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The reuse of historical buildings can be seen as a complex decision problem because of the presence of different objectives to be pursued, the public/private nature of the goods under investigation, the existence of several values (historical, artistic, cultural, economic, etc.), the presence of different actors (public government representatives, architects, architectural historians, developers and owners). In decision problems related to the reuse of historical assets conflicts can arise and the availability of analytical frameworks able to support the process is getting more and more important. It has been generally agreed that Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) can offer a formal methodology to deal with such decision problems, taking into account the available technical information and stakeholders’ values. This paper considers the problem of sustainability assessment in cultural heritage projects using the Multi-Attribute Value Theory (MAVT) approach, which is a particular kind of MCDA technique. Starting from a real case concerning the reuse of historical buildings in the metropolitan area of Torino (Italy), the paper aims at exploring the contribution of MAVT for decision problems in the field of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

A definition of cultural heritage: From the tangible to the intangible   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this work is to analyse the evolution of the concept of cultural heritage in West European states. In the last decades of the 20th century, the term “heritage” was characterised by expansion and semantic transfer, resulting in a generalisation of the use of this word, frequently used in the place of another, such as, monument and cultural property. However, all these terms are not able to cover the same semantic field. Starting by the reflection on the semantic evolution of the notion of cultural heritage in France, we approach to the international definition of heritage given by the directives, charters and international resolutions in order to define a global outline of the meaning of heritage that is not just limited to a particular national dimension. From a purely normative approach, one went to a less restrictive approach, one based on the capacity of the object to arouse certain values that led the society in question to consider it as heritage and therefore, to a further step in which heritage is no longer defined on the basis of its material aspect. This development has also made it possible to recognise intangible cultural heritage, which was ignored for a long time, as heritage to be protected and safeguarded.  相似文献   

An archaeometric multi-technique approach has been undertaken to date an early industrial (mid-19th century) continuous limekiln in Calders (Catalonia, NE Spain). Dating was achieved combining archaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence methods. Metallographic data, oral and written sources also contributed to the dating discussion. A neighboring conventional (i.e. non-continuous) limekiln was dated using its recorded archaeomagnetic direction.  相似文献   

本文从兴发感动的生命美学、词的美学特质及其分类、张惠言与王国维词论之比较、独特的诗词评赏风格、对杜甫诗的看重与独到评析以及创立评词新体式等方面,对叶嘉莹在传统诗学研究领域的卓越贡献进行了系统、全面的评介。  相似文献   

Budget constraints at the local government level towards the provision of public goods have fuelled interest in the voluntary contribution and provision point mechanisms. However, due to their public nature, these mechanisms are not without problems. The literature shows the presence of free riding and socially inefficient contribution levels. This paper experimentally tests the effect of cultural and historical information pertaining to heritage houses in Penang, Malaysia, on public contributions for their conservation. This paper considers a standard linear one-shot four-person public good game and the decision of the subjects being to contribute either to a private or to a public account. We devise 4 treatments: a Control treatment, a treatment where subjects are provided with cultural and historical information pertaining to the heritage houses, a treatment that includes a contribution threshold, and finally a treatment that combines the use of cultural and historical information with the contribution threshold. The main finding shows that 60–75 % of the subjects contributed more than what they believed others in the same group would contribute when they were provided with the pertinent cultural and historical information. Most of the subjects contributed less than their belief, while 75–77 % cooperated ‘selfishly’ in treatments without the information. These findings are in agreement with the literature, namely that contributions are higher in treatments with a contribution threshold. Moreover, the combination of a contribution threshold and cultural information could encourage more pro-social behaviours.  相似文献   

One essential approach in preserving architectural heritage is the documentation of 3D geometries and surface textures of historic buildings. For example, precise colour information, excluding lighting effects, is an intrinsic property of the surface materials of building interiors and exteriors. However, while colour information has been recorded for small sample areas, it has not been accurately documented on the scale of entire building surfaces. This is critical, because building materials decay and their colours fade with time. The goal of this project is to develop a method to assist in recording and documenting the chromatic information of interiors and exteriors of historic buildings with low cost and high efficiency. The method takes advantage of emerging high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) technology, which can store rich information about colour and illumination through digital photography. By recording the colour information, in addition to the geometry and texture information obtained through other existing technologies, we can achieve more complete documentation for architectural heritage. In this paper, we discuss an overview of the problem and present our algorithms for utilizing computer vision techniques to retrieve chromatic information of historic buildings. We also present and discuss our experiments and results of applying our method to studies of lab objects and the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, Beijing.  相似文献   

墨家逻辑的现代研究,是中国文化研究的重要课题.沈有鼎以其广博的学识和深厚的学术功底,较准确地诂解《墨经》原典,充分肯定墨家逻辑的成就与科学价值,用比较研究和具体分析方法,辨明中外逻辑异同,是墨家逻辑现代研究的典范.沈有鼎的贡献,奠定了墨家逻辑复兴的基础,是中国逻辑史研究中有里程碑意义的成果,值得认真探索.  相似文献   

Given the civic and social commitments of urban local bodies in developing countries, renovation and maintenance of all heritage buildings and sites is a financially non-viable proposition. Urban planners, therefore, need to take decisions on which heritage sites are to be protected (either in their original form, or with suitable modifications that permit commercial use without destroying their architectural integrity) and the sites to be pulled down, ensuring more efficient land use. Such selection can generate considerable dispute between policy makers and various stakeholders unless the selection process is transparent, consistent and incorporates views of stakeholders. The difficulty in creating an analytical framework to be used for grading is the multiple (often qualitative) attributes of heritage sites. How to combine the performances of heritage structures with respect to these attributes into an aggregative index is a major concern for urban planners and conservationists. This paper argues that the Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) method may be a relevant method for grading heritage sites. The application of this method is illustrated for several heritage buildings in Calcutta, India.  相似文献   

Nowadays, some virtual museums include 3D room scenes to show the models of its pieces, just like in real museums. Nevertheless, the generation and maintenance of this kind of scenes is generally difficult and should be done by an expert. For example, any change such as including a new piece or modifying the position of an existing fragment usually requires a different design and the creation of a new scene. In this paper we present a case study on the development of a web-based application to automatize this process. To this end, a database to store both graphic and non-graphic information about the pieces, and some 3D rooms to show them has been created. The designed scenes only contain some pieces of furniture to exhibit the fragments, which will be subsequently included. Thus, when a room is loaded in the web page, its associated pieces are obtained through a query in the database and its models are dynamically included in the original scene. Therefore, the position changes or the inclusion of new pieces are not performed in the 3D model, but in the database. Our application makes the transmission of the knowledge to the general public easier because any new discovered piece can be included in a existing museum effortlessly.  相似文献   

Academic studies concerning how climate influences Asian heritage are rare. The object of this study was to utilize the concept of heritage climatology together with a spatial analysis approach that includes respective climate parameter risks to cultural heritage sites. The study area, Tainan City, Taiwan, is in a subtropical zone south of the Tropic of Cancer. Tainan has nearly 300 hundred years of rich history and a multicultural background. This study used maps to gain information about potential climactic threats to Tainan's cultural-historical legacy. There are four kinds of map that use ArcGIS to analyse and demarcate regions not only by climate parameters but also by risk to heritage. These four types of map are climate maps, heritage climate maps, heritage maps and heritage risk maps. Climate maps give the short- to medium-term general status of the climate in Tainan City and thus served as the foundation of the other maps used in this study. Heritage climate maps give data concerning index factors that influence wood and stone materials. Heritage maps show locations of cultural heritage sites on an administrative map and categorize them according to their historic value. Heritage risk maps use accumulated calculations to superimpose the heritage climate map onto the heritage map in order to evaluate the risks to heritage sites in certain areas and categorize the levels of risk. Heritage sites in mountainous areas generally need to be protected from heavy rain, whereas downtown city environments, due to the urban heat island effect, require better protection against heat and cracking. By comparison of our field study results and climate risk maps, we found that in urban areas wooden materials have a higher risk of structural cracking, colour fading and bio-degradation, while coastal areas have a higher risk of weathering of stone materials.  相似文献   

The analysis of environmental risk in historical cities facilitates the development of conservation strategies that can minimize the deterioration of historical heritage sites. Risk maps built with GIS software provide information about the probability of the main hazards in a region, and is a very useful tool to identify, evaluate and prioritize the restoration budget of a city in order to manage preventive conservation. In this paper, new methodologies are applied based on the vulnerability matrix and its relationship with static and structural factors, climate conditions, air quality and social agents. This technique has some obvious advantages in the application of risk analysis for cultural heritage conservation, such as the capability of simultaneous risk assessment and geographical references. The vulnerability study implies an on-site diagnosis analysis and requires an adapted protocol for archaeological heritage. The validation of this methodology was carried out in the historical town of Merida (Spain) with a GIS application (ArcGIS software), where the main monuments of this UNESCO World Heritage site were studied.  相似文献   

褚斌杰先生对中国古代文学研究的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京大学教授褚斌杰先生1933年生于北京,曾先后在齐鲁大学、燕京大学学习,1954年毕业于北京大学中文系,留校任教。1958年至1979年,曾任中华书局哲学及文学编辑室编辑,1979年重新调回北京大学,2006年11月在北京不幸去世。褚斌杰先生是著名学者、文学史家、教育家,一生致力于中国  相似文献   

This paper combines the travel cost method (TCM) with contingent behavior questions to estimate domestic visitors’ use values for cultural heritage sites in Armenia, a transition economy in which conservation of cultural monuments is hampered by limited resources. Respondents intercepted at four cultural monuments provided information on their visitation patterns, experience at the site, perception of the state of conservation of the monuments, and rating of the quality of the services and infrastructure. We combine actual trips with stated trips under hypothetical programs that would enhance the conservation of the monuments and improve one of (i) the cultural experience at the site, (ii) the quality of the infrastructure, or (iii) the quality of the services, and use the combined actual and stated trips to fit a panel data model. Our study is one of the few applications of the TCM to value cultural heritage sites. Our investigation shows that (i) significant use values are associated with the four study monuments, and (ii) conservation programs and initiatives that improve the cultural experience, or simply make it easier for the respondent to reach and spend time at the monument, are valued by domestic visitors and would encourage higher visitation rates. Actual and intended trips reported by the respondents exhibit good construct validity, in the sense that they are well predicted by price, location, hypothetical scenario and other individual characteristics of the respondents.
Anna AlberiniEmail: Phone: +1-301-4051267Fax: +1-301-3149091

Anti-graffiti protection is becoming a common practice in many urban buildings, especially in areas of social decay. When Cultural Heritage objects are affected by graffiti, the application of anti-graffiti products can result not only in an unsatisfactory result but also in an irreversible damage of an invaluable cost. The materials commonly found in these constructions are very frequently porous and present different types of decay forms. For this reason, the protection of these materials should be carefully considered. This paper proposes a criterion to decide on the suitability and durability of an anti-graffiti product prior to its application in a porous surface of a protected building. Performance classifications are defined for a series of properties including colour and gloss, and hydric and durability properties, and minimum acceptable values or reductions in these properties are recommended.  相似文献   

Many cities are trying to attract tourists by investing in urban amenities. Cultural heritage is an important example, and substantial investments are needed to keep ancient inner cities and characteristic monumental buildings in good shape. The costs of these policies are usually clear, and the benefits are often much more difficult to assess. This paper attempts to fill part of this gap by studying the destination choices of urban recreation trips that have urban recreation as the main travel motive. We estimate a discrete choice model for destination choice that takes into account the potential importance of unobserved characteristics. The model allows us to compute the marginal willingness-to-travel for destinations offering more cultural heritage, which we measure as the area of the inner city that has a protected status because of the cultural heritage that is present there.  相似文献   

The cultural content of ancient sites highlights the importance of light, which is an essential tool for the correct appreciation of the historical value and memory of cultural heritage. This should be a new way to highlight significance of fragments in compliance of the surrounding, which has not the same characteristics, to signal a visual path, creating itineraries that involve the context. Light plays a very important role in creating emotion, suggestion, evocation and supporting the visitor experience. Innovative technological solutions should be designed taking into account the kind of landscape and morphological characteristics of the site. This paper presents the study of a sample of Italian and international case studies, seen in their historical, archaeological and museological aspects. The emphasis is on what should be the most effective lighting system for the monumental sites, one respecting the ruins and the authenticity of the site, while at the same time bringing out their architectural, historical and symbolic significance.  相似文献   

On many occasions, the graphic information handled by people working in the cultural heritage sector is still bidimensional. Layouts showing elevations and cross sections are the most widespread tools. However, there is an increased need for carefully detailing the complexity of valuable sites with an improved accuracy. This implies the measuring and handling of three-dimensional data, using both commercial and turn-key hardware and software solutions. Taking the usual traditional process as a reference, in the present paper a new effective methodology for carrying out computer assisted delineation of layouts from cultural heritage sites, using 3D digital models, is described. The proposed procedure has been tested in five intervention projects on representative churches within the “Merindad de Aguilar de Campoo” medieval area, in the north of Spain.1 This area has the largest collection of Romanesque art in the world, and is currently under European Heritage Site and World Heritage Site declaration process by the UNESCO.  相似文献   

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