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文学教育尤其是大学文学经典教育中的所谓“标准答案”问题由来已久,迄今仍是需要正视的一个问题。文章从语言与文学及其关系的规律和特点这一标准和角度,就大学文学经典教育是否应恪守“标准答案”问题,置于后现代语境给予理论的探讨。问题的提出,其价值首先在于它的确是个问题。文章重在后现代语境中的“解构”,目的在于由此引起对相关问题的进一步深入的讨论。  相似文献   

论"为迁移而教"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“为迁移而教”是当代教育界流行的口号,文章主要针对目前教育教学过程中所呈现的迁移问题对学生学习产生的干扰,着重分析迁移理论,并以此作为教育教学的理论依据,提出“为迁移而教”的教学策略。  相似文献   

“审美意识形态”概念的提出虽然顺应国内外学术语境,注意到文学特征的整一性、研究方法的开放性,但它自身又不可避免地陷入文论的意识形态性与文学的意识形态性的纠缠、化约文学复杂微妙内涵等困境中。文章认为,应置身于审美现代性批判的语境中,并展开与当代审美文化的“交往对话”,以此推动中国当代文论的健康发展。  相似文献   

在哲学社会科学“语言论转向”的全球化语境中,解剖和反思当前国内大学文学教育中普遍存在的语言与文学、“思想”(内容)与“语言”(形式)等诸多“两张皮现象与问题”,思考“与时俱进、开拓创新”的改革方向,召唤文学重返语言家园,提出建构汉语“文学语言学”新课程及新学科的设想。  相似文献   

大学教育的"生产"与"自我生产"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以大学教育过程及其效率、效果等为研究内容 ,认为大学教育是一个“生产”与“自我生产”有机统一的双重“生产过程”,从人才质量的角度探讨了优秀人才的培养与“批量产出”问题 ,研究并提出了大学教育的“自我生产”机制及其实现形式。  相似文献   

延安文学作为一个专门的研究范畴,在新的历史语境下重新受到关注。黄科安先生转换新的思维观念,挖掘新的价值内涵,并在不富足的历史研究资料中去粗取精,大胆抛弃陈腐而失真的历史偏见,挖掘延安文学本身所饱含的多面性,复杂性。文章从作者在传统研究的基础上所进行的“两种话语”和“矛盾心态”两个方面进行分析,阐述作者在延安文学研究中所体现的新的价值和意义。  相似文献   

浅议高等职业教育的"互动式"教学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等职业教育的核心在于培养学生的创新精神与实践能力。文章对“互动式”教学模式为什么更适合高等职业教育,高等职业学校如何开展“互动式”教学等问题进行了探讨,并结合我院“互动式”教学实践,提出了开展“互动式”教学的前提条件和实施方法。  相似文献   

面对“眼球经济”时代下文学与“现当代文学”课程的被边缘化问题,本文提出让文学教育与时俱进的观点,从文学教育与师范生相结合、与电化教育相结合、与“问题式”教学方法相结合三个方面来改进现当代文学课程的教育问题。  相似文献   

一、“文章”在语文教育中的重要性先秦时期,人们将哲学、历史、文学等书面著作统称为文学。汉朝时把文学作品和学术性著作界分为两种文体;到南北朝便有了文笔之分。其时所说的“文”相当于现在的文学,“笔”即我们所说的文章。文学与文章从形式到内容的分野,无论是在学习还是在应用方面都有重要的意义。尽管从表达的逻辑性来看,两者有一定的联系,然而由于文章、文学早已分道扬镳,而且在人们的认知中也早已把这两个概念的同异做了详细区分:所谓“同”,是指二者都是反映客观事物;所谓“异”就是一个是真实的反映,一个是  相似文献   

高职教育“2 1”培养模式中的“1”应是1年的就业实习。文章对“1”的功能、作用、任务及组织实施、考核等问题进行了探讨,并提出要发挥学校的主导作用,将就业实习与学生的就业工作结合起来,同步推进。  相似文献   

近年来,教育学界关于本质主义与反本质主义的争论一直是教育理论研究中的热点问题。作者提出“教育本质”问题本身的不可消解性,即“本质主义”的思维方式反映了人类本性的历史性和永恒性的统一。问题的关键不在于是否追求教育有无“本质”,而在于对“教育本质”的追问方式。作者认为,基于后现代主义理论自身的局限,并不能有效解决教育研究中的“本质主义”倾向问题。在终极存在上,当代教育哲学的任务就是对“教育本质”的追问;在次级反思的层面上,教育哲学就是教育观;在当下中国现实中,教育观就是主体性教育观。  相似文献   

对文学本质进行界说,就是回答"文学是什么"、"文学如何存在"的问题,从根本上说,这也是一个本体论问题。对这个问题的不同回答,关涉到不同的本体论立场。马克思主义的物质本体论,以生产(实践)为中介,建构文学的艺术生产理论,这就是辩证唯物论的文学本体论。以此透视"审美意识形态"论,可以发现,无论是审美意识还是意识形态,都不构成文学的本体,它们都可以纳入文学的艺术生产论。文学"审美意识形态"论,存在着无法克服的本体论缺陷。  相似文献   

对文学本质进行界说,就是回答"文学是什么"、"文学如何存在"的问题,从根本上说,这也是一个本体论问题。对这个问题的不同回答,关涉不同的本体论立场。马克思主义的物质本体论,以生产(实践)为中介,建构文学的艺术生产理论,这就是辩证唯物论的文学本体论。以此透视"审美意识形态"论,可以发现,无论是审美意识还是意识形态,都不构成文学的本体,它们都可以纳入文学的艺术生产论。文学"审美意识形态"论,存在着无法克服的本体论缺陷。  相似文献   

The philosophical branch of ethics is foundationally concerned with the question of right or wrong, benevolent or harmful, and ultimately what is proper conduct. The present inquiry addresses two related questions: (1) How have theories of ethics been applied to mathematics education research? and (2) What alternatives have not been considered? What might the implications be if these alternative formulations were considered? To answer the first question, I offer a review of the philosophy of mathematics education literature, considering those articles which discuss ethics and mathematics education together. The ethical perspectives adopted within the literature span normative and non-normative, modern and postmodern orientations towards ethics. To answer the second question, I explored philosophy literature to identify which philosophical perspectives of ethics have (not) been adopted by philosophers of mathematics education research. The structure of this paper parallels these two questions: the first part considers the philosophy of mathematics education research and how researchers have defined ethics while the second part discusses additional philosophical approaches to ethics and puts those approaches into conversation with those identified in part one. I conclude by intertwining these two strands into my central thesis: ethics per se is construed too narrowly in the philosophy of mathematics education literature and considering additional ethical perspectives from philosophy can be generative of new ideas.  相似文献   

世纪的转换与高等教育财政   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
世纪之交成为全球高等教育发展的巨大转折点,OECD国家高等教育的发展趋势从20世纪后期的规模扩增逐步向21世纪的质量性结构调整过渡。与此同时,发达国家的政府支出出现严重缩减,高校毕业生的就业压力也逐渐增大。在这样的背景之下,高等教育财政肩负着怎样的责任?本文将从这个问题出发,首先梳理20世纪80年代以来发达国家高等教育的变化趋势,然后分析这种变化背后的高等教育财政支持体系,最后思考21世纪初期高等教育财政所面临的困境与挑战。  相似文献   

唯心主义和唯物主义的方法论意义在于为研究哲学和哲学的发展提供了一个分析框架。唯心主义与唯物主义是"逻辑在先"和"时间在先"一致意义上的划分。自然界与精神在时间上谁先谁后的问题,是必须回答的,而唯心主义对此问题的回答则属于"胡说"。  相似文献   

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a general education initiative that takes place prior to evaluation for placement in special education. Essentially, the first two tiers of RtI require general education teachers to use research-based instruction with all students and then to evaluate the effectiveness of that instruction. Given that the use of RtI as an assessment tool begins in the general education classroom, the following question remains: Are general educators aware of the development and implementation of RtI as a process for assessing and, eventually, possibly placing students into special education? The purpose of this study was to review the literature to answer the following two questions:
  1. To what extent is RtI evident in the professional literature of educator groups (teachers, administrators, and teacher educators) who will be responsible for implementing these school practices?

  2. What is the nature of the published literature (concept papers, assessment practices, instructional practices, and research) on RtI?


Life-Long Self-Construction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In today’s industrialized societies, the current societal issue underlying personal and career development interventions (counselling or education) can be summed up as follows: “How can individuals be helped to direct their own lives within their own human societal context?” This question can be converted into the following scientific question: “What are the factors and processes of life-long self-construction?” In order to answer this question, three major propositions (sociological, cognitive and dynamic-semiotic) need to be articulated. This articulation gives rise to a theoretical construct that differentiates universal processes and specific processes and contents.  相似文献   

Gad Yair 《Higher Education》2008,55(4):447-459
Boyer’s call for the study of the “scholarship of teaching” has rekindled interest in outstanding teaching in higher education. However, most studies of teaching quality and student experiences in higher education have paid little attention to intense, meaningful key experiences and were limited in answering the pertinent question: Can universities administer excellent instruction? The current paper attempts to answer this question by providing exploratory evidence of key experiences in higher education. It is based on evidence from a large qualitative study of such episodes, using retrospective accounts provided by adults who speak about their best educational experiences in higher education. The results are grouped under three major thematic headings. The first describes the centrality of personalized student–teacher relations. The second focuses on the ways in which identification and integrity provided students with models to emulate; and the third tells of excellence in the skills of teaching. These results point that the administration of the scholarship of teaching is an intricate endeavor.  相似文献   

处在大时代中的中国基础教育改革者,如何“在中国”进行基础教育改革?需要基于“方法论”的眼光,审视中国基础教育改革;站在“中国立场”,创造“基础教育改革”的中国经验;以“耐心和从容的心态”,面对中国基础教育改革的成败得失。  相似文献   

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