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In this study, the researchers examined how K-8 teachers approach morality, moral education, and the moral development of children in Turkey and in the United States. Both countries have diverse cultures and long histories with secular education systems. Surveys were sent to teachers in nine cities in both countries. Results suggest that Turkish teachers emphasized societal values and global values, which have implications for the sustainability of the Turkish nation-state. American teachers emphasized moral action and morality in context (cultural relativity) rather than global values. Our findings emphasize the importance of inter-cultural awareness and tolerance.  相似文献   

A particular framework of teachers’ conceptions about assessment in school is presented. Fifty teachers of primary and secondary school were interviewed. Results of a qualitative analysis allowed building a model of conceptions of assessment. This model comprises four dimensions about the effects of assessment on: teaching, learning, accountability of teachers and schools to different audiences and stakeholders, and the certification of achievement. These conceptions, unequally distributed, show some tendencies that might be linked to the intrinsic tension between the by-default co-occurrence of both pedagogic and societal functions of assessment in school, and to difficulties of implementing assessment for learning practices.  相似文献   

This article presents a mixed methods examination of teachers’ job beliefs in the Yukon Territory in northern Canada. In Study 1 we used questionnaires to examine job beliefs for 221 teachers from the Yukon and western Canada. Teachers’ self- and collective efficacy and workload stress were lower for Yukon teachers, but levels of overall stress and satisfaction were similar across settings. In Study 2 we conducted interviews to examine how geographical, community, and cultural factors were related to Yukon teachers’ job beliefs. Results showed that job stress and job satisfaction were influenced by physical and human geography, level of connection with the community, and by the community's cultural transitions. The findings highlight the influence of cultural and community factors on teachers’ working lives.  相似文献   

为了实现大学英语素质教育,必须改革现有的测试制度,转变教育观念,提高教师自身素质以及拓展学生学习空间等。  相似文献   

梁忠义先生一生默默耕耘、不事张扬,潜心研究、治学严谨、品格高尚,脚踏实地、开拓创新,严以律己、宽以待人,诲人不倦、循循善诱,成为学生与同事们的良师益友。我们学习他的治学态度与为人品格,是为了更好地做好他的未竟事业。  相似文献   

高职生的性道德行为具有一定的自主性和轻率性,原因在于高职生性生理、性心理的成熟与性道德、性社会化发展的滞后这两者之间存在着发展的不平衡性。性道德教育应应抓好4个方面:一是了解自己,建立正确的性道德价值目标;二是理想激励,兴趣转移;三是学校教育是性道德教育主渠道;四是家庭、社会教育是性道德教育的基础和导向。  相似文献   

We present a case study to analyze how higher education students attending a Spanish University (N = 100) democratize the virtual classroom by assuming responsibility for their learning and that of the other members of the class; participate actively in social, cognitive, and teaching issues; and collaborate by creating a learning community and reflecting individually and as a group. Our mixed methodology includes the following: (1) content analysis with a categorization system adapted from the community of inquiry approach and (2) two questionnaires on students' perception of the democratic elements in the virtual classroom. The results show that the students assume democratic principles of responsibility, critique, participation, and collaboration. We observe the role that the teachers play in facilitating democratization of the classroom through flexible design of instruction, promotion of social relationships, and orientation of the debate toward the learning objectives. This investigation shows the implementation of democratic principles in the virtual classroom.  相似文献   

The present study explored the perceptions of Greek general and special primary teachers regarding the role and the professional characteristics of special needs coordinators (SENCOs). According to the responses of the 466 participants, each school should have a fulltime SENCO, who should have both teaching experience in general schools and specialization in teaching students with SEN, and also be able to deal with all types of SEN. SENCOs’ responsibilities include evaluating and directly teaching students, counselling teachers and parents, contributing to in-service training of staff, and undertaking initiatives for program enrichment and knowledge dissemination.  相似文献   

This article investigates teaching as collective work. The goals, functions and forms of teachers' collective work and changes in the professional representations or repertoire of actions through collective activity are identified. A synthetic framework is outlined and shown to be useful in addressing the data, by revealing the importance of interactions in professional competence acquisition. The article relates this framework to data collected from new teachers in the induction year in Scottish secondary schools (age range of pupils 11–18 years) and discusses the relationship of collective work to competence standards. Some issues for teacher educators and further research questions are identified.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(5):158-172

The time has come for a thorough review of the Guidelines for the Consideration of Governing Bodies in Adopting a Code of Conduct for Learners (hereafter the Guidelines). More than 20 years after its original publication, no amendments have been made to this important document. To substantiate the case for review, some of the most significant contradictions with the provisions of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 are highlighted, as well as serious lacunae with regard to the definition of important concepts and the failure to incorporate constitutional developments that impact on school discipline and should be reflected in the code of conduct of all schools. School governing body members are mostly laypeople and guidance on legal aspects and developments should therefore be included in the Guidelines.  相似文献   

教育平等原则是法国《教育法典》的三个基本原则之一,具有四重内涵:保障受教育机会平等,通过援助等手段促进实质平等,确保包容性的学校教育,学生参与及社会参与。教育平等能够成为法国《教育法典》的基本原则,一方面具有历史依据,有利于法典保持基本原则和制度的稳定性;另一方面具有宪法依据,从而使这一原则具有充分的民主基础。教育平等原则在法国《教育法典》编纂中发挥了建立基本制度和产生具体规则的功能,真正贯穿于法典,支撑起法典的结构。  相似文献   

This is a review of the book The Teaching Transgender Toolkit by Eli R. Green and Luca Maurer (2015 Green, E. R., &; Maurer, L. (2015). The teaching transgender toolkit: A facilitator's guide to increasing knowledge, decreasing prejudice &; building skills. Ithaca, NY: Planned Parenthood of the Southern Finger Lakes. [Google Scholar]). Overall, the book is an extremely helpful guide for facilitators of varying skill levels and gender identities implementing educational interventions. The authors' familiarity with the range of participant/learner responses led them to include several helpful components. With helpful sections on how to use the book, how to compile lessons to conduct one's own trainings, and resources for further reading, the authors effectively give educators the tools they need to educate various populations about transgender identities. Limitations include the ever-changing language around gender identities and the lack of specific focus on workplace discrimination. The authors do include an online, frequently updated resource for changing terminology. This is a recommended resource for those who educate about gender and gender identity.  相似文献   


This article examines the Uruguayan state approach to the teaching of writing in public elementary education during the 1830s, and is an attempt to explain why state officials advanced new pedagogical methods aimed at increasing rationalisation and standardisation. While many different handwriting styles existed in the past, the school system simplified and standardised public education under a single cursive style, the English round-hand. Notwithstanding the state’s standardising directives, Uruguayan teachers combined the pedagogical innovations of Lancaster’s monitorial system with the calligraphic traditions of the old writing masters. According to personal preference and necessity, teachers devised a hybrid system, which implemented new dictation exercises and the use of the writing slate, but preserved the writing masters’ imitation of muestras, and the use of quill, ink, and paper. The government arranged an inventive procedure to accurately measure students’ handwriting performance. The planas, or samples of students’ handwriting, were useful tools in the standardisation and evaluation of public education. Elementary schools from all over the country forwarded handwriting samples to the central state, or exhibited them in public examination ceremonies, as teachers publicised pedagogical success, and state officials confirmed the general advancement of public education. This study is also an attempt to show that the teaching of writing was part of a greater pedagogical mission and nation-building project: the intentional departure from colonial corporate identities, and the construction of a national community conceived as the sum of its individual citizens.  相似文献   

This article builds upon existing research which has been mapping and analysing the field of higher education research, and, in particular, on the analysis of the articles (n = 406) in 17 specialist higher education journals published in the English language outside of North America during the year 2000. It extends that analysis by examining the citations (n = 10,065) given in the articles, in particular the patterns of co-citation. This enables a clearer identification of the tribes or communities of practice that occupy the territory of higher education research. An attempt is be made to identify the key members of these tribes or communities, and to chart the key relationships within and between them.  相似文献   

This article argues that the mission of Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) is inherently political and that, by not acknowledging this, ESE interventions risk becoming part of the problem of sustainability rather than the solution. The article offers a theoretical framework for thinking about the (de)politicising effects of ESE rooted in three key elements: historical responsibility, action and the postcolonial condition. This framework builds on Ricoeur’s phenomenology, Arendt’s theory of action and the work of postcolonial scholars in arguing for a grounded understanding of ESE, which necessitates the use of ethnographic methods in ESE research.  相似文献   

In undertaking a critical discourse analysis of the professed aims and objectives of one of the most influential curricula in the teaching of thinking, this article foregrounds issues of power and ideology latent in curricular discourses of rationality. Specifically, it documents the subtle but powerful ways in which political and class commitments are (re-)produced in the forms of thinking that are valued in schools and societies. Through a nuanced analysis of the language features of the text and the social and political ideologies that underpin it, the article argues that such curricula engage in shaping our common-sense understandings of what thinking and rationality is and should be in instrumental forms that both connect to neoliberal prerogatives and that facilitate the social reproduction of a particular fraction of the middle class.  相似文献   

为了满足处理国际性法律事务和参与国际竞争与合作的需要,我国法学教育应培养一批具备跨文化交际能力、广博的法律专业知识、较强的法律实践能力、良好的法律职业伦理和开放性知识结构的涉外法律人才。社会实践需求和现实的制约性因素决定了现阶段我国培养涉外法律人才的主要的路径是法学双语教学。法学双语教学应定位为一种精英化教学模式,其课...  相似文献   

英国14-19岁普通教育考试制度与高校入学机制的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了英国14-19岁阶段普通教育的考试制度及其与高校入学机制的关系.分析了其以资格证书为基础的考试制度的特点、经验和问题,为我国普通高中考试制度改革和高校入学机制改革提供参照.  相似文献   

赵传兵 《成人教育》2013,33(2):73-75
在传统教学中,教学机智常被视为解决教学突发事件的技巧。其实,教学机智内蕴道德德性。教学机智的德性是两维的:"他维"和"己维"。教学机智德性的"他维"指向对学生的关怀,体现在教师"替代父母"的责任;教学机智德性的"己维"指向教师对自己的关怀,体现在教学可以为自己带来自足的幸福。在机智的教学中,师生关系是坦诚相遇的主体间性关系,是一种"你—我"式的和谐、平等关系,在这种和谐的关系中,师生共同成长。  相似文献   

分析了我国高等职业教育的发展现状,探讨了高职院校监控和评价体系的内涵,分析了目前高职教育质量监控与评价中存在的问题,提出建立高职院校校外监控和评价体系的必要性、可行性,构建了高职院校校外监控和评价体系.  相似文献   

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