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刘海兵 《科学学研究》2019,37(9):1680-1693
本文基于探索性案例研究方法,探讨开放式创新实施的情境、实施路径和效应,在深入分析创新情境、开放式创新和创新能力的动态变化轨迹基础上,试图构建一个“创新情境--开放式创新--创新能力”的整合分析模型。依据这一研究框架,文章对在开放式创新方面有代表的海尔集团作了2009-2018年纵向案例研究。本文研究丰富了开放式创新的内核,从作用于创新链的节点、交易逻辑和类型等三方面诠释了开放式创新的内涵;定义了开放式创新的类型,提出从驱动力、创新链开放节点、交易逻辑、知识流、卷入的创新资源、沟通方式、沟通频率和核心特征等8个维度定义开放式创新,可划分为内部依赖-内向型、主导参与-内向型、主导参与-双向型、社群共创-双向型4种类型。研究结论发现,由技术控制力和创新活跃度反映的创新情境是决定开放式创新模式选择的依据,开放式创新是一个依据企业面临环境和战略选择发生的连续的、动态的创新资源吸引、整合、利用、释放和扩散过程,随着创新情境越来越有利,开放式创新依次经历内部依赖-内向型、主导参与-内向型、主导参与-双向型、社群共创-双向型4个阶段,与之对应的创新能力则沿着“技术创新能力-整合创新能力-生态创新能力”的路径演化。本文的理论贡献在于:丰富了开放式创新的内核,定义了开放式创新的类型,并基于创新情境、开放式创新与创新能力动态演化路径提出了COC模型,为企业如何实施开放式创新提供了理论支撑和实践指导。  相似文献   

基于177家中国外包企业创新管理的数据,本文采用多元层级回归方法,对组织记忆、组织学习、需求不确定性与供应商创新能力之间的关系进行了理论探讨和实证检验,试图揭示出组织记忆和组织学习对供应商创新能力的差异性影响,并对顾客需求不确定性在组织记忆、组织学习与供应商创新能力的关系中所扮演的调节效应进行了实证分析。研究结果显示,在外包情境下,组织记忆对供应商创新能力的正向影响大于组织学习的正向影响;需求不确定性对组织记忆与供应商创新能力之间的关系具有显著的正向调节作用,而对组织学习与供应商创新能力之间的关系具有显著的负向调节作用。  相似文献   

大学及公共研究机构的成果商业化越来越受到重视。为了更有效的转化其基础科研成果,一种新的基于科学的企业随之诞生。这类企业与基础科学研究紧密相连,以商业化大学和公共研究机构中的成果为目的,并试图从中获取财务回报。本文选取国内著名高校成果转化的成功案例,从“知识转移与吸收”的视角研究了大学与公共研究机构的成果转化,本文的研究表明:(1)对于综合复杂性基础科研成果,成立“基于科学的企业”是实现成果转化的有效途径;(2)科学家的深度参与商业化是实现隐性知识转移的有效方式;(3)基于科学的企业与大学或研究机构建立长期合作与反哺机制,有利于企业培养知识吸收能力并形成企业的持续创新能力;(4)政府多手段的支持降低了企业风险,为企业提供良好的创新环境。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,以华中地区56家科技型小微企业的358套顾客–员工配对数据为样本,基于服务主导逻辑和计划行为理论,探索顾客契合对科技型小微企业创新绩效的影响,并考察价值共创行为和创新氛围在其中起到的中介和调节作用。研究结果表明,顾客契合对企业创新绩效有显著正向影响;价值共创行为在顾客契合对企业创新绩效的影响过程中起部分中介作用;创新氛围在顾客契合和价值共创行为之间起正向调节作用,即当企业创新氛围较高时,顾客契合对价值共创行为的促进作用更强。  相似文献   

探索性学习、挖掘性学习和创新绩效   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱朝晖 《科学学研究》2008,26(4):860-867
 本研究基于March提出的探索性学习和挖掘性学习及其平衡理论,提出了在开放式创新模式下,两类学习的协同及其它们对创新绩效的共同促进作用,并进而分析了环境动荡性在其中的调控效应。最后,基于大样本问卷调查对假设进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

众创空间在高速发展的同时建设水平参差不齐,孵化效果相去甚远。本文选取了广州市的众创空间作为调研对象,调研众创空间的创业孵化模式及其效果,比较不同孵化模式的优劣。研究发现,孵化模式优劣的影响因素主要有三个方面:一是投入孵化要素的侧重点;二是众创空间对孵化模式的执行力度;三是孵化模式与孵化企业相互适应程度。从优化孵化模式出发,给众创空间的发展提出三点建议:一是众创空间应结合自身、行业、地区情况设计孵化模式;二是围绕孵化模式建立灵活的孵化机制;三是积极拓展投融资渠道。  相似文献   

The concept of ‘inclusive innovation’ for development has become increasingly prominent in both academic and policy discourses, raising important questions as to how this is being framed. Results from case studies conducted in India suggest inclusive innovation to be interpretively flexible and contested. One case presents a grassroots framing emphasising social and political empowerment, rooted in community self-sufficiency, autonomy and traditional belief systems. In contrast, the other cases co-opt the language of inclusion to present a predominantly market-based framing, heavily emphasising market readiness and participation. This framing is transforming rural social practices (including the organisation of space and time, the meaning of production and the role of women), introducing the potential for market dependency.  相似文献   

刘和东 《科研管理》2013,34(1):28-36
收集产学研合作、FDI及创新相关数据,运用静态与动态空间面板计量模型,从地理特征和社会经济特征两方面考察了1998-2008年中国大陆30个省市区域创新的产学研合作内溢、FDI外溢及空间溢出效应。研究表明:在空间溢出效应中,地理特征和社会经济特征对区域创新溢出效应都有显著正的影响,地理特征的影响更大;在地理特征中,地理距离比空间邻接的影响更显著;社会经济特征中,信息传播比人力资本的影响更显著。FDI技术外溢效应为正,在短期中显著,长期中则不显著。产学研合作内溢效应在短期和长期中不显著甚至显著为负。外在环境对创新溢出有显著正向影响。在此基础上提出了有效提升区域创新能力的政策启示。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain why innovating firms often fail to obtain significant economic returns from an innovation, while customers, imitators and other industry participants benefit Business strategy — particularly as it relates to the firm's decision to integrate and collaborate — is shown to be an important factor. The paper demonstrates that when imitation is easy, markets don't work well, and the profits from innovation may accrue to the owners of certain complementary assets, rather than to the developers of the intellectual property. This speaks to the need, in certain cases, for the innovating firm to establish a prior position in these complementary assets. The paper also indicates that innovators with new products and processes which provide value to consumers may sometimes be so ill positioned in the market that they necessarily will fail. The analysis provides a theoretical foundation for the proposition that manufacturing often matters, particularly to innovating nations. Innovating firms without the requisite manufacturing and related capacities may die, even though they are the best at innovation. Implications for trade policy and domestic economic policy are examined.  相似文献   

外部融资、企业规模与上市公司技术创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周方召  符建华  仲深 《科研管理》2014,35(3):116-122
本文运用Ordered Probit模型考察了外部融资、公司规模与上市公司技术创新之间的关系,并进一步探讨了外部金融发展和外部融资对于不同规模企业技术创新的影响差异。采用手工收集整理的广义技术创新变量来衡量公司的技术创新程度,通过对微观层面的2007—2010年间中国A股上市公司数据的实证研究,得到如下结论:更为便利的外部融资对于上市公司技术创新有显著积极影响,而企业规模和技术创新之间则呈现倒U型关系,金融发展和外部融资对较小规模公司的技术创新有更为明显的正向影响。  相似文献   

Coopetition analyses the simultaneity of competitive and cooperative behaviours between rival firms. Scholars have focused their attention on strategic alliances, but specific coopetition issues are seldom addressed through in-depth studies. On the basis of inter-organizational relationships, coopetition provides partners with a competitive advantage by enhancing their knowledge creation and transfer, but exposes firms to the risk that rivals may capture their own knowledge. In this, it becomes necessary for firms to mix knowledge creation and transfer strategies with knowledge protection practices. This paper reports on a qualitative study of 37 firms and sheds light on the specific knowledge development process for the partners engaged in coopetition.  相似文献   

产业集群的演进:二次创新和组织学习   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭京京  吴晓波 《科学学研究》2008,26(6):1310-1315
 本研究运用二次创新理论,分析了在集群演进的过程中,其内部企业创新过程、学习模式及学习方式的变化。结果表明,随着集群的形成、成长、成熟,集群内部企业的创新过程经历了由模仿创新、创造性模仿、改进型创新到后二次创新的演变;学习模式由适应性学习、维护性学习、发展性学习转变为创造性学习;进一步地,本研究指出了各学习模式所对应的学习方式,其中适应性学习以技术许可和干中学为主,维护性学习以顾客的反馈为主,发展性学习以反求工程为主,创造性学习以与国内外研发机构的合作和独立研发为主。  相似文献   

Most analyses of the relationship between spatial clustering and the technological learning of firms have emphasised the influence of the former on the latter, and have focused on intra-cluster learning as the driver of innovative performance. This paper reverses those perspectives. It examines the influence of individual firms’ absorptive capacities on both the functioning of the intra-cluster knowledge system and its interconnection with extra-cluster knowledge. It applies social network analysis to identify different cognitive roles played by cluster firms and the overall structure of the knowledge system of a wine cluster in Chile. The results show that knowledge is not diffused evenly ‘in the air’, but flows within a core group of firms characterised by advanced absorptive capacities. Firms’ different cognitive roles include some—as in the case of technological gatekeepers—that contribute actively to the acquisition, creation and diffusion of knowledge. Others remain cognitively isolated from the cluster, though in some cases strongly linked to extra-cluster knowledge. Possible implications for policy are noted.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to inspect differences in internationalisation level of firms from a transitional economy based on their innovation outcomes, open innovation and organisational learning practices. Results indicate that firms with lower internationalisation level owe their innovation success to coupled and outbound open innovation practices that originate from market research, competitor tracking and public information. Mediating effect of outbound innovation is present in the relationship between market research and innovation success. Firms with higher internationalisation level do not exhibit significant effect of open innovation on innovation success, but their organisational learning antecedents such as market research and research and development negatively affect innovation success, while public information and forecasting have a significant positive effect on innovation success. The major contribution of this study is the understanding of how organisational learning antecedents and open innovation practices interact in firms with different internationalisation levels, whereby firms with higher internationalisation level already have competitive advantage that lower internationalisation firms need to achieve.  相似文献   

摘要:节俭创新作为新兴经济中出现的资源限制情境下特有的技术创新类型,资源限制背景下的创新实现对于我国经济发展具有重要意义。在节俭创新相关研究基础上,本文聚焦于节俭创新实现过程中企业的资源行动模式,探讨节俭创新下企业的资源行动模式及形成机理。研究发现:(1)节俭创新过程中企业的资源行动主要表现出“聚焦”“深化”“拓展”三种模式;(2)双重资源限制、企业家偏好、产业协同是节俭创新背景下资源行动模式的主要影响因素,在资源行动过程中的作用分别表现为约束、主导、支撑;(3)双重资源限制、企业家偏好、产业协同在节俭创新过程中之间存在密切的互动关系,构成企业资源行动模式形成的主要机理。本研究一方面明确了资源行动对节俭创新的作用,即如何在资源限制情境下高效利用有限资源,解决资源困境,实现节俭创新;另一方面,节俭创新的引入进一步从创新类型的视角丰富了资源行动的研究情境。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of the part that regulation plays in processes of innovation in sectors of technology. The politico-economic phenomenon of ‘Europe’ is partly constituted by regulatory regime-building, and new technologies are one of the major sites of regime-building. A constructionist social theory perspective shows that study of the conflictual processes of regulatory policymaking affords insights into the formation of the rules of engagement that constitute technology domains. Adopting the concept of emergent ‘technological zone’ in preference to industrial ‘sector’ or technoscientific network, the paper presents, using empirical research, a detailed account of the case of the debate and development of regulatory policy for therapeutic tissue engineering in the European Union's policy institutions and stakeholder networks. It describes how the jurisdiction of an emergent zone has been formed through such negotiations, providing a counter-example to the common view that regulation ‘lags behind’ innovation. The analysis takes account particularly of the part played by the malleability of the definition of the material technology itself in such constructive governance processes, and it also suggests various consequences for the array of producers of the technology, for market structuring and for the innovation pathways taken by tissue engineering technology. Concluding, the paper argues that there is conceptual advance to be made by bringing together constructionist social theory with innovation studies approaches that highlight the part played by non-firm, public institutions in shaping innovation ecologies.  相似文献   

“大众创业、万众创新”成为我国经济发展新引擎,开展江苏省大众创新创业第三方政策评估研究,对现有国内外研究现状进行综述;基于社会网络分析方法,使用Netdraw工具绘制江苏省“双创”政策图谱,发现江苏省在创业扶持、企业技术创新方面政策措施较多,而在促进科技成果转化等方面网络较稀疏,政策文件较少。通过收集2014年和2015年有关创新创业指标值,开展政策实施效果定量分析,发现江苏省在激发就业活力、市场活力和创新活力方面取得了一定的成效,但在市场化机制、创业投融资机制等方面还存在不足,最后提出对策建议。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(2):104452
This paper explores persistence and learning effects in the aesthetic and symbolic dimensions of design innovation. By combining insights from innovation economics and design studies, we discuss design innovation as the result of firm-specific cumulative learning. We then conceptualise design and product innovation as complementary processes whose interplay may lead to learning effects across different dimensions of knowledge creation. We provide quantitative evidence for these insights applying dynamic probit and bivariate probit models to a longitudinal dataset of manufacturing firms based in Spain for the period 2007–2016. Our findings confirm the presence of persistence effects in design innovation, offering novel evidence in support of the view whereby design is an iterative process shaped by the knowledge generated through firms’ previous engagement with design. In addition, the results contribute to our understanding of the role of design beyond its functional dimension, pointing to mutually reinforcing effects between aesthetic and symbolic design and product innovation.  相似文献   

孙锐  赵晨 《科研管理》2017,38(2):93-100
本研究通过对来自300余家我国高新技术企业问卷调查研究发现,企业组织情绪能力以组织学习为中介对企业产品创新绩效和流程创新绩效产生正向影响。其中,组织承诺会调节组织情绪能力与产品/流程创新绩效以组织学习为中介的间接关系,从而形成一个被调节的中介效应模型。本文从组织情绪能力的新视角,探讨了影响高新技术企业创新的相关机制及关系路径,深化了我们对高新技术企业组织情绪能力、组织学习及产品创新、流程创新相互关系的了解,将为企业创新管理实践提供相关借鉴。  相似文献   

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