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This article examines the ways a social networking site for language learning (SNSLL) enhances or hinders intercultural communicative competence (ICC). The study identifies the components of intercultural competence that emerge from students’ interactions and reflections about the SNSLL Livemocha. The research was conducted with second-year students of an English class in a Colombian university. Data were collected through screen recordings, students’ logs, surveys, and a focus group. Findings indicate that, of the five dimensions of ICC, the components of Attitudes, Knowledge, Skills of Interpreting and Relating, and Skills of Discovery and Interaction featured strongly on students’ exchanges and reflections. SNSLLs hold potential to enhance intercultural skills; however, pedagogical adjustment and refocusing of some of their activities are required to expand opportunities for intercultural engagement.  相似文献   

Two noninvasive geophysical techniques, infrared thermography and georadar, were used in this study to investigate the internal walls of the “Sala delle Nicchie” (Niches Hall) of Pitti Palace, in Florence. The aim of this work was to verify that the original architectonic setting of this Hall was as reported in a planimetry of anonymous author dated late 1700. This document shows that the “Sala delle Nicchie” was characterized at that time by 10 niches instead of the six that are visible today. Both the infrared thermography and georadar surveys confirmed the presence and location of the niches as indicated in the planimetry. This study results prove the importance and benefit of using nondestructive techniques in sites of artistic and historical interest.  相似文献   

Historic buildings are of great cultural, research and aesthetic value, and they can reveal past events and developments. Tianjin, an ancient city originated from Yuan dynasty, is famous for its Group-living Yards. Derived from settlements in foreign concession districts, these Yards exhibit different building styles and are now an integral part of Tianjin's cultural heritage. However, many of these buildings disappeared due to the ravages of frequent fire disasters. To protect Group-living Yards and to alleviate fire losses, fire hazard survey was conducted. Then corresponding control and mitigation methods were proposed. Yuan Residence, one of the typical Group-living Yards, was employed as an example to demonstrate the availability of the methods proposed by using fire dynamics simulator. Finally, comprehensive suggestions and disaster mitigation methods were given for Group-living Yards in Tianjin, which gives guidance on developing policies and procedures for incorporating fire prevention and protection features into these buildings.  相似文献   

The main advantage of a multi-technique non-invasive artwork investigations relies on the use of different spectroscopic techniques that give rise to complementary information. Despite the artworks complexity, this approach allows great insight into the artwork composition and alteration phases. However, difficulties arise from the great amount of heterogeneous interconnected data that has to be stored for a prompt analysis and preserved. A suitable tool to handle and analyse all the information on the fly is therefore crucial to optimize work, specially in in situ investigations. In this paper we present MOVIDA, a new tool for the data management and analysis of non-invasive investigations in the Cultural Heritage field that not only allows the digital preservation of all the information and knowledge, but can also be used as an analytical tool while the investigation is being developed. The software can be installed on any computer to record, elaborate and analyse the data on-the-spot. All the data generated can be managed within the same application and the information can be easily consulted, compared and related to the corresponding areas of the artwork. The software is self-comprehensive and user-friendly and can be used by all the professionals involved in the investigation and preservation of Cultural Heritage whatever their background and computer skills are.  相似文献   

Biases in contingent valuation exercises are often difficult to quantify and to correct due to the hypothetical nature of the method itself. One common problem is hypothetical bias, which in recent years has been addressed in various ways, particularly through the inclusion of a certainty question in the questionnaire. We analyse the impact of applying differing corrections based on the certainty question for double-bounded dichotomous economic valuation exercises. The empirical application is based on data gathered from four surveys conducted with various groups to obtain the value allocated to a modern art museum: the Museo Patio Herreriano de Arte Contemporáneo Español, in the city of Valladolid (Spain). Findings indicate that estimates of Willingness to Pay are significantly reduced when a higher certainty threshold is required, in other words when individuals are more certain of their choices. Furthermore, correction through recoding proved more severe than correction through exclusion.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that there are patterns of innovation occurring in less economically developed countries (LEDCs) that have been historically overlooked by the innovation studies literature, including the literature on innovation systems and the triple helix. This paper briefly surveys cases in agriculture, banking, biomedicine and information and communications technologies that demonstrate organizational, scientific and technological innovation in Africa, South Asia, and Brazil. In particular, we track new developments in two distinctive patterns within LEDCs: (1) civil society as a site of innovation and; (2) innovation through appropriation. By systematically uncovering patterns of innovation in LEDCs, science and technology policy scholars may make new theoretical gains in innovation studies that can potentially contribute to innovation policies in the global South.  相似文献   

A finite element model was developed to analyze the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna (Italy), a Byzantine building which suffers diffused cracking and excessive deformation, mainly as a consequence of complex architectural vicissitudes (extensions, demolitions …) and ground settlements. In the structural analyses, account was taken of permanent loads (self-weight), boundary displacements increasing in time, and seasonal thermal changes. Thanks to previous topographical surveys of part of the building, to chemical and mechanical investigations, the geometry of the Basilica and the main physical properties of the materials are reasonably well defined. The geometric model does not virtually neglect any structural element and accounts for the lack of symmetries in the building. Because of the complexity of the geometric model, a simplified (linearly elastic, isotropic) constitutive law had to be assumed to keep the computing time within reasonable limits. Accordingly, the performed analyses constitute only a first step toward the understanding of the structural behavior of the Basilica, as the adopted constitutive law can only partially explain the surveyed crack pattern, which is influenced by the brittleness and the anisotropy of the constituent materials.  相似文献   

In a digital society, we are frequently invited to communicate our present affective state via interfaces. These include smart-phone apps which allow users to track their mood in ‘real-time’, plus touchpads in organisations and public spaces which seek rapid feedback on whether an experience is positive or negative. In contrast to the use of surveys as tools of valuation, these technologies seek to capture experience in ‘real-time’, which can then be viewed and evaluated critically at a later time. Based on study of a number of mood-monitoring technologies, this paper highlights some of the ways in which they challenge conventional accounts of (e)valuation. In particular, rather than inviting individuals to represent their feelings towards the past numerically, they invite them to make uncritical expressions of positive or negative mood in the present. The central question of value is no longer how much is something valued, but whether or not it is valued. Quantitative and calculated analysis of positive and negative emotions occurs subsequently.  相似文献   

Conserving architectural heritage usually requires a multidisciplinary approach involving a variety of professionals and organizations. Since the evaluation of the state of conservation of historical buildings using destructive techniques should be avoided to prevent the integrity of the cultural heritage, the development of non-destructive and non-contact techniques is very important. InfraRed (IR) thermography is a non-destructive powerful tool for fast and accurate building diagnostics. In the investigation of historical structures, where a restoration or conservation treatment can cause irreversible damage to the structure, it is considered to be of most importance. A campaign of thermographic surveys were conducted on a large part of the historical cultural heritage of L’Aquila and its surroundings. In this paper we present the results of the study for the Church of Santa Maria ad Cryptas (XIII century), one of the most ancient buildings in the surroundings of L’Aquila and one of the best examples of Gothic art in Abruzzo, with the aim to evaluate the correspondence between the damage induced by the earthquake and the previous thermographic results, in order to validate the effectiveness of thermography and its role in preventive diagnosis.  相似文献   

This paper describes GPR (ground penetrating radar) surveys performed inside the crypt of the San Miguel de los Reyes Monastery (1546–1835) in order to detect the exact location of its founders' remains, the Dukes of Calabria (16th century). This Monastery was erected to house their family mausoleum and the bodies of the founders were buried near the high altar of the church (1645). However, in the 18th century, the tombs were exhumed to provide them with a worthier burial site: the crypt below the high altar. There is no documentation specifying the exact location of the tombs inside the crypt. Therefore, in order to reveal the exact location of the tombs the GPR survey was conducted inside the crypt.In our specific study, the available historical documentation led us to suppose that the Dukes of Calabria's remains were inside their mausoleums. However, after having performed the GPR analysis, we discovered that the mausoleums were solid and not hollow. The project required data collection on four areas in the crypt: the altar crypt, the Fernando de Aragón mausoleum, the Germana de Foix mausoleum and the floor between the two mausoleums and the altar.In this study, we have processed the GPR records in three different ways: the radargrams were processed in a standard manner, a detailed spectral analysis of all anomalous areas was carried out, and finally a 3D representation was generated. After this complete analysis we concluded that the bodies were not located inside their mausoleums, because they were shown to be solid. Besides, a burial site was located in the crypt subsurface near the Germana de Foix mausoleum, in which four different elements could be identified. Two of them may well be the tombs of the Dukes of Calabria and the other two the tombs of the Germana de Foix sisters.The results obtained in this survey are a good example of GPR application as an efficient and respectful tool for use in Cultural Heritage restoration studies, providing it with a very useful technique for similar projects such as those carried out in the restoration of historical buildings and those in which the elements to be examined are beneath a shallow coating of material.  相似文献   

气象学在中国古代被看作是一种巫术,通晓天气的人也被看作是观星象、知未来的神人。《三国演义》中,诸葛亮“借东风”的故事使他上了神坛。人们渴望了解天空,渴望对未来能够多一些把握,也就对能够预报天气的人格外看重。  相似文献   

气候变化适应型城市发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界上大部分经济活动和温室气体排放集中在城市,城市应该承担减缓气候变化的责任。城市人口与财产聚集使得气候变化及自然灾害的影响具有放大效应,城市必须在与之共存中做到趋利避害。为减缓和适应气候变化,建设气候变化适应型城市就成为可持续发展的客观要求。气候变化适应型城市以减缓与适应战略应对气候变化,即通过低碳发展战略减缓气候变化和适应战略来应对气候变化带来的极端事件以及气象灾害频度和强度日益提高的趋势,尽可能减轻气候变化所造成的各种不利影响。气候变化最不利的影响是气象及其衍生灾害,气候适应型城市通过灾害风险管理更好地减缓和适应气候变化及各种灾害风险。  相似文献   


To cure Covid-19 on a medical, political, economic, and societal level, there is a need to ‘curate’ between science and politics in such a way that decision-makers and societies can address the practical requirements at hand. This commentary introduces and discusses ‘curating’ as a socio-material practice mediating between science and decision-making. It reflects on the current Covid-19 pandemic and compares ‘curatorial’ aspects here to the field of natural catastrophe risk finance. As both areas try to manage disasters, the space between scientific knowledge and economic and/or political decision-making becomes a particularly important node. By employing a focus on catastrophe simulation modelling, this essay looks at several issues of the natural catastrophe field that may yield ways to deal with epidemic crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic. This commentary suggests putting greater emphasis on (and encourages a research focus on) the ‘curation’ between science and politics to improve decision-making for socio-material disasters.  相似文献   

The conservation of the XVI century buildings located in the northern part of the Venice Arsenal and the action plan to restructure them by inserting modern structures to house a scientific research institute raised a number of questions regarding, on one hand, the restoration itself and, on the other, what a subsequent change in their reuse could have on the phenomenon of subsidence. In this respect an accurate stratigraphic analysis was made down to a 25-meter depth to obtain and describe the environmental history of this lagoon site since the Late Pleistocene Epoch. By analyses on the micro-fauna, pollen, and radiocarbon dating it was possible to know and complete the paleogeographic reconstruction of the area. Precision levelings were carried out on the new network established with new benchmarks and connected to the external network used to monitor subsidence in Venice. The analysis of data confirmed the present state of the stability of the whole area; therefore, this datum will be the reference element for future leveling surveys once the intervention of conservation has been made. On the basis of this activity further studies have been planned to improve the accuracy of the acquired knowledge to extend it to the entire Arsenal area and to validate the anchoring of a benchmark at the established depth, which will become the reference mark for monitoring the town of Venice.  相似文献   

During the past two decades, thanks to the rapid development of solid-state-based sensor technology, digital imaging emerged as one of the most attractive research areas for the noninvasive investigation of paintings and flat artworks. In particular, the commercial availability of high-performance digital cameras opened up new perspectives to transmitted imaging techniques, such as trans-illumination and trans-irradiation, which are based on the acquisition of the visible (Vis) and near infrared (NIR) radiation, respectively, transmitted through the object. Until recently, these techniques were indeed considered to be unsuitable for applications on artefacts, because of the risks of overheating and overexposure to the light of the object under analysis. Nowadays, with the new-generation digital cameras, transmitted imaging can be reconsidered as a possible tool for noninvasive diagnostics on paintings on canvas. These techniques have been proven to be effective for the examination of hidden details, such as underlying drawing, for a study of the pictorial style or the executive techniques, as well as for assessing the state of conservation of the supports. Both trans-illumination and trans-irradiation can be easily implemented by means of professional photographic digital cameras, and therefore offer a valuable alternative to the more expensive well-established methodologies, such as X-ray radiography. In some cases, they are found to be complementary to the conventional techniques in revealing details of the underlying paint layers. Potentials and limits of transmitted imaging techniques are discussed in this paper, starting from three case studies of oil-paintings on canvas that belong to the permanent collection of the Gallery of modern art at the Pitti Palace in Florence.  相似文献   

城市公园内绿道是公园道路的重要组成部分,不仅承载着生态、经济、社会文化、美学功能,还承载着游憩功能。以南京市玄武湖公园绿道为研究对象,对其使用者的游憩动机展开实地访谈和问卷调查。基于spss24.0软件,利用探索性因子分析将众多动机因子降维得到公共游憩动机因子,进一步使用聚类分析,将游憩者划分为五大类,分别是:接近自然型游憩者、多目的型游憩者、无固定目的消遣型游憩者、提升自我型游憩者、情感交流型游憩者,使用交叉分析获取不同游憩动机类型的人口统计学构成特征,探索不同类型游憩者游憩动机的共性和差异。最终根据研究结果与国内外相关文献对比分析获取核心动机要素,分析游憩动机于绿道建设的价值,以期为绿道规划与管理提供改善方向。  相似文献   

Computer graphics, and in particular high-fidelity rendering, make it possible to recreate cultural heritage on a computer, including a precise lighting simulation. Achieving maximum accuracy is of the highest importance when investigating how a site might have appeared in the past. Failure to use such high fidelity means there is a very real danger of misrepresenting the past. Although we can accurately simulate the propagation of light in the environment, little work has been undertaken into the effect that light scattering due to participating media (such as dust in the atmosphere) has on the perception of the site. In this paper we present the high-fidelity rendering pipeline including participating media. We also investigate how the appearance of an archaeological reconstruction is affected when dust is included in the simulation. The chosen site for our study is the ancient Egyptian temple of Kalabsha.  相似文献   

In this article we study the determinants of cultural participation in Israel with an emphasis on the Weberian distinction between class and status. The class measure is based on occupational groupings, and status is operationalized as a rank of occupations based on social distance. We expect that class will be less important than status in shaping cultural participation patterns. In addition, due to the importance of ethnicity and religiosity in Israeli society, we expect that these factors will be significant in shaping cultural participation. Data are based on two telephone surveys conducted in 2006 and 2007 of a random sample of the Jewish population in Israel. We find that, contrary to our expectation, class is more influential than status. We also find that ethnicity and religiosity are important factors that shape cultural participation patterns. We discuss possible explanations to the finding regarding class and status, with special attention to the role cultural policy plays in mediating the economic effect on consumer behavior. We also call for more attention to ethnicity and religiosity in studies of cultural stratification.
Tally Katz-GerroEmail:

Since 2005, Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) is the standard by which United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) evaluates world cultural heritage site suitability. The sites worthy of UNESCO preservation as well as the parameters used to demonstrate OUV are diverse. Our study focused on the uniquely distinguished rural landscape sites and the OUV parameter of integrity. Integrity however, is an elusive concept for which UNESCO provides no definitional protocol, and for which the scientific community objects to a static or pure historical interpretation. Given this, our work aims to analyse the concept of integrity and how it can be used to preserve the heritage of rural landscapes. After reviewing the UNESCO approach, we focused on the international scientific debate on the meaning and application of integrity. We designed and conducted a comparative study of UNESCO rural landscapes selected from the 2011 World Heritage List. Documents describing the historical, rural, and agro-ecological features of each of the fourteen rural sites were analysed. From this, several historical and ecological parameters were chosen as “values to have” and several socio-economic and management parameters were chosen as “values to maintain” to assess the integrity of each landscape. Our results found integrity to be a value of both cultural and natural landscapes and that it is key to site identity. We demonstrated that UNESCO assigns a high value to the following parameters: historical features, traditional crops and local products, land-use and agricultural practice permanence, and the presence of architecture related to agricultural activity. Finally, we found the relationship between culture and nature to characterize best the integrity of a rural landscape, rather than nature or culture alone.  相似文献   

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