篮球裁判教学效果,丰富篮球裁判教学方法,更好地培养体育院校篮球专项学生的裁判能力。  相似文献   

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