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信息素养的"研习实践"教育方式能够推动大学图书馆基础服务的整体变革与升级转型。这种教育理念及方式是香港城市大学图书馆通过LHRC项目颇有成效的展开而得出的。为了更深入理解与学习这种理念与实践经验,特对香港城市大学图书馆特别顾问景祥祜教授进行了访谈。访谈从信息素养教育的元素养、研习实践教育理念、香港城市大学图书馆LHRC项目案例、大学图书馆基础服务的变革等几个方面进行了探讨与总结,积极寻求大学图书馆基础服务在知识创造、知识管理、知识传播方面的变革与创新。  相似文献   

考察了岭南大学图书馆从建馆马丁堂,迁馆格兰堂,又重回马丁堂的历史经过,论述了筹建新馆舍的背景。在阐述新馆建筑计划及筹款方法的基础上,从时代背景、学校性质和地理位置三个方面分析筹建新馆失败的原因,最后总结中国近代教会大学图书馆建馆的一般规律。  相似文献   

阅览环境是高校图书馆场所精神和服务功能的集中体现。本文以汕头大学图书馆为例,论述了数字时代优化高校图书馆阅览环境的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

图书馆是大学校园的文化地标,深入有效地开展阅读推广活动,是图书馆的责任和义务。文章从文化环境、文化活动、文化宣传三个方面详细介绍了武汉大学图书馆阅读推广工作的内容与经验,并对高校图书馆阅读推广工作进行了展望。高校图书馆应重视阅读推广工作,引导大学生关注阅读,打造书香校园,建设书香社会,从而使图书馆获得更好的发展。参考文献5。  相似文献   

This paper presents a substantive grounded theory about how the Library Director can ensure the library's relevance to university and external stakeholders in the face of rapid changes in technology and higher education. A constructivist grounded theory research approach involved 14 semi-structured interviews with 12 Library Directors of publicly funded university libraries in Australia and the United States. The substantive theory and the conceptual model presented in this paper suggest that the Library Director responds to the problem of rapid change by enacting the following strategies: aligning strategic vision with the university; continuously reinventing the library; engaging with stakeholders; building an agile and engaged culture; and demonstrating value to the university. The strategies interact with each other in a cyclical pattern. This is an original theory that emphasizes the important role of the Library Director as the agent and model for library strategy and culture. The theory requires library leaders to be strategic thinkers and to be engaged in strategic planning processes that aim for continuous improvements that make the library agile and engaged with stakeholders. The theory also has a significant impact upon the behaviours required for all library staff members.  相似文献   

通过阐述光环境设计见解,以广图新馆为例,提出其存在的设计问题并提供可参考性的建议和思考,同时借鉴阿姆斯特丹中央图书馆和东京多摩美术大学图书馆的设计案例,指出室内光环境设计发展的趋势.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 图书情报领域正在出现新业态、迎来发展新契机,传统的业务组织模式依赖单一馆员、单个职能部门已无法有效地完成紧急性、临时性、复杂性任务,无法更好支撑高校图书馆的新发展,无法更好应对全民阅读、"双一流"建设、文化传承、读者需求多元化等不断出现的外部新挑战,为此需要变革图书馆的组织体制,更好地发挥馆员的主观能动性与创造力。[方法/过程] 借鉴项目制的原理,结合东北大学图书馆服务创新立项工作的实践,探索高校图书馆适应新挑战、新任务的方式方法。[结果/结论] 运用项目制更有利于组织开展高校图书馆服务创新活动,有利于调动馆员的积极性和创造性,促进高校图书馆服务能力的提升。  相似文献   

文章详细剖析了"图书馆哲学"是"生活哲学"的依据,并从"图书馆生活哲学"有助于对当代"图书馆生活"进行深刻反思、"图书馆生活哲学"有助于落实"以人为本"的价值原则、"图书馆生活哲学"有助于反思和审视"图书馆哲学"的"中国化"等几个方面分析了"图书馆生活哲学"的意义与作用.  相似文献   

介绍国内第一家兼具高校图书馆和公共图书馆双重功能的职能混合型图书馆——深圳大学城图书馆,面向科研人员、高新技术企业、社会大众、政府机关等不同对象开展的一系列创新服务,为高校图书馆服务社会提供借鉴。  相似文献   

刘湛恩烈士是我国近代杰出的爱国主义教育家、上海沪江大学首任华人校长。他确立了教会大学中国化的沪江模式。其对沪江大学卓有成效的贡献,亦体现在沪江模式下的图书馆建设上。刘湛恩其人、其事,实属值得后人纪念,沪江大学图书馆以及今日的上海理工大学图书馆被命名为湛恩纪念图书馆,其意义即在于此。  相似文献   

During the spring of 2010, the University of Houston Libraries Digital Services Department began an initiative to promote existing and upcoming collections in the University of Houston Digital Library and drive traffic to the online repository. Spurred by an OCLC report (De Rosa et al. 2005) that only two percent of college and university students began research by consulting library resources, University of Houston Digital Services staff sought to add content from the University of Houston Digital Library to Wikipedia in order to insert primary source digital materials into the research workflow of students and faculty. As a result, referrals from Wikipedia to the University of Houston Digital Library have increased significantly and the pilot project is now the basis for an ongoing University of Houston Digital Services program. The structure and direction of the pilot project were a collaborative effort between University of Houston Digital Services staff and a University of North Texas Library and Information Science intern participating in the University of Houston Digital Services Digital Library Internship Program. Through this case study the authors cover the evolution of the University of Houston Digital Services Wikipedia pilot project and its growth into a permanent program. The authors also outline the workflows and procedures of the project and describes in detail the challenges and successes of the pilot Wikipedia project at University of Houston Digital Services. Included are lessons learned for libraries and cultural institutions interested in establishing a similar program.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the emerging paradigm of project management performed in a web-based working environment. It highlights how project management and its associated features are strongly linked to fulfilling quality and value criteria for customers, and it examines how collaborative working environments can greatly reduce the administrative burden of managing large projects, especially and almost paradoxically, when resources are limited. Specifically, the paper examines the application of a project management methodology (PRINCE2) together with the use of a collaborative web-based working environment over a number of pilot projects at Leeds University Library. It describes the pilot phase of a library management decision to run a series of major Library projects using project management methodology, while continuing to run other projects through the existing locally developed planning mechanisms and describes the pitfalls of these latter alternatives, less sophisticated project management tools, and describes the main issues that this change in practice has brought to light. It draws preliminary conclusions about the effectiveness of this change in practice in one of the UK's largest academic libraries.  相似文献   

This research was undertaken by five librarians from Deakin University Library Australia as part of a professional development project. The objective was to collect qualitative data on the perceptions of librarians by academics and library colleagues from Deakin University. The ways in which academics perceive librarians, as well as how other library staff perceive librarians, are relatively under-explored areas. This study investigates the topic through an analysis of drawing and other visual representations, based on a study design that applied a visual, arts-based methodological approach. Participants were invited to focus groups where they were provided with a variety of craft materials, asked to create a visual representation of liaison librarians, then discuss their artifact. The data consists of twenty-eight artifacts, which were content analyzed, and semi-structured interview recordings, which were transcribed and analyzed for themes. Participants expressed liaison librarians positively, as helpers and connectors, as a gateway to knowledge, with complex and varied roles, as trusted sources, and as relationship builders. By drawing attention to these themes, the participants highlighted that liaison librarians are invaluable to Deakin University.  相似文献   

This study examines how academic librarians at the Complutense University (Spain) perceive project management techniques that are becoming increasingly popular in library and information centers due to the need to comply with their strategic planning and services. To reach this goal, a quantitative and qualitative methodology was applied and a survey, in the form of a questionnaire, was used as a data gathering tool. The response rate was 31.2%. The key findings are based on respondents' education regarding project management skills and their expertise managing projects, as well as the presence of project management courses in the Library and Information Science Spanish curriculum. This study revealed that over one third of the academic staff completed their project management training by self-directed learning. Additionally, over half of them stated that they had not participated in any library project in the last five years, and almost half of the library staff concluded that project management techniques are quite important as formal courses in the Library and Information Science university programs. The study is interesting and revealing for those library and information services professionals who are facing day-to-day to users' demands and Library and Information Science challenges.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]图书馆开展出版服务已成为时代发展的必然要求。研究美国高校图书馆基于特色馆藏的出版研究,有助于促进我国高校图书馆更好地开展特色馆藏出版服务。[方法/过程]以加州大学图书馆、密歇根大学图书馆、犹他大学图书馆、堪萨斯州立大学图书馆、普渡大学图书馆以及亚利桑那大学图书馆为例,介绍其特色馆藏的出版情况,分析其出版特点:促进学术交流、与其他部门合作、支持开放存取。[结果/结论]对我国高校图书馆开展特色馆藏出版服务的启示是明确出版重点、选择合适的出版形式、加强多方合作、建立机构知识库、增强开放存取意识。  相似文献   

书目员制度和美国俄亥俄大学图书馆的藏书建设系统   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在实际考察的基础上,全面介绍俄亥俄大学图书馆的学科书目员制度和该馆的藏书建设体系,在将其与我国高校图书馆的采访制度进行比较后,分析了各自的优缺点。认为我国高校图书馆组织制度和藏书建设体系的改革与发展可参考借鉴美国的模式。  相似文献   

Megan Oakleaf is an Associate Professor of Library and Information Science in the iSchool at Syracuse University and provides consultancy services on academic library value, outcomes assessment, evidence-based decision making, information literacy instruction, and information services. She is the author of the Value of Academic Libraries Comprehensive Review and Report. Her research areas include outcomes assessment, evidence-based decision making, information literacy instruction, and academic library impact and value. In this presentation Megan discusses the evolution of library services and the corresponding changes in how a library’s value may be measured and assessed within the larger context of an organization.  相似文献   

空间评估是高校图书馆空间改造工作的核心环节,可以系统了解现有空间的使用效能,GIS技术为图书馆空间使用评估引入了新的视角。文章基于GIS技术提出高校图书馆空间使用评估的方法,通过扫描观察法收集地理数据,利用核密度法可视化图书馆的聚集区域,结合调查问卷挖掘读者的潜在需求,并以大连理工大学伯川图书馆为例进行实证研究。研究发现不同读者在图书馆有不同的使用习惯和空间偏好,高校图书馆需要从功能分区、家具设备等方面优化空间设计,满足读者的多元化需求。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 基于用户服务视角,同济大学图书馆开展"十三五"战略规划研究,对未来图书馆的业务流程、空间布局、功能维度和服务导向进行规划,为国内大学图书馆"十三五"时期的服务转型和变革提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 通过文献调研和案例分析,分析多元化的空间布局原则,结合"十三五"时期的新型服务功能,探讨空间功能的四个维度。以同济大学图书馆为例,从业务流程和用户服务两个角度分析空间布局功能框架。[结果/结论] 大学图书馆空间布局的变革与服务转型是密不可分的,同济大学图书馆空间布局战略规划研究,为空间再造提供必要的理论支持和实施保障,对大学图书馆"十三五"时期的服务转型具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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