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信息素养自20世纪70年代在美国被提出之后,受到世界各国的普遍重视,联合国教科文组织、IFLA、欧盟委员会等国际组织均致力于通过教育提升全球公众的信息素养。本文通过系统梳理国内外公众信息素养教育领域的研究成果和实践探索资料,以及政府文件、会议记录、重要机构或项目的报告、指南、年鉴等文献,总结全球公众信息素养教育实践与理论研究的渊源、演变历程和实践现状。研究发现当前全球公众信息素养教育存在三个突出问题:整体水平不高,发展不平衡,研究滞后于实践。为提升我国公众信息素养教育水平,建议尽快出台专门政策和标准,鼓励多元主体参与,力求覆盖各类受众,采取多种教学方式,大力培养师资,合作建设资源,搭建交流平台和传播中国声音。表1。参考文献84。  相似文献   

Many components of Information Literacy (IL) are too massive to be addressed in a single instruction session, yet an introduction to these concepts is essential for students' academic careers and intellectual development. This study evaluates the impact of applying excerpts from television comedies that illustrate ACRL's Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education to library instruction sessions for first-year students. Pre- and posttest results from 193 subjects and interview data from two focus groups indicate that television comedies can be integrated into one-shot instruction sessions to demonstrate IL concepts in an accessible and dialogue-provoking manner.  相似文献   

陈香 《图书馆杂志》2021,(1):74-81,92
文章采用网络调查法对面向全民的信息素养慕课的开设现状进行调查,并从课程建设规模与分布、团队建设、教学设计和内容建设等方面分析课程发展现状.研究发现已有的信息素养慕课的目标群体定位影响课程的内容建设、课程开设的主体和团队的合作方式单一、课程内容以技能教育为核心、信息检索内容体系倾向于采用混合模式,且存在通识性不足、合作范...  相似文献   

An English professor and an instruction librarian at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester felt that the college's new English Capstone course for majors provided a unique opportunity to assess the information literacy skill levels of graduating English majors. They therefore engaged in a three-year study to evaluate the IL competency of these students, to gauge their perceptions of library instruction provided during the Capstone course and throughout their academic careers, and to determine students' confidence and self-efficacy with respect to these skills. The researchers sought to determine the ways in which the IL program for English majors effectively met established IL goals and to identify areas for improvement.  相似文献   

Scholars in Criminal Justice have argued that students should have a stand-alone course that focuses on fostering library literacy skills for Criminal Justice students in order to improve their writing, research, and presentation skills. In 2011, a required information literacy course was implemented in one Criminal Justice program to meet this need. Building on the existing literature, the current study is the first to explore student perceptions of a required information literacy course. The results offer valuable information on how to strengthen the course moving forward and can provide useful suggestions to other Criminal Justice programs thinking about instituting a library literacy course in their curriculum.  相似文献   


This article presents the development and perspectives of improving the information literacy of graduate students at the University of Konstanz, considering the European background with the Bologna process and the general conditions of the German higher education system. It gives a short overview of the current reforms in European higher education and the consequences for information literacy instruction for undergraduates and graduates as well. The situation at the University of Konstanz, with its library being a leading institution in the German information literacy debate, is described explicitly. Some findings of a comprehensive graduate information literacy survey, which was recently realized there, are reported in detail. Further perspectives for graduate information literacy in the context of the library's user services are outlined.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从信息素质教育课程组织者的视角出发,讨论如何利用现代信息技术进行数字化教学,以期能够为业界同仁提供课程构建的参考策略。[方法/过程]以笔者组织建设的中美两国的信息检索MOOC和Metaliteracy课程作为案例,采用网络调查法和案例分析法研究数字环境下的信息素质教育模式。[结果/结论]根据对信息环境、教学技术、教学资源的分析,总结数字化信息素质课程的4种模式,并提出构建和优化课程的3个建议。  相似文献   

An instruction librarian and a biology professor at a small, urban commuter college campus worked together to provide research instruction to non-science majors in selected hybrid and online biological sciences classes. They collaboratively designed in-class and online learning tools, as well as homework assignments aimed at developing non-science majors’ information literacy skills. Through an array of innovative technologies and pedagogical models (including online screencasts, Twitter conversations, and embedded librarianship), they sought to engage non-science majors in the scientific discourse and to encourage them to access and assess reputable online science materials. This study explores the efficacy of their pedagogical partnership.  相似文献   

李臻 《图书馆》2021,(4):39-46
信息社会,虚假信息正在对社会发展与社区和谐产生破坏性的影响,公共图书馆对此应加强应对。文章通过回顾2020年国际图书馆界参与新冠肺炎疫情防控与虚假信息的治理过程,对虚假信息的本质与特征进行分析,对我国公共图书馆开展公众信息素养教育的相关政策、理论与实践进行比较研究,并从融入社区生活、构建教育共同体、探索合作机制、完善基础设施、提供嵌入式服务、培养批判意识与能力、打造可信赖的信息源、加强技能培训与信息服务、引导用户正确利用信息等九个方面提出应对策略。  相似文献   

Information literacy (IL) is increasingly considered to be an important life skill and there are a number of challenges that librarians face in implementing an effective IL program. This article examines the experience of library staff at Birmingham City University (BCU) and how they developed a printed workbook to be embedded within sessions attached to a first year Nursing degree academic skills module. Previous approaches to IL input with Nursing students will be discussed. The changes that were made and the impact of these changes on students, academic and library staff are then considered. Since the implementation of the workbook, feedback from students and staff has been encouraging concerning its purpose and value. Possible future developments are then suggested.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):259-269

The creation of a course, offered through UCLA University Extension, called “Research Methods for Fiction, Nonfiction, and Film Writers” was motivated by the observation that many adult learners lack information skills and the opportunity for formal library instruction. The content and format of this librarian-taught course have changed through the years both to incorporate more electronic resources and to employ more active learning methods. This article describes the need for the course, the course content and its evolution, and the active learning exercises employed. What an academic reference librarian derives from teaching such a course informs reference work with adult learners, whether or not they are part of the university community.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,在信息技术迅速发展和信息资源日益重要的背景下,信息素养概念产生。随后,美国图书馆界率先将书目指导业务转型为信息素养教育,信息素养也成为图书馆情报学的重要研究领域。本文主要依据国外信息素养领域文献及其他相关文献,对信息素养概念、理论、实践的演进进行了比较全面的分析和总结,旨在为国内同仁从全局角度理解国外信息素养领域的各种变化,提供线索和洞见。研究发现:国外信息素养领域对早期信息素养概念进行了四种不同性质的修正及两次颠覆性改变,引进和发展了多种相关理论,包括各种流派的建构主义学习理论、各种批判理论和实践理论,实施了不同路径的信息素养教育实践;这些相互影响的发展变化导致了三种信息素养范式的出现:普适技能范式、情境化能力范式和嵌入实践范式。通过对已有范式的反思,本文提出未来信息素养研究和实践应将培养持久的信息获取利用习惯纳入考量范围。  相似文献   

Currently, libraries and other information services are facing new professional challenges in relation to digitization policies and orphan works after the publication of European Directive 2012/28/EU on certain permitted uses of orphan works and Spanish Royal Decree 224/2016. This paper aims to analyse how Spanish library and information centres specialising in theatre and performing arts meet users' textual and non-textual information needs, by respecting copyright issues and being involved in a dynamic and digital environment. For this purpose, an online questionnaire, which was used as a methodological tool, was sent to library directors in February 2018. At the same time, some research questions based on orphan works and digitisation approaches are discussed in the paper, specifically in reference to graphic and audiovisual materials.  相似文献   

Broward College, an early adopter of Guided Pathways, has made efforts to incorporate information literacy throughout the curriculum by embedding librarians in pathways and through General Education learning outcomes. However, although college administrators and faculty acknowledge that the integration of information literacy instruction throughout the curriculum is crucial to student success, librarians have struggled to become true teaching partners. A survey was administered to discipline faculty to determine attitudes, perceptions, and a self-assessment of information literacy. This study includes a nuanced analysis of discipline faculty responses and reveals conflicting attitudes and behaviors related to information literacy instruction.  相似文献   

The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education combined with the Decoding the Disciplines model provides a structure for critical reflection to help unearth and clarify tacit, or unspoken, expert disciplinary processes and values related to information literacy. This article details a pilot project designed to explore the process of unearthing unspoken assumptions about disciplinary information literacy through reflective questions designed using the theory of Decoding the Disciplines and the structure of the Framework, and details themes which emerged from several of the author's experiences with librarians and teaching faculty working through the reflections. The themes are presented as potential further sites for inquiry and to generate ideas for identifying and addressing discipline-specific roadblocks, both practical and cultural, through the Framework.  相似文献   

高校图书馆作为高校文献信息中心,具备开展信息素养教育的物质基础。本文从医学学生信息素养现状出发,分析了高校图书馆在医学学生信息素养教育中的优势,并对高校图书馆对医学学生信息素养教育模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A team of librarians at Purdue University transformed a business information literacy course from a traditional lecture, 40-student class into multiple sections of a flipped, 70-student classroom to meet the request that the successful course be required for all 500 undergraduate students. Scaling up required the adoption of flipped learning techniques for better utilization of library teaching resources. This case study provides key insights for others implementing credit classes or integrating similar content into one-shots or embedded work. It also describes the assessed results determined through student feedback (focus groups) and student performance (pre/post-tests).  相似文献   

Practicing engineers and undergraduate engineering and technology students seek and use information differently within the research and design process. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted by librarians at Purdue University and information specialists at Caterpillar Inc. to analyze self-reported information habits and challenges of both user populations. The authors created surveys containing similar questions for each user group, using a framework that asked participants to think about their information needs and use during a recent engineering project. The survey questions discerned users' confidence in their information abilities, and their preferences and barriers for finding and using information.The results of this study reveal differences between students and engineers and are informative for both academic and corporate librarians. Key findings affirm previous research that novices are more confident in their abilities than experts. Additionally, the findings suggest undergraduates prefer quick, easy to digest content like online videos and news, while engineers are more likely to learn by consulting a colleague or other subject expert, and through reading journals and trade literature. While students rated themselves as more confident information users, engineers reported working in a more complex information landscape, which includes internal document management systems and numerous places to look for technical information. Findings within this paper can inform the development of information literacy curricula that better parallels the corporate environment, and can give corporate librarians insight into how recent graduates may expect to interact with information in a new work environment.  相似文献   

In 2016, the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) library acquired ProQuest’s discovery tool Summon. To determine when information literacy instruction using Summon would be effective and what aspects should be taught, librarians conducted a usability study. Students completed tasks focused on determining whether Summon is intuitive and whether the interface needs to be taught. Results indicate that students are comfortable with the interface and have few problems with the tool. Instead, participants struggled with critical thinking processes associated with research. Results were used to integrate the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education into instruction.  相似文献   

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