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International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - What are the major changes that characterise the emerging post-industrial society? More specifically, what are the changes in the...  相似文献   

The relationship between preparation and career commitment is explored by studying the degree to which counseling personnel actively involve themselves as school counselors after training. If counselor education programs are truly concerned with preparing professionals for a career, then long-term involvement is an important criterion reflecting the success of counselors and their prior preparation. Results from a study tracing 406 graduates from 20 NDEA institutes six years after training showed that only 45 percent immediately entered and remained in counseling for six years. The existence of a teacher-counselor-administrator promotion ladder is presented as being a major source of loss from the ranks of school counseling. A related finding showed non-entry to counseling to be caused by a return to classroom teaching after counseling preparation.  相似文献   

职业生涯教育应关注人的生涯发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业生涯教育是后工业化社会职业指导发展的必然趋势。职业生涯理论经历了人一职匹配和生涯发展两个不同的历史阶段。生涯发展思想认为个体职业发展是一个与人的身心发展相一致的过程。在这一思想背景下,职业生涯教育应该在生涯意识教育、生涯成长支持与辅导等方面进一步拓展工作。  相似文献   

The career development of students, demonstrated by students performing appropriate career developmental tasks, is important to institutions of higher education because career developed students are more likely to have career objectives, persist in their academic goals, gain career-related work experience, find employment in their chosen fields, and graduate. The purpose of this study was to determine if the career development of students by class level had been enhanced by participation in a career management plan specifically prepared for undergraduates. The intervention of a career management plan (i.e., the Career Success Club) was successful, especially for seniors and middles, in enhancing the career development of undergraduates. Career management plans may help students that are academically undecided to become more connected to their majors by focusing more on academic and career matters.  相似文献   

在强调“能力本位”、突出职业能力培养的办学背景下,不少高职院校和老师步入了“技术至上”、“技能决定论”的误区。如何基于学生职业发展,贴近学生职业生涯,构建“双轮驱动”的高职素质教育课程体系,培养学生的人文精神和职业素养,提高高职人才培养质量,促进学生的可持续发展,是高职院校必须解决的一项紧迫课题。  相似文献   

"就业自救"是解决大学毕业生就业问题的一个新观念,开展生涯发展教育是帮助大学生提高"就业自救"能力的有效方式。文章从解决大学毕业生就业问题入手,对大学生"就业自救"与生涯发展教育进行了思考。  相似文献   

A national longitudinal database (NELS: 88-94, 1996) was used to examine the occupational aspiration patterns, vocational preparation, and work-related experiences of adolescents who were either work-bound or college-bound two years after their initial transition from high school to work or postsecondary education. Adolescents' career choice and behavior patterns were analyzed at two separate points. Grades 8 and 10 achievement profiles of work- and unemployment-bound youths were similar; both groups had significantly lower achievement scores than college-bound youths. Socioeconomic status (SES) had considerable influence on determining both occupational aspirations and postsecondary transition status. Two-thirds of all young adults who were work-bound or unemployed/out of the work force were in the lowest two SES groups. Adolescents in the highest SES were four times more likely to be college-bound. Educational aspiration was a more accurate predictor of postsecondary status than occupational aspiration. Work-bound youths did not engage in higher levels of school-based work preparation than college-bound peers. Occupational aspirations of college-bound youth were relatively stable over the two-year period (from Grade 8 to 10), while those of noncollege-bound youths were more volatile. The prestige levels of occupational aspirations, for all youth, were relatively established by early adolescence and did not change significantly over time.  相似文献   

经营大学办好教育--依托名校办分校的办学实践研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依循着“经营大学,办好教育”的理念,华中科技大学武昌分校初期的办学实践,主要集中解决好三个问题:抓住机遇加快发展,充实内涵打造优质教育品牌;在大众化教育中找准自己的办学定位,积极探索“因材施教、宽进严出”的培养模式;构建和完善新机制新模式下办学的内部管理体制。  相似文献   

近年来,中国高校的生涯教育逐渐从单纯的就业指导转变为职业生涯规划。随着职业理论的发展和引入,职业教学课程的指导理论不完善之处逐渐凸显。社会认知职业理论关注个体的主观能动性及其生涯发展过程中的动态变化过程,突破了原有理论的弊端。本研究介绍社会认知职业理论的基本内容及其三个主要模型,从兴趣培养、自我效能的提高、生涯社会支持和个人背景四个角度提出对生涯教育的切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

Currently there is a need for more concerted attention to career development in corrections settings. Limited research has demonstrated that comprehensive programming focusing on career development issues is a method by which recidivism rates may be reduced. The current literature review explains and clarifies the need for such programming in prison settings and provides practical programming considerations for professionals interested in this area. Current programs targeting career issues are described in addition to an explanation of the limited history of career programming in corrections. Also included are potential resources and recommendations for practitioners.  相似文献   

Within the framework of Social Cognitive Career (SCCT; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994, 2000), this study examined the associations among career interests, career efficacy expectations, gender, and perceived parent support among Native American and Caucasian middle school adolescents. Consistent with previous research, results indicated that Native American young people had greater interests in Realistic and Conventional occupations, and in occupations that typically require a high-school diploma, a trade school certificate, or 2 years of post high-school education. However, contrary to previous findings, they had as great a range of interests in and self-efficacy expectations for Investigative, Artistic, Social, and Enterprising occupations as Caucasian adolescents, and similarly high levels of interests, efficacy, and perceived parent support for careers typically requiring 4 or more years of post-high school education.  相似文献   

教师专业发展与教师的个性心理倾向有着密不可分的辨证关系,教师的个体需要、工作动机、兴趣、理想和世界观等都影响着教师的专业发展,良好的专业发展也不断激励教师的个体心理趋向合理、走向成熟。促进教师专业发展,需要对教师个性心理倾向进行外力引导和内力驱动,教育行政部门和学校领导要做教师专业发展的引导者、建议者、服务者,同时教师要成为自我认识、自我发展的实践者和开拓者。  相似文献   

教师职业生涯发展理论及其启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述教师职业发展模型及影响教师职业生涯发展的因素,探讨其对我国教师教育改革的启示。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划与发展,要做好两方面问题。一是进入职场的准备,要制订职业规划,选定择业方法,掌握面试的基本程序。二是建立合理的职业期待,挖掘自身的潜能,做有准备的人生,有意识地培养和提升自己的能力,顺应环境,抓住机遇,在职场中求得发展,实现自己的人生价值。  相似文献   

生涯管理素养是指个体管理生涯所用到的知识、技能和情感态度的综合,包含个人发展、生涯探索以及生涯构建三方面。梳理国外的生涯教育的实践样态,主要有三个方面:制定纳入学校体系的生涯课程计划、组建专兼生涯指导教师队伍、出台评估生涯教育的指标体系。这对我国生涯教育的实施有如下启示:建立生涯管理素养的框架体系,制定生涯管理素养实施的整体规划,加强对生涯指导教师的培训,完善生涯教育的评估考核标准。  相似文献   

In this article, I examine distributed scaffolding, an emerging approach in the design of supports for rich learning environments intended to help students develop disciplinary ways of knowing, doing, and communicating. Distributed scaffolding incorporates multiple forms of support that are provided through different means to address the complex and diverse learning needs that arise in such settings. I synthesize research to date to articulate three patterns of distributed scaffolding and the pedagogical considerations that they target. I introduce synergy as a pattern that has not received much attention in the past. Synergy refers to the characteristic that different components of distributed scaffolding, such as software supports and teacher coaching, address the same learning need and interact with each other to produce a robust form of support. I illustrate this pattern through classroom examples and discuss the scaffolding functions that it can fulfill. I conclude with implications for the principled design of distributed scaffolding.  相似文献   

中国高校就业指导工作因长期游离于应有的价值观念与价值取向之外,导致就业指导收效甚微。基于舒伯的职业生涯发展理论及其教育意蕴,对照西方发达国家较成熟的就业理念与操作模式,高校就业指导工作应坚持以人为本的指导思想,建立促进人的全面发展、协调发展和可持续发展的辅导理念与模式。  相似文献   

立足当代区域教育改进实践,基于发展理论,从经济社会发展背景与教育发展基本趋势的宏观视野出发,就我国区域教育改进的形态、阶段、路径演进、驱动力及目标的实现方式等建立基于规律性认识的基本发展方式模型;探求区域教育改进发生、发展的适应性、创新性、可持续性的原理性依据,从而作为区域教育实验的一般性理论假设,构成区域教育发展方式选择的原理之基,支撑区域教育设计与改进路径的基本判断.  相似文献   

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