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Constructing scientific arguments is an important practice for students because it helps them to make sense of data using scientific knowledge and within the conceptual and experimental boundaries of an investigation. In this study, we used a text mining method called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to identify underlying patterns in students written scientific arguments about a complex scientific phenomenon called Albedo Effect. We further examined how identified patterns compare to existing frameworks related to explaining evidence to support claims and attributing sources of uncertainty. LDA was applied to electronically stored arguments written by 2472 students and concerning how decreases in sea ice affect global temperatures. The results indicated that each content topic identified in the explanations by the LDA— “data only,” “reasoning only,” “data and reasoning combined,” “wrong reasoning types,” and “restatement of the claim”—could be interpreted using the claim–evidence–reasoning framework. Similarly, each topic identified in the students’ uncertainty attributions— “self-evaluations,” “personal sources related to knowledge and experience,” and “scientific sources related to reasoning and data”—could be interpreted using the taxonomy of uncertainty attribution. These results indicate that LDA can serve as a tool for content analysis that can discover semantic patterns in students’ scientific argumentation in particular science domains and facilitate teachers’ providing help to students.


A growing body of research has examined the experiential grounding of scientific thought and the role of experiential intuitive knowledge in science learning. Meanwhile, research in cognitive linguistics has identified many conceptual metaphors (CMs), metaphorical mappings between abstract concepts and experiential source domains, implicit in everyday and scientific language. However, the contributions of CMs to scientific understanding and reasoning are still not clear. This study explores the roles that CMs play in scientific problem-solving through a detailed analysis of two physical chemistry PhD students solving problems on entropy. We report evidence in support of three claims: a range of CMs are used in problem-solving enabling flexible, experiential construals of abstract scientific concepts; CMs are coordinated with one another and other resources supporting the alignment of qualitative and quantitative reasoning; use of CMs grounds abstract reasoning in a “narrative” discourse incorporating conceptions of paths, agents, and movement. We conclude that CMs should be added to the set of intuitive resources others have suggested contribute to expertise in science. This proposal is consistent with two assumptions: that cognition is embodied and that internal cognitive structures and processes interact with semiotic systems. The implications of the findings for learning and instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

At present, computational models of scientific discovery and theory formation play a prominent role in illuminating transformations of rational conceptual systems. A new abstraction paradigm aimed at unifying the different perspectives and providing insight for future ones is proposed here. The aim is to emphasize the significance of “abduction” in order to propose a unified epistemological model of scientific discovery. This model first describes four meanings of the word abduction (creative, selective, visual, inference to the best explanation) in order to clarify their significance in epistemology and “Artificial Intelligence” (AI). Among the different abductive roles played by various kinds of conceptual transformations in developing scientific creative reasoning–such as radical ontological change, conceptual combination, analogical and visual thinking, anomaly resolution, thought experiment — visual mental imagery in thinking may be relevant to “scientific” hypothesis generation.  相似文献   

本文对帅国文博士关于“社会主义本质论”不宜作为邓小平理论的逻辑起点,邓小平理论的逻辑起点应是“社会主义初级阶段论”的观点进行讨论,由此进一步阐明笔者关于“社会主义本质论”是邓小平理论的逻辑起点的观点。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,文学的“审美本质特征论”逐渐取得共识。这种文学审美论的建立经历“破”和“立”的过程:“破”的过程包含两种途径,即以“共同美”反拨阶级斗争工具论,以形象思维反拨认识功利论;“立”的过程包含一种途径,即以审美论替代机械反映论。“破”为“立”做好铺垫,“立”最终实现“破”的目的。  相似文献   

党的三代领导集体对社会主义问题进行了长期的探索。毛泽东为核心的第一代领导集体提出了社会主义“两阶段论” ,并从特征上描述了社会主义。邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体 ,提出社会主义初级阶段论 ,对社会主义本质作出了科学论断 ,把对社会主义问题的探索推向了崭新的高度。以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体的主要贡献有 :初级阶段的社会主义是动态发展的 ;初级阶段的社会主义需从经济、政治、文化等维度全面认识。这一探索历程表明 ,对社会主义的探索 ,应当解放思想 ,坚持发展的观点 ,在开放的世界中认识社会主义  相似文献   

Piaget's theory has profoundly influenced science education research. Following Piaget, researchers have focused on content-free strategies, developmentally based mechanisms, and structural models of each stage of reasoning. In practice, factors besides those considered in Piaget's theory influence whether or not a theoretically available strategy is used. Piaget's focus has minimized the research attention placed on what could be called “practical” factors in reasoning. Practical factors are factors that influence application of a theoretically available strategy, for example, previous experience with the task content, familiarity with task instructions, or personality style of the student. Piagetian theory has minimized the importance of practical factors and discouraged investigation of (1) the role of factual knowledge in reasoning, (2) the diagnosis of specific, task-based errors in reasoning, (3) the influence of individual aptitudes on reasoning (e.g., field dependence-independence), and (4) the effect of educational interventions designed to change reasoning. This article calls for new emphasis on practical factors in reasoning and suggests why research on practical factors in reasoning will enhance our understanding of how scientific reasoning is acquired and of how science education programs can foster it.  相似文献   

邓小平理论是马克思主义同当代中国实践和时代特征相结合的产物,是当代中国的马克思主义,是指导中国人民在改革开放中胜利实现社会主义现代化的正确理论,是不断发展的科学理论,学习邓小平理论应着力把握“结合”,唯此,才能真正抓住精要,从中获得启迪。  相似文献   

史料学观要求以客观的态度全面掌握、审视、研究史料,特别是“异质”的史料及其内部的“潜隐信息”;要求特别关注对持各方之间的“联结点”。史料学观拒绝“元叙事”。不同文学流派之间的关系,应该、也曾经是平等的。期待“整合”之后,将有一部全景式的、真实的现代文学生态史。  相似文献   

社会主义本质论是建构邓小平理论大厦的基石。认真地考察社会主义本质论产生的历史过程:澄清社会主义本质论中的“社会主义”有所特指及社会主义本质与社会主义重要特征之间的关系等问题.会更加彰显社会主义本质论在邓小平理论中的核心地位。社会主义本质论是我们在今后的改革开放中进一步解放思想、实事求是的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

Here we introduce a Special Section of Child Development entitled “Formalizing Theories of Child Development.” This Special Section features five papers that use mathematical models to advance our understanding of central questions in the study of child development. This landmark collection is timely: it signifies growing awareness that rigorous empirical bricks are not enough; we need solid theory to build the house. By stating theory in mathematical terms, formal models make concepts, assumptions, and reasoning more explicit than verbal theory does. This increases falsifiability, promotes cumulative science, and enables integration with mathematical theory in allied disciplines. The Special Section contributions cover a range of topics: the developmental origins of counting, interactions between mathematics and language development, visual exploration and word learning in infancy, referent identification by toddlers, and the emergence of typical and atypical development. All are written in an accessible manner and for a broad audience.  相似文献   

经典的“沉默螺旋”理论为很多典型事件提供了分析依据,然而,构成“沉默螺旋”这一假说的三个命题设定都带有一定的假设性,且是在传统的大众传播环境中阐发,有其局限性。在当下网络传播环境下“沉默螺旋”理论的“新变”成为众多学者探讨的焦点,文章将从该理论基础命题出发,并结合实例分析该理论在网络传播环境下的发展变化,为网络传播的舆论监督和引导提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

When evaluating equity, researchers often look at the “achievement gap.” Privileging knowledge and skills as primary outcomes of science education misses other, more subtle, but critical, outcomes indexing inequitable science education. In this comparative ethnography, we examined what it meant to “be scientific” in two fourth‐grade classes taught by teachers similarly committed to reform‐based science (RBS) practices in the service of equity. In both classrooms, students developed similar levels of scientific understanding and expressed positive attitudes about learning science. However, in one classroom, a group of African American and Latina girls expressed outright disaffiliation with promoted meanings of “smart science person” (“They are the science people. We aren't like them”), despite the fact that most of them knew the science equally well or, in one case, better than, their classmates. To make sense of these findings, we examine the normative practice of “sharing scientific ideas” in each classroom, a comparison that provided a robust account of the differently accessible meanings of scientific knowledge, scientific investigation, and scientific person in each setting. The findings illustrate that research with equity aims demands attention to culture (everyday classroom practices that promote particular meanings of “science”) and normative identities (culturally produced meanings of “science person” and the accessibility of those meanings). The study: (1) encourages researchers to question taken‐for‐granted assumptions and complexities of RBS and (2) demonstrates to practitioners that enacting what might look like RBS and producing students who know and can do science are but pieces of what it takes to achieve equitable science education. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 459–485, 2011  相似文献   

The debate about the “place” of time limited therapy in our work as therapists regularly falls into a discussion about theory and evidence of usefulness. Often overlooked are the philosophical assumptions that underlie and fuel this debate. I seek to articulate several of these assumptions, ones pertaining to the know-ability of truth, the place of authority, and the agency of change. I propose that we not “elide” an epistemology of wondering.  相似文献   

Feminist standpoint theory has important implications for science education. The paper focuses on difficulties in standpoint theory, mostly regarding the assumptions that different social positions produce different types of knowledge, and that epistemic advantages that women might enjoy are always effective and significant. I conclude that the difficulties in standpoint theory render it too problematic to accept. Various implications for science education are indicated: we should return to the kind of science education that instructs students to examine whether arguments, experiments, etc. are successful, rather than ask who presented them; when considering researchers and students for science education programs we should examine their scholarly achievements, rather than the group to which they belong; women should not be discouraged from engaging in “mainstream” science research and education (or other spheres of knowledge considered as “men’s topics”) and men should not be discouraged from engaging in what are considered “women’s topics” in science (or outside it); we should not assume that there are different types of science for women and for men, nor different ways for women and men to study science or conduct scientific research.  相似文献   

“清”是中国古代文论中一重要概念。中唐前期“大历十才子”的诗歌创作,在一定程度上是“清”理念的文笔实践。他们的山水诗体现了清静、清冷之美,田园诗显示了清淡、清纯之美,现实生活诗蕴含着清闲、清苦之美,心境感悟诗表达了清空、清虚之美。十才子有意识或无意识地运用多种创作手法,在其诗歌中塑造出这种美。这些诗作中的“清”之美,不仅继承了前人诗歌中“清”方面的精华,更重要的是启发了后世对“清”理念的进一步阐释,从这一意义上说,“大历十才子”诗歌中“清”之美在古代文论中占有不可忽视的地位。  相似文献   

作为阿多诺哲学思想的重要组成部分,"文化工业"批判理论的提出有其深刻的历史背景并与创建者的个人经历存在紧密联系。而在内容上,这一理论蕴含着对于商品拜物教和技术的双重批判,最终揭示出了"文化工业"对人们实行双重统治的本质。此外,阿多诺还初步指出了摆脱此类统治的路径,可惜由于论述不够明晰并未引起应有的重视。总之,该理论揭开了资本主义意识形态的虚伪面纱,对于推动人类的思想解放起到了重大的积极作用。  相似文献   

Does one need to think like a scientist to learn science? To what extent can examining the cognitive activities of scientists provide insights for developing effective pedagogical practices? The cognition and instruction literature has focused on providing a model of expert knowledge structures. To answer these questions, what is needed is a model of expert reasoning practices. This analysis is a step in that direction. It focuses on a tacit dimension of the thinking practices of expert physicists, “constructive modeling”. Drawing on studies of historical cases and protocol accounts of expert reasoning in scientific problem solving, it is argued that having expertise in physics requires facility with the practice of “constructive modeling” that includes the ability to reason with models viewed generically. Issues pertaining to why and how this practice of experts might be incorporated into teaching are explored.  相似文献   

宾恩林 《职教通讯》2019,(15):15-22
目前职业教育教科书科学理论并不算完善,即便整个教科书领域也是如此,总体而言存在“功能与目标”“过程与结果”“方法与程序”等三个思维框架下的碎片化探索,这不利于职业教育教科书研究的系统化积累。为了探求职业教育教科书的科学理论,应基于康德的范畴理论,建立教科书科学理论形式框架,汇总、归类已有教科书研究思维,并建构出更为系统的职业教育教科书研究的科学理论。具体行动包括:基于范畴框架阐释教科书以便系统性整合三种理论思维;基于范畴框架重新建立职业教育教科书科学理论的发展框架;职业教育教科书的科学理论建构不能脱离实践的需要。  相似文献   

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