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Apple Tree Story     
A long time ago,there was a huge(巨大的)apple tree.A little boy loved to come and played around it every day.He climbed the tree,ate the apples,took a nap(小睡,午睡)under the tree...He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.Time went by...the little boy had grown up and nolonger(不再)played around the tree every day.One day,the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad.“Comeand play with me选”the tree asked the boy.“I am no longer a kid(小孩子),I don't play around tree sanym…  相似文献   

杜广云 《阅读》2013,(Z1):56-57
Long time ago, there was a king. He had no son and was going to choose (1) an honest (2) boy to be his successor (3) . One day, the king called a minister (4) in and said to him, "Send out these seeds (5) to the children of the country. I will choose the boy who can plant the flowers as my son."  相似文献   

徐山山  管芸芸 《阅读》2006,(3):46-46
There's a fat and funny boy in my class.He makes everyone laugh. Whenever we hold a party, he's always the funniest one. He can not only sing like a real singer but also dance like a swan. He is confident(自信的) and he's good at acting. He loves joking and he's a very good joker. Sometimes he acts like a girl, which makes us happy. We always go home smiling because of his funny jokes. But sometimes he's not careful enough about his homework.  相似文献   

小红 《阅读》2007,(1):37-37
One day I went swimming with my friends in the sea near the mouth of a river.When we got there,I asked a boy fishing nearby, "Are there any sharks here?" "No,"he answered. My friends and I went into the river. I still felt unsafe(不安全的) and came out of the water a few minutes later to ask the boy again,"Are you sure there are no sharks here?" "There are no sharks here because they are afraid of crocodiles here,"said the boy.  相似文献   

Long ago a beautiful boy named Narcissus was born. An oracle (1) told his mother that he could live forever,but only if (只要)he never saw his reflection(2).Echo(3),a nymph(4),used to be the god-dess(5) Juno’s servant(6).Echo liked to gossip(7),and often told lies(8) about the gods(9).Oneday, Juno became angry and sent Echo away to live in the forest,saying,“As punishm ent(10)for your lies, from this day forth (从今天开始 )you will only be able to repeat whatothers have spoken.”One day E…  相似文献   

伊诺 《阅读》2022,(29):15-19+48
<正>难度指数☆很久以前,意大利有一个名叫哥伦布的男孩。他对东方的国度充满了好奇,希望将来可以去那里看一看。长大后的他为了实现自己的愿望做了哪些努力呢?让我们一起来读读这个故事吧!Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Columbus. He lived in Italy. He was curious about eastern countries. He dreamed of getting there one day.  相似文献   

众所周知,西方人喜好养狗.因此英语中也就出现了许多与狗有关的习语.今年适逢又是中国人农历的狗年.在狗年谈狗更有一番情趣.Dog一词来自古英语里的docga、请看它的用法和习惯表述.1.指人(preceded by an adj)fellow or chap;a man or boy regarded asunpleasaht or wretchcd:e.g.a bird dog 搜罗人材的人:招揽生意的人.a clever dor 聪明伶俐的人dirty dog 坏小子;下流坯:卑污之人.a dumb dog 沉默的人  相似文献   

星海 《阅读》2012,(Z1):56-63
<正>A Fox and a GoatA fox had fallen into a well(1) and had been thinking for along time how he should get out. A goat came to drink and asked Reynard ( 2 )whether the water was good.The fox, dissembling(3) the real danger of his case, replied , "Come down, my  相似文献   

A lady lost her handbag. A little boy found it, and returned it to her. Looking at her purse, she said, "That's funny. When I lost my handbag, there was a one-hundred-dollar note in it. Now that changes into a lot of coins." The boy quickly replied, "That's right, lady. Last time I also found a lady's purse, she didn't have any change for a reward(奖励)."想一想:捡到钱包的小男孩为什么要让钱包里的整票变成一堆零钱呢?阅读提示:这是一篇很有意义的故事,不长也不难。同学们读懂了吗?中心句是最后一句话…  相似文献   

分析了体院学生的交际障碍,提出教师开发设计的口语活动应尽可能符合真正的生活情景(real situations)、真正的交际目的(real purposes)和真正的角色(realroles),从而激发学生们参与交际活动的兴趣和动力。将培养学生的策略能力和课堂教学活动相结合,提出学生在教学活动中的多元化角色,特别鼓励学生作为观察(observer)和评价(evaluator)的作用,共同实现运用目标语进行有效的信息交流的目的。  相似文献   

A real time harmonic detection and compensation waveform generation circuit is designed for the harmonic parameter measurement system in ship power network. The design applies the distributed data processing method instead of the traditional centralized data processing method, and is equipped with a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) for online measurement of harmonic parameter, which can promote the real time data processing ability. Then, a shunt active power filter is designed in a simulation experiment platform of isolated power network with power electronic load. The experimental result shows that the designed real time harmonic detection and compensation waveform generation circuit works effectively for the ship power network.  相似文献   

众所周知,连续函数的介值定理是分析中最重要、最基本的结果之一,然而在理论和实际中经常遇到不连续函数,此时上述定理已不适应。本文的目的是给出只有第一类不连续点的函数的介值定理,由此得到微分、积分中值定理的相应推广。 定理1 设f(x)是定义在[a,b]上只有第一类不连续点的函点(即x_0∈[a,b],f(x_0±0)=lim f(x)存在),为方便计f(a-0)=f(a+0),f(b+0)=f(b-0),那么对r∈[f(a+0),f(b-0)](或r∈[f(b-0),f(a+0)]),存在C∈[a,b]以及非负数α、β满足α+β=1和r=αf(c-0)+βf(c+0)。 证 假若f(a+0)=r或f(b-0)=r,则定理显然成立(只须取c=a或c=b,α=1-β,α,β>0),因此,不失一般性设f(a+0)相似文献   

阿娇 《阅读》2014,(47):45-46
<正>一、同学们,日常生活中你见过喜欢耍赖的人吗?让我们看看他们在不同场合是怎么找借口的。a.That doesn’t count(算数).We weren’t playing for real.b.Money has been really tight(紧的)lately...c.It’s not my fault(错).d.I didn’t see the sign(指示牌).e.It’s not my turn to...I didn’t know anything about it...  相似文献   

昕慧 《阅读》2015,(Z3):56-58
阅读提示哈里想要一只猴子当宠物,他最终实现这个愿望了吗?同学们,你们觉得猴子会成为一个好宠物吗?Harry wanted a pet(1).“I wish I had a monkey,”he said to his mum.“You can’t have a monkey as(2)a pet,”said Mum.“Now go to sleep.”Harry went to sleep.  相似文献   

小男孩布鲁,牛角吹起来。绵羊草地放,奶牛田里待。牧童在哪里?羊群谁看护?他在草堆里,美梦心甜甜。Little boy Blue, come blow his horn, The sheep's in the meadow, The cow's in the corn. Where is the boy? Who looks after the sheep? He's under the haystack, fast asleep.小男孩布鲁  相似文献   

My First Day     
This is my first day of the new term. In the morning, I help my new English teacher Miss Zou put some new English textbooks into a big box. And then I carry it to the classroom. The box is very heavy. I walk very slowly with the big heavy box in my arms. A boy runs very fast to me. He can't stop. Oh, dear! My box drops to the ground and the books are scattered (散落) everywhere. The boy says"I'm very sorry", and helps me pick up all the books. He then helps me carry the box full of the n…  相似文献   

My First Day     
This is my first day of the new term. In the morning, I help my new English teacher Miss Zou put some new English textbooks into a big box. And then I carry it to the classroom. The box is very heavy. I walk very slowly with the big heavy box in my arms. A boy runs very fast to me. He can‘t stop. Oh, dear! My box drops to the ground and the books are scattered (散落) everywhere. The boy says“I‘m very sorry“, and helps me pick up all the books. He then helps me carry the box full of the new books to our classr...  相似文献   

初中代数第四册中的第十五章是解三角形,本章末的复习参考题最后一题为: 17.根据三角形面积公式 S_△=s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)*1/2(其中s=1/2(a+b+c),a、b、c是三角形三边的长),计算下列各题中三角形面积S_△: (1) a=20,b=13,c=21; (2) a=17,b=21,c=10。 在相应的教学参考书里,编者用余弦定理给出了这个面积公式的详细推导过程,并介绍此公式称为海伦公式。 我们知道,在50年代的教材里,此公式又称为海伦——秦九韶公式。现在的教材不要求学生  相似文献   

阮正军 《阅读》2012,(4):42
同学们,我们在小学里碰到了好几个关于"说"的英语单词,让我们来区分一下它们吧!●say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词、代词。1.The little boy can say his father’sname.那个小男孩可以说出他爸爸的名字。  相似文献   

张容健 《阅读》2013,(5):44-44
Shi Jixin is my new friend, he is 12 years old. He is not very tall, but he isstrong. He likes playing basketball and he plays it well. After school, he usually plays basketball with his friends in the school playground; sometimes he teaches me how to play it. He is a helpful boy.  相似文献   

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