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摘要:本文根据新课程改革背景下地方师范院校美术专业师范生课堂教学技能培训的实际,分析师范生课堂教学技能存在的问题,从增强师范生技能教学的意识,提高技能的实效性、重视课堂教学技能的综合培养、加强高校教师素质的提高和建立“大学--中学”的合作关系等几方面提出应对策略,从t品推动高校教学改革的发展。  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of a two-year supplemental reading program for kindergarten through third grade students that focused on the development of decoding skills and reading fluency. Two hundred ninety-nine students were identified for participation and were randomly assigned to the supplemental instruction or to a no-treatment control group. Participants' reading ability was assessed in the fall, before the first year of the intervention, and again in the spring of years 1, 2, 3, and 4. At the end of the two-year intervention, students who received the supplemental instruction performed significantly better than their matched controls on measures of entry level reading skills (i.e., letter-word identification and word attack), oral reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The benefits of the instruction were still clear two years after instruction had ended with students in the supplemental-instruction condition still showing significantly greater growth on the measure of oral reading fluency. Hispanic students benefited from the supplemental reading instruction in English as much as or more than non-Hispanic students. Results support the value of supplemental instruction focused on the development of word recognition skills for helping students at risk for reading failure.  相似文献   

This article addresses how older people understand and engage with contemporary art in the gallery context – whether there is something unique to the art, the format of the visits, the pedagogical approaches used by gallery educators, the social contact, or a combination of all these factors. It also addresses the psychosocial barriers to engagement. It draws from ‘Contemporary visual art and identity construction – wellbeing amongst older people’, a two‐year research project funded by the cross‐research council New Dynamic of Ageing Programme. Over 21 months, 43 participants aged 60–92 made three visits to contemporary art galleries in north‐east England. The potential for art galleries to develop lifelong learning opportunities for post‐retirement people has implications for the cultural, health and voluntary sector.  相似文献   

伴随着高校扩招的潮流,艺术热持续升温,在艺术教育扩大“入口”的同时,注重“出口”的策略研究就成了学校和社会共同关注的问题。本文通过艺术设计类招聘信息的调查与分析,了解用人单位发布的用人信息对人才的要求,对艺术设计学科的教育教学改革提供数据支持,并为学生的就业提出对策。  相似文献   

师范生的培养方向,决定其说的能力的培养极为重要。对其的要求有四:规范性、精确性、趣味性和职业性,对于培养措施,笔建议:1、改革课堂教学,以提高学生的说的素质为首要目的;2、改革考试方法,笔试与口试相结合;3、开展课外活动,训提高说的能力创造氛围。  相似文献   

This study provides an expanded view of joint attention and its relation to expressive language development. A total of 144 toddlers (40 typically developing, 58 with autism spectrum disorder [ASD], 46 with developmental delay [DD]) participated at 24 and 31 months. Toddlers who screened positive for ASD risk, especially those subsequently diagnosed with ASD, had poorer joint attention skills, joint engagement during parent–toddler interaction, and expressive language. Findings highlight the dynamic relation between joint attention and language development. In the ASD and DD groups, joint engagement predicted later expressive vocabulary, significantly more than predictions based on joint attention skills. Joint engagement was most severely impacted when toddlers did not talk initially and improved markedly if they subsequently began to speak.  相似文献   

开发生物课程资源 培养学生科学素养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伟 《中学生物学》2009,25(7):61-62
科学素养是一个人综合素质和能力的体现,良好的科学素养是一个人成功的基石.借助生物新课程资源,对高中生的科学方法、科学精神、科学情感等科学素养进行培养的具体方法进行以下分析.  相似文献   

长期以来,在儿童艺术教育领域,人们对于艺术技能与创造力能否协同发展的问题争议颇多,往往各执一端,将二者视为水火不容的两种对立事物.本文首先从探析艺术技能与创造力协同发展的内涵入手,进而从理论与实践两个层面阐释了开展艺术技能与创造力协同发展研究的重要意义.  相似文献   

技术不等于艺术,技术是艺术的精神载体,它是将艺术家的情怀、情感、一系列想法通向艺术品诞生的纽带和桥梁.艺术不是技术能解决的问题,它是才能、智慧对技术的控制与选择,这便是工匠与艺术家的区别所在.好的艺术品,它能丰富人们的生活,怡悦人们的心情,启发人们的思想,使人们的视野更加开阔,品格更加高尚,灵魂更加纯洁,精神更加振奋.技术本身并不具有价值.它只是艺术的精神载体,只有当它被强有力的精神支撑时才显出耀眼的生命光芒.  相似文献   

The continued viability of art and design programmes depends on our ability to produce graduates able to contribute successfully and confidently to the future of the creative industries. This in turn depends on our ability to lead students to develop both the ability and the motivation to learn. A significant proportion of our students however, are not adequately prepared or inclined to engage with the learning environment. Based on a review of the literature on student engagement, this article attempts to identify the origins and examine the impact of the perceptions and attitudes (the ‘mental pictures’) that currently limit our students' ability and inclination to engage as well as those factors (including the features of our programmes) through which these ‘mental pictures’ may be inadvertently reinforced. It then proposes a number of practical suggestions to make more effective use of the learning outcomes of art and design programmes in order to mitigate their influence and thereby improve both our graduates' capacity and inclination to become more competent professionals, as well as self‐directed learners.  相似文献   

We report on how two middle-grade teachers supported their students’ mathematical reasoning within the context of a novel modeling task in data analysis. We examine how the task features supported the development of teachers’ knowledge as their students engaged with the task. Analyses of the teachers’ practices suggest that the task features enabled teachers: (a) to develop new understandings of the mathematical content and the ways in which student ideas develop and are represented; (b) to adopt new roles in their interactions with the students, including a focus on listening and observing, and on asking questions for understanding and clarification; and (c) to engage in forms of interpretative listening that shifted the role of evaluation from the teacher to the student. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. 9722235 and by the Australian Research Council (ARC).  相似文献   

井源涛 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(1):12+24-12,24
论述了高职院校音乐教育专业实践教学的必要性,让学生在实践教学中学习新技能、新科学、新思想。在实践教学中发展学生的个性,培养经济需要的专才、歪才、奇才、偏才、怪才等各类人才。  相似文献   

本文较为系统地阐述了当前我国高等院校中会计技能教学的现状和问题,探讨了通过举办技能竞赛对会计技能教学的促进作用,分析了技能竞赛既是高校推进素质教育、培养实用型人才的必然要求,又是提升会计技能教学水平的必要手段,是达到学以致用效果的现实需要。本文对如何开展好技能竞赛以提升高校会计技能教学水平提出了建议,提出了"赛学研结合,以赛促学,以学促研"的新思路。  相似文献   

大学生学习投入水平高低是学业成就的重要预测因素。文章通过从学习行为投入、情感投入、认知投入维度分析大学生学习投入的影响因素,给出学习投入影响因素与大学生学习投入之间的关系概念模型,并定量分析了自身因素、人际关系因素、学习环境因素对大学生学习行为投入、情感投入、认知投入维度的主要影响及其影响程度。  相似文献   

中学数学识图与作图技能成分分析及测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学基础教育不但要培养“数感”,还应培养“形感”。图形知识的学习和训练是发展、完善思维的重要途径,对苏南7县市13所学校898名学生进行的测试表明:(1)识图作图和运算推理技能相比,成绩并不理想;(2)男生识图、作图技能显著优于女生,且主要是识图的原因;(3)作图训练总体水平较差,原因是重视不够,应加强。  相似文献   

提高思辨能力是当前我国高校外语人才培养的主要目标,是有效研究和创新的根本。在分析了高校外语专业大学生"思辨缺席"现状和成因的基础上,梳理了外语学界从思辨能力模型建构、思辨能力测量工具建构和检验、高校外语专业教学改革、分门别类的实证研究等方面进行的积极应对举措。并立足于教师、学生、学校和社会四个方面,探讨了高校外语专业大学生思辨能力培养模式"四位一体"构建的建议,旨在为提高我国高校外语人才思辨能力做一些有益的探索。  相似文献   

通过率队参加大学生技能大赛的实践和体会,分析了职业技能大赛对高职院校专业建设的影响和启示,归纳了目前专业建设中的存在问题,提出了促进专业建设的一些改革措施。  相似文献   

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