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The paper examines the state of library automation in academic and special libraries in Nigeria. As a background, an attempt was made to present efforts made by different bodies and institutions in the country to automate their entire library systems. Also disclosed are the reasons why the libraries opted for automated systems, the successes achieved by some of the libraries in automating their systems, and the problems faced by the libraries who succeeded in automating some of their systems as well as those who are still in the process of doing so. Considering the fact that the automation of library systems in Nigeria has spread from academic and special libraries to the public, and there are also a number of companies/institutions engaged in the provision and servicing of computer hardware and software including management information systems, the paper concluded that the future of library automation in the country is bright.  相似文献   

From the time the Reverend John Harvard donated his collection of books in 1638 to start the library at the newly established Harvard University [1], gifts have played an important role in the development of collections in U.S. academic and special libraries. Today, gifts are still vital to most libraries as publication costs rise and book budgets shrink. Over the years, much has been written on material gifts to libraries, from their use in collection building to the practical points of handling gifts and donors in the technical services area. Culled from the pool of literature, this annotated bibliography is a collection of many of the most useful and informative sources written on the various aspects of gifts in libraries.  相似文献   

Computerization of library services is intended to modernize the entire library system in Nigeria as in the industrialized countries, and to ensure accuracy, efficiency, effective information management, reliable user services, enhanced interlibrary co-operation and library prestige. By 1985, only the library of the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, had succeeded in automating its library services. Other libraries are mostly at the trial stage. University and research libraries and the National Library of Nigeria are leading the race to computerize their services. Lack of co-operation between libraries is an obstacle to library automation in Nigeria. Some librarians are not sure whether computerized library services would thrive owing to problems of poor funding, inadequate physical and environmental facilities such as low grade buildings, unreliable power supply and the scanty amount of information holdings in most of our libraries. Staff computer training, standby power generating plants, competent personnel, computer technicians and support for computer acquisition and hardware maintenance are major factors to consider before any Nigerian library decides to automate its services. In future, use of natural language by computers will make computers more user friendly. Installation of mini- or microcomputers, with powerful information storage capacity, rather than main frames are recommended for small Nigerian libraries with fewer than 20000 book titles, but which wish to automate their services.  相似文献   

Technology has transformed the way people live. Current day information seekers are empowered with multiple choices of information sources and libraries no longer remain the primary centre for information seekers. With diminishing time and geographical barriers the world has become a global village and information seekers are stressed with time constraints. It is the duty of library and information professionals to address these tech-savvy library users' needs and align their services to satisfy them.Recently, the author of this paper conducted a research study on the “Impact of technology on quality of services in technical and management libraries in Karnataka” sponsored by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India, New Delhi. The study was approved in 2005 and the final report was submitted to the government in 2007. This paper carries some of the results of this research study conducted by the author in Karnataka state in Southern India.  相似文献   

Technology has transformed the way people live. Current day information seekers are empowered with multiple choices of information sources and libraries no longer remain the primary centre for information seekers. With diminishing time and geographical barriers the world has become a global village and information seekers are stressed with time constraints. It is the duty of library and information professionals to address these tech-savvy library users' needs and align their services to satisfy them.

Recently, the author of this paper conducted a research study on the “Impact of technology on quality of services in technical and management libraries in Karnataka” sponsored by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India, New Delhi. The study was approved in 2005 and the final report was submitted to the government in 2007. This paper carries some of the results of this research study conducted by the author in Karnataka state in Southern India.  相似文献   

分析了学科化服务的背景及特点,针对学科化服务的现状与问题,提出了图书馆应主动适应高校的学科建设与发展,组建一支学科馆员队伍,并建立快速信息推送服务机制。  相似文献   

安徽省高校图书馆特色数据库建设的现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安徽省部分高校图书馆从学科特色、馆藏特色、地域特色出发,建设了一批特色数据库。但从总体上看,还存在规模较小,建设较慢;缺乏统一规划,单兵作战;选题单一,特色不明显;标准化、规范化程度不高;IP网段分锁、资源浪费等问题。安徽省高校图书馆界应该通过采取统一规划,项目带动;科学选题,合理分配;分散建设,资源共享;加强宣传,持续维护;联合培训,注重质量等措施来推进特色数据库的建设。  相似文献   

泛在图书馆是一种全新的图书馆理念,是未来图书馆存在的重要形态,也是一种新的信息环境.在新环境中,传统的图书馆自动化系统如何完善与拓展功能才能满足时代的需求?文章在简述泛在图书馆概念和特征的基础上,从系统架构、系统接口、移动互联、系统集成、知识发现等五个方面阐述图书馆自动化系统的变革.  相似文献   

The accepted definition of the academic library states its primary purpose of supporting the curriculum and the research of the university faculty and students; however, the essence of the academic library as embodied in its architecture is much more intricate. Academic libraries in Israel are unique in having more intellectual planning processes and more financial support and funding resources.This paper examines the architecture of stand-alone academic library buildings in Israel and their development and evolution over time, especially in the decades after the establishment of the State in 1948. The research investigates their appearance and conceptual reflections, inquiring whether they integrate with the surroundings physically and conceptually or are considered ‘ivory towers.’ Moreover, this paper scrutinizes the influences that affected the architectural environment these libraries came to embody.The discussion on the architecture of academic libraries analyzes the changing influences of Israeli politics and society upon the architectural discourse. Architects were searching for new methods in design, which led to the transition in the architecture of academic libraries: from modesty to complexity in design.  相似文献   

高校图书馆内部人与人之间主要通过非正式沟通的方式进行信息和情感的交流,尤其是在正式沟通渠道不畅通的情况下,非正式沟通的比重将会更大.然而非正式沟通在具备很多优点的同时,也具备了不利于图书馆管理顺利实现的缺点.文章从高校图书馆非正式沟通的特点出发,力求找寻解决非正式沟通对图书馆管理负面影响的办法.  相似文献   

外文期刊:高校图书馆的痛   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文从分析高校图书馆外文期刊建设中存在的书刊涨价、不合理重复等问题入手,提出电子版外文期刊的大量涌现并没有提高图书馆的外文期刊购买能力,电子版外文期刊建设的问题却随之产生。最后论文从图书馆的角度希望外文期刊能被合理定价,让图书馆及用户利用网络实现外刊资源共享。  相似文献   

无线网络在高校图书馆的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章论述了在高校图书馆搭建无线网络的优越性和必要性,探讨图书馆架构无线网络的可行性方案,提出组建无线网络的方法及应注意的问题.  相似文献   

Considers the recommendations in the SIS report regarding libraries’ possible co–operative acquisition of materials; the increased use of free point–of–use services and of bulletin boards; payment for information received electronically; responsibility for training in information access; and national electronic archives.  相似文献   

For decades acquisition by exchange has been an important feature employed by libraries in the United States and abroad for maintaining international coverage for research collections. Declining resources, however, have pressured libraries into maintaining greater financial accountability in recent years, thereby causing a finer scrutiny of all acquisitions programs including international exchanges.Through a review of the literature and a special survey of thirteen ARL libraries, this study investigates how international exchanges are administered, how their needs and support may be changing, and how they are viewed and valued as acquisition programs by library administrators and collection development officers. It concludes that international exchanges are considered as cost effective and necessary components of acquisition programs in most research libraries. It also demonstrates that only exchanges with the Soviet Union have been adequately researched and that more in-depth research on exchanges with libraries in other countries and regions is justified.  相似文献   

"学科馆员"制度的管理模式探析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
学科馆员制度的发展依赖完善的管理体制。图书馆领导应充分发挥决策、计划、组织、领导、控制的管理职能,努力创造人性化的服务经营理念,合理进行人力、物力、财力的配置,建立一个健全的管理体制,使学科馆员团队发挥最大效率,为教学科研提供深层次服务。  相似文献   

以广东海洋大学图书馆为例,对高校图书馆美学进行了阐述,指出高校图书馆只有将外在美与内在美结合起来,才能促进高校图书馆的发展。  相似文献   

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