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选定图标……双击鼠标……记忆提取……搜索状态……NowLoading…1.幼年———关机状态我上小学前那几年的记忆几乎是一片空白,就好像是被丢进回收站然后清空了一样,只知道我曾经摔了几个大跟头(孙悟空都没我翻得远),于是我猜想大概是在落地时脑中的集成电路发生断路事故,并在惯性的作用下把记忆一古脑儿全抛了。不过后来我的脑袋就出奇地好使,以至于我现在还在想要不要再摔一次摔出个天才来。但是我是个很怕痛的人,再加上我担心万一落地姿势不对,不但会使我们国家损失一位栋梁,还会让自己出尽洋相给后世留下笑柄,所以只是说说绝不会去做,…  相似文献   

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1.幼年--关机状态   我上小学前那几年的记忆几乎是一片空白,就好像是被丢进回收站然后清空了一样,只知道我曾经摔了几个大跟头(孙悟空都没我翻得远),于是我猜想大概是在落地时脑中的集成电路发生断路事故,并在惯性的作用下把记忆一古脑儿全抛了.不过后来我的脑袋就出奇地好使,以至于我现在还在想要不要再摔一次摔出个天才来.但是我是个很怕痛的人,再加上我担心万一落地姿势不对,不但会使我们国家损失一位栋梁,还会让自己出尽洋相给后世留下笑柄,所以只是说说绝不会去做,我是个很明智的人.   ……  相似文献   

Scientists from the UK are examining a magic cloak.You may think of Harry Potter.Yes!This magic stuff makes any- thing inside it invisible. Researchers from London's Imperial College and Duke University,USA,are taking progressive steps to make this a  相似文献   

To make a safe place for his pet turtle, Tyler enclosed a rectangular area of grass, in his garden, with 14 bricks. As the turtle grew, Tyler wanted to make a bigger enclosure using the same number of bricks. How did he do it?  相似文献   

A magician put four yellow, four green and four red fish in each of two hats. He called a volunteer from the audience, blindfolded her and asked her to take five fish from the first hat and put them in the second hat.  相似文献   

黄薇 《中学生英语》2005,(10):25-25
While the common people hold that study is the main task for students, but I should say it is not the top melody of life, really not.  相似文献   

~~What Time Is It Now@李小雨 @柴立青  相似文献   

I'm going out! Let the bird be happy.  相似文献   

While thecommon peoplehold that studyis the main taskfor students,but I should say it is not the topm elody of life,really not.There was a tim e when I always com -plained of the dull school life. Everythingseem ed ugly in m y eyes at that tim e.N ot un-til I went for a walk along the river did I re-alize the lively life.The willow trees have thrown out new lowbranches which stretch across m y way as wellas the slopes of lawn down towards the river.Everything has cam e to life!W alking on,I…  相似文献   

The tests of box-type structures under internal-blast loading are carried out. Then a numerical analysis of the test structures is done using a fully coupled numerical finite element model. The break-up process of the structure is simulated. The failure modes of the simulated structure agree well with the experimental results. The effects of the size of the reinforcing bars and the detailing of connections among the rebars in the concrete on the throw velocity of the fragments are discussed.  相似文献   

鲍勃和他的父亲乘火车去看望外祖母。在车上,父亲为了鲍勃的安全和他开了一个小小的玩笑,最终却造成了一个无法挽回的结局。你想知道发生了什么事吗?请认真读一读下文吧!  相似文献   

In comparison with traditional education, distance education requires greater involvement on the part of all staff in the management and administration of constituent systems. Using a case study of the University of Leicester's Centre for Labour Market Studies, it is demonstrated that the team approach adopted by the Centre means that academic, clerical and administrative staff are all in some way involved in the management of the distance learning courses run by the Centre. This has implications for the training and development of staff at all levels.  相似文献   

Thelastpatientlefthisoffice.Mr.Southhadalookatthe1onthewall.Itwasaquartertosix.Itmeantthathehadtostaythereforfif-teen2.Afriendofhisaskedhimtodinnerthatevening.Ofcourseheshould3someflowersforher.Hebroughtoutthepurseand4themon-eyinit.Hehadsixtydollarsanditwasenoughtodothat.Andthenhe5heboughtanewspaperonhiswaytothe6afterlunch.Hewastoobusytoreadit.Nowhebroughtitout,butincameaman7fortyatthatmoment.Helookedathimcarefully.Themanlooked8.Hedidn'tknowwhathecamefor.“What…  相似文献   

so…that…与such…that…是基础英语中的两个重要句型,也是高考的重要考点之一。使用这两个句型应注意以下三点: 一、意义与语法功能相同 so…that…与such…that…引导的都是结果状语从句,表示“如此……以致……”。例如: He was so unfortunate that he lost both his parents in his childhood. =He was such an unfortunate man that he lost both his parents in hischildhood.他非常不幸,童年时代就失去了双亲。  相似文献   

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