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Several climate parameters affect the growth of organisms and, hence, their capacity to accumulate biomass. In the present research, we analyse the influence of two parameters, temperature and precipitation, on biomass accumulation on stone substrate, and propose a function to estimate it in temperate areas. The expression is subsequently used for the first time to evaluate the impact that climate change would have in biomass accumulation in Europe. The models on climate change predict an increase in temperature and precipitation in northern areas of Europe for the far future (2070–2099), which would lead to a higher accumulation of biomass. Otherwise, a significant reduction in precipitation is expected in southern areas of Europe, associated with a lower biomass accumulation in such areas.  相似文献   

This study presents characterizations of weathering forms of the same oolitic limestone from four quarries and eight monuments exposed on various environmental conditions focusing on the waterproofing effect of endolithic organic matter. Patinas were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), capillarity coefficient through weathered and unweathered sides, gypsum content and porous network morphology by epoxy resin molding. Study of weathering forms on old quarries indicates that lichens colonization (Verrucaria nigrescens and Caloplaca aurantia) can fill the superficial porous network with a dense network of lichenised fungal hyphae. Capillary coefficient measurement on natural and calcinated samples showed that endolithic organic matter can waterproof the stone and could act as a sulfate contamination barrier. Similar endolithic organic layer due to ancient lichens growth are found on some antique monuments of the Nîmes downtown and could explain their well-preserved state, unlike decayed 19th century churches that were never colonized by lichens.  相似文献   

During restoration activities, a fungal reddish area was noted on a gilded wood carved ceiling decoration from a sacristy of a church in Aveiro, Portugal. The protocols used to identify the fungal community present in this wooden material included the classical culturing methods and a molecular biology protocol based on the ability of denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) to separate fungal DNA from several species. This last method complemented the results obtained with the traditional culturing method approach and the overall study revealed three fungal species: Serpula lacrymans (Wulfen) P. Karsten, Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson and Penicillium chrysogenum Thom. This is, to the author's knowledge, the first documented case of S. lacrymans in Portuguese built cultural heritage. Despite the antifungal solution applied and the dryer environment recommended, the water activity (Aw) levels recorded on location are still dangerously high and may allow fungal regrowth. Periodic inspections were advised.  相似文献   


The brownish spots known as foxing, commonly found on old paper artefacts contain sometimes structures, which look like filamentous fungi. Attempts to grow these structures in vitro have been always unsuccessful so far. In order to study the role of these biological elements in paper decay, it is essential to identify them. This study is aimed at the identification of isolates from these brownish areas by culture-independent approaches using molecular biology techniques. The two Internal Transcribed Spacers and the 5.8 S gene (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) from the nuclear ribosomal DNA were amplified, cloned and sequenced. Following a preliminary treatment with cellulase from Trichoderma reesei, DNA extractions were successfully achieved directly from paper samples. From 22 selected stained spots from a book dating from the 19th century, 8 extracts of genomic DNA were entirely analysed, which yielded 145 sequenced clones. No DNA could be sampled in unstained areas. Multiple alignment of the ITS sequences and comparison with reference sequences published in the NCBI database allowed to identify 14 groups of fungi belonging mainly to the following genera: Aspergillus, Bjerkandera, Chaetomium, Gloeotinia, Penicillium, Polyporus, Saccharicola, Trichoderma and Ulocladium. Some of these fungi are cellulolytic species but are not commonly found as indoor contaminant in storage rooms of graphic documents. The majority of the foxing spots exhibited sequences identified as Penicillium minioluteum. Gloeotinia temulenta occurred also frequently. Few isolates such as Aspergillus japonicus, Aspergillus oryzae, Chaetomium globosum, Penicillium citrinum, Trichoderma citrinoviride, Ulocladium chartarum and Ulocladium cucurbitae were present in only 1 or 2 clones. One of the foxing spots produced only one type of sequence similar to both Cordyceps sinensis and Fusarium lateritium, which have identical sequences in this rDNA region. This molecular approach, simple and rapid, could provide additional data for further discussion on the origin of the phenomenon of biological foxing.  相似文献   

易经的形成与华夏民族人文思想的起源互为关联.新石器时期的彩陶图案不仅纹样精美、色彩妍丽,而且还蕴含着易经八卦的构成原理与法则.易经及彩陶图案对华夏民族的思维形式与审美意识产生了重要的影响.  相似文献   

本文根据英国循道公会在澳门的信函档案 ,分析条理了英国循道公会传教士们 ,尤其是俾士牧师早期在澳门期间的传教情况、教会内部事务以及当时的传教环境等问题 ,补充了在香港开埠后澳门基督新教活动的新材料 ,同时指出了澳门在循道公会早期对华传播中的重要地位。  相似文献   

论谢冰莹前期散文的特色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢冰莹的前期散文给我们提供了一些独特的东西,那就是真实地反映时代的某些侧面,体现出鲜明的个性色彩,具有醇真自然的艺术风格.本文特进行论述.  相似文献   

古希腊、古中国、古印度:人类早期文明的三种路径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为人类早期文明的三种不同形态,我们可以在古希腊、古中国、古印度所信奉的"图腾崇拜"这一自然与血缘的神秘统一中发现其共同具有的人类学前提.然而,不尽相同的社会历史背景又使得这一共同前提在上述三大区域内得到了不同的利用、发挥和处理.在"古典的古代"这一海洋文明的基础上,希腊人抑制了"图腾崇拜"中的血缘因素,而将其中的自然因素神秘化,从而导致了西方式的宗教文化;在"亚细亚的古代"这一黄河文明的条件下,中国人抑制了"图腾崇拜"中的自然因素,而将其中的血缘因素世俗化,从而导致了儒家式的伦理文化;而在"雅利安人入侵"这一特殊的文明变故中,印度人同时利用了"图腾崇拜"中的两大因素一方面将其自然的成分神秘化,一方面将其血缘的因素宗教化,从而形成了印度特有的种姓制度.正是这种不同的文明路径,使得西方、中国、印度在其后漫长的民族心理和社会结构上出现了截然不同的文化表征.  相似文献   

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) can be used to realize transparent self-cleaning coatings on stone surfaces as an active and preventive protection system, limiting cleaning and maintenance actions, reducing their costs in Architectural Heritage. This self-cleaning ability is due to photo-induced hydrophilicity on treated surfaces. The aim of this investigation is to analyze this effect, since it could bring to a greater water absorption, a potential source of damage for stone surfaces. Titania sol, obtained by sol-gel and hydrothermal processes, was deposited on travertine by spray coating, in two different ways. Water absorption by capillarity, static contact angle and a specific surface water absorption analysis were assessed before and after the TiO2 treatments. The effects of deposited amount of titania on the characteristics of treated surfaces were evaluated. It was shown that there were no evident changes in the substrate reactivity without ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, while it seems that hydrophilicity due to UV light does not lead to higher water absorption, thus encouraging the use of TiO2 coatings in the field of Architectural Heritage. However, before widely applying this conservative treatment, some further researches are recommended in order to better assess its durability and sustainability.  相似文献   

Zinc oxide nanoparticles were prepared and used for surface treatment of oil paintings painted on paper supports. The prepared coating mixture containing 2% of ZnO nanoparticles showed excellent transparency. The effect of coating on protecting the paper support and paintings against microbial attack by Trichoderma reesei and Aspergillus niger, dirt accumulation, and UV aging was studied. Coatings containing ZnO nanoparticles enhanced the durability of linseed oil-based paintings toward UV aging regarding the change in color. Coatings containing ZnO nanoparticles improved resistance to microbial attack when subjected to inoculums containing T. reesei or A. niger fungi. In addition, coatings containing ZnO nanoparticles reduced accumulation of dirt on oil paintings when left in open air for 6 months; cleaning of paintings was quite easy compared to the non-coated paintings or those coated with the varnish without ZnO nanoparticles.  相似文献   

The use of phase change materials (PCMs) in civil buildings as an effective thermal energy storage solution has been well documented in literature and proven in the field. When applied to Cultural Heritage, PCMs’ technology needs to be adapted to specific requirements. Besides the important objectives of economic return and human comfort, the indoor microclimatic conditions have to be suitable for conservation purposes. The application of PCMs’ technology to Cultural Heritage has been investigated within the European MESSIB (Multi-source Energy Storage System Integrated in Buildings) project. Firstly, several methodologies of incorporation of PCMs in different materials were studied and tested. The thermal properties of gypsum panels and silicon coatings incorporating micro-encapsulated PCMs in the form of powder and emulsion were analysed in the laboratory. Then, PCMs incorporated in gypsum panels in contact with a wooden panel were tested and their effect on the thermal behaviour of the wooden panel was evaluated under thermal cycles in a climatic chamber. PCMs incorporated in silicon coatings in contact with a painting were also tested. Moreover, gypsum panels containing PCMs were tested in the S. Croce Museum in Florence, Italy, where the microclimatic monitoring has shown thermal conditions potentially dangerous for the works of art preserved. The research performed both in the laboratory and on the field confirmed the effectiveness of the PCMs as thermal storage solutions, but also gave evidence on an important drawback when the material incorporating PCMs is in direct contact with an object of art.  相似文献   

Almost all defects of earthen buildings such as roughening, erosion, volume reduction, cracking as well as crazing, etc., have been witnessed in the ancient city of Jiaohe, an earthen architectural heritage in northwest China. In this paper, their long-term durability and deterioration due to prolonged exposure to environmental factors were studied, based on the basis of field investigation and laboratory analysis. The results indicated that the deterioration of building materials should be attributed to their basic properties, including density, particle size distribution, soluble salts, mineral, mechanical strength, etc., and interaction with environmental factors. And then, four main deterioration modes can be identified, namely: wind-related deterioration, water-related deterioration, temperature-related deterioration and chemical related deterioration. It can be concluded that the greatest deterioration was wind-related deterioration on west-north facing façades, and chemical related deterioration on the surface of building materials.  相似文献   

The need to preserve cultural heritage on paper requires the setting up of methods and treatments that can be applied to original documents. The cellulose main degradation processes are hydrolysis and oxidation. Only the first one has been widely investigated. The Istituto Centrale per la Patologia del Libro (ICPL) focused its attention on oxidation phenomena and studied a particular class of reducing agents, namely the borane-amine complexes. During the investigation it was found that the borane tert-butylamine complex, besides being the most promising reducing agent, was also able to react with carboxylic functions. In the present study 1H and 13C NMR, Pulsed field gradient NMR spectroscopy as well as Raman spectroscopy were used as analytical tools to disclose the mechanism of the interaction between the borane tert-butylamine complex and the carboxylic functions. Given the complexity of the paper/environment interactions and the subsequent degradation phenomena, we worked on simplified models based on small carbohydrate molecules in order to reproduce the behavior of degraded paper after reductive restoration. Modified D-glucose and D-cellobiose were used in this first step in order to set up the analytical methods before approaching more complex systems such as microcrystalline cellulose and paper. Our results give the experimental evidence that borane tert-butylamine complex is also able to neutralize acidic functions. This finding has important perspectives in paper restoration.  相似文献   

Salt crystallization in porous materials constitutes one of the most frequent causes of decay of buildings in a wide range of environments. Up to now no definitive solution exists to limit salt crystallization damage, unless of removing either the salt or the moisture. The possibility of making the process of salt crystallization less harmful by means of crystallization inhibitors has only recently been considered. Crystallization inhibitors are known to delay nucleation and to modify the growth rate of the crystals in bulk solution, but their possible application for the prevention of salt decay in porous material is still controversial.The present paper reports a series of systematic investigations performed on three different materials (a limestone, a sandstone and a brick) contaminated with two types of salt (sodium chloride and sodium sulphate) and two types of inhibitors (sodium-ferrocyanide and diethylenetriaminepentakis methylphosphonic acid). Drying experiments have been performed to study the effect of the inhibitors on the salt solution transport. Accelerated crystallization experiments have investigated the possible consequences of the application of the inhibitor on salt crystallization damage (quantified as material loss).Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) has been used to study how the presence of inhibitors affects the crystallization morphology of salt in the material.The results show that the effect of the inhibitor strongly depends on the type of substrate. NaFeC, when applied on NaCl contaminated limestone and brick was able to enhance the drying and to favour the appearance of efflorescences, whereas the effect on the sandstone was very limited. DTPMP enhanced the drying of Na2SO4 laden sandstone, but had no influence on the drying of both brick and limestone. These different have been attributed to the properties of the materials, in particular pore size distribution and composition.The effects of the inhibitor on salt crystallization damage were less evident: no differences in surface damage, quantified as material loss, were observed between specimens with and without inhibitor.  相似文献   

国学大师章太炎出生于浙江余杭县一个书香门第,从小养成良好的读书习惯,专心致志,旁若无人。有一天,章太炎在天井一读几个小时,嫂子怕他着凉,唤他进屋加衣,唤了许久,他才抱着书本进屋加了件衣服,又回到天井继续读书。他没有看清加的竟是嫂子的一件花衣,把大家逗得捧腹大笑,他还不知道是怎么回事。  相似文献   

Micro-Raman is a spectroscopic technique that allows the identification of painting materials even if finely grained and mixed with others, dispersed in a binder or layered on surfaces. It is used for non-destructive, in situ measurements and it is suitable for selective studies on inhomogeneous materials or surface investigations. Some examples are described of the use of this technique in the field of art conservation and diagnostics, with regard to pigments, dyes and some products of metal alteration. Raman spectra obtained on standard painting materials were arranged in a database and published on the Web.  相似文献   

The problem of environmental monitoring aimed at identifying and evaluating the weathering mechanisms affecting historical stoneworks is here discussed and a methodology based on the use of already available, long record, urban-scale environmental data is proposed. An example of its application to the Cathedral of Modena (Italy, XII-XIV century, included in the UNESCO's World Heritage List) is then presented. In this case, the methodology allowed the identification of the main degradation causes, which found significant confirmation by material diagnostics on the available samples and finite element structural modelling. Thanks to the decay causes identification allowed by the proposed methodology, more effective restoration procedures can be outlined.  相似文献   

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