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阐述了高校图书馆塑造和宣传新形象的作用,并借鉴CIS理论分析了高校图书馆应该从哪些方面塑造和宣传新形象。  相似文献   


Due to limited disclosure requirements, obtaining private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) information presents challenges to academic researchers. However, the universe of commercially available resources that focus on private equity and venture capital has increased substantially over the past decade. This article examines recent academic business literature to evaluate whether resources from newer providers in this subject area (CB Insights, PitchBook, Preqin, PrivCo) are gaining traction among academic researchers. It also matches the resources that researchers are citing to library holdings in an effort to measure library support for PE/VC research. The results indicate that data from traditional providers (Dow Jones, S&P Capital IQ, Thomson Reuters) continues to be heavily used and that libraries are providing moderate support for PE/VC research.  相似文献   

The paper examines the management of change and the embedding of innovation in academic libraries and information services during a period of considerable and continuous change. Detailed examples are given from the author's own institution that adopts a very structured and corporate approach to strategic planning. The internal and external factors driving organisational change in the UK Higher Education (HE) sector are identified using a PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological) analysis, and a detailed SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is presented which will enable institutions to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of their services being able to deliver the changes required. Examples are given of the kinds of changes library and information services will need to implement in order to respond effectively to the changing external environment. Some of the barriers to the successful implementation of change are identified, with some practical measures to bear in mind to help ensure successful outcomes.  相似文献   

Through a series of structured interviews, university librarians at six institutions provided their perspectives on innovation in academic libraries. The literature on leadership styles and organizational change provides insight into the roles of these leaders in the innovation process. Leadership was cited by many researchers as being a critical factor for organizations to innovate. University librarians revealed a commitment to innovation, some distinctively nontraditional innovations, and a concern for how to encourage risk-taking behavior. Further insight into the innovation process was sought by interpreting the interview data within a larger theoretical context. Although leadership and management can foster innovation in a library, researchers have reported other factors that can influence the ability to innovate, including organizational aspects – size and complexity – and environmental factors. Beyond the organizational aspects, the individual and the norms of the profession appear to create a framework with certain boundaries, some of which may impact the ability to innovate.  相似文献   

E-book management in academic libraries is examined, and a framework of the stages in the e-book management process is generated; the framework summarizes the key activities and associated issues and challenges for each stage. Academic libraries are one of the main markets for textbooks and other e-books. As such, the relationships that they forge with e-book vendors (publishers and aggregators), and the resolution of some of the challenges that they currently face in managing their collections of e-books, will have significant consequences for the adoption of e-books in learning. An interview-based study with a purposive sample of interviewees working as managers, subject librarians, metadata officers, and e-resources coordinators from seven academic libraries in the UK was conducted to investigate the libraries' experiences and perceptions of e-book management. The resultant e-book management framework identifies the processes associated with the management of e-books, and also offers insights into the challenges and issues associated with each stage. The stages in the framework are: collection development policy, budget, discovery, evaluation and selection, license negotiations, cataloging and delivery, marketing/promotion, user education, monitoring and reviewing, and renewals and cancellation.  相似文献   

This study seeks to examine the relationship between the antecedents and consequences of service innovation in academic libraries. More specifically, the proposed conceptual framework investigates the influence of organizational-related, operational-related, and co-creation-related antecedents in library service innovation and, consequently, in library performance. A structured questionnaire was developed and distributed electronically to Brazilian academic library personnel at Brazilian public universities to collect the primary data. The final sample comprised of 151 academic libraries. Results indicate that leadership and culture-climate are essential to foster an atmosphere of innovation in academic libraries. Moreover, employee capabilities promote user and frontline involvement in service innovation. Lastly, user involvement supports both incremental and radical service innovations, whereas frontline involvement only contributes to incremental innovation. The article presents theoretical and managerial implications for academic libraries.  相似文献   

对高校图书馆扩大自助服务的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论文介绍了图书馆自助服务的概念及范畴,分析了高校图书馆开展自助服务的有利因素和重要意义,并对此提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

我国高校图书馆电子资源利用现状与对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文结合若干高校图书馆对电子资源利用的调查情况,分析了目前高校图书馆馆藏电子资源的利用情况及利用中存在的问题,着重讨论了提高电子资源利用率的一些策略,通过开展全方位多层次的服务,提高高校图书馆电子资源的利用率。  相似文献   

数字原生代读者需求与高校图书馆服务创新初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了高校图书馆新一代读者的信息获取特征以及图书馆服务的现状,并针对创新图书馆服务提出了建议.  相似文献   

探析学习型组织理论与图书馆的管理创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学习型组织理论为知识经济时代组织的发展提供了一种全新的科学管理理念。文章阐述该理论的特点及其与图书馆发展的密切关系 ,从管理创新的角度就学习、组织、知识及人力资源等方面探究了图书馆构建学习型组织的必要性及其实施的途径。  相似文献   

师范院校图书馆读者文献资源需求调查与分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
论文对读者获取文献信息能力及阅读需求等方面进行了调查与分析。  相似文献   

高校图书馆读者服务分析与研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
读者服务是高校图书馆工作的中心环节.本文在分析高校图书馆读者类型的基础上,指出高校图书馆读者服务在服务理念、管理机制、评价体系、个性服务等方面存在诸多的问题,并提出了树立正确的服务理念、建立科学的读者服务管理机制和评价体系、积极开展有针对性的及个性化的读者服务工作等具体的对策,以使我国高校图书馆读者服务工作达到一个崭新的高度.  相似文献   

安徽省高校图书馆特色数据库建设的现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安徽省部分高校图书馆从学科特色、馆藏特色、地域特色出发,建设了一批特色数据库。但从总体上看,还存在规模较小,建设较慢;缺乏统一规划,单兵作战;选题单一,特色不明显;标准化、规范化程度不高;IP网段分锁、资源浪费等问题。安徽省高校图书馆界应该通过采取统一规划,项目带动;科学选题,合理分配;分散建设,资源共享;加强宣传,持续维护;联合培训,注重质量等措施来推进特色数据库的建设。  相似文献   

在阐述信息沟通理论概念、基本要素及过程的基础上,具体分析了在信息的发送、传递和接收过程中存在的各种沟通障碍及信息沟通理论在高校图书采访工作中的应用,提出了增强有效沟通的三项措施.  相似文献   


With the development of digital technologies, academic libraries tend to prove a broad scale of digital services for faculty members and students. This column describes challenges for some common digital services in academic libraries and suggests potential collaborating strategies that might enhance the promotion of such services.  相似文献   

The use of data mining modern technology in library management systems and information centers is of great importance. With the increasing availability of a large quantity of information, traditional tools and practices without wasting time and cost cannot respond to users accurately and quickly. The present study aims to analyze book circulation transactions and discover the user's book loan patterns to develop a recommender system. The data included 109,639 transactions and information from 8636 user records. Microsoft SQL Server and Matlab software were applied to analyze the data. Item-based collaborative filtering algorithms and decision tree methods were also applied. The results led to the extraction of rules for suggesting books to users. Analysis of the circulation data could be applied to address many issues like evaluation, collection acquisition policies, allocating funding for materials, and suggesting approaches to deselecting and allocating physical space for materials.  相似文献   

图书馆服务创新能力现状分析与提升途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务创新能力是图书馆开展服务创新活动的基础,提升服务创新能力是图书馆实现持续创新的关键。文章在阐述图书馆服务创新能力内涵的基础上,分析当前我国图书馆服务创新能力的整体现状,提出提升图书馆服务创新能力的基本途径。  相似文献   

This paper makes a case for the practicality of Roger's Innovation Diffusion theory. [Rogers, E. (1962). Diffusion of innovations. New York: The Free Press; Rogers, E. (1995). Diffusion of innovations. New York: The Free Press] By using Roger's Innovation Diffusion theory, the paper explores the innovation process from the development stage towards the diffusion stage (the stage of commercialization) of the two major research funding organizations in Thailand: the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) and the Thailand Research Fund (TRF). Theoretical and empirical analysis are attempted, focusing on the relation between the management of research and development (R&D) projects and the level of innovation diffusion. The empirical results can help R&D managers manage the projects to contribute to technological development in industry.  相似文献   

钟国翔 《编辑学报》2023,(3):299-304
以学术期刊为研究对象,结合工作实践,研讨具体案例,对隐性学术不端行为进行分析。隐性学术不端行为具有学术不端检测系统不易检出、跨语种跨时空抄袭现象频繁、突出的技术指标造假行为、不透明的标识信息、存在人为操纵等特征。学术期刊要重视论文隐性学术不端,提高查证技术,制定针对性的预防策略。  相似文献   

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