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论技术创新与技术创新政策之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对技术创新和技术创新政策的概念进行了梳理和重新界定,对"企业是不是技术创新的唯一主体"问题进行了讨论,对技术创新和技术创新政策的主客体进行了分析,并在此基础上探讨技术创新与技术创新政策之间的关系.认为技术创新的主体是技术创新政策的直接客体之一,技术创新的客体也是技术创新政策的间接客体:技术创新与技术创新政策的关系归根结底是通过有关行为主体(如政府、企业、大学、研究机构和中介机构等)而产生的.  相似文献   

知识密集型服务业创新政策研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
刘顺忠  景丽芳  荣丽敏 《科学学研究》2007,25(4):793-797,755
良好创新政策环境是提高知识密集型服务业创新能力和竞争力的重要前提和保障。本文通过对知识密集型服务企业入户调研,建立了研究创新政策措施影响力和重要性的关系矩阵,对我国知识密集型服务业创新政策支撑体系中的政策措施进行了比较分析。研究发现政府鼓励知识密集型服务业发展、制定相关的法律、法规和行业标准、以及发布相关行业信息是我国知识密集型服务业创新最为需要和最有效的政策。因此,以知识密集型服务业为发展作为调整我国产业结构和服务业内部结构的重要手段,加快制定有关法律和法规,建立相关服务标准体系,规范企业行为和市场行为,建立完全市场化运作的行业协会是提高我国知识密集型服务业创新能力和竞争力的关键。  相似文献   

温新民 《科学学研究》2005,23(Z1):86-89
不同于自然灾害,技术灾害往往多是人为的、只要多加投入就可部分或全部避免的,因而对技术灾害管理的关键点和着力点,就应该采取完善技术管理体系、鼓励技术社团组织发展、普及科技知识、进行技术监控体系建设等,并要积极遵守公众参与克服有限理性原则、程序公正原则、公民社会协同等政策创新原则,以期减少技术灾害损失和发生可能性、取得较好的技术灾害管理绩效。  相似文献   

本描述了英国对中小企业创新政策的一项研究实例-Supernet从兴起到衰退的历程,并从其运行机制入手,通过在分析其供需方行为的基础上,对其最终衰退的结果进行了一定的剖析。  相似文献   

This paper considers the link between public policy and innovation and contributes to the notion that public policies that do not directly address innovation carry along important implications for it. It explores the role of regulation for innovation and innovation policy by emphasizing the importance of non-technological regulatory effects for innovation and their potential as an input for innovation policy. The output of in depth interviews with stakeholders from the detergents industry is combined with various sources of secondary data and reveals a variety of non-technological novelties attributed to regulation that are relevant to innovation. These results are then matched against the objectives of innovation policy, an exercise that gives better insights on the policy links between regulation and innovation policy and concludes on the domains of complementarities between the two. We find that that regulatory policy can contribute to the achievement of targets set by innovation policy while innovation policy measures can facilitate the compensation of negative regulatory implications for innovation.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(6):104515
We study the causal effect of subsidized R&D collaboration on external collaborations and innovation outcomes of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In particular, we make use of a randomized controlled trial to analyze the effect of a nationwide innovation voucher scheme in the United Kingdom that grants SMEs across all industries financial support of up to 5,000 GBP for engaging the services of experts, e.g., from universities, research institutes or IP advisors, when pursuing an innovation-related project. Our results show that the innovation voucher program has an immediate, short-term impact on the execution of these innovation projects with positive effects on product and service development, internal processes, and intellectual property protection. However, we also observe that these results fade out quite quickly, i.e., two years after the intervention many effects caused by the innovation voucher program have disappeared. Based on our results, we also provide some practical guidance to further improve the effectiveness of voucher programs.  相似文献   

Demand and innovation in services: The case of mobile communications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper aims to analyse the pricing strategies of mobile communications operators and examine the role of demand characteristics in the development of new tariff plans. In so doing, we depart from a traditional industrial organization approach to price discrimination and interpret new tariff plans as innovations. In the spirit of Schumpeter, we look at competition in this sector as depending upon this form of innovation, and we argue that, given the specific features of the industry, the development of new tariff plans is strongly related to the users’ characteristics and behaviour. Our main point is that in a context of uncertainty, demand affects firms’ innovative strategies in two ways: first, by providing information on user behaviour and by increasing the capability of market segmentation; and second, by providing the incentives to innovate. This argument is supported by an empirical analysis carried out on the basis of an original dataset which includes all the tariff plans on offer in the history of the Italian market between 1992 and 2005. We find that both a firm's installed customer base and the level of market saturation play a role in shaping firms’ innovative pricing strategies, in terms of the number and characteristics of the new tariff plans.  相似文献   

本文以2008—2017年的空间面板数据以及31个省(直辖市)2007—2016的政府工作报告为支撑,构建空间杜宾模型,基于空间计量视角研究了科技创新政策力度对省域创新绩效的空间影响机制。研究发现,创新政策比创新绩效的空间集聚特征更明显。科技创新政策中的知识产权、外资引进目标对创新绩效具有显著正向作用,科技成果、技术创新目标对创新绩效的正向作用不显著。创新政策中的人事措施对政策目标与创新绩效的关系具有正向调节效应,财税措施对政策目标与创新绩效的关系具有负向调节效应。知识产权目标与外资引进目标都具有正向溢出效应。同时,知识产权目标与外资引进目标对创新绩效的溢出效应具有促进作用。据此,得到了相应的研究启示。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104828
With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), professional services firms (PSFs) need to innovate their services to adapt to AI. However, traditional ad hoc innovations driven by individual professionals have limitations in incorporating new technology outside their expertise. Although service R&D—an organizational function for centralized coordination of service innovations in strategically targeted areas—is potentially effective, studies on service R&D have still been scarce. This case study aims to fill the gap by examining how PSFs can establish and utilize service R&D to innovate services, overcoming the challenges of AI adoption. An in-depth qualitative study was conducted on the process by which the Big Four audit firms incorporated AI into their external audit service in Japan in the 2010s. The analysis shows the detailed process of how newly created service R&D organizations advanced AI adoption in the case firms. This study contributes to the literature on innovations in services and PSFs by (1) demonstrating the neglected but critical role of service R&D as an innovation enabler beyond the existing expertise of service firms, (2) constructing a three-phase model of the evolution of the service R&D function, and (3) suggesting the significance of innovation process design for the legitimation of innovations. This study also expands our knowledge of AI adoption, presenting a process tailored to address the challenges inherent in AI adoption for PSFs.  相似文献   

Public procurement can be a major source of innovation. The potential benefits of public procurement might be fully exploited through the acquisition not only of appliances which are already available in the market, but also of new appliances which are tailored to the specific needs of the local community and might be exported as well to the international markets. In this way, public procurement might allow to improve the services delivered to the local community and to increase the technological competitiveness of the local industrial and research system. In this context, regional foresight might help identify both long-term societal needs and the patterns of evolution of emerging technologies that can match these needs. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate, trough the recent experience of the regional government of Lombardy, the role of foresight for enhancing public procurement and innovation policy at the regional level.  相似文献   

J.S. Metcalfe 《Research Policy》2005,34(9):1283-1304
This paper is an exploration of the dynamics of technical change in medicine. We argue that innovation in medicine is a process that is distributed across time, space and epistemic and institutional domains; that it entails the entrepreneurial effort of creative individuals as well as the emergence of correlated understanding among heterogeneous agents whose rules of interaction are contingently instituted in socio-economic systems along unfolding scientific and technological trajectories. We illustrate our arguments through an in-depth analysis of a major ophthalmologic innovation - the intra-ocular lens - that has literally transformed the treatment of cataract in the developed world and has the potential to do so in many developing countries. We investigate the advancement of clinical knowledge about the disease, the development of effective technological capabilities and the co-evolution of the supply capacity and demand of a micro-innovation system emerged along a specific sequence of interrelated problems, and associated solutions, which engaged scientists, technicians, practitioners, regulators and patients alike over a period of around three decades.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104585
Governments around the world try to accelerate sociotechnical change toward sustainability by introducing policy mixes that combine technology-push and demand-pull instruments. Beyond innovation and deployment, other objectives, such as domestic job and industry creation, are usually part of these policy mixes. However, little is known about how policy mixes should be designed and interactions between policy instruments considered when governments try to achieve multiple objectives simultaneously. We address these questions using an agent-based model of the sociotechnical system for solar photovoltaics in Germany that simulates technology adoption, industry dynamics, international spillovers and trade. By changing public spending on research and development and the solar feed-in tariff, forty-five variations of the historical policy mix in Germany are systematically evaluated. The results show that a narrow focus on innovation and deployment outcomes by academic researchers can lead to recommendations for the design of policy mixes that compromise key dimensions of sociotechnical change, such as job creation. Moreover, the simulations reveal that, because of path-dependent interactions between policy instruments, minor changes in the design of policy instruments can lead to vastly different policy outcomes. These findings have important implications for the literature on policy mixes, technology-push and demand-pull instruments, and sociotechnical transitions.  相似文献   

科技创新券作为一种新型的政府科技资金投入政策,已经在中国很多地区付诸实施,急需对其开展全面的政策评估。本文从政策评估目标、政策评估主体、政策评估对象、政策评估指标及政策评估方法等要素入手构建科技创新券评估体系,并对该体系运行中应注意的问题进行了说明。这对开展科技券政策评估,全面把握其实施状况,进而优化政策方案,提升政策实施效果具有重要理论价值。  相似文献   

由于相关扶持政策不完善,极大妨碍了政策效果的发挥,不利于促进我国农业龙头企业科技创新能力和整体农业效益的提升。对此,需要重新审视和完善农业龙头企业技术创新扶持政策的作用机制。在政策资源分配环节应当引入市场竞争机制并加强政策的后续管理工作,以及利用中介服务组织和科研机构实现政策资源的效用最大化,扶持农业龙头企业科技创新能力有效提升。  相似文献   

结合政策分析方法,从政策的支撑性与一致性出发,系统分析《国家知识产权战略纲要》及其实施细则中关于知识产权中介服务部分的政策关联性问题。研究结果表明,我国已经初步建成自主创新的知识产权中介服务体系,大部分实施细则较好地支撑了纲要,但部分实施细则与纲要内容不一致。应进一步细化技术市场在知识产权交易体系中的作用,鼓励社会资本投资知识产权信息的开发利用,细化国防知识产权中介服务,提升处理国际知识产权事务的能力。  相似文献   

通过技术引进、消化吸收再创新是后发国家积累和发展创新能力、追赶发达国家的重要途径。研究分析了广东技术引进、消化吸收再创新激励的问题与对策建议,认为只有通过建立高效的激励政策,才能促进广东引进技术的吸收、改造和再创新工作的有效实施。  相似文献   

新古典经济学在理性人的假设下,将不对称信息下的最优激励机制作为技术创新政策理论的核心问题。基于演化范式的技术创新政策理论则从有限理性出发,强调政策制定者的学习过程,并在更宽泛的含义上提出了技术创新政策、技术以及产业结构的协同演化。本文将从技术创新政策的含义入手,分析该理论的主要内容,并探讨了对我国技术创新实践的指导意义。  相似文献   

科技创新基地与平台建设支持政策关联性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2006年初,《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020)》(以下简称《规划纲要》)中提到加强科技基础条件平台建设,后续出台一系列支撑政策。本文运用政策分析方法和统计数据,系统分析《规划纲要》配套政策及其实施细则中科技创新基地与平台建设部分的政策关联性。研究表明,我国已经初步建成科技创新基地与平台政策体系,现有的大部分实施细则较好地支撑配套政策,但还存在部分实施细则与配套政策不一致,平台建设存在资源重复配置等问题。为增强我国创新基础能力,我国应尽快规范完善科技创新基地与平台建设相关边界与类型,归并部分职能相似的平台,具体细化实施细则,加强统筹平台投资建设和运营管理机制,充分发挥平台集聚高端创新资源能力。  相似文献   

结合全新的科技创新政策范式,参照政府监管政策绩效评估框架,采用个案研究法,从政策内容评估、政策执行评估和政策效果评估等3个方面对南京"紫金科创特别社区"开展政策全过程评估研究。研究案例具有典型性、代表性,政策执行时期较长,适合作为开展政策评估的研究对象,得到的政策启示包括完善科技创新政策制定方法、推进科技创新政策立法保障、加强科技创新政策动态管理等。  相似文献   

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