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综述类论文的学术价值及其鉴审   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述是一种比较特殊而又重要的学术论文类型。由于其内容、结构和学术价值与一般的专题研究论文不同,对其学术质量和水平的鉴审也有其特殊性。简要探讨综述类论文的学术价值及其鉴审的侧重点。  相似文献   

循证医学和医学论文中统计学问题编辑鉴审的必要性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍循证医学这一新兴学说及其对21世纪临床医学的影响。指出为适应这一转变,开展医学论文中统计学问题的编辑鉴审研究的必要性,开展此项研究可以:1)普及医学统计知识;2)提高临床与科研水平;3)提高作者撰写与阅读能力;4)提高医学期刊质量;5)丰富编辑学研究的内涵。并指出了编辑鉴审研究的初步思路。  相似文献   

史学论文的鉴审赵兴元【吉林】历史学是社会科学的重要分支。历史学对于人类社会的进步与发展,过去曾经发挥过,现在也正在发挥着重要作用。史学论文是史学工作者对历史现象进行系统研究的成果表达方式,历史学对社会发展的作用是通过史学研究工作实现的。然而,史学论文...  相似文献   

编辑不良心理因素与鉴审失误及其克服   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在人类的社会生活和社会实践中,任何人,不论其身份、地位、年龄、性别、性格、学历的差异,不论其从事任何工作和活动,都在一定程度上不可避免地受制于个体心理因素的影响。编辑工作作为一种创造性的脑力劳动,更具有鲜明的个体性,因而也更容易受到编辑个体心理因素的影响和制约。  相似文献   

初审编辑鉴审科技论文创新性的几个途径   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
朱大明 《中国编辑》2007,(1):42-43,61
科技论文是对科技成果进行理论分析和实践总结的科技写作文体,没有新的见解、新的结果或结论就不能认为是创新性科技论文。因此,对论文的创新性鉴审就成为科技期刊审稿的一个核心内容。目前,我国科技期刊审稿普遍采用责任编辑初审、同行专家复审以及主编终审的“三审制”。每一审级都有各自的职责,审稿的侧重点也不同。责任编辑初审主要是对稿件内容、质量和发表价值进行初步评价和判断,并决定是否送专家复审。所以,初审虽然是最基本的,但也是十分关键的。由于现代科学技术专业门类繁多,编辑不可能对各专业学科的内容都十分熟悉,因此,责任编辑要在尽可能较系统地掌握本刊所涉及专业学科的基本知识内容,了解发展趋势和前沿动态的同时,注意从编辑实践中探索鉴审科技论文创新性的基本方法和技能。  相似文献   

浅谈学术论文鉴审中的学术交流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对目前科技期刊审稿中存在的问题,论述稿件鉴审过程中的学术交流的必要性;指出编辑、审稿人和作者之间的学术交流对提高审稿质量具有重要的作用;提出稿件鉴审过程中学术交流应遵循的原则以及可采取的方式方法。  相似文献   

金铁成 《编辑学报》2017,29(6):532-534
分析百度学术提供的引文存在的诸多纰漏:对期刊更名前的文献错误地用新刊名,给某些英文期刊的刊名添加多余信息,电子期刊论文的引文著录存在多余期号,无规律性的细小差错较多.提醒期刊编辑审稿、加工参考文献时切忌直接复制百度学术提供的引文来替换作者原稿中的参考文献,而应根据百度学术提供的原文链接找到原始文献,对照原文来规范参考文献,做到著录格式规范、著录内容正确、引用内容合理.  相似文献   

编辑审选活动的地位及认识特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
阎西林 《编辑学报》2003,15(6):395-396
审选活动是编辑工作中最基本、最实质性的活动。编辑审选中的认识活动主要是“价值认识”。与作者在研究问题、进行写作中的“事实认识”相比较,它具有不同的认识特征。通过研究编辑审选活动中的认识特征,以及价值认识在人类认识和实践活动中的中介性质,可以使我们正确认识编辑活动的本质属性。  相似文献   

韩志伟 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):461-463
提出科技学术期刊稿件档案化管理的3条原则,使档案化管理有了统摄的主线;给出一稿一档并以稿件所遭遇的路径来分类的管理方法,并具体给出稿件档案应具有的内容列项.论述稿件档案化管理的意义:稿件档案是期刊的信息资源,而且是增量资源,是可溯源式利用的资源,其价值取决于对此资源的发掘利用程度.  相似文献   

  • Awards are an important mechanism of recognition that can signify inclusivity or exclusivity and impact careers.
  • More women were selected by publishing organizations for awards overall yet appeared underrecognized in a predominantly women-employed workforce.
  • Award programs showed a preference for US-based awardees despite the global representation of individuals' localities.
  • To build equity in awards programs, organizations are encouraged to appoint diverse committees, promote transparency and publicize awards in historically excluded communities.

胡玲  傅旭东 《编辑学报》2008,20(3):201-202
分析学术期刊学术评价功能的成因和在静态及动态条件下的产生机制。学术期刊的学术评价功能是在研究者、学术管理部门和学术期刊的共同作用下产生的,为评价论文的学术水平和鉴别研究者的研究能力提供了有用的信息。  相似文献   

孙平 《编辑学报》2021,33(1):49-53
通过简要梳理近年来国外学术出版道德建设相关的进展和经验,以及科学共同体所面临的科研不端行为、发表论文的质量参差不齐和掠夺性期刊等方面挑战,可以发现我国虽然面临许多同样的问题,但科技社团和期刊等有关方面采取的对策相对比较有限.通过参考和分析国外相关实践活动的主要特点和影响,探讨我国科技期刊如何通过编辑政策和流程的改革创新...  相似文献   

After two-years of repeat interviewing early career sciences/social sciences researchers from around the world about their work life and scholarly communications in pandemic-times, the Harbingers-2 project is in a position to release quantitative data on the pandemic's overall impact. The data comes from around 50 questions asked in the third and final round of interviews with 147 early career researchers (ECRs), which had a codifiable element to them (such as yes, no, do not know). The 19 scholarly topics covered include: pandemic-related research; research funding; changes to the workplace/working from home; pandemic-incurred stress and anxiety; teaching; employment security; career progression; mentoring; assessment (including metrics); collaboration; searching/finding information; ethics; networking; informal communication; publishing; sharing; pre-prints; outreach; and scholarly transformations. The main findings are that in six broad aspects of ECRs' work-life and scholarly behaviour, more than 50% of ECRs were impacted by the pandemic, with remote teaching having the greatest impact. By way of comparison, in another six aspects there was little change, least of all when it came to sharing activities. Among the countries studied, Malaysia stood out as being the most impacted, and of the disciplines it was the medical sciences and the soft social sciences most impacted.  相似文献   

This article describes an international study informed by a 3‐year‐long qualitative longitudinal project, which sought to discover the scholarly communication attitudes and behaviour of early career researchers (ECRs). Using a combination of small‐scale interviews and a larger‐scale survey, ECRs were questioned on their searching and reading behaviour, publishing practices, open data, and their use of social media. Questionnaire invitations were sent out via publisher lists, social media networks, university research networks, and specialist ECR membership organizations. One‐thousand and six‐hundred responses were received, with many coming from China, Russia, and Poland. Results showed that ECRs are adopting millennial‐facing tools/platforms, with Google, Google Scholar, social media, and smartphones becoming embedded in their scholarly activities. Open data sharing obtains widespread support but somewhat less practice. There are some differences in attitudes and behaviour according to age and subject specialism.  相似文献   

国际学术出版开放式访问(OA):Ⅰ.实践与前沿问题研究进展   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11  
综述当前国际学术出版界开放式访问(Open Access,OA)运动实践和理论研究的部分热点问题.主要讨论OA期刊和OA知识库的概念、实施方式,提高OA文献的可见性和可获取性的若干措施,OA带来的学术文献引用影响力的提高和一些发展趋势.  相似文献   

University academics face multiple pressures to publish. These pressures emanate from contexts with different, often competing, social norms, which result in academics publishing for reasons that may run counter to accepted scientific practice. This paper asks what decisions are being taken by academics when it comes to their choice of scholarly book publisher. An analysis of books selected from more than 2,500 self‐reported scholarly publications produced by academics at Makerere University in Uganda from 2011 to 2017 shows that 31 scholarly books were published. Of these books, more than half (54%) were published by publishers that do not follow accepted scholarly publishing practice. Findings also show that there was a sharp decline in books published with suspect publishers in the second half of the 7‐year period. The article discusses possible reasons for the selection of suspect publishers and considers four factors that may account for the observable decline: (1) a cyclical downturn, (2) improved research management and reporting, (3) explication of the norms of science, and (4) self‐correction.  相似文献   

张学颖  罗萍 《编辑学报》2016,28(3):220-223
为了解决同行评议中不公平、不透明、时效性差的问题,提出改变审稿方式,采用开放同行评议的办法.在分析开放同行评议透明、交互、高效、共享、完整实质的基础上,尝试构建开放同行评议的审稿模型,并指出制订规范的编辑出版政策,构建专业化投稿和审稿平台,调动参与者的积极性,是实施开放同行评议的关键环节.  相似文献   

在国外,数字对象唯一标识符系统(DOIs)在原文获取、引文链接与数字版权管理中已有广泛的应用.中文数字对象唯一标识符系统(ChDOIs)的建立与发展迫在眉睫.从参考文献著录与数字对象唯一标识符(DOI)的关系这一独特视角出发,理清DOI多重解析的原理和具体应用模式,以及中文信息资源面对DOI多重解析在实际运行时可能遇到的问题.在调研部分电子资源平台上DOI在参考文献中的标引情况后,详细分析了中文DOI发展的局限性及其原因,并提出ChDOIs的发展建议,即自主建立系统、文后著录DOI、分割标引参考文献.  相似文献   

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