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东北方言作为北方方言的一个次方言,在普通话中发挥了很大作用。抚顺话作为东北方言的重要组成部分,虽然其差别与普通话不是很大,但由于地理位置、殖民统治、人口迁移、民族融合等历史问题造成了抚顺话与普通话在语音系统上的差异,对抚顺人学习普通话造成了一定的影响。所以本论文通过对辽宁抚顺人学习普通话时在语音系统中出现的问题进行分析,并提出学习普通话的建议,从而更好地帮助辽宁抚顺人学习普通话。  相似文献   

曹利 《海外英语》2012,(15):98-99
英语作为一种语言,其本质是用于交际。说话人的语音则是衡量一个人英语口语交际能力的重要因素之一。无论学习什么语言,都要从语音学起,因为语音是学好语言的基础,而语音学习又是一项难点。该文将针对语音学习进行论述。  相似文献   

英语作为一种语言,其本质是用于交际.说话人的语音则是衡量一个人英语口语交际能力的重要因素之一.无论学习什么语言,都要从语音学起,因为语音是学好语言的基础,而语音学习又是一项难点.该文将针对语音学习进行论述.  相似文献   

语音能力与口语交际能力关系密切,一个人语音能力的强弱直接影响到交际的成败,而形成定势的方言语音注定会对外语语音学习产生负面影响。结合英语语音教学经验和总结,论述海南方言的语音特征及其对学生英语语音学习的影响,旨在阐明海南籍学生在英语语音学习方面存在的普遍问题以及个别市县学生存在的具体问题,并提出相应的纠音对策,为海南籍学生在英语语音学习方面找到捷径,进一步提高其英语口语表达能力。  相似文献   

  如何提高音标教学的有效性,这是初中英语教育工作者面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

<正>有人将语音、词汇、语法这语言学习的三要素之间的关系比喻为"血液""肌肉"和"骨架"。语音作为语言的本质和基础,在英语学习过程中的重要性不言而喻。语音既是学生学习英语的基础,也是学生运用英语进行交流的工具。小学英语语音学习是学好英语的一个重要前提,同时,语音教学也是小学英语初级阶段的重要内容。依据《英语课程标准》的要求,英语教师应努力为学生的终身发展奠定坚实的语音基础,努力实现学生  相似文献   

语音是语言最基本的形式,是语言学习的第一步。学习英语的最终目的是与人交际,要达到这个目的,英语语音学习至关重要。利用音标、音节的规律,调动学生学习的积极性进行具体教学,运用语音学习带动整个英语学习。  相似文献   

评价一个人英语学习水平的高低很大程度上看其所掌握词汇的量,没有足够的词汇量,是无法进行有效的听、说、读、写的。对于初中生而言,进行词汇扩充教学需要根据学生的兴趣和态度,提升其学习英语词汇的信心。一、相似类比,变换词缀1.语音类比。在进行词汇教学时,要指导学生对英语单词的语音规律进行识别,使学生通过对形似单词语音的归纳和识别,掌握英语语音变化的规律,在遇到相同构词结构的新单词时,见词会读。在根据语音类比学习词汇的时候,  相似文献   

文章用充分的材料将河曲方言语音与北京话语音进行了深刻的比较,找出了语音对应规律和河曲人学习普通话的重点和难点。  相似文献   

英语作为全球信息知识的重要载体之一,在我国的学习者和使用者人数日益激增加.然而,很多人长期的刻苦学习并未取得满意的成果,甚至有些人无法进行正常的英语听、说、读等基本交际活动.究其原因,最容易忽视的一点,就是英语学习者时语音知识的掌握不当.本文将探讨正确语音知识对于英语学习者的重要性和英语学习中影响语音的因素及应对措施.  相似文献   

Continuous learning and updating one’s competences and abilities have become requirements for staying ‘up-to-date’ and ‘at the top of one’s game’. Lifelong learning policy has been persuasive in its emphasis on equal learning opportunities for all: everyone has endless possibilities and capabilities to learn according to her/his needs and desires throughout life. This discourse has been especially encouraging for the eight Finnish general upper secondary school adult graduates followed in this study; they had received little formal education in their youth or had been labelled as ‘poor’ students at school through the assessment criteria maintained by the schooling system’s prevailing meritocratic discourse. In order to become lifelong learning subjects, they first needed to prove their ability and competence as students and learners, that is their educability. This was also the key for their transitions in further and higher education and working life. Consequently, half of the interviewees told ‘success stories’ about these transitions. Moreover, they continued to have faith in ‘the great salvation of education’ as well as their own educability. For the other half, however, these transitions turned out to be disappointing or perceived as a broken promise. These adults also started to doubt their own abilities as students and learners.  相似文献   

协作学习评价方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目前随着网络技术的发展和教学观念的变革 ,协作学习被视为极有发展和应用前景的网络教学策略之一 ,而协作学习的评价是亟待深入研究的问题。因此 ,该文主要阐述了协作学习评价的基本特点 ,并对协作学习评价的两个层面———小组评价和个体评价的具体方法进行了探讨  相似文献   

现代教学设计的概念与特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
该从内容、方法、目的和系统活动水平四个维度分析教学设计,呈现了教学设计不同层面的含义与功能。为学校教育发展而设计教学已成为当今教学设计的重要分支,伴随着信息技术的快速发展以及关于人类学习的知识不断丰富,现代教学设计更加凸显了六个特征:学习中心、目标导引、关注真实世界中的表现、可信且有效的评价手段、基于经验和团队协作的活动。对“学习”、学习与设计的“境脉”及“学习环境”等概念的理解是研究现代教学设计的关键,而学习、设计与技术的彼此分离是导致我国教学设计研究和开发与发达国家存在较大差距的主要原因。  相似文献   

During lectures, some students are continuously focused and attentive, whereas others tend to be bored, jittery, or inattentive. The same might happen when students are given student-activating assignments. Some students simply love one type of instruction, whereas others tend to resent it. Moreover, it is not the context itself, but the context as it is perceived by the student that affects learning. This study sets out to discover how students view instruction, based on their experiences with a particular setting, and aims to investigate the effects of “context-by-student” characteristics, such as students' course experiences, and the effects of “student-by-context” features, such as approaches to learning. The research has a quasi-experimental design and compares a lecture-based setting with student-activating teaching methods (i.e. self-discovery learning by means of authentic tasks with the help of a scaffolding approach); followed by one of four assessment methods: a multiple-choice test, a case-based examination, a peer assessment or a portfolio assessment. Data (N = 579) were collected by means of validated questionnaires, comprising the ASSIST and LSQ instruments and the course experience questionnaire. Results demonstrate that students' appraisal of the assessment method, their course experiences and the teaching methods that are dominant in the setting contribute positively to students' appraisal of instruction. Interestingly, this conclusion applies to both the lecture-based and the student-activating groups and to both conventional assessment methods and new modes of assessment. Moreover, deep approaches to learning, monitoring studying and/or organized studying, as well as preferences for courses that support understanding, positively affect students' appraisal of student-activating teaching methods. In short, both student-by-context and context-by-student features prove to be strong predictors of students' appraisal of instruction and, as a consequence, student learning.  相似文献   

High quality feedback is known to be essential for learning, yet in higher education it has been highlighted as a problem area in the UK by both the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and National Student Surveys. Furthermore, a recent study has shown that there is a fault-line between the highly structured guidance system that exists in schools/colleges and the culture of ‘independent’ learning that is promoted in higher education and suggests that this is a significant barrier to a successful transition. This article reports research to improve the transition for first-year undergraduates by providing a structured set of guidance activities (scaffolding) as a means of an extended induction into the assessment processes in higher education. The activities are based on the dialogic feedback cycle, which encompasses principles of feedback as dialogue, emphasising guidance at the start of and during an assignment rather than summative written feedback. The intervention was evaluated by means of a questionnaire and supported by focus groups. The questionnaire was administered to a control group and an intervention group. Results showed statistically significant improvements (p < 0.05) in students’ perceptions of their understanding of assessment tasks and criteria and increased confidence in terms of completing assessment tasks and self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

在终身学习领域,成人学习质量保障一直是各国政策中的行动焦点。21世纪以来,欧盟先后出台了有关成人学习质量保障的政策,诸多国家明确了质量保障体系的实施目标、运行流程,制定了较为细化的评估指标体系。其中,设计理念的相关性、体系设计的科学性、运行进程的透明性以及评估主体的多元性推动了欧盟各国成人学习质量保障体系朝正确的方向发展。然而,目前欧盟各国缺乏综合性的质量保障体系、成人学习特殊元素难以彰显、成人学习专业工作者的持续专业发展困境以及缺乏监测信息数据等,桎梏了成人学习质量保障体系的"更上一层楼"。基于欧盟国家的实践,无疑拓宽了我国成人学习质量保障体系发展的视野。在整体框架设计原则上,要遵循综合性与特殊性相结合的原则;在操作哲学上,要从"技术"转向"文化";在关键元素上,要关注成人学习工作者的专业化;在反馈控制上,要实现质量信息的资源共享。  相似文献   

建立针对个人学习成果的综合评价体系,是构建终身学习社会的必然要求.澳大利亚资格框架(AQF)是在终身学习需要不断增长的条件下建立起来的;它涵盖了传统的正规教育和职业教育与培训,使各种资格可以相互比较与衔接;它还通过先前学习认定(RPL)对非正规和非正式的学习成果进行评价,更扩大了传统的评价范围.因此,澳大利亚资格框架正是一种终身学习评价体系,它对未来构建终身学习社会具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Partnership in higher education emphasises an active role for students in both teaching and learning. This pedagogical culture is likely to make students assessment literate and engage them in deep learning. In this study, Iranian students experiencing learning-by-teaching (LbT) in private language institutes were interviewed to compare their perceptions toward assessment and learning with their counterparts without this experience. Findings show that LbT fosters students’ assessment literacy and deep learning. Results also reveal that by teaching other students, quasi-teachers promote a broader understanding of assessment and grade practices in comparison to other students. Unlike their counterparts, quasi-teachers de-emphasised grades and showed a greater focus on learning. Moreover, explaining the materials to other students provided them with a deeper cognitive process resulting in deeper learning. These results underscore the perceived importance of partnership in higher education.  相似文献   

美国凤凰城大学的学习支持及质量管理探究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文简要介绍了美国凤凰城大学以成人在职学习者为中心的教/学模型、在线学习流程以及跟踪全程的学习支持服务,并详细介绍了凤凰城大学久负盛名的学习评估和质量保证系统,这些对中国的远程教育发展有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

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