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论图书馆的经济学属性——公共物品   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
图书馆是满足人类公共信息需求的公共物品。这一经济学属性决定了图书馆属于社会公益性事业 ,为读者免费服务。图书馆又不是纯公共物品 ,兼备公共物品和私人物品二重属性 ,可以在信息服务的某些方面实行有偿服务。参考文献 3。  相似文献   

目前以Google和百度为代表的搜索引擎基本上都是由商业网站运营的.搜索引擎属于文化交流传播的基础工程.正像重要交通枢纽作为公共物品主要由国家投资和管理那样,重要的搜索引擎网站也应当按公共物品来建设,公益性必须放在第一位.  相似文献   

This lively presentation about good negotiation covered three main themes: basic information about negotiation, preparation for negotiation, and factors that affect one's ability to negotiate. Ideas presented included the importance of good communication and reminders that we already engage in negotiation in some way in our lives and that practice can improve our negotiation skills. References to negotiation literature were given. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of a number of factors that affect libraries' ability to negotiate were discussed.  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆的公共关系简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆的公共关系涉及到所有和图书馆有关联的人。成功的公共关系旨在树立图书馆形象,加强图书馆与社区各界层的沟通和互动,以及宣传图书馆及其各种服务和活动项目。文章作者运用美国加州洛杉矶地区公共图书馆的典型事例,介绍并探讨图书馆公共关系活动所涉及的主要方面,图书馆馆长在公共关系中所发挥的作用和职责,以及在公共关系活动展开中所采用的策略和方法。  相似文献   

本文首先强调,包含等级制和驭民术思想的中文传统语境下的舆人之论,与戊戌变法时期梁启超等人倡导的立宪民主思想下的舆论概念,有着根本差异。文章简要回顾了西方自古希腊以来诸多思想家对舆论概念的颠覆与再颠覆过程,以阐明舆论研究有着很长的政治思辨传统。文章其次分析了当前国内外学术界对舆论本质的五种基本看法及其研究取向,并最后以实例证明,实证研究应成为现代舆论研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆的经费多少 ,很大程度上是由纳税民众来决定的 ,因此 ,其定位首先是要为纳税人服好务。美国的公共图书馆都设有公关部 ,其任务是大力宣传自己 ,树立良好形象 ,鼓励全民阅读 ,提高本馆社会地位 ,在服务中求生存、求发展。  相似文献   

王永平 《图书馆》2005,(3):19-21
数字参考咨询服务在本质上属于一种全球公共品,本文从全球公共品这一新的视角下对数字参考咨询服务进行了考察,分析了数字参考咨询服务作为全球公共品的特征,探讨了在全球公共品视角下我国实施数字参考咨询服务的对策。  相似文献   

新闻媒介生产什么?如何生产?为谁生产?对于这些问题的解答都直接取决于对新闻“是什么”的认识。本文以经济学中有关私人物品、公共物品等概念为分析工具,论证了“新闻是公共物品”的论点。  相似文献   

卞冬磊 《国际新闻界》2012,(5):21-25,31
新闻与政治息息相关。过去几十年美国新闻思想中,新闻专业主义、社会责任论和公共新闻业的对抗,均可以放置在积极自由和消极自由的框架里看待。建立在消极自由基础上的新闻专业主义,面对积极自由框架内的社会责任论、公共新闻业等理念的冲击,虽屡受质疑却始终不倒,其原因乃是在于整个美国社会及其民主政体对消极自由理念的笃信。  相似文献   

我国公共图书馆管理本质上是政府管理,这种管理体制曾经发挥过很大作用,但是也存在很多缺点.改变政府管理的最佳选择是引入社会管理机制,建立公共图书馆委员会是实现这种选择的最佳路径.  相似文献   

Somerset Computing Limited has developed a unique search engine that allows publishers and societies to produce electronic archives with full‐text searching and the ability to carry out high‐level search requests without major rekeying or tagging, making it the most cost‐effective solution for full‐text searching available. This technology has relevance to many publishing areas including legal publishers, academic publishers, STM publishers, learned societies and professional typesetters. This article describes how Somerset Computing has utilized its expertise and this innovative in‐house software to provide the British Academy with an affordable, fully searchable solution to the electronic archiving of the Proceedings of the British Academy.  相似文献   

公共图书馆要搞经营创收   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
公共图书馆要搞经营创收刘翠兰Abstract:Librarymanagementindicatesthecarryingoutthelibrary'soperatingmechanism,managementmeasuresandself-value...  相似文献   

This article explores reasons why the Western library system does not adequately address Africa's vision for a library and why it does not meet the local needs for information. With a focus on the AIDS pandemic, the role and mission of libraries are revisited as a customized tool that is culturally localized to effectively participate as a proactive disseminator of information, specifically to support the three key public health objectives regarding HIV/AIDS, namely, to have people tested for the virus, to inform those infected about their best options to sustain life, and to support efforts to prevent the spread of HIV. A progressive Africanized vision of the role of libraries is proposed—to retool libraries from their current passive roles as the guardians of books, to active, live, and customized disseminators of socially relevant and culturally appropriate information.  相似文献   

This essay contextualizes the overall development of eastern European resources at the Library, highlighting some of the personalities who have contributed to building this internationally significant research resource. The development of the Baltic, east‐central European, and southern Slavic collections of The New York Public Library has been a neglected area of the Library's history. Reciprocity with institutions in the Slavic and Eastern European homelands played a vital part in the growth of the Library's holdings of materials in their languages until the collapse of the Soviet bloc. Library materials were acquired through local dealers, as gifts, and on international exchanges, as well as through personal visits to the region by library staff. Modernist books were an important part of these acquisition efforts.  相似文献   

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