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雷顾 《学习之友》2009,(8):14-15
近年来,对于中国的高考制度,要求变。统考”、“统招”为大学自主考试、招生的呼声越来越高,其中一个重要的论据是,现在世界上许多国家实行的是大学自主考试招生制,20世纪上半叶的中国也是大学自主考试招生制,因此,现在的中国应该而且可以实行这种考试招生制度。  相似文献   

<正>大约八年前,2007年的春天,沪苏浙三省(市)的教育报刊总社在南京师大附中联合举办了第二届中国长三角校长高峰论坛,论坛主题即是"教育家办学:校长的角色、使命、成长"。三省(市)的12位校长在论坛上展开讨论。论坛结束后,《江苏教育》杂志做了一期"教育家办学"专题,我在上面写了《中国:谁更应当成为"教  相似文献   

教育家办学,是温家宝总理提出来的。据笔者所知,总理近几年围绕这个问题,讲过不下6次。  相似文献   

从自主招生的理论依据出发,分析了高校自主招生目前的现状,认为目前高校自主招生存在的主要问题是:社会对自主招生的认识和理解不够,多数高校的自主招生仍以高考成绩作为录取标准,招生过程中存在诚信方面的问题,成本过高以及自主招生存在过多硬性规定等。  相似文献   

据2008年11月10日的《新闻晨报》报道,随着清华大学、上海交通大学、中国人民大学等高校自主招生方案的陆续出台,高校“生源大战”即将打响,一些高校将陆续突破教育部“高校自主招生比例不得超过5%”规定的限制,适当扩大自主选拔考生的录取人数。  相似文献   

高校自主招生政策的试行,扩大了我国高校办学自主权,有助于高校对优秀人才的自主选择,提高办学质量。但是,自主招生政策在实施过程中也遇到不少问题,使高校自主招生的改革和发展没有达到预期的效果。文章旨在分析自主招生发展现状,并针对自主招生发展过程中出现的问题提出相关解决对策。  相似文献   

刘进 《江苏高教》2012,(1):63-65
权力寻租是当前高校自主招生面临的最大挑战.沿着寻租—高校寻租—高校自主招生寻租的逻辑思路,分析自主招生寻租发生机理,可以梳理出四种租金来源.相对于传统高考,自主招生因流程自由化、命题个体化、标准弹性化、权力分散化等特征,其选拔理念、方式、技术等由“机器”向“人”发生了转变,这种转变是寻租发生的根源.文末提出了缓解和避免高校自主招生寻租的对策.  相似文献   

高校自主招生改革11年来,在转变高校选才理念,提升生源综合素质,促进人才培养模式变革,引导基础教育改革,促进素质教育实施等方面取得了一定的成效。但也遭遇高校选拔自主权不足,不利于农村考生参与竞争,高校和考生投入成本高、效率低,招考缺乏有效监督机制等困境。未来的自主招生改革应进一步落实高校招生自主权,服务基层考生,促进教育公平,构建多元化的招生录取标准,探索高水平院校联考,促进招生管理法制化。  相似文献   

高校自主招生从2001年实施以来,受到社会各界对其公平性的质疑,针对这一问题,结合2014年高考改革带来的自主招生政策新变化,从高等教育的本质出发,阐明高等教育的内在需求,并将高校自主招生带来的不公平问题放在整个社会背景中去考虑,从而剖析造成自主招生不公平现象的深层次原因,并据此提出可供参考的解决措施。  相似文献   

提倡由懂教育的教育家办学,是因为这样的教育家才能按照教育规律办事,而不会出现反教育行为。文章立足于两个问题的思考:即何为懂教育的教育家办学?为何让懂教育的教育家办学?并在此基础上讨论真正的教育家应如何办学,旨在让“教育家办学”的理想不仅停留于表面,更要落实到行动上。  相似文献   

实现独立学院办学主体转换的途径是独立学院确立自己的办学定位,并且建设与这种定位相适应的师资队伍和人才培养体系。独立学院现阶段的办学定位是办好大众化高等教育,为社会培养和输送应用型人才。师资队伍建设的重点是增强教师的实践素养,培养和引进骨干教师组建教学团队。探索建构"大众化、应用型"人才培养体系,要认真研究和借鉴工程教育的教育理念和教育模式。  相似文献   

在教育体制进行深入改革的今天,尽管我国着力发展"面向人人"的中等职业教育,但是在各类院校招生现状的对比下,中等职业学校招生形势不容乐观,严竣的招生形势已影响到中等职业学校的生存和发展,应着力究其原因,寻求对策,这是目前迫切需要解决的现实问题。  相似文献   

在中外合作办学项目实践中,应突出“能力本位”的教学特点,坚持“质量第一”的人才培养理念;通过选择国外优质教育资源,规范运行管理,强化教学管理,确保教学质量;加强学生管理,提高综合素质;突出办学特色,以推进学校教育教学改革和创新。  相似文献   

Malawi was the first country after the Jomtien conference to offer free primary education. Despite this policy, universal education has remained elusive. Many children do enroll in school, but not at the official/recommended age and drop out before completing school. Understanding these transition points – entry and completion – is critical to the achievement of universal education. This paper focuses on one of these transition points – entry. Since households determine the timing and duration of schooling, this study examines 3290 households to explore the characteristics associated with delayed school enrollment. The study finds that the survival of the mother, female headship, and the head's level of education, are associated with a lower probability of delayed enrollment.  相似文献   

校企联合办学的实施策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“校企联合办学模式”是指职业中学与企业紧密结合,与企业接轨,根据企业的需求和学生需要进行办学的一种模式。近几年来,我校依托地方经济,与企业紧密接轨,建立校企联合办学的模式,充分发挥职业中学为当地经济服务的功能,促进学校高速发展,走出了一条校企联合办学的成功之路。 一、抓调查研究。明确校企联合办学的理念 我们在对素质教育、终身教育等理论的学习研究的同时,采用问卷调查、随机走访、座谈讨论、蹲点调查等方法  相似文献   

This paper adds to the understanding of student decisions about graduate school attendance by studying the magnitude of the effect of business cycle fluctuations on enrollment. I use data on graduate school enrollment from the Current Population Survey and statewide variation in unemployment rates across time to proxy for changes in business cycle conditions. I find that overall graduate school enrollment is countercyclical for females and acyclical for males. I show that changes in the unemployment rate have non-linear impacts on female enrollment and that poor labor market conditions lead to a substitution from full-time enrollment to part-time enrollment for both genders.  相似文献   

One of the first achievements of post-conflict Afghanistan was to bring almost 4 million children back to school. Issues remain daunting, however, with low primary enrollment especially for girls and in rural areas and very weak learning achievements. We review some key features of the education system in Afghanistan. By matching household and school data, we assess the impact of various factors on enrollment. Overall, the analysis indicates that further increasing supply alone is unlikely to lead to higher enrollment. The analysis confirms the importance of demand factors such as the education of parents, the family language, and other community and ethnic factors.  相似文献   

We estimate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on self-reported school enrollment using a sample of 16-to-18-year-old youth from the January 2010 to the December 2020 Current Population Survey (CPS). The pandemic reduced the likelihood of students reporting that they were enrolled in high school by about 1.8 percentage points in April 2020 vs. in the same month in prior years, although enrollment rebounded back to typical levels by October 2020. Adverse effects on school enrollment were magnified for older vs. younger students, males vs. females, and among adolescents without a college-educated household member vs. adolescents from more educated households. Greater school responsiveness to the pandemic and high school graduation exit exams appear to have protected students from disengaging from school.  相似文献   

How can the high school science enrollment of black students be increased? School and home counseling and classroom procedures could benefit from variables identified as predictors of science enrollment. The problem in this study was to identify a set of variables which characterize science course enrollment by black secondary students. The population consisted of a subsample of 3963 black high school seniors from The High School and Beyond 1980 Base-Year Survey. Using multiple linear regression, backward regression, and correlation analyses, the US Census regions and grades mostly As and Bs in English were found to be significant predictors of the number of science courses scheduled by black seniors.  相似文献   

We estimate the effects of three sequential reforms undertaken between 2000 and 2006 on school enrollment for poor, rural families in China. Using difference-in-difference approaches and sample children from the China Health and Nutrition Survey 2000, 2004, and 2006 waves, we find that tuition control has had a minimal effect on primary and junior high school enrollment. Furthermore, a policy that includes tuition waivers, free textbooks, and living expense subsidies starting from 2003 had a significantly positive effect on school enrollment of rural girls, but not rural boys. This gender differential effect results from the improvement in the enrollment of girls who live in poor households. Finally, the provision for tuition waive for all rural children since 2006, although having no statistically significant effect on the overall enrollment, indeed improved the enrollment of children who were less likely to have enjoyed two-waiver-one-subsidy.  相似文献   

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