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The rise of standardization signals that Paulo Freire's critique of the banking concept of education continues to be relevant today. But Freire's theory of critical pedagogy has not gone without its critiques. On the one hand, the fact that these criticisms exist should not blind us to the fact that Freire's intention was to formulate an emancipatory pedagogy because of oppressive systems of education. On the other hand, we cannot continue Freire's project without heeding the warnings issued by these criticisms. In this paper, we address pressing issues concerning Freire's libratory pedagogy and the way it has been taken up by recent Marxist theorizing in education while at the same time maintaining the importance for thinking through an emancipatory pedagogy. We are clear: the real culprit in this situation is the persistent life of oppression itself. We utilize psychoanalysis and the theories of Michel Foucault in order to pinpoint and work through a specific problematic concerning Freire's theories – namely: oppression has an existence in the unconscious such that those who are oppressed form passionate attachments to the forms of power that oppress them. Indeed, such a problematic is not flattering for all who are concerned with forms of social oppression, but, we contend, that unless this problem is recognized and worked through, no real liberation is possible  相似文献   

A bstract .  The work of Paulo Freire is associated with themes of oppression and liberation, and his critical pedagogy is visionary in its attempts to bring about social transformation. Freire has created a theory of education that embeds these issues within social relations that center around both ideological and material domination. In this review essay, Sue Jackson explores three books: Freire's final work Pedagogy of Indignation ; Cesar Augusto Rossatto's Engaging Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of Possibility , which attempts to engage Freire's pedagogy of possibility; and C.A. Bowers and Frederique Apffel-Marglin's edited collection Re-thinking Freire , which asks readers to reconsider Freire's work in light of globalization and environmental crises. Jackson questions the extent to which Freire's pedagogical approaches are useful to educators as well as to "the oppressed," and whether challenges to re-think Freire can lead to new kinds of critical pedagogies.  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews radical critiques of multicultural education from a pedagogical perspective. Goals for the paper are: to reveal agreement between radical and multicultural discourse about transformative pedagogy, exemplify a body of literature about pedagogical struggles not recognized by radical critics, and encourage interchange between these groups in regard to critical multicultural education.The authors are interested in transformative, multicultural pedagogy, which is associated with critical multicultural education. They seek to know the extent to which transformative multicultural pedagogy is addressed within radical critiques of multicultural education. They question the extent to which voices of teachers and students engaged in real transformative pedagogy are acknowledged by radical critics.Ideological agreement is found between radical critics and multicultural educators in regard to transformative pedagogy. However, radical critics do not acknowledge this agreement, or perceive multicultural education as transformative. In response, the authors reference a growing body of literature that portrays real, transformative, multicultural pedagogy in action in school and university classrooms. They encourage radical critics to read this literature and consider alliances between radical and multicultural theory and practice.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the findings of a study on how prospective teachers respond to the social difference they encounter in educational discourse and in the public schools. Despite the pessimism of most research on the issue, this study argues that there are always some individuals who desire to implement multicultural social reconstructionist education (MSRE). This paper portrays 3 teacher candidates who range in their positions on 3 signposts indicative of support for MSRE: identification with social justice; support for critical pedagogy and MSRE, and; desire to learn more about the effects of social domination. The paper urges Faculties of Education to become more aware of prospective multicultural educators' positions and to encourage their development.  相似文献   

In this article, we draw attention to the discourses and practices of multicultural and culturally relevant education as curricular contexts with long-lasting implications for newcomer youth. To best serve immigrant and refugee students and more explicitly include them in the field's discourse, we argue for a conceptual move to widen the scope of multicultural education and culturally relevant pedagogy. We highlight the tremendous contributions multicultural education approaches have made to equitable education, while also examining the ways in which some of their widespread theoretical framing have yet to address the particular needs of immigrant and refugee youth. We then suggest conceptual shifts to widen their scope to include newcomer youth's varied experiences and identity positions. These shifts are (a) advancing the role of genuine cross-cultural relationships over traditional forms of cross-cultural competence in multicultural educational spaces and (b) abdicating the search for cultural authenticity implied in some multicultural education practice in favor of facilitating cultural agency for newcomer youth.  相似文献   

随着文化交流的不断发展,多元文化趋势在世界许多国家相继出现。在一定社会背景下,多元文化教育思想首先出现在美国,并已成为指导西方各国教育改革的理论基础。多元文化教育理论的核心是改变白人中产阶级文化标准,在课程中体现多民族多元文化内容,让学生掌握多元文化社会中必需的知识、态度和技能,促进多元文化社会的共同利益和发展。它主张整合课程内容,重视知识构建,开展平等性教学,促进各民族学生学业成功。  相似文献   

国外的多元文化教育在近半个世纪的发展历程中,逐渐成为西方社会的一种教育理念。西方国家多元文化教育的兴起,既有人口、教育上的因素,也有文化、政治方面的原因。为了实现多元文化教育的目标,多元文化教育的倡导者提出从师资、课程、教学以及评价等方面对学校教育全面加以改革。多元文化教育在倡导民主观念、种族平等、尊重文化差异等方面取得了一定的进展,使教育能更多地考虑到了不同文化背景的学生的实际情况,但是也有一些人对多元文化教育提出了异议,使其面临新的挑战。  相似文献   

国外的多元文化教育在近半个世纪的发展历程中,逐渐成为西方社会的一种教育理念。西方国家多元文化教育的兴起,既有人口、教育上的因素,也有文化、政治方面的原因。为了实现多元文化教育的目标,多元文化教育的倡导者提出从师资、课程、教学以及评价等方面对学校教育全面加以改革。多元文化教育在倡导民主观念、种族平等、尊重文化差异等方面取得了一定的进展,使教育能更多地考虑到了不同文化背景的学生的实际情况,但是也有一些人对多元文化教育提出了异议,使其面临新的挑战。  相似文献   

The main goal of multicultural education is to transform the structural factors in the educational system in order to redress inequalities and inequities for historically underprivileged populations (Banks 1997). This article addresses theories and practices that frame multicultural education in teaching and learning contexts. How do teachers interpret the purpose of multicultural education? I suggest that educators are more likely to interpret multicultural education using the functionalist meta-theoretical framework (Burell and Morgan 1979) and the positivistic epistemology (Turner 2006). Ironically this kind of interpretation subverts the original goals of multicultural education as a transformative movement. The process of transforming curriculum and instruction in learning contexts encounters what I would call a “double jeopardy.” On one hand, curriculum processes run into political impediments that are often pervasive, complex, and invisible, whereas on the other hand they encounter a positivistic epistemology that reduces complex phenomena to simplistic, neutral, objective, and universal standards. I make a case for a radical humanist paradigm that privileges the investigation of social and political relations of power and places critical consciousness at the center of educational structures and pedagogy. I attempt to make critical consciousness visible and to show how it can be employed to change schooling opportunities and the lives of those who fall in the “Other” category of social theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the case of two countries, the United States and Spain, whose educational systems are grappling with questions of difference and social justice. We describe some of the conditions in each country that led to the development of multicultural/intercultural education as a philosophical framework for teacher preparation and we draw attention to some of the challenges faced by multicultural and intercultural teacher education on both sides of the Atlantic.  相似文献   

教育美学与审美教育学的对象异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育美学与审美教育在研究对象关系上含混不清,导致学科建设基础不稳。通过分析美和美育的本质意义,来探讨教育美学和审美教育学的对象及其异同:相同之处是,二者都是以“美的教育”为对象,即美育活动及其意识现象;不同之处是,审美教育学中的“美的教育”即审美教育,教育美学的对象则还包括“美学的教育”和“教育的美”。  相似文献   

现象学教育学著作中的故事   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
现象学教育学是一门具有明显的实践取向的教育学,它致力于儿童养育和教育的实践。故事在现象学教育学的一些著作中,往往占据很大部分,这些故事不是被概念、定义固定下来的,它们是一个个充盈的、丰满而又真实的情境的再现,是“事情本身”的显现,这是现象学教育学的表现方式,也是现象学教育学中的“生活世界”和“回到事情本身”的体现,是对儿童与父母、学生与教师等的生活体验进行描述和解释。现象学教育学的这种全新视野对我们重新理解教育,理解教育与生活的关系,理解教育研究与教育实践的关系,具有重要的现实意义;为我们解决存在已久却悬而未决的基础教育和教师教育中的一些问题提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

探讨了为何需要教育哲学、何为教育哲学、教育哲学与哲学与教育与教育学之间的具体关系、教育哲学的两大根源及其语言的基本特征等教育哲学的基础问题,表达了对教育哲学的作用、本质、相涉因素、根源、语言特征的学术见解。  相似文献   

This paper examines the similarities and differences as well as the limitations and possibilities of critical pedagogy, feminist pedagogy and some of the more radical strands of multicultural education in adult education. As postmodern thought has begun to influence these discourses, a brief look at postmodernism in relation to these three pedagogical theories will be presented. Furthermore, it will be proposed that a synthesis while maintaining difference between these pedagogical strands may have the potential to minimize the limitations and multiply the possibilities of a critical adult pedagogy. It will be suggested that this endeavour may be deepened through the utilization of a strategic postmodern lens of analysis.  相似文献   

作为一种教育理念,多元文化教育自诞生以来,逐渐成为一场国际运动。国外的多元文化教育无论是在政策法规的制定、学校设置、师资队伍建设,还是在课程设置、教学语言等方面都有其自己的特点。国外的多元文化教育对我国的启示在于:树立多元文化理念;制定相应的政策法规,为多元文化教育提供政策上、法律上的保障;设立多样化的民族学校;加强师资队伍建设,提高教师素质;注重从小教育;设置多元文化课程;实行双语教学等等,以此推动我国多元文化教育更好地发展。  相似文献   

中西文化的本质差异是教育理论本土化问题形成的根本原因,而对中西文化差异的清晰把握却是教育理论本土化的实现前提。作为世界教育理论一部分的中国教育学首先必须是中华民族的教育学,具有来自中国教育实践和传统的性质。对新时期中国文化性质的把握,是创建本土教育学所需要的,是新时期教育研究者的努力所向。  相似文献   

教育现象学有两种涵义,一种是现象学教育学,它是现象学方法在教育领域中的应用。这类研究试图通过现象学还原和现象学直观的方法研究教育实践中的个体体验,解释其中的本质意义。我们通过分析现象学方法自身的缺陷,论证了现象学教育学研究不可能是现象学的。教育实践需要另一种涵义的教育现象学,它是一门以教育系统为研究对象,以教育现象为研究内容的科学。这里教育系统被定义为教育者与被教育者多个主体之间的信息流动网络;教育现象被界定为教育系统内部的信息流及其整体效应。  相似文献   

受主客二元对立的认识论思维的影响,教育被认为是知识经验单向度传输的活动,教育学成为形而上的探究教育本体存在的"唯理"之学。从教育具有实践生成性的本质出发,坚持教育是生成的而不是现成的观点,以教育实践为教育学研究的逻辑起点,把教育本体存在扩展为教育主体创造性发挥人的生成性本质去确认自我价值和选择教育规律的实践活动,从而建构走向实践的教育学,是克服当前中国教育学发展瓶颈的一个有益的尝试。  相似文献   

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