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The purpose of this paper is to state what the author believes is a good way to develop the powers of understanding of talented college science students. After making a careful and somewhat novel distinction between knowledge and understanding, the paper closely defines the main problem in terms of the new interpretation of "understanding." A short discussion follows which concludes that what is needed is more and better schooling in the central ideas of mathematics. At this point, the tenor of the paper is changed and a semipopular discussion is given on the fundamental type of mathematics the author has in mind. Finally, a proposal is made which is general enough to be adapted to a wide variety of situations.  相似文献   

本文从我国基础教育实际出发,主张充分发扬东方人特有的整体思维优势将系统科学、思维科学特别是复杂性科学引入到教育领域中来.以系统的眼光、整体视野对智能开发与人才培养进行系统研究,整体开发,全面培养,综合创新,使教育能按照科学发展观的要求实现科学育人的目的。  相似文献   

要搞好科学教育,需要拓宽视野,深化认识,提升境界,减少盲目性。为此,要弄清科学的内涵、关注科学内涵的发展;要摒充狭隘的还原主义科学观,从多种角度揭示科学的内涵、本质并加以综合;要注意挖掘现代科学的文化内涵,认识它对有效培养学生科学素养的作用,重视科学文化的教育价值并用来指引科学教育的改革,不能简单地采用"科学 人文"的方式;还要抓住重点,妥善处理好科学文化各要素之间的关系。  相似文献   

Modern science, for the most part, constrains the kind of theories that it entertains, and selects the kind of empirical data with which theories are related, to accord with materialist strategies. These strategies are adopted, I maintain, not because the objective of gaining understanding that manifests cognitive values highly always requires it, but because of an elective affinity (the elements of which I detail) between the materialist strategies and a certain outlook on the control of nature. A social value, thus, serves to ground the adoption of the materialist strategies. This, however, does not undermine the view that sound theory acceptance is based on impartial considerations, provided that the role of social values is kept properly distinct from that of cognitive values.  相似文献   

当前我国科学教育存在的主要问题是:把科学教育片面理解为传播科学知识的教育,而忽视了科学思想、科学方法和科学精神的培养教育,这与新时代的要求极不相适应。文章指出,必须全面理解科学教育的内涵,要充分认识到在培养跨世纪创新人才的过程中,科学思想、科学方法和科学精神的教育,比之单纯传授科学知识的教育起着更为至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

A multiple regression analysis of the relationship between prospective teachers' scientific understanding and Gender, Education Level (High School, College), Courses in Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Astronomy, and Agriculture), Attitude Towards Science, and Attitude Towards Mathematics is reported. Undergraduate elementary science students (N = 176) in an urban doctoral-level university in the United States participated in this study. The results of this study showed Gender, completion of courses in High School Chemistry and Physics, College Chemistry and Physics, and Attitudes Toward Mathematics and Science significantly correlated with scientific understanding. Based on a regression model, Gender, and College Chemistry and Physics experiences added significant predictive accuracy to scientific understanding among prospective elementary teachers compared to the other variables.  相似文献   

"科学探究"是当前国内外科学教育的关注热点。让学生经历"真实的科学探究",教师需要了解"真实科学探究"的本质,明确科学探究的教育指向,学会引导学生开展科学探究的方法。"真实科学探究"是科学知识生成、验证和发展的过程,面对的是开放性的问题,需要探究者科学知识、有关科学的知识、直觉、想象力、创造性以及个性品质的介入,不存在一套普适性的、"正确的"方法和逻辑。教育中的科学探究不是让学生生成和验证新的科学知识,而是理解科学知识及其产生的过程,学习过程性科学技能,培养科学思维和科学理解,形成合理的科学本质和价值观。引导学生开展科学探究,教师需要学会创设不同结构化程度的探究情境,重视学生自由式的探索性活动,充分利用探究活动中的错误或失败引导学生进行科学思维,学会协商型的对话策略和引导学生进行科学思维的对话方法。  相似文献   

Students' questions play an important role in meaningful learning and scientific inquiry. They are a potential resource for both teaching and learning science. Despite the capacity of students' questions for enhancing learning, much of this potential still remains untapped. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to examine and review the existing research on students' questions and to explore ways of advancing future work into this area. The paper begins by highlighting the importance and role of students' questions from the perspectives of both the learner and the teacher. It then reviews the empirical research on students' questions, with a focus on four areas: (1) the nature and types of these questions; (2) the effects of teaching students questioning skills; (3) the relationship between students' questions and selected variables; and (4) teachers' responses to, and students' perceptions of, students' questions. Following this, some issues and implications of students' questions for classroom instruction are discussed. The paper concludes by suggesting several areas for future research that have significant value for student learning.  相似文献   

科学发展观是我们党自十六大以来在总结我国社会发展实践和借鉴国外发展经验的基础上提出的关于我国社会主义发展全局的重大战略思想。科学发展观的科学性在于,以"科学发展"范畴为统领,内涵着发展主体、发展动力、发展目的、发展模式、发展道路以及发展的协调性、发展的统筹性、发展的平衡性、发展的持续性等一系列基本范畴。  相似文献   

科学素质与科学教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学素质是现代社会得以发展的基石。科学素质的结构内容是由科学本质决定的,包括科学知识、科学方法和科学精神。而提高科学素质的关键,在于不断加强和改进科学教育。  相似文献   

关于成人教育质量观的科学认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对成人教育质量、成人教育质量观的含义进行了科学界定、对反映成人教育质量观的详价指标体系进行了构建,并对如何树立科学的成人教育质量观进行了全方位的分析。  相似文献   

论科学探究教学与科学精神教育--兼论物理探究式教学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
理性与实证的辩证统一既是近、现代科学的传统和规范,也是科学探究的基本精神。探究式教学作为面向真实科学的教育,其核心就是领悟理性与实证辩证统一的科学精神;这既表现在科学问题的产生,又表现在科学假设的提出,还表现在假设的验证。  相似文献   

近年来,科学探究作为科学教育的一个重要目标和方法得到了普遍的重视。儿童科学探究具有科学探究的一些基本特征,但同时又不同于成人的科学探究,而具有它自身的特点。研究这些特点有利于推动我国儿童科学教育。  相似文献   

科学教育之理解的意义旁落,使得科学教育陷入科学主义的泥潭,偏离了“理解科学”的教育目标.文章通过对“理解与解释”的哲学溯源,从存在论—本体论角度对科学教育之理解进行把握,可以帮助我们认清科学的理解与解释所蕴含的原初的意义,有利于科学教育规避科学主义所带来的负面影响.最后,通过对理解与解释的根本运动性进行分析,实现对解释学循环的继承和超越,为科学教育之理解打下坚实的本体论基础.  相似文献   

There is, broadly speaking, an agreement within the international science education community that comprehension of the nature of science (NOS) should be a key element in the scientific literacy of citizens. During the last few decades, several didactic approaches have emerged concerning what and how to teach NOS. Also, one of the basic objectives of science education is for students to become familiar with the skills typical of scientific practice; however, there is little reference to their need to also acquire meta-knowledge about scientific practice (i.e., an understanding of the nature of scientific practice). Among other reasons, this may be due to NOS being essentially identified in most of the predominant proposals with the nature of scientific knowledge. But why not plan the teaching of science to be in tune with real scientific practice for students to learn about the nature of scientific practice at the same time as they are learning science? The answer to this question has given rise to a proposal grounded in ten essential pedagogical principles for the teaching and learning of science in secondary school. These are the principle of formulating questions, the principle of creativity and imagination, the principle of experimentation, the principle of procedural diversity, the principle of errors as opportunity, the principle of modeling, the principle of cooperation and teamwork, the principle of argumentation and discussion, the principle of communication, and the principle of evaluation. The purpose of this article is to present the justification and fundaments of these principles.  相似文献   

社会、科学、教育三大因素的发展变化产生了科学教育的新概念。现代科学教育应是通过实用、现代而综合化的课程体系,引导学生“做中学”,研究和探索科学,从而培养和提高全体学生的科学素养,并推动科学社会价值全面实现的教育活动。  相似文献   

Knowing,Believing, and Understanding: What Goals for Science Education?   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Smith  Mike U.  Siegel  Harvey 《Science & Education》2004,13(6):553-582
Science &; Education - What is a teacher to do when confronted with a student who says “I understand that theory (e.g., evolution), but I don't believe it”? The purpose of this...  相似文献   

学习科学强调学习者的深度学习和理解性学习,并重视技术在其中的促进和增强作用,倡导学习者中心的技术设计观。这些观念与当前国际科学教育强调通过学习环境的系统设计,促进学习者一致性的科学理解这一趋势不谋而合。"基于网络的科学探究环境"(WISE)项目是将学习科学、技术设计以及科学教育有机整合的一个成功范例,本文最后从WISE开发的理论基础、设计原则、教学模式、技术增强的学习与理解等方面对这一技术增强的学习环境进行了介绍和分析。  相似文献   

科学文化:儿童科学教育的灵魂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国当前的科学教育严重地扼杀了儿童的好奇心,未能很好地培养儿童对科学文化的理解与接受。这一方面可以归因于我国传统文化本就缺乏科学文化的基因,而当初从西方引进科学教育时也忽视了科学文化的教育,另一方面受科学文化与人文文化对立观念的影响,我国科学教育一直重知识技能的传授而轻科学文化素养的培育。今后我国儿童科学教育应充分重视科学文化的宣传,才能真正促进国民科学素养的提高。  相似文献   

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