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A good mechanical model of magnetorheological damper (MRD) is essential to predict the shock isolation performance of MRD in numerical simulation.But at present,the mechanical models of MRD were all derived from the experiment subjected to harmonic vibration loads.In this paper,a commercial MRD (type RD-1005-3) manufactured by Lord Corporation was studied experimentally in order to investigate its isolation performance under the impact loads.A new mechanical model of MRD was proposed according to the data obtained by impact test.A good agreement between the numerical results and test data was observed,which showed that the model was good to simulate the dynamic properties of MRD under impact loads.It is also demonstrated that MRD can improve the acceleration and displacement response of the structure obviously under impact loads.  相似文献   

Magnetorheological (MR) fluid is a kind of smart material whose rheological properties can be rapidly varied in magnetic field. To make full use of the advantages of MR fluid to devices, a model of double-ended,shear-combined and valve-typed MR damper is designed and manufactured, and the dynamic properties under sinusoidal excitations are experimentally studied. The experiment results show that the maximum damping force of the MR damper at the full magnetic intensity reaches about 20 k while the maximum power required is less than 50W, which predicts that the MR damper will be a powerful measurement for semi-active vibration control of civil infrastructures.  相似文献   

Experiments of silt rock subjected to coupling loads were carried out on tailormade equipment. With a constant dynamic load, the behaviors of eight sets of siltite specimens were investigated with different axial static loads. The experimental results show that the modulus of the specimens under coupling loads increases at first and then decreases with the increase of axial static pressure. The failure model of the specimens also varies. Keeping the dynamic load constant, when the axial static pressure is low, the specimen breaks in two simply. With the increase of axial static pressure, the cone-shaped fragment appeares. When the axial static pressure reaches 90% of the static strength of rock, the specimen smashes into amount of small fragments.  相似文献   

Experiments of silt rock subjected to coupling loads were carried out on tailormade equipment. With a constant dynamic load, the behaviors of eight sets of siltite specimens were investigated with different axial static loads. The experimental results show that the modulus of the specimens under coupling loads increases at first and then decreases with the increase of axial static pressure. The failure model of the specimens also varies. Keeping the dynamic load constant, when the axial static pressure is low, the specimen breaks in two simply. With the increase of axial static pressure, the cone-shaped fragment appeares. When the axial static pressure reaches 90% of the static strength of rock, the specimen smashes into amount of small fragments.  相似文献   

自动化生产中,自动检测设备的使用越来越广泛,为保证检测精度,这类设备都需要控制气动和电动振动对检测的干扰和影响.为此本文设计了MRF可控阻尼器及可调振动滑台装置,总结基于MRF力学模型和磁路设计模型,设计MRF阻尼器的经验;基于NI数字化测试系统检测MRF阻尼器控制移动滑台振动的效果.实验结果证实MRF阻尼器能快捷方便地调节阻尼、高精度控制移动滑台的振动,MRF阻尼器振动控制装置具有教学实用价值.  相似文献   

In applying impact loads with multishocks to perform shock experiments for laser cladded cobalt-base and nickel-base alloy coats on the surface of mild carbon steel or austenitic stainless steel, it is found that, under an impact force that is 11%-43% of the static yield limit of the material, micro-plastic deformation is generated both in the coat and upper part of the base. Repeated trials will cause cumulated macro-plastic deformation. After a total of 250,000 impacts, relative deformation rates of 2.2% and 8.9% result in the coat and base, respectively. Moreover, there is a rigidification phenomenon both in the coat and upper part of the base. When the coat covers the entire base, under impact loads with multishocks, the final stress is less than that when the base is only partly covered, and the life is longer.There is intense deformative rigidification and material floating effect on the lower part of the edge of the covering coat. Meanwhile, cracks are likely to occur and spread in this part.  相似文献   

No failure,moderate failure,severe failure,and slight failure are the four failure modes generalized observed in the dynamic response of the single-layer reticulated dome under vertical impact load on apex.TE (the time that the end of impact force) and 7F (the time that members are broken) are two key times in the failure process.Characteristics of dynamic responses at the two key times are shown in order to make the failure mechanism clear.Then three steps of energy transfer are summarized,i.e.energy applying,energy loss and energy transfer,energy consumption.Based on the three steps,energy transfer process for the failure reticulated dome under once impact is introduced.Energy transmissibility and local loss ratio are put forward firstly to obtain ELF (the energy left in the main reticulated dome) from the initial kinetic energy of impactor.Moreover,the distribution of failure modes is decided by ELF which leads to the maximum dynamic response of the reticulated dome,but not by the initial impact kinetic energy of impaetor.  相似文献   

No failure, moderate failure, severe failure, and slight failure are the four failure modes generalized observed in the dynamic response of the single-layer reticulated dome under vertical impact load on apex. TE (the time that the end of impact force) and TF (the time that members are broken) are two key times in the failure process. Characteristics of dynamic responses at the two key times are shown in order to make the failure mechanism clear. Then three steps of energy transfer are summarized, i.e. energy applying, energy loss and energy transfer, energy consump-tion. Based on the three steps, energy transfer process for the failure reticulated dome under once impact is introduced. Energy transmissibility and local loss ratio are put forward firstly to obtain EL F(the energy left in the main reticulated dome) from the initial kinetic energy of impactor. More-over, the distribution of failure modes is decided by EL F which leads to the maximum dynamic re-sponse of the reticulated dome, but not by the initial impact kinetic energy of impactor.  相似文献   

The head-on collision process between ship and concrete pile supported protective system is simulated by software LS-DYNA. The influences of pile non-linearity and soil non-linearity on impact force, ship crush depth and the cap displacement of pile supported protective system are discussed. It's shown that for both severe impact case and non-severe impact case, the non-linearity of pile material influence the impact force history, ship crush depth. The non-linearity of pile material and soil has remarkable influence on the cap displacement especially for severe impact case. These issues should not be ignored in the analysis of pile supported protective system subjected to ship impact.  相似文献   

The head-on collision process between ship and concrete pile supported protective system is simulated by software LS-DYNA. The influences of pile non-linearity and soil non-linearity on impact force, ship crush depth and the cap displacement of pile supported protective system are discussed. It's shown that for both severe impact case and non-severe impact case, the non-linearity of pile material influence the impact force history, ship crush depth. The non-linearity of pile material and soil has remarkable influence on the cap displacement especially for severe impact case. These issues should not be ignored in the analysis of pile supported protective system subjected to ship impact.  相似文献   

Severe vibration of underground structures may be induced under blast loads. According to the characteristics of the explosion-induced ground shock wave, a new-type damper, inverse control magneto-rheological(MR) damper was designed to control the vibration. The high-frequency performance test of the MR damper was carried out on the small shaking table. It is shown that the performance can be modeled by use of the modified Bouc-Wen model, and the parameters of the model keep stable in the ranqe of 15-50 Hz.  相似文献   

The paper presents the theory of Hamilton variation principle which is the current method for impact problem,central difference method which is efficient solution of finite element (FE)method for impact problem and adapts to solve non-linear dynamic problem.And it introduces the ANSYS/LS-DYNA which is the popular FE software for impact problem both at home and abroad.Then it gives solutions for one simple model by analytical method and ANSYS/LS-DYNA respectively to validate function of software,and they are consistent.Afterward,it gives model of singlelayer Kiewitt reticulated dome with a span of 60 m,and the cylinder impactor,and introduces the contact interface arithmetic,especially the material model of steel (piecewise linear plasticity model) which takes stain rate into account and makes steel failure stress higher under impact loads.The vertical displacement,stress in main members,and the plastic deformation for dome under impact loads were obtained.Then four failure modes (no failure,moderate failure,global failure and slight failure) were summarized according to the rules of dynamic response.And the characteristics of dynamic response for each failure mode were shown.  相似文献   

Failure Modes for Single-Layer Reticulated Domes Under Impact Loads   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The paper presents the theory of Hamilton variation principle which is the current method for impact problem, central difference method which is efficient solution of finite element (FE) method for impact problem and adapts to solve non-linear dynamic problem. And it introduces the ANSYS/LS-DYNA which is the popular FE software for impact problem both at home and abroad. Then it gives solutions for one simple model by analytical method and ANSYS/LS-DYNA respec-tively to validate function of software, and they are consistent. Afterward, it gives model of single-layer Kiewitt reticulated dome with a span of 60 m, and the cylinder impactor, and introduces the contact interface arithmetic, especially the material model of steel (piecewise linear plasticity model) which takes stain rate into account and makes steel failure stress higher under impact loads. The vertical displacement, stress in main members, and the plastic deformation for dome under impact loads were obtained. Then four failure modes (no failure, moderate failure, global failure and slight failure) were summarized according to the rules of dynamic response. And the characteristics of dynamic response for each failure mode were shown.  相似文献   

After the progressive collapse of Ronan Point apartment in UK in 1968, intensive research effort had been spent on developing guidelines for design of new or strengthening the existing structures to prevent progressive collapse. However, only very few building design codes provide some rather general guidance, no detailed design requirement is given. Progressive collapse of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City and the World Trade Centre (WTC) sparked again tremendous research interest on progressive collapse of structures. Recently, US Department of Defence (DoD) and US General Service Administration (GSA) issued guidelines for structure progressive collapse analysis. These two guidelines are most commonly used, but their accuracy is not known. This paper presents numerical analysis of progressive collapse of an example frame structure to blast loads. The DoD and GSA procedures are also used to analyse the same example structure. Numerical results are compared and discussed. The accuracy and the applicability of the two design guidelines are evaluated.  相似文献   

Numerical Analysis of Structural Progressive Collapse to Blast Loads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After the progressive collapse of Ronan Point apartment in UK in 1968, intensive research effort had been spent on developing guidelines for design of new or strengthening the existing structures to prevent progressive collapse. However, only very few building design codes provide some rather general guidance, no detailed design requirement is given. Progressive collapse of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City and the World Trade Centre (WTC) sparked again tremendous research interest on progressive collapse of structures. Recently, US Department of Defence (DoD) and US General Service Administration (GSA) issued guidelines for structure progressive collapse analysis. These two guidelines are most commonly used, but their accuracy is not known. This paper presents numerical analysis of progressive collapse of an example frame structure to blast loads. The DoD and GSA procedures are also used to analyse the same example structure. Numerical results are compared and discussed. The accuracy and the applicability of the two design guidelines are evaluated.  相似文献   

通过有限元分析软件ANSYS11.0,对邻近地面堆载作用下已承载CFG桩复合地基的力学性状进行了分析,对已承载CFG桩复合地基中桩体在不同的地面堆载荷载、堆载作用位置、承台受荷状态以及土体压缩模量等工况中的性状进行了研究,进而分析得出堆载的作用位置、大小以及复合地基所在场地范围内土体压缩模量是几个比较重要的影响因素,对临近堆载的CFG桩复合地基的力学性状影响较大。  相似文献   

在航空发动机结构冲击动力学新生研讨课中设计了冰撞击和外物损伤模拟实验教学环节,通过设备技术安全改造、实验方案优化、实验大纲编写、分组实验观察等教学手段,将课堂理论教学与实践教学有机结合,加深学生对结构冲击学问题的认识。通过对学生进行问卷调查,对实验教学在新生研讨课中的教学效果进行了总结与分析。结果表明,在新生研讨课中开展实验教学,有助于学生快速深入地掌握课堂教学理论知识,调动学生参与教学活动的积极性,提高学生动手能力,推动学生理解航空特色,对学生规划未来专业方向起到了较好的辅助作用。  相似文献   

运用调查法研究表明,当代电大女生生理、心理向成熟发展,情绪上敏感、含蓄,耐疲劳能力差。为加强与中学体育教材的衔接,避免重复,应合理安排教材,调动电大女生活动的积极性,将心理训练与技术训练紧密结合起来,增进电大女生的身心健康,使每个学生达到国家规定的体育标准。  相似文献   

《京都议定书》对于最大的发展中国家中国既是机遇又有挑战.为了应对这种机遇挑战,我国应该尽早实现"循环经济模式"的转型,转变能源结构,完善"循环经济"立法,大力开展生态建设.  相似文献   

Plane charge explosion technique (PCET) is one of the major techniques frequently used in large-scale blast-resistant structure tests. An FEM model was established, which can simulate the process of air releasing from the blast cavity. The effects of the charge density, the interval of the charge strip, the distance of the charges from the structure, and the mass of backfill soil on the overpressures applied on the tested structures were analyzed by the FEM model. The quantitative relationships between the peak value and the duration of the overpressure and the above-mentioned affecting parameters were established. Agreement between numerical results and the test data was obtained.  相似文献   

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