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提出一种新的纠正CORDIC算法中模因子的方法以解决传统方法所带来的电路结构不规则、系统吞吐率降低等弊端.首先根据迭代方程之间的关系,通过推导引入一个新的迭代方程,将模因子的校正过程转化为只需要移位和加法运算即可实现的简单的迭代过程.然后分析了该算法量化误差中的舍入误差所带来的影响,并提出该误差可以通过对迭代方程中的系数进行合适取值来降低.最后对提出的算法通过Matlab建模并利用Verilog HDL语言进行RTL级编程,经过综合后在FPGA上进行了验证.仿真结果表明,与传统方法相比,在相同精度条件下使用所提方法只需要额外的一个时钟周期即可达到模校正的目的,且不需要修改基本的迭代操作.因此电路实现比较规则,同时系统吞吐率变化较小.  相似文献   

IMM算法是以混合状态系统的观点为基础,利用一个连续状态的微分方程来描述目标的运动。利用一个离散差分方程来描述目标的机动出现,从而建立更为准确的,本文对该滤波算法进行了进一步的研究,总结了该算法的性能特点,细致分析了影响该算法性能的因素.  相似文献   

本文针对含有级联译码或级联均衡译码的接收机提出了一个新的软输出维特比算法,该算法克服了传统算法中系统性能、时延和运算量之间的矛盾,在获得运算量和时延有较大下降的同时,保证了系统性能  相似文献   

为了满足实际应用中对算法速度以及能耗的需要,提出了一种优化的SHA-1算法.该算法将环展开与预处理2种方法相结合,通过在迭代过程中引入中间变量,并且对中间变量进行预先计算,使原本单线程的运算能够多线程地并行运行.这种并行性缩短了散列函数操作的关键路径,将循环周期从原来的80缩减到了41,运算速率得到了提高,运算时所需的芯片面积也得以减少,从而降低了能耗.该算法在FPGA中硬件实现时的吞吐率高达1.2 Gbit/s,时钟频率最高为91 MHz,在吞吐率与时钟频率方面取得了较好的平衡.仿真结果表明,与其他SHA-1的改进算法相比,该优化算法在没有影响经典算法安全性的基础上,获得了较高的吞吐率和较快的速率.  相似文献   

基于图象的绘制是计算机视觉和计算机图形学的一个新的很有吸引力的研究领域 ,本文提出了一种基于Leven berg -Marquardt算法的图象镶嵌方法 ,探讨了该算法及其与所处理问题的相关性 ,并对实验结果与结论进行了讨论。  相似文献   

介绍一种用于支持如光线跟踪和辐射度求解等全局光照的高效分层遮挡测试算法.它基于简单的圆锥体相交检测,可以尽早排除场景中的非相关部分和迅速找出那些落在给定物体的阴影区的多边形顶点.它已显示出是一种传统的阴影探测方法(ShadowFeeler)的有效替换算法.  相似文献   

求相量幅值的一种较精确快速算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在工业过程控制领域,经常要涉及求相量幅值的计算,如求电压的幅值、电流的幅值等。而在求相量幅值的过程中,不可避免地要遇到开平方根的问题,由于现有的智能装置的中央处理器多数都不能支持开方运算,所以常常为开方计算而花费大量的宝贵时间。现有的各种算法,往往难以做到计算精度和计算速度的统一,因此,必须找到一种既有较高计算精度又能满足计算速度要求的算法。  相似文献   

数学课程标准(实验稿)在第一学段的教学建议中是这样论述的:“由于学生的生活背景和思考角度不同,所使用的方法必然是多样的,教师应尊重学生的想法,鼓励学生独立思考,提倡计算方法的多样化。”在第二学段的教学建议中又指出;“教学中应尊重每一个学生的个别特征,允许不同的学生从不同的角度认识同题,  相似文献   

针对搜索引擎查询结果集中的相同记录出现次数的统计问题,提出了分档统计的算法。该算法在时间上比逐个字符统计频率快,能够达到O(n)的时间代价,算法还针对长字符串(字串的长度与字串的个数相差不多)进行了优化,降低了计算规模。  相似文献   

在计算机图形学领域和CAD/CAPP/CAM系统,排序算法的应用非常广泛.算法的优劣和选择将直接影响三维CAD系统的性能和稳定性.通过实验获得6种内部排序算法的实验数据,分析比较这6种排序算法的平均时间性能,为在实际应用中选择合适的排序算法提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

A novel adaptive algorithm of IIR lattice notch filter realized by all-pass filter is presented.The time-averaged estimation of cross correlation of the present instantaneous input signal and the past output signal is used to update the step-size,leading to a considerably improved convergence rate in a low SNR situation and reduced steady-state bias and MSE.The theoretical expression for steady-state bounds on the step-size is derived,and the influence factors on the stable performance of the algorithm theoretically are analyzed.A normalized power factor is then introduced to control variation of step-size in its steady-state bounds.This technique prevents divergence due to the influence of large power input signal and improves robustness.Numerical experiments are performed to demonstrate superiority of the proposed method.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等对河北省高校体育竞赛表演市场的现状进行了调查分析,找出了其存在的问题同时提出了发展对策,为促进我省高校体育竞赛表演市场的发展提供可借鉴的依据。  相似文献   

针对结构物在地震作用下的灾害评估问题,提出了一种基于刚度退化概念的框架结构整体与层间损伤指标.该指标通过结构静力弹塑性分析方法进行计算,利用塑性铰考虑结构的地震损伤.同时,根据能力谱方法建立了该损伤指标与抗震设防等级的关系.然后,将建议指标应用于2个3层钢筋混凝土框架结构,并与其他损伤指标进行了对比.结果表明:建议的损伤指标偏于安全,且对静力弹塑性分析的水平荷载模式不敏感;层间损伤指标能够清晰地反映各楼层的损伤情况,从而判断薄弱层的位置.最后,通过统计分析给出了结构不同性能水准与损伤指标的对应关系,为基于性能的框架结构抗震评估提供参考.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method based on an immune-tabu hybrid algorithm to solve the thermal unit commitment (TUC) problem in power plant optimization. The mathematical model of the TUC problem is established by analyzing the generating units in modem power plants. A novel immune-tabu hybrid algorithm is proposed to solve this complex problem. In the algorithm, the objective function of the TUC problem is considered as an antigen and the solutions are considered as antibodies, which are determined by the affinity computation. The code length of an antibody is shortened by encoding the continuous operating time, and the optimum searching speed is improved. Each feasible individual in the immune algorithm (IA) is used as the initial solution of the tabu search (TS) algorithm after certain generations of IA iteration. As examples, the proposed method has been applied to several thermal unit systems for a period of 24 h. The computation results demonstrate the good global optimum searching performance of the proposed immune-tabu hybrid algorithm. The presented algorithm can also be used to solve other optimization problems in fields such as the chemical industry and the power industry.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to verify the structure of a model of how surface approach to studying is influenced by the trait variables of motivation and metacognition and the state variables of avoidance coping and evaluation anxiety. We extended the model to include: (1) the investigation of the relative contribution of the five metacognition sub-traits; and (2) the prediction of academic examination performance while controlling for past academic examination performance. A sample of 101 university students completed prior to undertaking academic examinations of the following self-report instruments: Work Preference Inventory, Metacognitions Questionnaire 30, Revised COPE Inventory, Evaluation Anxiety Scale and Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students. Results supported the original structure of the metacognitive-motivational model of surface approach to studying in addition to showing that it predicts academic examination performance controlling for past academic examination performance. The present study confirmed some previous findings, identified new predictive relationships and offered a comprehensive model of surface approach to studying and academic examination performance controlling for past academic examination performance.  相似文献   

英语教学系统法论纲   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
英语教学法的新趋势是走向综合,然而,研究表明,只有在系统论的指导下才能做到科学地综合,取得最佳教学效果,因此,作提出一种以“系统法”命名的新英语教学法。这种教学法,与其说是一种方法,不如说是多种方法的系统组合,即动态开放体系。它由三个层次的内容组成,其第一层次是总方法或方法论,第二层次是分方法,第三层次是各种具体的技巧性方法。系统教学法不仅对我国的英语教学,而且对世界各国的非本族语教学,都有重要的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper reports a study ofthe effectiveness of an innovative approach tostaff development, the conceptual changeapproach, which attempts to change teachers'frameworks for conceptualising teaching andlearning. The evaluation investigated theprogramme at three levels: the impact on theconceptions of teaching of the participants,the resultant impact on teaching practices, andthe consequential effect on student learning.Encouraging results were obtained. Theprogramme brought about detectable conceptualchange or conceptual development in two-thirdsof the sample group. Subsequently, all the`changed' teachers received better ratings ontheir teaching practices from their students inthe following academic year while none of thosewho did not change their conceptions showedsimilar gains in student rating scores. Aresultant positive impact on their students'studying approaches was observed for half ofthe teachers who changed their conceptions.  相似文献   

The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on the combined effects of its constituents. Variation in chemical composition between batches of TCM has always been the deterring factor in achieving consistency in efficacy. The batch mixing process can significantly reduce the batch-to-batch quality variation in TCM extracts by mixing them in a well-designed proportion. However, reducing the quality variation without sacrificing too much of the production efficiency is one of the challenges. Accordingly, an innovative and practical batch mixing method aimed at providing acceptable efficiency for industrial production of TCM products is proposed in this work, which uses a minimum number of batches of extracts to meet the content limits. The important factors affecting the utilization ratio of the extracts (URE) were studied by simulations. The results have shown that URE was affected by the correlation between the contents of constituents, and URE decreased with the increase in the number of targets and the relative standard deviations of the contents. URE could be increased by increasing the number of storage tanks. The results have provided a reference for designing the batch mixing process. The proposed method has possible application value in reducing the quality variation in TCM and providing acceptable production efficiency simultaneously.  相似文献   

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