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中国足球职业化改革已经进行了八年,如何尽快提高我国足球水平,缩短与足球发达国家之间的差距,一直是足球工作一生的奋斗目标,其中聘请外国高水平教练成为缩短这一差距的重要手段。本通过对近几年我国足球俱乐部聘请外教情况的深入分析,指出外教在推动我国足球发展中所起的积极作用及所存在的问题,并提出相应的对策,以供参考。  相似文献   

他山之石 可以攻玉   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
回顾建国以来,我国足坛聘请外教、引进国外先进足球理念和技术的经验,分析当前的情况,提出要在聘请外教方面克服急功近利的思想,多从长远发展考虑,做好工作。  相似文献   

充分发挥学生组织作用,进一步搞活学校体育。一九八五年十月,我校学生会体育部根据广大同学的要求,发起成立了学校“足球俱乐部一,之后,全校三十六个班都申请入了会,成为“足球俱乐部”的会员。“俱乐部”的宗旨就是组织全校的足球竞赛活动,进一步提高足球技术水平和活跃学校体育气氛。“俱乐部”设理事长一人,理事若干人,还聘请了校长任名誉理事长和聘请校团委书记、体育科组长当顾问。“俱乐部”的干部成员每学期初、期中、期末召开三次会议,分别进行计划检查、总结工作。俱乐部对每周竞赛的场地、裁判、和比赛队伍都有计划地安排好,有时还就近  相似文献   

从辽宁足球俱乐部传来消息:被辽宁重金聘请来的足球名教练苏永舜辞职了。据知情者说,苏永舜辞职的主要原因是身体状况不好,难以胜任高强度的比赛训练工作。这是继王后军、李应发之后,第三位脱离执教岗位的甲B主帅。  相似文献   

日前,北京市公安局刑侦总队举行刑侦总队足球俱乐部成立仪式,并聘请中国著名足球教练戚务生为俱乐部名誉主任,中国著名足球教练沈祥福任技术指导,中央财经  相似文献   

陆宁 《体育世界》2013,(8):18-20
在中国足球萎靡不振、国人失望愤慨、改革进入攻坚阶段的时候,广州恒大集团以一亿元买断广州足球俱乐部全部股权,开启了新一轮的名人效应和烧钱游戏,但这种高薪聘请一流球员和教练的恒大模式究竟是不是中国足球的出路,还是一个问号。不过,无论是从恒大的发展思路,还是取得的成绩来看,恒大模式对中国足球出路的探讨都有重要的意义,本文从中国足球发展历程和现在的瓶颈着手,分析恒大模式的成功原因,以及恒大模式下对中国足球出路的思考。  相似文献   

谈到中国足球徘徊几十年的原因,人们认为中国的教练水平低是一个重要因素。目前,中国足协通过聘请外籍教练执教,以寻求一条中国足球东山再起的捷径。“洋教练效应”一度在中国足坛沸沸扬扬,众说纷纭,由“洋教练”所带来的世界先进的足球技战术和先进的训练手段无疑使我们受益匪浅,但这能否使中国足球在短期内有一个飞跃,无人能做肯定的回答。中国足球要步入世界足球大舞台,需要接受当今世界最新的技战术和别人成功的经验。随着改革开放,中国球员走出去的机会日益增多,一些队员通过在国外各俱乐部的磨炼也确实带回来一些令我们耳目一新的现代足球技术,这对发展中国足球是非常有益的;同样,聘请“洋教练”执教也不失为明智之举。但我们是否考虑到让我们的教练员  相似文献   

不单单是足球项目引进洋教练,田径、拳击、击剑等运动项目,也分别聘请了俄罗斯、古巴等外国教练。  相似文献   

<正>山东省安丘市新安街道新安学校(以下简称新安学校)创建于2014年8月,是一所九年一贯制学校。学校现有48个教学班,2200余名学生,167名教师,其中15名体育教师(含4名足球专项教师),另聘请6名足球兼职教练员。学校拥有1条400m塑胶跑道,1块标准的十一人制人造草皮足球场,1个十一人制足球门,2个八人制足球门,4套足球训练跑步仪,200余个足球,各类足球设施齐全,为学校开展校园足球工作奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

从不同的层面和角度,对中国足球职业化以来,顶级俱乐部聘请外籍教练的基本情况以及外籍教练员上下课问题进行分析探讨,并对存在的问题提出看法与建议。  相似文献   

Our research examines the relationship among identity, age, gender and athleticism through a study of the association between sports clothing and the identity work of pre-adolescent female soccer players. Based on participant-observation and interviews conducted at three co-ed youth soccer camps, we find that age is an important element of identity, particularly as it intersects with the girls’ evolving understanding of femininity and engagement in athletics. While age can be credited with providing freedom in which clothing is deployed as a device for identity construction, its intersection with gender and athleticism also constrains girls’ clothing behavior.  相似文献   

This study analysed the underlying determinants of soccer club volunteers’ tendency to continue or terminate their voluntary engagement. Stable voluntary engagement was analysed in terms of volunteers’ subjective expectations regarding club-related working conditions, expressed by level of job satisfaction and orientation of collective solidarity to their soccer club. These relationships were tested empirically using an online questionnaire with 345 volunteers in a selection of 20 Swiss soccer clubs. The results indicate that the volunteers’ job satisfaction and orientation toward collective solidarity correlated positively with their volunteering commitment. The discussion presents recommendations to help both Swiss soccer clubs as well as the Swiss Soccer Association to retain their volunteers more effectively.  相似文献   


We study the developmental and professional activities engaged in by 86 female adult soccer players from the senior national teams of Australia, Canada, England, Sweden, and the United States of America. Players completed the Participation History Questionnaire (PHQ) to elicit the amount and type of activities engaged in across their developmental and professional years, including milestones, soccer-specific activity and engagement in other sport activity. Greater specialisation than diversification characterised their childhood developmental activities, including all players starting in soccer in childhood and accumulating more hours in soccer activity than other sports during this period. However, interindividual variation further characterised these childhood activities, with a proportion of players diversifying into other sports and/or soccer play to a greater or lesser degree during childhood when compared to the other players. The amount of coach-led soccer practice increased for all players across their development culminating in an average of 15–16 h/wk across a 40-week season in early adulthood. In contrast, the amount of engagement in other sports and soccer peer-led play varied between players but generally decreased across adolescence to negligible amounts in late adolescence. Findings are commensurate with the deliberate practice framework and early engagement.  相似文献   

This study explores an activist approach for co-creating a prototype pedagogical model of sport for working with boys from socially vulnerable backgrounds. This paper addresses the key features that emerged when we identified what facilitated and hindered the boys’ engagement in sport. This study was an activist research project that was conducted between July 2013 and December 2013 in a soccer program in a socially and economically disadvantaged neighborhood in Brazil. The lead author, supervised by the second author, worked with a soccer class of 17 boys between ages 13 and 15, 4 coaches, a pedagogical coordinator and a social worker. Multiple sources of data were collected, including 38 field journal/observations and audio records of: 18 youth work sessions, 16 coaches’ work sessions and 3 combined coaches and youth work sessions. In addition, the first and second author had 36 90-minute debriefing and planning sessions. By using an activist approach, three features were identified as being essential: an ethic of care, an attentiveness to the community and a community of sport. Findings suggest that it is possible to use sport as a cultural asset to benefit youth from socially vulnerable backgrounds by offering them a place where they can feel protected and dream about possible futures.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(4):466-474
The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Asian Cup is the largest soccer event on the Asian continent. Australia hosted the 2015 AFC Asian Cup which provided the nation with an opportunity to not only celebrate the sport of soccer, but also leverage the event to deliver enduring legacies. This case study examines the three key legacies of the 2015 AFC Asian Cup which were tourism, trade and investment, and multicultural engagement, and considers the leveraging strategies that were implemented to achieve the stated legacies.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that organised Association football (soccer) commenced in Australia in Sydney in 1880. This article challenges that starting point by revealing earlier games of codified soccer – not in order to establish an earlier point of origin but to challenge the very idea of origins. Recent work on football in Australia in the 1850s has begun to gather the unearthed traces of rule-bounded small-sided games brought to Australia from Britain and Ireland. Some of these were games with a strong developmental link to present day soccer in Australia. Yet the nearly disabling problem for this kind of research is that as researchers venture archivally backward in time the images become more blurred and the distinctions between codes become harder to make. Even as potential origin points become temporally closer they recede into the shadows of archival absence. The dilemma for football historians lies in the necessity of engagement with the established origins that lie at the heart of the historiography of all major sports, origins that both orient and limit debate. Present-day administrators use anniversaries of origin to generate publicity. They help to get stories rolling: ‘Once upon a time Wills or Webb Ellis or Doubleday did something so special that they got a great game started.’ Aside from often being simply incorrect, origin theses tend to nurture hegemonic narratives that by their very nature rule counter-narratives out of bounds.  相似文献   

This study examined contributions of different types of sport activities to the development of elite youth soccer performance. Match-play performance of 44 German male players was assessed by expert coaches twice, 24 months apart (age 11.1–13.1 years), based on videotaped 5v5 matches. Player pairs were matched by identical age and initial performance at t1. Each player was assigned to a group of either “Strong” or “Weak Responders” based on a higher or lower subsequent performance improvement at t2 within each pair (mean Δperformance 29% vs. 7%). A questionnaire recorded current and earlier amounts of organised practice/training and non-organised sporting play, in soccer and other sports, respectively. Group comparison revealed that “Strong Responders” accumulated more non-organised soccer play and organised practice/training in other sports, but not more organised soccer practice/training. Subsequent multivariate analyses (multiple linear regression analyses (MLR)) highlighted that higher resultant match-play performance at t2 was accounted for R2adj = 0.65 by performance at t1, together with more non-organised soccer play and organised engagement in other sports, respectively, and greater current, but less earlier volume of organised soccer. The findings suggest that variable early sporting experience facilitates subsequent soccer performance development in German elite youth footballers.  相似文献   

足球裁判工作是开展足球竞赛活动的重要组成部分,重视裁判员队伍建设是从足球运动的根本出发。随着我国足球运动的提高与发展,足球裁判员队伍的水平提出了更高要求。高校是培养人才的摇篮,如何充分利用高校教育资源优势,在足球城大连高校中探索体育教育与培养足球裁判员有机结合的教学模式,具有深远的社会意义。本文通过对大连市高校培养足球裁判员现状的调查分析,提出不足及建议,以供我国高校教学及体育工作相关领域参考。  相似文献   

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