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教学观念是教学行为的先导,任何教学行为都是在一定的教学观念指导下进行的,没有符合新课改的教学观念,也就没有符合新课改要求的教学方式和方法。如果教学观念不更新,教学方式方法不转变,课程改革就将流于形式,事倍功半甚至劳而无功。因此,促进教师观念的转变,使其符合新课改的理念和教学要求,已成为当前教育新课改中亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

"细节决定成败"这一真理,不论是在任何时代,任何管理上都是行之有效的工作方针。在班级管理上,"细节决定成败"更是体现得淋淋尽致。本文笔者即结合个人多年从事班主任管理工作的实践经验,对班主任工作中的一些管理细节进行粗浅的阐述,以期为广大同行在班级管理上做出有益的参考。  相似文献   

正法国银行家贾库·拉斐萨托年轻时,有一段时期找不到工作,赋闲在家。有一天,他鼓起勇气找到一家银行董事长,请求他雇佣自己,然而一见面就被董事长拒之门外。这种结果对他而言已是"家常便饭",这次是第52次。当他失魂落魄地走出银行时,看见银行大门前的地上有一根大头针。他觉得这存在一定的安全隐患,赶紧把大头针捡了起来。第二天,银行录用他的通知单来了,他高兴  相似文献   

一提到"细节决定成败",也许大家首先想到的是最近书市中一本畅销书<细节决定成败>,但是,我听到最多的却是北京市集佳律师事务所梁勇律师在承办大量知识产权诉讼,特别是专利侵权诉讼案件过程中的最大心得.  相似文献   

王鹏程 《知识窗》2013,(3):69-69
"泰山不拒细壤,故能成其高;江海不择细流,故能就其深。"在数学教学中,教师往往只要抓住一个细节,就可能成就一个精彩的课堂;而忽略一个细节,就可能毁掉一个精彩的课堂。细节虽小,却能透射出教育的大智慧。因此,提高效率,成就精彩的课堂离不开教师对细节的关注、研究与思考。  相似文献   

"泰山不拒细壤,故能成其高;江海不择细流,故能就其深。"在数学教学中,教师往往只要抓住一个细节,就可能成就一个精彩的课堂;而忽略一个细节,就可能毁掉一个精彩的课堂。细节虽小,却能透射出教育的大智慧。因此,提高效率,成就精彩的课堂离不开教师对细节的关注、研究与思考。  相似文献   

汽车下乡成败售后服务是关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车摩托车下乡是党中央、国务院为应对国际金融危机、强农、惠农的一项举措和财政机制的创新。在汽车下乡中,售后服务是关键,针对这一问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

西安建村厂是50年代建立的老厂。设备老、产品老、工艺老、效益差,使企业几临困境。可从1982-1992年10年间,这个厂抓住国家深化企业改革的机遇,开拓进取,锐意创新,走出一条发展新路,工业总产值提高170%,销售收入提高100%,利税增长10倍。  相似文献   

简要介绍了ERP信息系统的特征,从实施ERP项目各阶段中常见的几个问题,分析了企业实施ERP项目成败的原因。  相似文献   

We set out to determine if independent inventors can be considered “heroes” or “hobbyists”, that is, if they produce the most or the least influential inventions in a product category. We study patented inventions by independent and firm-based inventors by comparing patents along four dimensions: Patent citation impact, detail, scope, and maintenance. Examining 225 tennis racket patents granted in the US between 1981 and 1991, we find that independent inventors are a heterogeneous group who generate inventions that are overrepresented both among the most impactful and the least impactful patents. The metrics we develop provide insight into ex ante identification of the importance of inventions.  相似文献   

北京同步辐射装置生物大分子晶体学光束线与实验站建设成功在冼鼎昌院士的领导下,北京同步辐射装置(BSRF)生物大分子晶体学光束线与实验站经过三年多时间的建设、调试和试运行,于2003年通过专家验收,已正式向用户开放使用,并成功实现了多波长异常衍射实验,实验结果达到国际先进水平,标志着我国已经拥有了生物大分子晶体结构分析的主流实验方法。已有来自7个科研单位的16个课题组利用这一先进的实验手段开展了实验研究,测试了数百个生物大分子晶体样品,获得了近4万张衍射图谱、百余套完整数据(包括多套单波长和多波长异常衍射数据)。其中一…  相似文献   

媒体资产管理概念和系统技术经过10多年的发展已被声像信息行业所广泛接受,但由于媒体资产系统技术复杂,建设投资较大,涉及新旧体制、工作模式和思维观念的转变等重大问题,因此在系统建设中必须充分考虑多方需求,掌握关键技术及其未来发展,进行合理规划,组建高素质复合型人才队伍,通过恰当地应用推广,最终成功实现声像信息行业的综合能力提升。  相似文献   

在苏联科技创新体系的建构中,移植文化发挥了重要的积极作用,使苏联的科学技术从无到有。在苏联后期科技创新体系运行失败过程中,移植文化也是重要的因素。移植文化弱化苏联的原始创新能力,"反移植"加重了苏联与世界科学界的隔离。  相似文献   

This study examined the views of information systems (IS) designers from the United States, Japan and Korea on the importance of IS development factors in terms of how they contribute to both the success and failure of IS projects. IS designers from the US viewed Communication of the Project Goals and Characteristics of the IS Designers as more important than did the IS designers from Japan and Korea, but rated Characteristics of the Project Leader as less important. The results also indicated that the IS designers did not view the relative importance of the IS development factors, the same in terms of contributing to the success and failure of IS projects. Results obtained from the US sample were consistent with a self-serving bias, while the results obtained from IS designers from Japan were consistent with a self-effacing bias. No significant differences between the success and failure factors were observed for the Korean sample. It was noted that a self-serving bias may prevent IS designers from learning based on past experiences with IS failure.  相似文献   

One of the theoretically important factors for incubator firm performance is the strength of their linkages to the research university sponsoring the technology incubator. Herein, we focus on two types of university linkages to the sponsoring institution: a license obtained from the university and a link to university faculty, while controlling for incubator firm linkages to non-sponsoring research universities, among other factors. We propose that a university link to the sponsoring institution reduces the probability of new venture failure and, at the same time, retards timely graduation. Further, we suggest that these effects are more pronounced the stronger the university link. Due to the difficulty of obtaining fine-grained longitudinal data, the incubation literature is characterized by a dearth of studies focusing on incubator firm differential performance. We attempt to take a first step towards closing this gap by testing these hypotheses through following 79 start-up firms incubated in the Advanced Technology Development Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology over the 6-year period between 1998 and 2003. We find broad support for the hypotheses advanced.  相似文献   

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