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美国加利福尼亚圣地亚州立大学运动医学家伯克特对足球运动员和径赛运动员腿部韧带最易受伤的部位作了专门的研究。他将研究对象分成两种:一种是腿部韧带未受伤的,一种是腿部韧带受伤的运动员。伯克特让这些运动员参加了各种力量测验,得出统计数字后他归纳出:左右两边腿部韧带的力量不平衡是受伤的可能  相似文献   

一九八三年和一九八四年羽毛球赛季时,我们随意挑选了375位羽毛球专业运动员和业余运动员,对其运动损伤情况作了预测性登记,从81%的运动员身上获得了调查结果。我们发现了257例运动损伤,即一个运动员打球一千小时,受伤率为2.9次(2.9/(个)运动员/千小时)。男运动员比女运动员更常受伤。一个运动员通常要受伤0.3次。男运动员受伤率最高,不论是专业运动员还是业余运动员都存在这种情况。有92%的运动员带伤参赛。病理学研究表明,运动过量引起的损伤占74%(169/229),拉伤占12%(28/229),扭伤占11%(26/229),骨折占1.5%(3/229)。要使运动员少受伤,降低损伤的严重性,可采取措施如下:增加运动员和教练员的运动知识;发挥所有控制运动的肌肉的作用。  相似文献   

王羽 《冰雪运动》2005,(2):11-12
国外对短道速滑选手受伤害特点进行了研究,剖析了运动员易受伤的部位;指出受伤主要与比赛激烈程度和训练强度有关;介绍了运动员受伤的特点.建议我国选手在短道训练中,要加强预防伤害事故.要求运动员加强对抗性的训练,在激烈对抗训练中掌握稳定性和增强自我保护能力.  相似文献   

冯伟伟 《灌篮》2021,(2):32-32
为了通过高职增强篮球运动员的自我保护意识和自我保护能力来预防踝关节受伤,我们将主要研究运动主要运动员打篮球时踝关节受伤的原因,并提出具有针对性的预防措施。  相似文献   

本文运用问卷调查法为主要研究方法,以湖南省体操运动员运动损伤者为研究对象,探讨我省体操运动员运动损伤成因与运动场景的关系,旨在最大限度地预防运动损伤的发生。结果显示:运动场景是导致运动员运动损伤的重要原因之一;在运动损伤的运动员中,由于运动场景的原因,城与乡、一线队与二线队、男与女的受伤人数比例成显著差异。而一线队与二线队运动员因“情景回顾”受伤人数比例无明显差异。  相似文献   

研究在对运动员、教练员访谈的基础上,设计运动员受伤后心理反应问卷。在北京队和北京体育大学运动系、竞技体校10个项目、76人实施问卷调查。结果显示,运动员受伤后经常会生产以下心理反应对运动能力能否恢复到受伤前水平表示怀疑;情绪波动大、着急、易怒、沮丧;更希望能得到教练、亲人、朋友的理解和帮助。本文教练员和康复工作者将运动员心理问题的解决纳入康复计划,以求运动员尽早恢复训练。  相似文献   

通过对短道速滑运动员在比赛和训练中易造成运动损伤的项目、内容、受伤种类与地点、教练员和运动员防伤意识等几个方面进行的细致研究 ,发现 5 0 0米比赛和速度练习运动损伤发生率最高 ,且多发生在出弯道处 ,教练员和运动员防伤观念不强是导致运动员频繁受伤的关键。  相似文献   

运动损伤的心理反应与康复   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 引言 人们已越来越清楚地认识到,受伤运动员的健康恢复应包括对运动员身心两方面创伤的系统治疗。运动医学的发展已使许多受伤运动员的身体康复时间大为缩短,而运动员的心理康复往往远远落后于身体健康。本文拟就运动员受伤后的心理反应与心理康复策略初步探索。  相似文献   

武术套路训练比赛中都可能导致受伤,并且受伤部位的分布也较广泛,在诸多部位中膝关节是受伤机率最大的一个部位。膝关节损伤后,往往影响运动员的运动能力及运动成绩,甚至危害身体健康,缩短运动寿命。为此,文章查阅了大量有关武术损伤的论文,运用运动解剖学、运动生物力学的原理进行分析与研究,探讨武术套路运动员膝关节损伤的原因、机理及其特征,为教练员和运动员训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   

运动损伤对女子排球运动员训练、比赛心理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对优秀女子排球运动员进行调查 ,研究运动员受伤后的心理变化 ,使教练员能正确对待运动员的伤病 ,并在康复后正确地引导她们完成训练和比赛任务。  相似文献   

运动损伤的发生会影响运动员的运动生涯,因此损伤后的康复是决定运动员能否回归赛场的关键。在以往的康复中,以强调身体康复为主,而研究发现心理康复在损伤的康复中也起着重要作用。从介绍运动员运动损伤后的心理反应入手,着重阐述了运动损伤后的心理康复策略,以期为帮助运动员恢复训练与比赛做好心理准备  相似文献   

Although physical factors have ascended to a position of primacy in explaining and guiding treatment toward attaining sport injury rehabilitation outcomes, psychological factors may also play an important role in the rehabilitation process. This review examines correlational studies (N=26) in which significant relationships between psychological factors have been found and experimental studies (N=14) in which the effects of psychological factors on sport injury rehabilitation outcomes have been assessed. A variety of personal, cognitive, affective, and behavioral factors associated with sport injury rehabilitation outcomes have been identified and several interventions have been found effective in enhancing sport injury rehabilitation outcomes. Theoretical, empirical, and practical considerations for developing a research agenda to explicate the role of psychological factors in sport injury rehabilitation outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

高水平运动员运动损伤的心理反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方娅 《体育学刊》2004,11(2):57-60
对竞技项目运动员来说,运动损伤将产生巨大生理及心理的挑战。研究者们已经证实了运动损伤对高水平运动员所产生的一系列心理方面的影响,并且对于运动员的情感冲击提出了不同的理论模式。目前的研究中通过回顾相关运动损伤心理反应的一系列文献,力求挖掘并总结更系统的运动损伤在心理方面所受到的干扰及影响。通过这一总结又将引出更多的可探讨的问题以供将来在损伤后心理过程和整个恢复方面的研究。更重要的是能将这些所能考虑到的因素有效运用到现实的策略中,以帮助运动员更好的恢复和参与今后的比赛、训练。  相似文献   

伤病是运动员的第一号敌人,伤病不仅给运动员身体上带来疼痛,不能参加比赛,而且给他们心理上带来极大的压力,如果处理不好还会留下后遗症,病痛将伴随他的一生.所以,制定合适的康复运动处方对伤病运动员的伤病进行合理康复训练,显得尤为重要.文章就相关内容展开研究,以便为伤病运动员、教练员提供康复训练参考.  相似文献   

心理因素对运动损伤的影响探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李思民 《安徽体育科技》2000,21(1):58-60,69
通过对影响运动损伤的心理因素及运动员受伤后心理反应的分析和探讨,有针对性地提出了减少因心理因素造成运动损伤的有效措施,为教练员进行心理训练提供理论参考。  相似文献   

With increasing attention given to the development and implementation of psychological interventions during the sport injury rehabilitation process, there is a need to document the effectiveness of these interventions. The purpose of this review was to summarize the empirical findings of the effects of psychological interventions in reducing post-injury psychological consequences and improving psychological coping during the injury rehabilitation process among competitive and recreational athletes. In February 2012, utilizing a comprehensive search strategy, we conducted electronic searches of multiple electronic databases for randomized and nonrandomized control trials that evaluated interventions targeting populations of injured competitive and recreational athletes age 17 years and older. We included interventions that directly intervene on injured athletes' psychological outcomes (e.g., psychological consequences, psychological coping and re-injury anxiety) and utilized psychological strategies including imagery, goal-setting, relaxation, and other common techniques during the post-injury rehabilitation period. Six studies, described in seven peer-reviewed published articles, met study inclusion criteria and were included in this review. Of those studies, two included randomized control trials, two used before and after study designs and two were case study designs. Two interventions utilized guided imagery and relaxation, two interventions utilized goal-setting and one each utilized microcounseling, written disclosure, and acceptance and commitment therapy. Guided imagery/relaxation was shown to be associated with improved psychological coping and reduced re-injury anxiety. Goal setting, however, was not directly associated with the reduction of negative psychological consequences. Other psychological techniques such as microcounseling skills, acceptance and commitment therapy, and written disclosure have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing negative psychological consequences, improving psychological coping, and reducing re-injury anxiety. Our findings suggest a significant need to develop and implement well-designed intervention studies that target improvement of post-injury psychological outcomes in order to assist injured athletes successfully recovery from sport injury.  相似文献   

Injury in competitive sport is widely seen as a topic within the medical and psychological domain. This article gives an overview of sociological research on dealing with injury in competitive sport. Besides findings of a culture of risk, medical treatment practices and the governance of medical support systems, there are still many unanswered questions to which the sociology of sport could make a relevant contribution. Perspectives for future studies correspond with the social dynamics of injury, the structural role constraints in a medical treatment or rehabilitation context, and the governance of complex social networks for injury prevention, treatment and rehabilitation processes.  相似文献   

Health issues represent a frequent problem for athletes, as this particular demographic is repeatedly confronted with physically and psychologically stressful situations. Back pain (BP) materialises as comparatively common health problem being regarded as functionally limiting and psychologically straining burden for athletes. According to research conducted on athletes with BP, biomechanical and physiological mechanisms emerge as influential, whereas stress-related psychological factors appear to be neglected. For athletic injuries, the essential impact of psychological processes on injury occurrence and return from injury has already been corroborated. Hence, the aim of this literature review is to: (1) introduce a conceptual differentiation between injuries and BP; (2) summarise the results obtained regarding stress-related psychological aspects for injuries; and (3) connect the injury research to the state-of-the-art evidence regarding stress-related factors for BP among athletes. A distinction between injuries and BP could be established based on previous definitions, despite the fact that a considerable overlap between both concepts prevails. Injuries can be attributed to a physical origin, whereas BP frequently lacks this physical criterion. For BP, our enquiry yielded four studies including psychological measures of stress – with two studies specifically examining the association between BP and psychological stress among athletes longitudinally. Abundant findings from the general population support the importance of considering psychological and specifically stress-related factors in BP prevention and rehabilitation, but evidence related to the athletic field remains elusive. Further scientific investigations with a wider methodological approach are needed to deepen the knowledge about the crucial relationship between psychological stress, BP, and athletes.  相似文献   

许多冬季项目都具有比较高的损伤风险,如单板滑雪、高山滑雪和自由式滑雪等。如何帮助这些高风险项目的运动员应对运动损伤的挫折和康复治疗的挑战,是备战北京冬奥会面临的重要课题。研究介绍了心理保障团队如何帮助一位中国自由式滑雪空中技巧受伤运动员LGZ应对康复困难并重返国际比赛的心理康复历程。基于中国运动员心理建设系统,为LGZ的心理康复训练制订了三重目标:1)减少运动损伤的心理应激,积极参与康复治疗,尽早回归正常的训练和比赛;2)提高自我控制能力,形成良好的行为习惯,以平稳的心态参加训练和比赛;3)提升文化素养和精神境界,不断完善自我,促进终生发展。从2017年2月—2018年2月,在历时1年的心理训练中,共对其进行了5种心理干预:提供心理支持、实施表象训练、开展心理讲座、制订比赛预案和提供心理咨询;还通过心理测试来监控运动员的心理状态,并采用运动员个人评价、主管教练评价和竞技比赛表现来评估心理训练的效果。在为期1年的心理训练结束时,这名运动员逐渐克服了运动损伤所带来的焦虑,建立了伤后康复的自信,提高了自我控制的能力,并在平昌冬奥会上取得了她个人的最佳成绩,获得了冬奥会奖牌。这一案例提示我们“术道兼修”的心理训练具有一定成效,也带给我们许多反思。  相似文献   

肩袖损伤后的康复对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肩袖损伤在肩关节损伤中发病率最高,这是和肩袖本身的解剖弱点和运动特点有关。肩袖损伤康复的目的是恢复其关节的功能。要根据肩带关节的生理和生物力学的特性,进行损伤后的康复。首先,必须迅速做出完整的诊断,减轻早期疼痛,然后,训练肩胛骨的稳定性,尽早使肩关节外展至90(。采用闭合链训练方式在损伤的康复方案中非常重要。这些康复方法在临床应用中很有效。  相似文献   

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