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《科学世界》开创的国人办刊新理念   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
姚远  卫玲  亢小玉 《编辑学报》2003,15(4):235-237
通过历史文献考证,认为创刊于1903年的《科学世界)是中国人所办的第一份纯粹科学杂志,它所提出的“上穷天巧”“新理”“新艺”“不关科学者不录”的原则,显示了清末国人办刊的新理念。  相似文献   

科技藏品与互动展品的关系,是研究博物馆与科技馆教育功能关联性的基础。本文从科技藏品与互动展品的不同来源与特性入手,分析了科技藏品与由科技藏品转化而来的“互动展品”之间的关系,以及转化的原因和途径,并从教育学和认知的角度分析归纳了科技藏品与互动展品的本质差异。在此基础上,说明依托科技藏品的博物馆教育与依托互动展品的科学中心教育的不同思路和策略。  相似文献   

2003年国内外情报学研究新进展   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
文章用基于词频统计的内容分析法分析了2003年国内外情报学研究的热点和新动向。从分析结果得出:信息技术、信息检索、网络、信息服务与用户、数据与数据库、管理与评价、信息系统、知识管理等领域是2003年国内外情报学研究的共同热点。  相似文献   

在“国际化进程中的中国自然科学博物馆”的这个大命题下.讨论对“国际化”对自然科学博物馆在当代社会中存在价值的影响。面临来自社会和自身的严峻挑战.我们须如深理解自然科学博物馆的本质和内涵.重申我们的使命和责任,在探索自然中传播科学,传承文明。  相似文献   

展板是科技馆的传统展示手段之一,在各种参与体验、动态演示和新媒体展示技术应用日益广泛的今天,其作用和设计经常被忽视、被边缘化。本文根据麦克卢汉的媒介理论和各种展示技术手段在科技馆展览中应用的实践案例,分析了展板与展品及其他图文媒介的传播特点差异,由此确定了展板在科技馆展览中的功能定位,并据此得出展板设计的可循思路。  相似文献   


The development of a new method of providing instruction involves many different issues. This paper examines a pilot project in which videoconferencing was used to provide library instruction to students at remote campuses. The librarians initiating this new service confronted the issues of training, adaptation of instruction techniques to the new format, and collaboration with faculty and administrative staff. They also dealt with administrative issues such as scheduling classes and facilities and staff scheduling. This paper examines how this cross-departmental project developed and was supported, how the initial training was conducted, and how existing class outlines were adapted. Also discussed are the lessons learned from the initial sessions. Varied administrative and collaborative challenges face the library, faculty, and departmental administrators as this project moves from pilot project status into a regular and required part of the curriculum.  相似文献   

This report is based on research findings of a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded study conducted by the Philadelphia/Camden Informal Science Education Collaborative (PISEC), which consists of four institutions: The Franklin Institute Science Museum, the New Jersey State Aquarium, The Academy of Natural Sciences, and the Philadelphia Zoological Garden. The first year's study addressed the question “How can we identify and measure family learning in science museums?” It documented a relationship between learning levels and observable behaviors. On the basis of coding family conversations and interview data for level of learning, we see that families do learn from exhibits and that the level of learning is related to specific observed behaviors. Grouping these behaviors as performance indicators provides a useful measure of exhibit learning.  相似文献   

学习共享空间:图书馆构建新的协作式学习环境   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在介绍信息共享空间到学习共享空间发展的基础上,表明学习共享空间是信息共享空间发展的新阶段和重要分支,是图书馆为适应学校教育改革和满足读者协同式交互学习的需求,与校园内其他学生服务部门合作营造的新型协作式学习环境.从虚拟服务空间、实体服务空间和跨部门协同的支持环境等几个方面阐述了构建学习共享空间时应注意的问题.  相似文献   

The rise of digital media labs and spaces for content creation in public libraries has been documented in the scholarly literature. However, fewer studies have investigated the outcomes of media literacy initiatives in community media centers (CMCs) and how they might inform similar programs and services in public libraries. This article reports findings from a study that used qualitative research to investigate the current goals and activities of CMCs across the United States. The findings show that the educational, social, and community benefits of these programs could be useful for public libraries to consider in developing or augmenting their own media literacy initiatives.  相似文献   

Abstract This article outlines a different view of the changing nature of adult learning in the Internet era. The old model of learning—the warehouse—is being replaced by a “just‐in‐time” system of information acquisition. The NRC report focuses too heavily on finding missions for existing institutions and pays too little attention to the pervasive changes in information acquisition and adult learning in all areas. An analysis of existing data demonstrates the relative impact of formal and informal learning and points to opportunities for enhanced adult science learning in the future. In a just‐in‐time world, museums and similar informal learning institutions will need to be less dependent on their physical setting and more focused on learning as the end product. It will also be necessary to find a viable revenue model to support this emerging mission.  相似文献   

为激发青少年科学家潜质,储备科技创新人才,提升青少年科学职业理想愈发重要。科学职业理想会影响个体从事科学领域的职业选择,而场馆教育情境对其培育具有重要促进作用。本研究梳理了英国伦敦科学博物馆和纽卡斯尔生命中心的场馆生涯教育实践,以资借鉴。英国科普场馆教育以提升青少年科学职业理想为目标,在个体维度关注职业关联性感知,在社会维度聚焦机会公平,并衍生出了以生涯理念指导馆本课程、在教育空间开展体验活动、加强馆校结合、发挥科学家群体榜样作用和关注女性等弱势群体等生涯教育策略。结合英国两个场馆的实践经验,我国科普场馆可通过创新活动设计,融入科学家精神,汇集多元主体,实现面向科学职业理想的场馆科学教育变革。  相似文献   

观察国际图书馆学术前沿及其发展:内容分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
通过对国际图联 (IFLA)大会议题进行内容分析 ,可看出国际图书馆界对本学科学术前沿的关注及其变化。研究表明 :从 1995~ 2 0 0 1年 ,图书馆学情报学界对数字化议题的关注逐年加强 ,对知识 ,特别是知识管理概念的关注程度急剧提高 ,而对信息技术、因特网等概念则出现兴趣消退迹象。表 3。图 2。参考文献 7。  相似文献   

Abstract The National Research Council report Learning Science in Informal Environments provides a much‐needed synthesis of what research says about informal learning. LSIE makes key observations about science learning and emphasizes the challenges faced in trying to understand and document those complex processes. Yet assumptions about how—and under what conditions—people learn science are not necessarily universal constructs. Such assumptions are driven by the theoretical perspectives of the researchers, as well as the culture of the learners themselves. The limited scope of the volume prohibits it from fully addressing such cultural and historical contexts, and the subsequent implications for methodological approaches. Nevertheless, the report is an important starting point for informing educators, researchers, and policy‐makers who work with or within informal science institutions.  相似文献   

Abstract The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded the National Research Council report Learning Science in Informal Environments to synthesize the growing body of diverse research underlying informal science learning. Intended outcomes were to establish a base for future research, to provide evidence‐based guidance for those developing and delivering informal learning experiences, to broaden the definition of “learning” beyond that typically used in formal education, to encourage knowledge sharing across the heterogeneous informal science education field, and to provide a measure of external validation for the value of learning in informal settings. NSF investment in this study is part of a larger ongoing effort by the Informal Science Education program to advance knowledge and practice and build capacity in the field.  相似文献   

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