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The authors surveyed 250 students, faculty, alumni, administrators, and staff about how they use mobile devices, if at all, to access a university library. Fifty percent of respondents reported that they used their mobile devices to access the library—primarily the catalog and the research databases; however, usability hindered accessing other desired services. These results have implications for library administrators with respect to making decisions about App choices, the advertisement of services, and the transition to e-collections.  相似文献   

In this study, researchers observed student study behaviors in the libraries of four post-secondary institutions. In all, 2,773 observations were made. This research replicates and expands an earlier study and addresses its limitations. The results of a logistic regression test indicate whether students had a mobile device readily available and where students chose to study in the library best predicted whether they demonstrated a study, as opposed to a non-study, behavior. Specifically, if students were found in quiet study or computer areas, they were more likely to be performing study behaviors. This research has implications for library stakeholders making decisions about the use of library space. Most importantly, this research demonstrates that library spaces are widely used for diverse purposes.  相似文献   

Academic libraries are increasingly engaged on social media in order to connect with diverse community groups and move beyond the traditional bounds of the library. This research uses a phenomenological approach and Institutional Theory to explore social media postings at six different public and private university libraries in two Midwest states. The research addresses what themes emerge among the university library's social media pages and what, if any, differences in themes emerge based on the status of the library in question. Social media postings included ten different codes: archives; collections; events; exhibits; facility; library community; sentiments; services; site management; and university community. These codes were tied to three different themes: libraries create a sense of outreach and advocacy with the goal of establishing community connection, providing an inviting environment, and access to content as needed or desired. Ultimately, while libraries at universities with an ARL library or an MLS granting degree program showed a similar breakdown between these three themes, libraries at other master's degree institutions spent less time on making community connections in lieu of posting content and information about the library's environment.  相似文献   

Bryan Alexander described the digital environment that we live in, giving an extensive overview of the current state of interactive devices, particularly mobile devices, which are moving us beyond the personal computer. He covered recent major developments that have transformed the world in surprising ways in a rather short period of time. The world of apps is further expanding what these devices can do, also bringing with them more challenges to individual privacy. Gaming and augmented reality are becoming deeply embedded in much of what we do. Alexander laid out four possible futures that these contemporary developments could lead to.  相似文献   

Mobile Internet applications and service innovations are changing people's way of life. At the same time, they are also changing the way that people communicate and access information. People who visited libraries to find specific information in the past are now able to find the same information online. As the spectrum of human need grows, the opportunities for librarians to meet these needs are also growing. Libraries will need to be designed to accommodate the changing needs of their users. Mobile library services can meet users' information needs in a fast-paced society. In this investigation we identified 39 university libraries supported by the Ministry of Education's “Project 985” and evaluated their status as mobile library service providers.  相似文献   

A survey concerning usage of PsycBOOKS was mailed to the database coordinators at 280 academic libraries in the United States in the winter of 1991. A total of 160 usable returns, representing a 57% return rate, were received. Results indicate that a majority of the responding libraries did not own this important reference tool, and were not planning to acquire it, although patrons from libraries that did own it responded positively to its format and ease of use. Some comments received indicated a lack of awareness about the existence of PsycBOOKS, while others indicated an interest in waiting for its appearance in CD-ROM format before purchasing.  相似文献   

图书馆移动信息服务对扩展图书馆数字资源应用,深化图书馆信息服务改革具有重要作用。国外很多高校图书馆在移动信息服务方面形成较为成熟的服务技术和服务模式。论文选择了国外21所典型高校图书馆开展了调研,并从信息通报、业务与查询、阅读与服务、个性化定制等四个方面作了进一步对比分析,在调研分析的基础上,为我国图书馆开展移动信息服务提出了一些改进建议。  相似文献   


Using Etienne Wenger’s concept of a community of practice, UH Libraries’ Liaison Services Department developed departmental members’ emotional intelligence. The social learning structure of the community of practice mirrors the emotional intelligence learning model theorized by Daniel Goleman. This case study demonstrates how this approach can benefit a unit within an academic library. Using a community of practice approach to build a space for social learning creates an environment in which library workers are able to learn and practice the skills of emotional intelligence among their colleagues and within the context of the norms and values of the work environment.  相似文献   

教育部以教高[2015]14号印发并实施了《普通高等学校图书馆规程》,文章以一个高校图书馆馆员的视角,对新《普通高等学校图书馆规程》与《普通高等学校图书馆规程(修订)》进行对比,对新《普通高等学校图书馆规程》中涉及高校图书馆建设发展的若干重要问题进行了分析、归纳和总结.在《普通高等学校图书馆规程》的指导下,高校图书馆在未来要重点做好以下工作:注重图书馆专业人才培养,支持学术研究,以促进图书馆事业的可持续发展;嵌入教学科研,开展学科化服务;重视数字资源建设,做好本校学术资源数字化工作;积极参与学校人才培养,提高学生综合素质,利用现代化技术,完善和创新信息素质教育的形式和内容,创造实践机会,锻炼学生社会实践能力;积极参与校园文化建设,引领校园文化;共享协作,服务社会.  相似文献   

1特藏文献特点及开发利用的意义1.1特藏文献资源具有独一性近年来由于文献价格的不断上涨,许多图书馆不得不将有限资金用在刀刃上。为了保证优秀文献的完整性,将采购数量控制在一至两本,这样许多优秀文献资料便主要由该馆的特藏部门来保管,相对地降低了优秀图书的...  相似文献   

毕业季主题活动是高校图书馆服务精神的一个重要体现.文章以“985”高校图书馆为对象,对其近6年内毕业季主题活动的开展情况进行调查,指出其主要活动类型包括资源共享类活动、情感交流类活动、信息传递类活动以及毕业延伸类活动,并选取阅读记忆活动、时光囊活动以及特色校友服务进行案例分享.在此基础上,建议从创新活动形式、拓展活动内容、规范活动组织以及重视活动宣传等几个方面优化高校图书馆毕业季主题活动的组织与开展.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(31):119-129
This essay proposes the identification and study of nonusers of academic library reference services. Using the techniques previously applied to different classes of public library users, researchers could benefit from information already available, as well as undertake survey research on lifestyles in academe. The discussion puts forth the claim that nonusers of academic libraries are potential users belonging to the same three groups as current users: faculty, staff, and students. A brief overview of the results of the application of lifestyles research to public library user groups is provided. Finally, the article describes some lifestyle characteristics of each of the three groups and their possible implications for academic library reference services.  相似文献   

高校图书馆和公共图书馆学术研究现状的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2005-2007年CSSCI数据库来源文献的标引词数据,对以高校图书馆和公共图书馆为单位的论文分别进行统计,采用关键词分析方法,从各类图书馆、图书馆要素、服务、管理、理论、技术、研究方法等方面对两类图书馆的学术研究情况进行对比分析。  相似文献   

新时期高校图书馆文献资源的收藏与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪,随着信息化、网络化技术的发展,高校图书馆文献资源建设应关注从传统到现代的理念转变,藏用并重,以用为先。  相似文献   

过去十余年,北美大学图书馆面临着经费紧张、人员冗余、发展挑战等一系列问题,许多图书馆把流通、咨询、馆际互借等传统的服务内容整合到一个物理咨询服务点完成。同时,该服务点还作为其他深层次服务的转接点,承担图书馆各项服务的转接功能。该文主要介绍了北美大学图书馆服务整合的背景、措施、内容、带来的好处和存在的问题等。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the status of strategic planning in academic libraries. It discusses the trend towards “dialogic” (e.g. Appreciative Inquiry) rather than “diagnostic” (e.g. SWOT) approaches to strategic planning—a trend aligned with a dialogic movement in organization development. The authors explain the difference between dialogic and diagnostic methods and what made Appreciative Inquiry (AI) a good choice for strategic planning at Oviatt Library, California State University, Northridge (CSUN). In the final section, the authors present a case study of the Oviatt Library project with information about the planning process including staffing for the project. Although focused on academic libraries, the information about strategic planning frameworks and processes is applicable to any type of library.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 研究北美地区大学图书馆数字学术中心服务创新模式与空间资源配置以及再造过程,为国内大学图书馆转型和发展提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程] 采用典型案例分析法,对北美地区10所大学图书馆构建数字学术中心情况进行比较分析,概括其服务模式和空间变革的主要方式。[结果/结论] 北美地区大学图书馆数字学术中心是集服务转型与空间变革于一体,提供数字学术研究支持和服务创新集成的新型图书馆空间,它将是未来大学图书馆中最开放、最有创造力和最具创新精神的服务功能。对我国大学图书馆数字学术支持服务的发展有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

从移动时代展览服务的需求特点出发,总结高校图书馆展览服务的现状与挑战;提出在移动时代高校图书馆的展览信息发布应当实现立体化的投送,展览服务的核心表现应是整合高校馆藏资源,并实现适应移动终端特点的在线展览;分析移动互联网技术在展览服务形式创新方面的应用,阐述“微”展台的发展和展览服务平台开放与互动的重要性。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对当前我国高校图书馆展览服务需求与资源之间的矛盾,调研上海高校图书馆展览资源共建共享联盟成员之间进行合作的动因、方式及可持续发展策略,对其实践进行总结和展望,为其他馆提供借鉴。[方法/过程]对该联盟10所成员馆展览业务负责人进行问卷调查,对调查所获资料进行分析总结,辅以文献调研加以梳理。[结果/结论]高校图书馆在展览服务中有着展览资源短缺、拥有共同目标、展览特色互补等合作动因,存在分享展览信息、互换展览资源、抱团对外谈判、共同制作展览等合作和利益共享策略;认为还可从扩宽展览主题和深度、利用和学习其他外部机构资源和经验、联合培训工作人员、运用科学方法进行效果跟踪和评价等方式开展进一步合作。  相似文献   

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