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连词and的一般含义是“和”,但and是个很活跃的词,你不难发现,很多情况下的and毫无“和”的意思,尤其是在由and构成的习语中。现列出以下and习语,供欣赏和记忆。1.and all连同He jumped into the water,clothes and a11.他穿着衣服跳进水里。2.and all that诸如此类  相似文献   

①back and forth来来回回,往复The swing moved back and forth.秋千来回摆动。2.black and white白纸黑字This is your handwriting in black andwhite.You can't deny it.这是你的笔迹,白纸黑字,不容抵赖。③day and night日日夜夜He worked day and night.他日夜工作。4.(every)now and then有时,时时We visit our aunt now and then.我们有时去看望姑妈。⑤(go through)fire and water赴汤蹈火He said he would go through fire and water for her他说愿意为她赴汤蹈火。6.here and there到处.四处I saw flowers here and there.我看见到处都是花。⑦neither here and there题外话的。与主题无关的He talked for two hours,but his remarks were neither here and there.  相似文献   

李勇 《中学教与学》2005,(12):F0004-F0004
black and white黑白分明的;绝对的dos and don ts行为准则,须知,注意事项haves and have nots富人和穷人ins and outs细节,始末,详情kiss andtell泄漏秘密odds and ends零碎东西,零星杂物P s and Q s言行pros and cons赞成和反对rights and wrongs事情的真相、全部tried andtested经过反复考验的ups and downs盛衰,沉浮back andforth来回地,反复地dribs and drabs点滴、少量said and done说到底,毕竟cat and mouse猫鼠游戏,欲擒故纵trial and error反复试验flesh and blood家人down and out贫困的,贫病交迫的by andlarge大体上,总的说来,…  相似文献   

英汉两种语言不同,表现在词序上也有所不同。有趣的是,下列英汉词序是相互颠倒的,切不可将它们统一。1.水火fire and water2.冷热heat and cold3.左右right and left4.新旧old and new5.轻重heavy and light6.前后back and forth7.我你you and I8.水陆land and water9.迟早sooner or later10.东北northeast11.老少young and old12.东南southeast13.西南southwest14.西北northwest15.田径track and field16.衣食food and clothing17.晴雨rain or shine18.贫富rich and poor19.细长long and thin20.饮食eat and drink21.血汗sweat and blood2…  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the conflicts between spirit and body that exist among characters in Sons and Lovers. By stating the complicated relationships of Mr. and Mrs. Morel, two sons and their mother, and the protagonist Paul and two women, Miriam and Clara, spirit and body collides and conflicts emerge from time to time. Conflicts between blood ties and lovers’ affairs, moral principles and incest, and chastity and lust are reflected on char- acters, especially Paul in the novel. It conclud...  相似文献   

英汉两种语言不同,表现在词序上也有所不同。有趣的是,下列英汉词序都是颠倒的,切不可将它们正过来。1. 水火fire and water 2. 冷热heat and cold 3. 左右right and left 4. 新旧old and new 5. 轻重heavy and light 6. 前后back and forth 7. 我你you and I 8. 水陆land and water 9. 迟早sooner and later 10. 东北notheast 11. 老少young and old 12. 东南southeast 13. 西南southwest 14. 西北northwest  相似文献   

The world could be analyzed in many dimensions,like rich and poor,peace and warfare,equal and oppressive,but one of the most important dimensions may be the difference between different societies of individualist and collectivist.This article is trying to discuss is the difference between individualism and collectivism in the western and eastern cultures,and also will explain and discuss it in some aspects,such as their viewpoint,their attitude on self-enhancement and self-criticism,and the goal setting and motivation,and take some cases which some researches and psychologists did and some cases found for example to describe it.Also it presents that social orientation and environment,and culture background will take important role to impact people’s mind and choice on individualism and collectivism.No matter individual or collective,it all have advantage and disadvantage for each,it needs comprehensive evaluation for differential environment which can obtain relative reasonable conclusion.  相似文献   

郭蕾吟  郭峘 《海外英语》2013,(13):177-178
Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu,who totally do not affect each,actually have two love plays.According to this feature,in this paper,I analyze these two plays in the changing subject matter,the theme,characters,the structure,play conflicts,tragedy styles and so on which are approximate in the external form——Romeo And Juliet and The Peony Pavilion,and discuss the differences of these two plays and the characteristics and rules of east and west plays.It objectively describes the similarities and differences on the conflict and rhythm.Romeo And Juliet and The Peony Pavilion are different in structural style and rhythm,because of different artistic character for each type of drama they belong to.It emphasizes similarities and differences of the tragedy style and the end.Chinese classical tragedy and the Shakespeare tragedy.This paper analyzes and contrasts Romeo and Juliet and The Peony Pavilion by the methods of comparison and contrast,and demonstrates different characteristics and styles of east and west plays as well as studies the profoundly historical culture behind the plays.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION In scientific and engineering problems, Volterra integral equations are always encountered and have attracted much attention (Christopher and Baker, 1977; Delves and Mohamed, 1985; Brunner and van der Houwen, 1986; Kress, 1989; Oja and Saveljeva, 2002; Maleknejad and Shahrezaee, 2004; Maleknejad and Aghazadeh, 2005; Zerarka and Soukeur, 2005). Generally, exact solutions are very difficult to find and solutions have been obtained for only some few special cases (Yan and …  相似文献   

魏林 《海外英语》2013,(1):204-208
As one of the most outstanding representatives of the Pre-Romanticism poet in 18th century English literature,Wil liam Blake lived through and witnessed an era of great political and social upheaval and transitional period:the American War of Independence,the French Revolution,the Napoleonic Wars and the Industrial Revolution which brought about significant and essential impact on social and historical progress in England.Coming from the social injustices and the full of the dark-side of the industrial England,Blake caught the pulse of his times through his sharp and deep insight,and employed his symbolism,satiric and allegorical device to condemn and criticize the oppression and exploitation derived from the class inequality,privilege and tyr anny.Through his painting and poetry,Blake lashed the dark and indifferent church and authority,and exposed the hypocrisy and falsehood of the religion and humanity,and also called on the oppressed to shatter mental and physical restriction "The mind-forged manacles" come from the ruling class.In this paper,I want to introduce and interpret the social reality as reflected in the poetry of William Blake through concrete analyzing some of Blake’s poems in terms of main ideas,historical settings,rhe torical device and language character which underlay and concealed in his poetry deeply.  相似文献   

Many years ago,the sky was blue,the river wasclear and the air was fresh.There were countlessanimals and plants in our planet.Man enjoyed thebeautiful scenew and wonders given by nature,theearth Was full of life and vigour,people couldhardly imagine what the sand storm and acid rainwere,however,it is the true for it often attacks theearth and mankind and threatens our existence。  相似文献   

英语中的对偶词语,形式上严格对称。这些词语如用得好,可以使语言生色。现在举出一些例子,供同学们欣赏。1. back and forth或前或后,来来回回The tiger is pacing back and forth in the cage.They discussed it back and forth, without getting very far.2. backwards and forwards来回This train goes backwards and forwards between the two towns.3.black and white白纸黑字,书面的I want this agreement in black and white as soon as possible.4.day and night日日夜夜  相似文献   

英语中有很多用and或or将两个近义或相对的词连接起来构成的短语,例如:aches and pains痛苦ancient and modern古今arts and science文理first and foremost首先home and abroad国内外hustle and bustle熙熙攘攘ifs and buts假设和转折  相似文献   

The Journal of Chongqing University - English Edition is asemiyearly publication of uncontrolled circulation that provides broadinformation on science and technology and their applications. Papersreport the latest findings and outcomes of research works dealing withmechanical dynamics, architecture and civil engineering, radio-elec-tronics, computer and automatic control, electrics and electricalengineering, thermodynamic engineering, traffic science and engineering,material science, biomedicine, management science and engineering,mathematics, physics, chemistry and interdisciplines of such.  相似文献   

ACROSS 4 the language of the people of England and the United States and many areas now or formerly under British control 6 a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties ofsubstances and with the transformations that they undergo 7 the art or science of government 9 the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalization…  相似文献   

InGuidelines for Language Classroom Instruction,Crookes and Chaudron review research and practice in both second and foreign language contexts.The main areas of classroom instruction described are:presentational modes and focus on form,types of activities and parameters of tasks and interaction,classroom organization,teacher control of interaction,and corrective feedback.  相似文献   

郭莹莹 《海外英语》2012,(15):277-280
Greetings and leave-takings as part of conversational routines vary from language to language and culture to culture.In Chinese and English,greeting and leave-taking expressions reflect their particular cultures respectively.This paper has an analysis of greeting and leave-taking between acquaintances or friends in informal social context in Chinese and English.Through comparison of greeting and leave-taking expressions in Chinese and English,this paper reveals the differences and similarities of greetings and leave-takings in both languages.  相似文献   

MEMS Test System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On account of the multiformity of MEMS devices, it is necessary to integrate with some optical measurement techniques for meeting static and dynamic unit test requirements. In this paper, an automated MEMS test system is built of some commercially available components and instruments based on virtual instrument technology. The system is integrated with stroboscopic imaging, computer micro-vision, microscopic Mirau phase shifting interferometry, and laser Doppler vibrometer, and is used for the measurement of full-view in-plane and out-of-plane geometric parameters and periodical motions and single spot out-of-plane transient motion. The system configuration and measurement methods are analyzed, and some applications of the measurement of in-plane and out-of-plane dimensions and motions were described. The measurement accuracy of in-plane dimensions and out-of-plane dimensional is better than 0.2 μm and 5 nm respectively. The resolution of measuring in-plane and out-of-plane motions is better than 15 nm and 2 nm respectively.  相似文献   

1.day and night 日日夜夜My brother coughed day and night.我的弟弟日夜地咳嗽。2.here and there到处,处处People could hear song here and there人们到处都能听到歌声。3.up and down上上下下Ann uses a lift to go up and down.安用电梯上上下下。  相似文献   

张钧伟 《海外英语》2012,(8):274-278
Language and culture are intrinsically interconnected and interactive with each other.On one hand,language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it:language expresses,embodies and symbolizes cultural reality.On the other,language is influenced and shaped by culture;it reflects culture.This kind of relationship of language and culture is indispensible,which is clearly reflected in and especially ture with their play of roles in communication.Through the overviews of language and culture,and based on the case studies of three types of communication(cross-cultural,intercultural and multicultural communication),this article is aimed at discussing the relationship of language and culture in detail from the perspective of communication,and further explain and prove the importance of language and culture in successful communication.  相似文献   

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