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The article is an argument in favour of a type of national science policy in which a National Academy of Sciences is at the same time the highest ranking association of scientists and the capstone of a national organization of research institutes specialized in different fields of the sciences and the humanities. Such was the Soviet Academy of Sciences and is now the Russian Academy of Sciences, the roots of which go back to 1724. The achievements in science of the various Academy institutes are detailed, and while the author recognizes that the universities too perform research, their basic task is teaching. For him, the duality of research in the academy and teaching in the universities has given good results and should continue.  相似文献   

为了解中国科学院大学研究生毕业生的就业状况,文章基于2011—2015年中科院微生物研究所生物学一级学科的毕业研究生信息与就业情况数据,分析中科院研究生就业情况与变化趋势,并针对存在的就业问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

在我国古代礼教的夫妻关系中,女性处于卑下的从属地位。在明清女作家弹词小说中,作家们对这种夫妻关系进行了颠覆性的重构,从互相尊重、妇唱夫随、转变对“贞女”和“义夫”的态度、将夫妻关系异化为上下级关系、同情妾并反对纳妾五个方面对理想中的夫妻关系进行了描绘。这种理想的出现和形成是明清社会变革的产物,受到当时民主思想、重商思想和对夫妻关系反思思潮的影响。  相似文献   

The process of transforming the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts, founded in 1869 as a Bulgarian Learned Society, into a national research center began in 1940 and was significantly accelerated in 1944, immediately after the coup d'état of September 9, 1944, called during the last 50 years a 'socialist revolution'. Strong pressure was exerted on the Bulgarian 'bourgeois intelligentsia' by the new Fatherland Front ruling circles controlled by the communists. Closing down of the old and appointing a new 'progressive' Academy was also discussed. The urgent actions of the Executive Council of the Academy prevented these plans. A number of progressive-minded scholars and artists were elected to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts in January 1945 and July 1946, and a plan for reorganizing the Academy was approved in November 1945. This opening stage of self-restructuring of the Academy was crossed out by the Law of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences of 1947. By this law the Academy was transformed into a governmental organization, but some academic autonomy and respect for the academic traditions were preserved. Only two and a half years later, however, when the Bulgarian Communist Party had an absolute majority in the Parliament and the 'open building of socialism in the People's Republic of Bulgaria' had been already announced, a new, completely totalitarian, Law on the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences was passed.  相似文献   

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic traces its origins back through the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences to several private learned societies, one of which was founded in the Eighteenth Century, that eventually received royal (Habsburg) charters. The Academy as it exists today has been affected by the same processes of transition as the rest of Czech society. The Academy and its various institutes are subject to periodic evaluation. It must now share responsibility for research in the Czech Republic with other state organs, particularly the universities.  相似文献   

Barry R. Gross was professor of philosophy at York College of The City University of New York and held high positions in both the National and New York Associations of Scholars. Professor Gross delivered this address to the New York Academy of Sciences conference “The Flight from Science and Reason” on 31 May 1995. This address is reprinted with permission from the proceedings of that conference, published as Volume 775 of theAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

中国兵家心战思想博大精深,内蕴丰富,指涉全面,构成一个具有东方兵学特色的完备体系。古代兵家注重心战进攻,针对战场敌军将士的心理特点,主张心战为先、心战为上,达成夺其心乱其志之目的;同时也注重心战防御,强调激心励气,善于利用求生原则、同欲原则与禁疑原则以振奋士气,强化斗志。正确实施心战须着重处理好国家大战略与心战、兵战与心战、心战进攻与心战防御之间的关系,努力追求最佳的心战效应。  相似文献   

研究生教学之我见   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
培养面向国际科学前沿、面向国家战略需求的创新型人才是中国科学院研究生院开放式教学的重要任务。 本文针对中国科学院研究生的特点,结合笔者几年来地质类课程的教学实践,从教学理念、教学方式和教学效果三个方面来谈研究生教学工作的一些体会。  相似文献   

1930年10月,卢作孚在重庆北碚创建了中国西部第一个综合性科研机构——中国西部科学院,并对川康为重点的西部地区开展了一系列生物、理化、农林、地质的调查研究,取得令世人瞩目的成果。抗战爆发后,由于卢作孚和中国西部科学院的影响和鼎力帮助,一大批东部地区的科研学术机构和科学工作者内迁北碚,中国科学文化的国脉和精华得以保存和延续,北碚也因此成为大后方科技文化中心,中国西部科学院成为大后方科技事业的“诺亚方舟”而永载史册。  相似文献   

访谈从什么是未来技术、国科大为什么要率先成立未来技术学院开始,江雷院士根据自己的理念和理解,结合科学家成长的普遍规律和自身科研实践的经历,介绍了如何预判与前瞻性布局未来技术研究领域,未来技术人才需要什么核心能力和素质,并就人才培养模式创新、师资队伍遴选原则、培养平台建设等方面,用生动的语言和例子,分享了国科大未来技术学...  相似文献   

The transformation of a socialist‐type Academy of Sciences into an institution capable of functioning in a democratic market economy is described. Prior to 1989, the Slovak Academy of Sciences was the state mandated coordinator of science and technology in Slovakia and was funded directly by the state budget. Since 1990, the Academy has had to share many of its prerogatives with other authorities and institutions, as in the case of the universities in regard to doctoral programmes, or to cede them out‐right, as in the case of the Ministry of Education and Science in regard to the coordination of basic research. Its budget has been drastically cut. It has also had to contend with the introduction of a western type of grant programme and system of evaluation for its subordinate institutes, some of which have been closed. In short, the Slovak Academy of Sciences must compete in an increasingly open science market in which it must give proof both of the quality of its work and of the relevance of the latter to the needs of society.  相似文献   

The different national Academies of Sciences are as varied as their individual histories and the societies of which they are a part. At the same time, they all have certain characteristics in common. An Academy is usually the highest ranking scientific body in its country. It is independent of higher education institutions, of political parties, and of the state, even if it receives state subsidies. Among the special features of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, one can cite the fact that its General Assembly includes two hundred representatives of the Hungarian scientific community who serve three‐year terms but cannot participate in elections for new Academy members and that its forty research institutes and eighty research groups that are located and function in universities have a high degree of autonomy in regard to the Academy as such.  相似文献   

On July 17, 1982, the Ministry of Education issued Provisional Regulations on Enrolling Doctoral Students to the departments and bureaus of higher education in the provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, the admissions committees in institutes of higher learning, the ministries and commissions under the State Council, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese People's Liberation Army, General Political Department, and the Scientific and Technological Commission of the National Defense Council….  相似文献   

战略问题是研究战争全局的规律的东西,它是军事学术领域的重要部分。《孙子兵法》作为一部战略学著作,充分展示了孙子的战略观:预知胜负是战略家的神机,审时度势是战略家的慧眼,实行战略欺骗是战略家独具的特质,优化选择是对战略家决策的考验,以弱胜强、反败为胜则是检验真假战略家的试金石。毛泽东作为一名大战略家,戎马一生,在战略指挥上充满了得意之笔。《孙子兵法》和我国古代许多战略家的思想需要我们学习和继承,而毛泽东在战略问题上的理论和实践则是我们尤其要珍惜的宝贵遗产,不可须臾忘记。  相似文献   

喻燕刚 《科教导刊》2019,(11):150-151
YU Yangang(The Social Sciences Academy Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310035)  相似文献   

本文分四个部分介绍"方志中方言资料的辑录、整理与数字化工程"项目第一阶段的工作。项目组先确定查找工具、查找对象及资料选取原则,然后以《中国地方志总目提要》8577种方志书目作为检索入口,对"国图数字"中的地方志进行语言资料查找,共在475种地方志中查找到3664张方言资料,在47种地方志中查找到少数民族语言资料。第三部分对已完成的工作做一个初步总结,最后给出查找到语言材料的475种地方志目录。  相似文献   

李铭 《教育文化论坛》2019,(1):33-38,136
《传习录》以语录及信函的形式,较为全面地反映了王阳明的哲学主张与治学理念。体察《传习录》中"致良知""心即理""知行合一"等重要论述,可以发现其具有自然法上的普遍意义,并且接通了正义、理性、自由、公平等重要价值观念。王阳明"以儒为主,兼通释、道"的哲学体验,突破了传统儒家法思想的一般认知,阐发了人本主义与思想解放的先声,并以"本心"得失作为社会观念和法律制度的正义性基础,在中西自然法思想辨析中具有重要的法哲学意义。  相似文献   

中国乡村发展面临着宏观现代化不足和微观现代化过度的问题,而农村环境问题产生于微观的过度现代化。如果延续过去的发展模式,将乡村发展看作是化解城市经济危机和扩大国内社会需求的手段,进而使乡村成为经济增长点,或者将乡村振兴仅仅看作城市化过程中的一个阶段性的策略,在微观层面上推动农业的专业化和规模化,提高农村消费水平,都将进一步加剧农村环境问题,挤压小农户的生存空间,并导致乡村振兴战略的失衡。乡村振兴需要摆脱乡村对城市的单向依赖,使乡村成为乡村居民的生存空间,发展以增加乡村就业为导向的产业,推动多样性的农业发展,从而减少工业品对乡村环境的破坏。  相似文献   

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