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A new motion-compensated 3-D wavelet transform (MC-3DWT) video coding scheme is presented in this paper. The new coding scheme has a good performance in average PSNR, compression ratio and visual quality of reconstructions compared with the existing 3-D wavelet transform (3DWT) coding methods and motion-compensated 2-D wavelet transform (MC-WT) coding method. The new MC-3DWT coding scheme is suitable for very low bit-rate video coding. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(69875009)  相似文献   

velet TransformTX1IntroductionVideocommunicationisbecomingincreasinglyim-portantinapplicationtoseveralareassuchastele-conferen...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONJPEG2 0 0 0 (LawsonandZhu ,2 0 0 2 )isanewlypublishedstillimage codinginternationalstandard .Itsintroductionmeantthatforthefirsttime,thediscretewavelettransform (DWT)wouldbeusedforthedecompositionandrecon structionofimagestogetherwithanefficientcod ingscheme.IntheJPEG2 0 0 0coder,beforeanywaveletdecompositionisperformed ,theimageispartitionedintonon overlappingtiles.Thesetilesareofequalsizeexceptpossiblyforthoseadjacenttotheimageboundary .Thenwavelettransformisappliedtotr…  相似文献   

A new improved Goh's 3-D wavelet transform(WT) coding scheme is presented in this paper. The new scheme has great advantages including a simple code structure, low computation cost and good performance in PSNR, compression ratios and visual quality of reconstructions, when compared to the other existing 3-D WT coding methods and the 2-D WT-based coding methods. The new 3-D WT coding scheme is suitable for very low bit-rate video coding.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Multimedia services over the Internet are be- coming popular due to the widespread deployment of broadband access. However, the conventional cli- ent-server architecture severely limits the number of simultaneous users, especially for bandwidth inten- sive applications such as video streaming. P2P net- works, on the other hand, offer a solution to the scalability problem. As a node joins a P2P network, it not only consumes resources but also contributes its bandwidth or comp…  相似文献   

Watermarking on 3D mesh based on spherical wavelet transform   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUCTIONTherapidgrowthofdigitalmediaoverInternetprovideseverybodywiththefacilityofeasyaccess,copy,editanddistributionofdigitalcontentssuchaselectronicdocuments,images,soundsandvideos.Thereisurgentdemandfortechniquestoprotectthecopyrightoftheoriginaldigitaldataandtopreventunauthorizedduplicationortampering.Digitalwatermarkingordatahidingisonesolutionforthecopyrightprotectionofdigitaldata.Digitalwatermarkingisaprocessbywhichauser-specifiedsignal(watermark)ishiddenorembeddedintoanothersi…  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a robust watermarking algorithm for 3D mesh. The algorithm is based on spherical wavelet transform. Our basic idea is to decompose the original mesh into a series of details at different scales by using spherical wavelet transform; the watermark is then embedded into the different levels of details. The embedding process includes: global sphere parameterization, spherical uniform sampling, spherical wavelet forward transform, embedding watermark, spherical wavelet inverse transform, and at last resampling the mesh watermarked to recover the topological connectivity of the original model. Experiments showed that our algorithm can improve the capacity of the watermark and the robustness of watermarking against attacks.  相似文献   

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