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囊括罗马全部奖项今年1月初,意大利第21届罗马金色马戏节在罗马进行决赛。参加角逐的有中国、意大利、俄罗斯、朝鲜、荷兰、法国等国家的杂技英豪,可谓强手林立。浙江杂技团的《扛人蹬伞--苏堤春晓》登场了。只见娇小玲珑的小女孩王玉婕在英俊强健的男演员马超脚上不断地变换着姿势,而王玉婕手上、脚上的五把红艳艳的彩伞,忽儿像荷花映日,忽儿像彩球飘飞。这些飘飞旋转的伞,不管被她如何蹬来蹬去,总是吸附在她的脚上。惊险的技巧融化在典雅美妙的境界之中,顿时把观众带进如梦如幻的苏堤春晓美景里。  相似文献   

The vaults of the Saint Peter basilica in Vatican (Rome) are decorated with mosaics whose realisation is dated to the end of the 16th century. The mortar layers beneath the mosaics are realised with the so-called “Roman stucco”, a kind of mastic specifically employed as a binder in the mosaic's supporting layers. Its empirical recipe was known and reported by 18th century authors, accounting for the use of lime, travertine powder added to a mixture of herbs and linseed oil. A recent restoration of the mosaics has allowed to characterise the mortars from a compositional point of view by individuating the inorganic mineralogical fraction and by chemically characterising the organic components. The study of stucco samples has been performed through polarising microscope observations, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses, thermal analyses (TA) (thermodifferential-DTA and termogravimetric-TGA analysis), Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, pyrolysis-gascromatography (PY-GC)–mass spectrometry. The analyses have allowed to distinguish between original stucco, produced and utilized at the same time of the realisation of the mosaics, and other mortars, presumably employed in later times during restoration interventions. The outcomes of the mineralogical investigation and TA indicate the presence of four different types of stuccos, here considered as four characteristic groups. The mineralogical analyses indicate that all the samples are constituted of two main phases: calcite and vaterite and the TA, beyond the quantification of the calcium carbonate content, have shown the presence of organic components in the stucco. The organic fraction was characterised by PY-GC–mass spectrometry, confirming the presence of the linseed oil cited in the ancient recipes. The very interesting outcome of this study is the occurrence of the rare calcium carbonate polymorph vaterite. The ATR-FTIR spectroscopy on the stucco gives further contribution to a better understanding of the FTIR spectrum of the rare mineral and an explanation of its formation is tentatively given.  相似文献   

Non-invasive documentation of historic façades with fluorescence lidar techniques can provide helpful information for the cultural heritage sector, especially when large areas outdoors are to be examined. This paper presents a case study of the Coliseum, Rome, where both cleaned and heavily soiled areas of the monument were scanned and analysed with two fluorescence lidar systems. Biodeterioration processes were also addressed during the experiment, with the aim of assessing the colonisation extent on selected areas of the monument. Results show the usefulness of a mobile fluorescence lidar system for documentation and survey of large surfaces with complex conditions without limiting the public access to the monument.  相似文献   

This paper examines the experience of 25 large U.S. orchestras over a 21-year period for the presence or absence of the cost disease. Appropriate measures of input and output are discussed. Measures of productivity, compensation per worker, and unit labor costs are calculated and compared to similar measures for the manufacturing sector. The history of ticket prices and attendance is reviewed, and price and income elasticities of demand are estimated. The relationship between all these variables is explored, and some policy recommendations are offered.The author is grateful to Professor William Baumol and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. She also wishes to thank Heather Dinwiddie and Dan Patterson of the American Symphony Orchestra League for making the orchestra data available. Support for this project was provided by a grant-in-aid of research from Indiana University Southeast.  相似文献   

本文通过对<仪礼>乐制顺应礼仪主体和主题的论述,通过对变异乐礼文字的比较解读,解析礼乐仪节蕴藏的调理人性、和乐君臣情感、维系社会稳定的调节功能,揭示以乐师、乐器为载体的礼乐文化所负载的鲜明的刚性等级秩序,以及乐礼在具体使用过程中灵活变通的柔性原则和人文关怀的和谐理念.  相似文献   

自庆历、熙丰以后,宋代“《文选》学”由兴盛走向衰落,其衰落的原因很复杂,是合力作用的结果。其中,政治运动、文学思潮、新旧党争、科举制度、宋代理学、统治者的好恶、文学家政治家的个人力量、文章选本、审美风尚等均参与其中并发挥着不同程度的作用。  相似文献   

The technological shift of museums is extensively documented, even if research on the impact of technologies on cultural practices and social patterns at large is still lacking. As part of a research programme conducted by the Louvre and HEC Paris, the article proposes a conceptual analysis of ‘real’ (visiting the museum) and ‘virtual’ (visiting its website) experiences of museums. It contributes to the understanding of whether the two experiences are substitutes or complements using a newly created measurement scale. In addition, the article also aims at enriching the contemporary discussion on the artworks’ aura and the authenticity of the cultural experience in the digital age.  相似文献   

儒学复兴与西汉官僚的政治操守   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西汉盛世来临,在很多方面都表现出了与过去的差别,但核心价值是儒学的复兴。西汉盛世的儒学之士信奉孔子思想,都是有坚守的理想主义者,如辕固生固然是其中代表,而儒学复兴最有力的倡导者董仲舒更是揭示了君权应该以为人民服务为根本的政治宗旨,以君权神授的主张实现限制君权的目的。董仲舒把自己的主张运用在政治操守之中,成为西汉儒生官僚在政治操守方面的典范。而以儒生而至大官的公孙弘、宽,以及其他众多官僚,在儒学复兴的旗帜下,他们的言论必称经典,反映其尊孔精神,而其行为,也大体以正直、直谏、忠世论,虽各人不免有过失过错,但大节不失。他们基本合于圣人对儒生的要求,其政治主张也更多体现爱民忠君之精神。  相似文献   

清末民初的启蒙运动系一种"前启蒙主义"思潮,表现出过渡性的思想特质.它所凭藉和倚重的逻辑基点在于极力强调信仰-情感解放的决定性作用,在其背后暗涌着一股非理性主义哲学思潮,即作为对儒学"天命"观的反动,它将意志视为历史发展的根本动因."前启蒙"思想探索与情感趋向的深层潜隐着更为深刻的逻辑悖论,即对价值理性与工具理性的"误读"与二者之间内涵的互换转移.这也是一种抽象化的形式逻辑与实质内涵的矛盾.  相似文献   

文章认为秦兵马俑的主要审美特征:一是逼真写实,二是深沉雄大.由此又进一步分析指出这种美学精神,一方面是周代史书纪事求实及<诗经>崇质尚真审美观念的承传和弘扬,一方面也是"秦王扫六合,虎视何雄哉"时代精神的充分体现.它是秦代审美文化独特的伟大制造,在中华审美文化史上具有空前的独一无二的地位和价值.  相似文献   

唐传奇表现的士人心态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传奇虽有集史才、诗笔、议论于一身的长处 ,在唐代可以作为士人进行温卷、行卷的文学样式 ,但它没有被列入科举考试的项目 ,而是被正统文坛目为稗史或游戏笔墨。然而 ,正是在这种被人认为是游戏笔墨的非经典性文体中 ,士人们才不像在诗文文体中敛起庄重的面目 ,而是高度放松由伦理束缚而产生的紧张 ,随心所欲地透露出自己隐微的心曲和细秘的情感。唐代戏剧还没有成熟 ,而小说——传奇刚刚趋于成熟 ,对人物和生活琐事的描绘比诗歌这种经典文体要随意和具体入微。要探讨唐代士人种种微妙的心态 ,到传奇领域去跋涉和寻找最为合适。一科举制度特…  相似文献   

"生生之谓易"--试论《易传》"天人合一"论生态整体观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一现代西方生态哲学的兴起及其向古老的东方文明寻求支持精神的建构取向,引发了海内外学界重估传统的思潮,传统的“天人合一”由此受到前所未有的高度关注。杜维明先生曾提到,新儒家学者钱穆、唐君毅、冯友兰都认为“儒家传统为全人类作出的最有意义的贡献是‘天人合一’的观念”,在他看来,这标志着新儒家人文主义的“生态转向”。①蒙培元先生进而指出,“中国哲学的基本问题是‘究天人之际’的问题,而中国哲学的基本理念是‘天人合一论’”。②在这个意义上,“中国哲学是深层生态学”③。这些思考对挖掘中国传统思想的生态哲学资源、发扬其…  相似文献   

左翼新诗是汉语现代化过程的重要收获之一。1928-1937年,近十年的左翼文艺在阶级论和工具论的语言观指导下,对汉语现代化方案提出了新的要求,并以讨论、辨析的方式有组织地进行预设。左翼新诗是其语言观在新诗领域的实践,是汉语现代化的言语行为,但是一次并不成功的汉语现代化实践。  相似文献   

清代初中期西学影响经学问题研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明末清初传入中国的西学对于清代初中期经学产生了怎样的影响,这是一个自晚清迄今,一直受到众多学者关注的重要历史问题。西学是否影响经学?其影响主要体现在哪些层面以及达到了何种程度,这些问题皆成为了该专题研究的热点和焦点。上个世纪八十年代以后,在诸多学者的努力下,伴随着研究视域和方法的不断创新,相关研究取得了很大进展。本文即尝试着对近百年来学界有关这一问题的研究进行系统梳理,对不同阶段的研究特点进行概括并就其中主要研究成果做出述评。  相似文献   

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