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心理教育在于精神世界的建立,心理是文化,更是精神,心理教育直指精神。心理教育的意义是使精神成为教育目的本身,这是由心理学所揭示的,所以,心理学对教育(学)并不仅仅具有方法论意义。心理教育的另外一个意义是,它给心理学体系的建构一个契机;心理教育所揭示的是一个本土化的教育学体系,一场教育的新文化运动,一股带有宗教情结的怜悯。  相似文献   

本文论述了学分制有利于教学质量的提高,学分制实施中存在的问题,部分发达国家学分制实施状况以及我国高校应立足实际建立学分制运行保障机制。  相似文献   

本文认为奥林匹克理想体系的形成正是现实与理想冲突的同步前进和相互转化的结果。它的形成过程也是人类受教育的过程。它的内容包含社会政治理想、道德理想、成就理想三个方面,其中社会政治理想是最根本、最重要的,它决定和制约着道德理想、成就理想,而道德理想和成就理想则从不同方面体现着社会政治理想,从属于社会政治理想。  相似文献   

The intergenerational approach is a proven method for education and service programming with older adults, children, and youth. However, the broad scope of intergenerational programming inherently makes it difficult to create general decision‐making processes or models for the selection of appropriate activities for diverse participants. We present a model for decision making in intergenerational programs that is adaptable to a wide variety of participant groups, sponsoring agencies, and program goals. The model emerged as we developed and conducted an intergenerational training program for caregivers of children and the frail elderly. It stresses the importance of involving all constituent groups in planning, delineates five program categories, and establishes four criterion levels for decision‐making regarding appropriate activities. The model will be useful to those planning and implementing intergenerational programs in a vareity of settings.  相似文献   

In recent years, gerontologists have pointed to the ever increasing number of older persons in American society. Implicit in these increasing numbers is the need to educate all segments of society about the problems faced by the elderly. While public schools alone cannot be held responsible for this task, it is believed that schools provide an ideal forum for developing learning activities. Schools can help increase student awareness and knowledge concerning these problems.

One of the most chronic problems faced by the elderly is that of negative stereotypes. After reviewing the literature, we suggest that social studies provides an ideal curriculum area for developing strategies that allow students to examine personal stereotypes concerning the elderly as well as possible sources of these stereotypes.

Given the hypothesis that various print and electronic media are guilty of creating or reinforcing stereotypes, students can gather information about the physical and behavioral characteristics of the elderly as portrayed on television and in magazines. Data can be gathered from regular entertainment programs and commercials on television and print advertisements in magazines. As a result of these activities, students can evaluate the media's role in perpetrating stereotypes of the elderly. In addition, we suggest strategies for allowing students to interact with the elderly in the community as a means of negating existing stereotypes.  相似文献   

The impact of engineers on the environment, particularly in the processes of urbanization, industrial production and in the search for energy resources is generally recognized.

Ecological repercussions of the project or construction where there has been a lack of appreciation of environmental harmony might have negative consequences affecting many people. Recognition of this situation is reflected in the numerous efforts of national and international organizations to reorganize engineering studies and to in‐corporate environmental education in the training of engineers.

The following article was written, for “Higher Education in Europe” and deals with Unesco's activities in the area of development of environmental education of engineers. It was written by Albert Sasson from the Division of Ecological Science of Unesco.  相似文献   

把心理教育列入高校教学计划是保证其科学性、有效性的最好办法。心理教育课程建设是高校实施心理教育的核心,系统的心理教育课程体系是心理教育课堂教学活动顺利进行的保障。心理教育课程体系包括目标体系、内容体系、操作体系和评价体系。在设计与建构心理教育课程体系时应遵循系统性原则、主体性原则和活动性原则。  相似文献   

We have received numerous requests to present in “Higher Education in Europe”, in relatively short form, the main features of higher education systems in the different countries of the Unesco European Region.

As partial response to these requests, we present below a survey on the Swiss system of higher education, written for “Higher Education in Europe” by Dr. Esther C. Garke from the Swiss Federal Office for Education and Science, and CEPES Liaison Officer in Switzerland.

We also take this opportunity to invite our readers to provide us with papers or documents for similar presentations.  相似文献   

伯顿·克拉克在其经典之作《高等教育系统的组织与治理》中构建了三种理想的高等教育体制——国家体制、市场体制和学术体制,提出了著名的三角形定性分析法:一个国家的高等教育体制取决于以上三种理想体制调和的结果,因此,不同国家的高等教育体制在三角形中处于不同的位置。但是,克拉克三角形中关于各国高等教育体制的位置分布完全是基于定性分析;本文作者在定性研究和定量研究相结合的基础上,以中国高等教育体制为案例,构建了"能级函数"概念来描述政府力量、市场力量和学术力量对高等教育系统的作用,并构建了"三角形能级函数模型"来直观地描述三力综合作用的结果,从三个方面发展了克拉克的三角形定性分析法:第一,在克拉克三角形中导入了定量元素来分析国家高等教育体制在三角形中的位置;第二,在克拉克三角形中增加了一个新的国家系统——中国高等教育系统,一个在近二十年中经历了巨大变化的国家高等教育系统;第三,用三角形分析法分析国家系统构成元素——子系统的位置。  相似文献   

This paper follows the publication in 1974 of the brochure of information about the education of engineers in the Federal Republic of Germany and in France (published in this Journal, Autumn 1977). The arrangement of this new contribution is similar to the latter work. It is hoped that a comparison of procedures in the three countries may be of value to all concerned with the long-term organization of education.  相似文献   

Recent developments in higher education have their effect on planning and administration models of higher education institutions. In this context different computer‐operated models for planning and management have been developed. We give below an example of one such model, the Multiaccessible Subscriber's Numerical System, which has been developed at the Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland. This system, which is already partly in operation, can be compared with such models as CAMPUS (Comprehensive Analytical Methods of Planning in University Systems) operating in Canada and the United States, or the one developed in the Federal Republic of Germany by HIS (Hochschul‐Informations‐System). The information received from the Institute of Organization and Management of the Technical University of Wroclaw, on which the article below is based, underlines the need for international co‐operation in this field.  相似文献   

An aperçu of the reform process in higher education in the Russian Federation is given. It begins with a statement of the objectives of reform and a listing of the laws and decrees concerning it promulgated in 1991, 1992, and 1993. Great weight has been placed on the setting of standards and the creation of mechanisms to enforce these standards. Also, efforts are being made to adapt certain higher education course programmes to regional needs. The article concludes with a short discussion of current problems.  相似文献   

This article gives an overview of the Australian education system. It outlines key recent policy developments affecting higher education and the vocational education and training (VET) sector, and it describes the pathways for the recognition of overseas qualifications in Australia.  相似文献   

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