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What is the role of motivation in multimedia learning? Cognitive theories of multimedia learning tend to focus on instructional methods aimed at reducing extraneous processing (such as highlighting the essential material) or managing essential processing (such as breaking a lesson into parts), whereas motivational theories tend to focus on instructional methods aimed at fostering generative processing (such as adding appealing graphics or challenging scenarios). Moreno's (2005) cognitive affective theory of learning from media is intended to better incorporate motivation and metacognition into theories of multimedia learning, helping to extend or clarify Mayer's (2009) cognitive theory of multimedia learning and Sweller's (Sweller, Ayres, & Kaluga, 2011) cognitive load theory. The research presented in this special section examines motivating instructional features intended to promote generative processing—such as adding appealing graphics (Magner, Schwonke, Aleven, Popescu, & Renkl, 2013; Plass, Heidig, Hayward, Homer, & Um, 2013) or challenging scenarios (D'Mello, Lehman, Pekrun, & Graesser, 2013). Overall, motivational features can improve student learning by fostering generative processing as long as the learner is not continually overloaded with extraneous processing or overly distracted from essential processing.  相似文献   

Affective pedagogical agent (PA) is an image of a character embedded in multimedia lessons with the ability to influence learners' affective experiences and learning performance. Prior studies on the effects of affective PA have shown inconsistent findings. In this study, we conducted four separate meta-analyses to address whether adding an affective PA to multimedia lessons can increase learners' retention performance, transfer performance, positive emotions, and intrinsic motivation, and to explore several moderators that may have contributed to the inconsistencies of previous studies. The research framework mainly includes introducing the concept of affective PA, reviewing research on the impact of affective PA on learning performance, emotions, and motivation, analyzing the moderators that may affect the effects of affective PA, performing a meta-analysis, and discussing the results based on the findings of the meta-analysis. We found 36 articles met the inclusion criteria. The results of the meta-analysis indicated that affective PA could increase learners’ positive emotions (k = 25, g = 0.26), improve intrinsic motivation (k = 26, g = 0.26), and facilitate learning performance (retention: k = 35, g = 0.26; transfer: k = 45, g = 0.34). Furthermore, moderator analysis found that affective PA characteristics (i.e., appearance, the number of emotional cues, and body movement) and learning materials characteristics (i.e., subject domain, pacing of presentation) moderated the effects of affective PA. We discussed these findings from different theoretical perspectives. In general, affective PA could help students be happier and more motivated to learn in multimedia learning environments.  相似文献   

In two experiments, eye tracking was used to investigate whether learners construct a mental representation during learning that integrates information from text and pictures. The experimental groups received inconsistent text-picture information on one or two pages of the learning materials. The control groups received only consistent text-picture information. It was expected that learners of the experimental groups should have difficulties in integrating text-picture information when faced with the inconsistencies. This should be reflected in their gaze behavior. Experiment 1 (N = 51) and Experiment 2 (N = 45) confirmed that assumption for several eye tracking variables. Regarding learning outcomes, only in Experiment 1 worse performance of the experimental group was observed. Furthermore, Experiment 2 revealed that the majority of learners did not remember the inconsistency between text and picture when asked for it after learning. In sum, the results add to our understanding about the cognitive processes underlying multimedia learning.  相似文献   

A consensus is emerging for meta-analyses regarding a range of selected topics in pharmacology education. This review provides a critical overview of problem-based learning (PBL) in pharmacology education. Based on several inclusion criteria, databases were searched, and 37 controlled trial studies were identified and extracted. The meta-analysis found that PBL had a positive effect on gaining higher theoretical scores (SMD = 6.77, 95% CI [5.23, 8.31], p < 0.00,001) assessed through examinations. The results of questionnaires for students’ feedback showed that PBL was superior to conventional teaching methods in improving students’ outcomes of self-study, learning interest, team spirit, problem solving, analyzing, scope of knowledge, communication, and expression. These results suggest that PBL in pharmacology education is considered superior to traditional lecture-based learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of multimedia computer-assisted instruction (MCAI), traditional instruction (TI), and combined instruction (CI) methods on learning the skill of shooting in basketball. Additionally, a comparison of the students’ attitudes towards the MCAI and TI methods was made. Seventy-five middle school students of seventh and eighth grade were randomly assigned into three teaching method groups: TI, MCAI and CI. Each group received ten 45-min periods of instruction divided into three sections: (a) 5-min introduction, (b) 30-min instructional time and (c) 10-min questions and review. Students took pre-, post-, and retention written test covering techniques and rules of the games. Participants in the CI group also completed a post-test attitude survey towards the MCAI and TI methods. Two-way analysis of variances (ANOVA), with repeated measures on the last factor, were conducted to determine effect of method groups (MCAI, TI, CI) and measures (pre-test, post-test, re-test) on knowledge test. Paired samples t-test analyses were conducted to measure students’ attitude towards the MCAI and TI methods. Post-test results indicated no significant differences between the groups concerning the written test. Nevertheless, the attitude test scores of the CI group were more favourable to MCAI method than the TI method. Retention test results showed that groups retained the knowledge acquisition. However, the combine method of instruction tended to be the most effective on cognitive learning.  相似文献   

Given the importance of learner–interlocutor interactions, social robots have received considerable attention in the field of language learning, as this technology can physically accompany learners, is equipped with common social behaviors, and can effectively communicate with learners for language acquisition. In line with the continuous efforts to examine the effects of using social robots in language learning, this study is a meta-analysis aiming to integrate the findings of previous experimental studies on robot-assisted language learning (RALL), focusing on language learning achievement. To this end, we selected 12 independent samples (N = 522) from the initial pool of 16 empirical studies—including 23 independent samples (N = 1147)—and computed effect sizes along with their standard errors. The results indicated that RALL had a medium-sized average effect (d = 0.59, SE = 0.09, 95% CI: 0.41–0.76) compared to non-RALL conditions, such as traditional learning conditions without technology (e.g., teacher-only) or other technology-mediated conditions (e.g., virtual agents and tablet PCs). We further identified several moderator variables (i.e., age group, target language, language domain, robots’ role, interaction type, type of non-RALL condition), and provided an in-depth discussion on how these variables were related to the effectiveness of using robots for language learning.  相似文献   

BackgroundEmotional design approaches tend to be instructionally effective in the case of higher education learners. However, empirical evidence on the effectiveness of emotional design for children is limited. Contextual animation is one way that emotional design can be realized. Contextual animation refers to the non-expository animation of context-providing representational pictures.AimThis study examines the effects of contextual animation on learning outcomes and situational interest in the case of pre-adolescents.SampleParticipants included 50 children 9–11 year of age recruited from all parts of the Czech Republic.MethodParticipants studied exponential growth and public opinion polls from two, 3-min-long, narrated videos; one included contextual animation and the other did not (counterbalanced within-subject design with randomization). Each child participated separately in one online session with a research administrator.ResultsAlthough animated videos triggered interest (d = 0.18, 0.36), null results were found both as regards learning outcomes and maintained situational interest.ConclusionsThis study adds to a small body of literature pointing at limited effects of emotional design approaches on pre-adolescents. Additional studies with young audiences and using other forms of emotional design would be a welcome addition to the literature.  相似文献   

This special section focuses on cognitive and affective processes in multimedia learning in a range of learning domains. Expanding previous research that has taken a predominantly cognitive perspective of multimedia learning, recent studies have begun to consider affective aspects of multimedia learning with the aim of integrating emotion, motivation, and other affective variables into cognitive processing models. The articles included in this special section are examples of the various ways in which the cognitive perspective can be enhanced by taking affective aspects of learning into account. Investigations range from the study of confusion as an affective state that can be beneficial to learning, and the consideration of the potential distracting or motivating function of decorative illustrations, to an inquiry into how visual design can induce positive emotions in learners. The results of the studies included in this section are in line with Moreno's Cognitive-Affective Theory of Learning with Media (CATLM; Moreno, 2006) and show how emotion and interest facilitate cognitive processing and improve cognitive and affective outcomes.  相似文献   

Group Learning Activities (GLAs) are a key ingredient of course designs in higher education. Various approaches for designing GLAs have been developed, featuring different design components. However, this has not yet resulted in clear guidelines for teachers on how to design GLAs. The purpose of this thematic review is to synthesize insights from various approaches for designing GLAs into one comprehensive framework. This comprehensive framework, the Group Learning Activities Instructional Design (GLAID) framework, includes eight components: (1) interaction, (2) learning objectives and outcomes, (3) assessment, (4) task characteristics, (5) structuring, (6) guidance, (7) group constellation, and (8) facilities. Each component, associated design decisions, and the corresponding design process are described. The GLAID framework aims to guide teachers in higher education in designing, implementing, and evaluating GLAs in their courses.  相似文献   

Emotional design of multimedia instruction involves making the essential elements in the lesson's graphics more appealing, such as by rendering them with human-like features and with distinct, appealing colors (Um, Plass, Hayward, & Homer, 2012). College students received an 8-slide multimedia lesson on how a virus causes a cold for 5 min (Experiment 1) or for as long as they wanted (Experiment 2). For the control group, the graphics consisted of simple black-and-white drawings in which the host cell was represented as a large circle, and the virus was represented as a small circle with small spikes on the outside and a rectangle on the inside. For the enhanced group, the graphics were redrawn to render the host cell as a red face with expressive eyes (registering surprise, fear, and sickness at various stages in the process), and the virus as a blue face with fierce eyes and with a green dot at the end of each of the blue tentacles surrounding the virus face. The enhanced group performed better than the control group on a subsequent learning test (d = 0.69 in Experiment 1, d = 0.65 in Experiment 2) and gave higher effort ratings in Experiment 1 (d = 0.65) but not in Experiment 2 (d = −0.10). The findings are generally consistent with the cognitive affective theory of learning with media, and point to the importance of incorporating motivation into cognitive theories of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

We examine design factors that may evoke positive emotions in learners and investigate the effects of these positive emotions on learning. Recent research showed that the emotional design of multimedia learning material can induce positive emotions in learners that in turn facilitate comprehension and transfer. We sought to replicate these results with a different population and different mood induction procedure and examine individual emotions, and to decompose the effects of the design elements of color and shape. Study 1 showed that well-designed materials induced positive emotions and facilitated comprehension, though transfer performance was not affected by emotional design. Study 2 found that round face-like shapes both alone and in conjunction with warm color induced positive emotions. Warm colors alone, however, did not affect learners' emotions. Comprehension was facilitated by warm colors and round face-like shapes, independently as well as together. Transfer was facilitated by round face-like shapes when used with neutral colors.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new technique of delivery of classes—an instructional technique which will no doubt revolutionize the teaching and learning, whether for on-campus, blended or online modules. This is based on the simple task of instructionally incorporating text-to-speech software embedded in the lecture slides that will simulate exactly the delivery of an intended lecture, assisted with teaching aids such videos, animations and music, as deemed necessary. The benefits of such an approach in the educational system of the University are multifold and can be categorized in three different axes namely pedagogical, administrative and financial. Our main interests in this article lie along the pedagogical benefits (which undoubtedly overlap to some extent into administrative and financial axis) that this technique will bring in the system. While it is obvious that the initial process does consume a reasonable amount of time and gradually reveals its own complexities, constraints and limitations as described in this paper, the approach does however provide considerable elements to bring a major re-definition of the overall teaching and learning framework at the University of Mauritius.
M. I. Santally (Corresponding author)Email:

Recent studies have shown that the positive emotional design of learning environments might foster learning performance. In contrast, the seductive detail effect postulates that additional, learning irrelevant details inhibit learning. This research focusses on the implementation of decorative pictures as a prime for emotions and context-relatedness. This study examines four groups of decorative pictures which might be conducive for learning. Eighty-two students were randomly assigned to one cell of a 2 (emotionally positive vs. emotionally negative pictures) × 2 (school context vs. leisure context pictures) between-subjects, factorial design. The dimensions of pleasure, arousal, and dominance are examined as possible mediators. Results show that either positively valenced pictures or learning pictures foster retention and transfer performance. Pleasure is identified as mediator of the effect between valence of pictures and learning performance. A further analysis shows differences for arousal and dominance for both factors. These results are interpreted with concepts like motivated attention and other arousal theories.  相似文献   

Distance learning has evolved over many generations into its newest form of what we commonly label as online learning. In this second-order meta-analysis, we analyze 19 first-order meta-analyses to examine the impact of distance learning and the special case of online learning on students’ cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes. We examine to what extent distance learning generation level, and instructional setting moderate the influences of distance learning on cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes. This second-order meta-analyses also analyzes the first-order meta-analyses for methodological quality and robustness. The findings revealed a statistically significant overall average effect size (g = 0.156, p < .001 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.087–0.224) of distance learning impacting cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes in comparison to face-to-face learning. Meta-analyses on higher education had a statistically significant larger effect size than K-12 education. Limitations, implications, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


For the past two decades, there has been persistent debate around whether there is a difference between the fields of instructional design (ID) and learning design (LD). While differences in the two approaches are certainly apparent, there are cross-over points that can provide ID and LD researchers and practitioners with opportunities for dialogue about the purposes and remit of research-based practices for optimal design. Though potentially disruptive, initiating dialogues among learning and instructional designers could lead to more thorough and critical analyses of both ID and LD repertoires. Should boundary crossings occur, there is a potential for a third space for the contemplation, research, and practice of design. A goal of this article is to use the notion of Van Gogh’s Yellow House as an anchoring metaphor for the third space – a location for shared discourse, inspiration, collaboration, and challenge for a community of designers of/for learning. Using the impressionist and expressionist terminology to help elucidate the ways of thinking of designers of both traditions, this article examines the history, underlying philosophical approaches, methodologies, and design goals of ID and LD. We conclude that the emergence of a third space for design can help us move beyond the LD and ID dichotomies. We suggest that a socio-materialist perspective alleviates issues of incommensurability by acknowledging ontological multiplicity.  相似文献   

An intrinsic link exists between instructional design (ID) and distance learning (DL). Their inextricability in the real world raises specific problems of interest in the field of ID. In no other teaching/learning situation is ID so essential as in DL. The conditions of DL make it a necessity to have long-term instructional planning, cost analysis, curriculum and course development, instructional materials development and maintenance, delivery plans, and detailed evaluation rules. Without all of these components, DL simply could not happen. It took some time for this neccessity to be acknowledged, as can be seen in the history of DL. However, ID becomes even more critical as increasingly costly and complex means are used. Conditions of learning have special features in DL, such as the role of media, since the professor, teacher or instructor is replaced by media for either transmitting information or for organizing learning activities. In this paper, the term distance learning will be used to mean media-based, remote or asynchronous learning supported by an instructional system. This paper introduces general features of DL and examines essential aspects of ID for DL, with special emphasis on ID methodologies and on media selection.  相似文献   

New technologies enable flexible combinations of text and interactive or non-interactive pictures. The aim of the present study was to investigate (a) whether adding pictures to texts is generally beneficial for learning or whether it can also have detrimental effects, (b) how interactivity of pictures affects learning, (c) whether the visualization format of pictures affects the structure of the learner's mental model, and (d) whether the visualization format modifies the effects of interactivity. One hundred university students were randomly assigned to five groups. In four groups, a text about the different daytimes and days on the earth was combined with interactive or non-interactive pictures of different visualization formats. In the fifth group, the text was presented without pictures. According to the results, adding pictures to text was neither beneficial nor harmful for learning. In terms of learning efficiency, however, learning from text only was more successful than learning from text and pictures. Interactivity was beneficial for one learning task, but not for the other task. The visualization format affected participants’ interaction with pictures, but not the learning outcomes; however this effect was not influenced by interactivity. Implications for multimedia design and for further research are pointed out.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that interventions aimed at supporting students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) are effective for improving achievement because these interventions support SRL activity. In this study, meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) was used to test whether SRL activity indeed mediates the effect of SRL interventions on achievement in higher education. Contrary to popular belief, the results only provide evidence for partial mediation. Furthermore, three separate meta-analyses were performed to investigate the role of possible moderators of the relations between: (1) SRL interventions and achievement, (2) SRL interventions and SRL activity, and (3) SRL activity and achievement. Although SRL interventions were effective in improving SRL activity and achievement, most of the study, measurement, and intervention moderators did not explain significant variance of the investigated effect sizes. Other factors, such as task motivation and time on task, potentially influence the effectiveness of SRL interventions. Practical, theoretical and methodological implications are provided.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the influence of experimentally induced emotions (positive, neutral, negative) on learning with multimedia instruction with N = 75 university students. In order to provide sound explanations about how emotional state might impact learning, measures of motivation, cognitive load, and attentional processes (eye tracking) were integrated. Results showed that while emotions did not influence retention, emotions did influence outcomes of the comprehension and transfer test. Specifically, a facilitating effect of an induced negative emotional state on learning outcomes was observed, which could be attributed to a more focused and detailed information processing. In contrast, an induced positive emotional state had a suppressing effect on learning outcomes since learners were distracted from the learning materials by their emotions. Motivational measures were not influenced by learners' different emotional states, but overall, controlled motivation increased and autonomous motivation decreased during learning. In sum, the learners' emotional state should be considered in learning research as an important predictor for learning success.  相似文献   

In the reported study it was investigated whether deictic tracing during processing multimedia materials can support learning. Participants in the tracing group had to connect words in the text to corresponding elements in the picture by tracing with their index finger on a tablet surface. Participants in the tracing group were expected to outperform learners in the control group without tracing regarding text-picture integration performance and pure picture recall. Results did not confirm our assumptions. Instead, learners in the tracing group performed even worse regarding text-picture integration performance and drawing performance (i.e., replicating the to-be-learned picture) compared to the control group. Log-file analyses showed that only few learners were able to trace the lines correctly on all slides, so tracing difficulty may explain the unexpected results. Other possible reasons as well as the implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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