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The purpose of this paper is to give a closer view of the realities in special education in Romania, as part of the general reform in the educational system. It outlines the most important features of the past that have led to the present problems which Romania has to face, and presents the main categories of disadvantaged children in the context of social protection guaranteed by the present laws. Where available, data with respect to the years 1991 to 1993 are given.  相似文献   

本文通过对现如今高等院校基础生物化学实验课程存在的问题及适合时代发展所需要的课程种类的改变,对高等院系基础生物化学实验课程进行初步的教学改革探讨。  相似文献   


The paper has two purposes: to present the evolution of higher education in Romania after 1990, as an illustration of the transition period in Central and Eastern Europe and as a background for the subsequent section, and to present the results of a study concerning the relationship between higher education and the business community in Romania. The empirical study is based on a survey of private companies from Bucharest. The survey had as its main objective to analyse the evolution and performances of graduates from both private and state universities in the labour market, based on the companies’ experiences with them. Considering the results of the study, the paper draws conclusions in relationship with the general status of higher education in Romania, focusing on the needs of the companies, as major beneficiaries of higher education, along with individuals and society as a whole.  相似文献   

Higher education reform in perspective: The Japanese experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Japanese colleges and universitiesare in an age of great transition. Currentreforms can be counted as some of the mostextensive and radical changes in the history ofJapanese higher education. Although the agendaof recent reforms has been conditioned bycontemporary socio-political circumstances,many of the ongoing changes are rooted inhistory. In this article, the reforms ofJapanese higher education are examined from along-range historical perspective. Thoughpre-war years are briefly mentioned, the mainconcern here is with reforms after World WarII.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2001,14(3):201-212
This article looks at the higher education reform in Estonia since 1988. Author shows how over a few years ‘university education’ as the meaning of higher education was replaced by much broader ‘post-secondary education’. Another important issue to be covered is the dynamics of the legislative reform—starting with the creation of normative regulations for new institutional groups, and as a second step bringing them into conformity with the Civil Code adopted in 1994. The final part of the article discusses various implications of the new legislation—related to funding, content of studies, and governance—on higher education. Particularly as related to private education it is concluded that most recent reforms do not encourage private initiative to offer higher education, and support orthodox positions with regard to content of higher education studies. This is considered of being not helpful for the development of the learning society.  相似文献   

Reforming Higher Education in Romania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

高等教育课程体系改革是课程体系内在逻辑发展的必然诉求,又是高等教育发展的必由之路。而高等教育课程体系改革却面临重重困境:课程体系构建的重要性得不到足够重视;科学知识转化为课程的机制尚未成熟;课程体系各要素的发展受传统实用主义价值观的制约。为进一步推进高等教育课程体系改革,应该充分认识课程体系构建的重要性;完善科学知识转化为课程的机制;加强课程设计的多元价值取向;重视高等学校课程资源开发;调整课程结构、创新课程评价机制。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,我国的高等职业教育大步发展,随之带来的扩招,对中国社会经济等方面都造成了巨大的影响。大规模的招生所导致的是毕业生人数的迅猛增长、激烈的就业竞争、教育设施跟不上教育发展速度、专业设置与社会需求的不匹配、教育质量得不到保证等问题也日益凸现出来。本文通过研究台湾地区的高职改革,试图寻找一条适合内地高职改革的道路。  相似文献   

日本高等教育改革:回顾与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
日本高等教育正面临着 1 2 0年来从未有过的危机。虽然日本高等教育在第二次世界大战后实现了民主高等教育体制下的大众化 ,但是今天它却缺少 2 1世纪全球化时代所必需的国际竞争力。此外 ,近年来 1 8岁人口的急剧减少 ,也严重影响了依赖学费办学的私立大学的经营状况。在这样一种困难的局面下 ,日本文部科学省出台了“大学结构改革方针”(2 0 0 1年 6月 ) ,其主要内容包括国立大学的重组及“法人化”和建立大学的外部评价体制。  相似文献   

Ecuadors higher education system mirrors that of other Latin American countries in its many internal and external stresses. It also provides an opportunity to view a reform process occurring in a vacuum of central government influence and authority, one whose direction is largely set by the universities in response to perceived stresses. Those stresses arise from the differentiation of the system in the last decade, questions about the role of higher education in Ecuador, and the absence of governmental direction. Changes in higher education in Ecuador must be examined in the context of higher educations role in development. The paper notes the case for the importance of higher education and the new theoretical support for higher education that endogenous growth models provide. It then examines the self-generated reform process which is occurring in Ecuador in the areas of teaching, of student access and of university finance. The final issue addressed is the relation between these changes, with their important implications for transforming the higher education system, and the development needs of Ecuador. There are many positive elements to the reform process which will contribute to development. However, until the government policy vacuum is filled, their potential benefit will remain only partially realized.  相似文献   

从金融危机看我国台湾地区高等教育的改革与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与过去历次相比,2008年爆发的世界金融危机对我国台湾地区社会经济体系尤其是高等教育的影响显得更加明显与直接,台湾高等教育发展过程中已显现及潜藏的矛盾与问题被进一步激发出来。对此,台湾当局、教育主管部门、高校及社会各界全面启动应急机制,并建立起推进高等教育新一轮改革与发展的长效机制,力图化危机为转机,以促进台湾高等教育健康、平稳地向前发展。  相似文献   

本文从当前我国高校汉语言文学教育的现状入手,着重分析汉语言教学中存在的现象与问题,并结合当前国家教育改革背景下,对于如何改革创新汉语言教育提出了几点对策。  相似文献   

当前国内各界对高职体育课程建设和改革的关注度不断提高,教育部也顺时提出以"健康体育"和"终身体育"为核心的新高职体育课程的教学理念来进行指导。然而当前的高职体育课程改革还是出现了整体研究层次不高、课程理论依据混乱、实证研究少及不重视体育课程本质要求等突出问题。为更好地开展高职体育课程改革,必须在坚持"健康第一"的指导思想和围绕素质教育这两个原则的基础上结合高职教育的发展规律确立科学的指导思想,另外还要不断加大体育改革人才的培养投入,让体育课程回到其应有的学科地位上,而且还要保证体育课程改革能够服务于人才培养目标。只有综合采取这些措施才能从根本上实现高职体育课程改革的目标。  相似文献   

Starting from the state of conceptual diversity, semantic ambiguity, and poor connection of family life education practices to current policies and theoretical models in Romania, our study aims at understanding the underlying meanings of these issues by recourse to the history of approaches in the field. To this purpose, we carried out a qualitative historical research, based on the thematic analysis of a set of educational works produced between the sixteenth century, when the first Romanian texts were written, and the present time. Primary historical sources are supplemented with reliable secondary sources, while the criteria used for the selection of texts were their relevance to family life education (FLE), and the notoriety of the works in the corresponding historical periods. As in western countries, the concept of FLE was coined in Romania at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the family education discourse was outlined, but the roots of the field can be traced even in the first printed texts. Although marked by strong moral and religious emphases during pre-modernity, FLE has entered the slow process of secularisation and evolved from the perspective of political, social, and moral reconstruction goals of modern Romania. However, FLE’s goals and contents were redefined during Communism, and the discrepancies between discourses, practices, and realities compromised the functionality of the pedagogical model promoted at the time. A unitary definition of FLE in relation to Romanian contemporary families’ needs requires reconciliation with historical, cultural, and educational premises, as well as a careful contextualisation of western models and practices.  相似文献   

时代的变化,强烈呼唤高等教育研究。高等教育外部关系的变革、内部关系的深刻变化,要求不断加强高等教育内部、外部关系规律的研究。辽宁省围绕高教发展问题,深入开展高教研究,提出了确立三大发展、提供四大“助推器”、打造三个“平台”的发展新思路。只有提高重视程度,加大支持和改革力度,才能促进高教研究的发展和创新。  相似文献   

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