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《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104395
Inspired by Christopher Freeman's work on how radical technical change opens up for shifts in world leadership and on the role of innovation systems in this process, this paper explores China's emergence as a lead country in artificial intelligence as reflecting a co-evolution of Corporate and National Innovation Systems. Taking Freeman's (1987) work on Japan as our lead, we focus on the domestic interaction within and on the openness of China's national innovation system. To follow up on his prediction of the increasing importance of big companies as network leaders, we introduce the concept “corporate innovation system” with special attention to two Chinese tech giants: Alibaba and Tencent.  相似文献   

Innovation in digital technologies is central to contemporary debates about the need for policy and regulatory adjustment in response to the consequences of the centrality of these technologies in contemporary societies. Christopher Freeman's research in relation to changes in techno-economic paradigm and, specifically, in relation to the information and communication technology (ICT) paradigm, cautioned that assessments of these changes needed to go beyond market dynamics to examine social, cultural and political issues. In this paper several predominant themes in his work are foregrounded – the ambiguity of changes within the ICT paradigm; the role of guiding principles in influencing expectations about societal outcomes; and the importance of political factors in shaping the consequences of technological innovation. These three themes are then deployed in a discussion of recent innovations – two technical (5G mobile networks and artificial intelligence-as-a-service) and one institutional (proposals for changes in the international taxation regime in response to claims that the existing regime is inappropriate in the face of global online service provision). In each instance, the aim is to illustrate how following Freeman by giving attention to the themes operates as an important guide to analysis of adjustments to novel deployments of digital technology. The conclusion emphasizes the value of Freeman's contributions to shaping research agendas that acknowledge the need to humanize technology, to consider alternatives to taken-for-granted principles and practices, and to take into account the role of political power in tandem with concentrated economic power.  相似文献   

Gordon Moore was honored for his pioneering role and continuing contributions to the semiconductor industry, and for his generous commitment to community service. Moore's technical and entrepreneurial leadership as founder of Intel is characterized by the sorts of innovations that have led to enhanced microprocessor speed, miniaturization and reduced cost, which have transformed the modern world.  相似文献   

The climate crisis and the global economic impact of the Covid-19 crisis occur against a background of slowing growth and widening inequalities, which together imply an urgent need for a new environmentally sustainable and inclusive approach to growth. Investments in “clean” innovation and its diffusion are key to shaping this, accompanied by investments in complementary assets including sustainable infrastructure, and human, natural and social capital which will not only help achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, but will also improve productivity, living standards and the prospects of individuals. In this article, we draw on the theoretical and empirical evidence on the opportunities, drivers and policies for innovation-led sustainable growth. We highlight the importance of a coordinated set of long-term policies and institutions that can enable and foster private sector investments in clean innovation and assets quickly and at scale. In doing so, we draw inspiration from Chris Freeman's work on the system-wide drivers of innovation, and his early vision of achieving environmental sustainability by reorienting growth.  相似文献   

The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, awards the 2011 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry to Professor Kyriacos C. Nicolaou for his extraordinary contributions to chemistry, biology, and medicine through the advancement of the art of synthesis as exemplified by the elegant total syntheses of some of nature's most complex biologically active molecules. Nicolaou is recognized as a world leader in the field of total synthesis for his work in chemical synthesis and chemical biology. His total syntheses are legendary, distinguished for their elegance and practicality. Among his most celebrated achievements are the total syntheses of calicheamicin γ1I, Taxol®, brevetoxin B, vancomycin, and thiostrepton. The impact of his work transcends total synthesis, for it often leads to the discovery and invention of new synthetic strategies and technologies as well as biological tools and drug candidates, thereby facilitating discoveries in biology and medicine. Nicolaou's influence on science and society extends beyond his research discoveries. Through his didactic lectures and writings, he motivates and inspires students into the sciences and informs the public about the importance of science and education to society.  相似文献   

Herbert Spencer's evolutionary ideas related not just to the biological world but to the universe and everything in it. Human societies were also viewed through his evolutionary lens so that Spencer's evolutionary and political ideas are inextricably entwined. This essay looks at some of Spencer's ideas and attempts to locate them in the social and intellectual context of his youth. It also speculates on the rise and fall of Spencer's reputation.  相似文献   

Edwin Mansfield’s contributions to the economics of technology are summarized from the early 1960s through his death in 1997. Mansfield’s methodology is discussed, as are his contributions on: the diffusion of technical innovation, the effect of firm size on innovation, the role of academic and basic research in increasing innovation and productivity, international technology transfer and the inaccuracy of technological forecasts. The economics profession’s evaluation of the relative importance of Mansfield’s work is presented, using as evidence citation counts of his works collected from the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). Identified as among Mansfield’s most important contributions are his work on the importance of academic research for industrial innovations, his empirical estimation of the rates of diffusion of different innovations, and his estimation of the private and social returns from investments in industrial innovations. Finally, we present Mansfield’s advice on the future of the economics of technology.  相似文献   

“奋斗者”号载人潜水器的成功研制及良好应用显著提升了我国载人深潜的装备研发能力和自主创新水平,为加快建设海洋强国作出了突出贡献。21世纪是“海洋的世纪”,海洋蕴含的丰富资源是支持人类持续发展的宝贵财富。开发和利用海洋资源成为各国发展的必然趋势,但是面向深海的资源开发需要更加专业化的科考装备。为此,文章在回顾世界各国载人潜水器发展历程的基础上,对目前世界上现有的大深度载人潜水器的工作性能和关键技术的发展进行了总结,分析了当前我国载人潜水器的发展现状及其关键核心技术,并提出未来发展建议,以期为加快建设世界海洋科技强国提供管窥之见。  相似文献   

During the mid-1960s, Peter R. Vail at Exxon Production Research Co. led a group working with the new, greatly improved generation of multifold seismic reflection data being shot along the continental margins of the world. The work of this group, inspired by Vail, brought the worlds of stratigraphy and seismic interpretation together in developing the original concepts of seismic stratigraphy.Later these concepts were applied by Vail and his co-workers to well logs, cores, and outcrops, broadening seismic stratigraphy into what is known today as sequence stratigraphy. Using these data the group was documenting and interpreting large-scale, basin-wide depositional patterns, stratal configurations, and unconformities in basins around the world. They proposed a chronology of global sea-level fluctuation as a framework for global correlation, resulting in a world sea-level curve. This further led to a new eustatic sea-level model. The results of these studies impacted on many scientific disciplines, but its implications for the petroleum industry have been extensive.A review of 19th- and 20th-Century stratigraphic thought on unconformities and unconformity-bounded stratal units suggests that Peter Vail followed in the footsteps of the eminent stratigraphers Charles Lyell, T. C. Chamberlain, and L. L. Sloss, his former teacher.For his contributions to sequence stratigraphy and the world sea-level curve, Peter R. Vail was awarded the 2005 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Earth and Environmental Science.  相似文献   

In 2019, the world scientific community celebrates the 110th anniversary of the death of Nikolai Vasilevich Sorokin (1846–1909), an eminent Russian biologist. On this occasion, this paper reviews the life and work of Sorokin, who was known for many important scientific breakthroughs, particularly in botany, mycology, and microbiology. Drawing upon Sorokin’s publications and unpublished papers from archives, this account traces his key educational influences and the development of his research interests, research-related travels, contributions to the Russian movement in women’s higher education, and his key publications, particularly his four-volume treatise on plant parasites.  相似文献   

黄兆博 《科教文汇》2014,(4):134-134,137
在19世纪初,德国出现了一位将理性与感性音乐做到极致结合的音乐家---门德尔松。他的音乐既有古典的严谨、端庄、典雅,又更多地融合了浪漫的强烈、自由、奔放。集作曲家、指挥家、教育家于一身的门德尔松,对德国音乐做出了突出贡献。本文主要简析门德尔松的一生,以及他的钢琴作品突出的创作特点。  相似文献   

“一带一路”:引领包容性全球化   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
"一带一路"建设是新时期我国全方位对外开放的旗帜和主要载体,也是我国推动世界经济治理改革的尝试。其核心要义是利用"丝路精神"推动沿线国家的合作,实现互利共赢,其中"丝路精神"指在"丝绸之路"上薪火相传的"和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢"的精神。在经济全球化进入"十字路口"和迷茫区的大背景下,共建"一带一路"倡议为改革世界经济治理模式提供了中国方案,成为世界各国推动经济全球化深入发展和机制改革的一面旗帜,为21世纪的世界和平与发展带来新的哲学思维,将引领包容性全球化。  相似文献   

The University of Surrey (referred to as Surrey hereafter) is one of the renowned universities in the UK that was established on 9 September 1966 with the grant of its Royal Charter and its roots go back to Battersea Polytechnic Institute, founded in 1891. Surrey is the research hub of small satellites, mobile telecommunication and artificial intelligence in Europe. In 2016, Surrey was named as ‘University of the Year’ in the UK and, in February 2018, Surrey won the Queen''s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education (Surrey''s fourth award)—the highest national award for the UK universities, in recognition of the outstanding contribution of Surrey to nutrition and health.The president and vice chancellor of Surrey, Professor Max Lu, took this position in 2016 and is also the first scholar of Chinese origin to be the leader of a British university. Before he joined Surrey, he was the provost and senior vice president at the University of Queensland in Australia. Professor Lu is not only a talented leader in education field, but also a distinguished scientist in materials chemistry and nanotechnology area. He has been honored with numerous awards, including the Orica Award, RK Murphy Medal, China International Science and Technology Award and Medal of the Order of Australia, etc. He has been also appointed to the Prime Minister''s Council for Science and Technology and the Board of UK Research and Innovation, etc. The rich experience and open-mindedness lead to his profound insights into higher education around the world. Lately elected as a fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) and foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Lu shared his broad and deep perspectives on higher education with National Science Review during his travel in Beijing.  相似文献   

随着PCT程序成为世界创新者谋求国际专利的首要途径,各国PCT申请量及其动态已成为全球技术竞争格局及其变化的重要反映.近年来中国PCT申请量全球排名不断跃升,使其在全球技术竞争中的表现成世界争论的热点.本文在对有关研究文献、数据来源和分析方法进行概述的基础上,首先对前10大PCT申请国对世界PCT申请量增长的贡献进行了比较,其次根据各国PCT申请量所占世界份额的变化,对其在全球不同技术组和领域上的重要性及其动态进行了考察;再次,对上述10国在全球市场上的技术比较优势格局及其演变予以了分析;第四,对各国间技术竞争关系及其变化进行了探讨;最后,在上述分析的基础上对其政策含义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

While science-based entrepreneurial firms are a key feature of the modern economy, our insights into their organization and productivity remain limited. In particular, our understanding of the mechanisms through which academic inventors shape entrepreneurial firms established to commercialize their scientific ideas is based upon a traditional perspective that highlights the importance of human capital. Based on a study of biotechnology firms and their academic inventors, this paper examines the extent and mechanisms through which academic scientists contribute not only human capital but also social capital to entrepreneurial firms. The paper makes two contributions to our understanding of the academic-firm interface: First, it establishes that the social capital of academic scientists is critical to firms because it can be transformed into scientific networks that embed the firm in the scientific community through a variety of mechanisms. Second, the paper argues that an academic inventor’s career plays a critical role in shaping his social capital, thus scientific careers mediate the networks and potential for embeddedness that an academic inventor brings to a firm. Specifically, the foundations of an academic’s social capital can be traced to two sources: The first element that the firm may leverage is the academic’s local laboratory network—a network to current and former students and advisors established by the inventor through his laboratory life. The second form of social capital is a wider, cosmopolitan network of colleagues and co-authors established through the social patterns of collaboration, collegiality and competition that exemplify scientific careers. These findings suggest that scientific careers are central in shaping an academic’s social capital which can be translated into critical scientific networks in which entrepreneurial firms become embedded.  相似文献   

The NIH (National Institutes of Health) is the largest single funder of biomedical research in the world. This paper documents tensions between the agency's health and science missions and considers how, in light of these, it has managed to sustain a level of bipartisan political support uncommon in U.S. health or research policy. It highlights the serendipity hypothesis, the presence of “safety valve” mechanisms that allow it to (on occasion) target research at particular diseases and priorities, and a broad and diverse set of constituencies as important to understanding the agency's political success. Through an in-depth look at the NIH allocation process, the paper also provides insights into how demand-side considerations can affect the direction of scientific research.  相似文献   

This perspective examines the source of value in Web 2.0 enterprises such as Facebook and Google by analyzing the advertising model that supplies the bulk of their revenues. Drawing on Marx's understanding of the circulation of value within the capitalist economy as a whole and his concepts of unproductive labor, subsumption of labor, costs of circulation, commercial capital, and primitive accumulation, we analyze the economic relationships of Web 2.0 capital, proposing that revenues from advertising come from value produced in non-Web 2.0 sectors of the economy. On this basis we critique both Fuchs's and Arvidsson and Colleoni's positions on the origin of value in Web 2.0 and recognize some of the difficulties and contradictions of the advertising model as a form of monetization of free services for Web 2.0 capital.  相似文献   

李雨姝 《科教文汇》2014,(32):177-178
童言稚语指儿童说出的一些看似幼稚可笑具有童趣却富于哲理的话语。日常生活中的童言稚语随处可见,它能折射出儿童丰富多彩的内心世界。儿童是个天生的哲学家,从一些简单的童言稚语中,能窥见儿童独特的思维方式及儿童的朴素哲学。本文通过对一些童言稚语案例的理解和分析,解读儿童的思维方式,解读儿童对世界的观念和看法,解读童言稚语中所蕴含的儿童哲学。  相似文献   

The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, awarded the 2001 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Earth Science to Rob Van der Voo for his outstanding contributions to the field of paleomagnetism and his reconstruction of ancient continental positions that have lead to a better understanding of plate tectonic processes for the past billion years of Earth history.  相似文献   

有关牛顿时空观的研究与争论虽不是学界的新鲜话题,但“牛顿时空观何以可能”的问题却一直未曾得以认真探析过。我们这里注重一种“回到事情本身”的理路,从牛顿的具体文本出发,结合其思想生态和思考问题的可能理路乃至心理学特征等,在梳理出绝对时空观产生的思想渊源和内容主旨的基础上,从历史承继关系、逻辑推论程序、科学解释功能、哲学辩护基础和宗教心理情结等多维视域下指认出了其生成的必然性与合理性,同时也澄清了以往学界的一些误解与误读之处。  相似文献   

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