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近年来,许多国家和地区倾向于提供处境不利学前儿童家庭整合干预计划,通过干预计划为学前儿童提供保教服务和家长服务,改善儿童生活的社区环境,全面为处境不利儿童提供发展支持。印度的ICDS项目和云南省临沧市镇康县的幼儿班项目就是其中之一。借鉴其经验,政府应加强对处境不利儿童早期教育的重视与干预,加大对处境不利儿童早期教育的投资,构建处境不利儿童早期发展支持系统,加强学前教育师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

近十年来,各国对处境不利儿童学前教育问题的重视程度日益提高。中国与印度同为发展中国家,具有相似的社会发展水平,这使借鉴印度解决处境不利儿童学前教育问题的探索成果,更具可能和现实意义。运用文献检索与分析的方法,介绍印度独立后处境不利儿童学前教育的发展概况,对法律与财政、政策与项目和非正规学前教育三个方面的措施进行分析,从中获得解决处境不利儿童学前教育问题的启示。结合我国的现状,提出建议:建立健全保障与支持系统、政府切实重视并干预、加大财政投入力度、加强师资建设以提高学前教育教学质量的建议及对策,促进我国处境不利儿童学前教育的发展。  相似文献   

印度自独立以来一直致力于儿童的早期发展,制定了多个促进儿童发展的项目。其中的ICDS项目作为世界上最大的儿童早期发展计划之一,在改善妇女儿童的营养健康、促进农村儿童早期发展、提高学前教育质量上发挥了巨大的作用。对印度ICDS项目的实施背景、项目目标、实施途径与成效的分析,可以为我国学前教育的发展与学前教育目标的达成提供启示。  相似文献   

教育补偿是世界各国应对处境不利儿童发展问题的共同认识与基本选择。从政策理念、政策设计、政策实施、政策保障、政策效果等维度比较美国、印度和中国处境不利儿童的教育补偿政策,可以发现它们有许多相同的地方,也有不少差异性的方面。三个国家的补偿政策比较可以给予我国处境不利儿童教育许多有益的启示,包括要倡导"儿童中心"思想、注重顶层设计、强化政策实施、完善绩效评估等。  相似文献   

俄罗斯社会转型时期处境不利儿童道德关怀理念的实施过程中,学校关怀这一环节起着非常重要的作用.俄罗斯联邦政府采取一系列措施解决处境不利儿童受教育的问题.俄罗斯的处境不利儿童有权力接受学前教育、普通教育、职业教育和高等教育.并按不同的处境不利儿童群体设立社会收容教学一教养学校,融磁学校,心灵康复学校、普通寄宿学校等接纳这些儿童学习.  相似文献   

对处境不利儿童群体的保护和救助已成为实现整个儿童群体权利保障的最重要的指标之一。二十多年来,我国处境不利儿童的范围在不断扩大,判断标准变得更为模糊,这对完善与发展我国儿童福利事业增加了难度。为了明确当前我国处境不利儿童的构成这一基本问题,本文尝试从导致不利处境的环境因素出发,将处境不利儿童划分为社会处境不利儿童、家庭处境不利儿童、学校处境不利儿童和边缘儿童四大类,并对每一类进行了概念梳理和构成分析。  相似文献   

印度政府为向3~6岁儿童提供必要的学前教育,采取了立法明确政府提供学前教育的责任、充分利用非政府组织和私立机构资源、优先保障弱势群体接受学前教育的权利、开展儿童预算评估等多项措施.虽然印度学前教育的发展取得了一定成效,但存在政府不重视学前教育、学前教育普及与资源投入不对称、政策和项目推行效率低等问题.在经济社会转型的重要时期,我国应吸取印度的教训,加大财政性学前教育投入,优先关注处境不利儿童的受教育权利,提高政策的执行力,多渠道筹集资金,稳步推进学前教育发展.  相似文献   

从起点上保障所有儿童的受教育机会和权力的平等是教育公平的重要组成部分.儿童发展综合服务计划(ICDS)是印度政府为促进农村贫穷地区与城市贫民窟弱势儿童的均衡发展而推行的一项综合性计划.该计划在执行过程中存在考量标准不严格、不准确;实现模式简单机械;实施效果不明显等问题.为此,印度政府应转变ICDS的公平观;探索ICDS功能的多样化;改善ICDS组织方式;完善ICDS管理机制.借鉴ICDS的教训,我国在发展弱势群体学前教育时应建立家庭经济困难幼儿入园资助体系;构建农村学前教育管理体制机制;更新弱势群体儿童家长的教育观念;合理规划农村学前教育机构的布局.  相似文献   

胡静 《教育导刊》2013,(11):35-37
自由学校计划(FSP)是在美国儿童保护基金会(CDF)倡导下设立的,旨在为处境不利儿童提供暑期补偿教育的一项举措。这一计划到现在已经发展为全国性的、固定化的项目之一,为超过九万名贫困儿童提供了补偿教育服务。结合我国的实际情况.自由学校计划为我国处境不利儿童的基础教育提供了以下启示:对处境不利儿童进行补偿教育是实现教育公平的有效途径之一:可将大学生社会实践与处境不利儿童的补偿教育相结合;补偿教育应在政府主导下,呼吁多主体共同参与。  相似文献   

俄罗斯社会转型之后社会发生了很大的变化,这一时期俄罗斯政府尤为关注处境不利儿童群体健康成长的问题,并提出了处境不利儿童道德关怀的理念.此理念的核心目标就是以平等、理解、尊重、宽容为原则对处境不利儿童实施心灵关怀,抚慰他们的心灵,培养他们的自信心.  相似文献   

Taiwan's education rate of return has increased incrementally over the long term, and education is the primary factor impacting income inequality. Its impact has been increasing every year. Having their children attend college is the way for disadvantaged households to escape poverty, but the high tuition policy is putting the poor in an increasingly difficult situation. In 1986, disadvantaged households were able to pay a portion of tuition costs; their borrowing amounted to less than their spending on education. Since 1996, however, the borrowing of disadvantaged households has been far higher than their spending on education, and the gap between the two has increasingly expanded. Moreover, disadvantaged households have to pay more tuition to have the same number of children attend university, possibly because it is more difficult for children from poor households to access quality, inexpensive public universities.  相似文献   

我国在新世纪建设和谐社会,教育公平是和谐教育的重要组成部分,也是和谐社会的重要基石。国际社会近年来非常重视从起点上保证教育公平,也就是为早期教育提供公共经费,并推动综合性的社会服务方案。本文通过分析美英两国的"开端计划"和"稳健起步计划",从起点——早期教育阶段建设和谐教育的国际经验,针对我国的现实提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the findings of a World Food Programme mission to review and appraise the Integrated Child Development Services in India. The paper focuses on the work of the UNESCO consultant who was responsible for evaluating the non-formal pre-school component of ICDS, which is received by over 12 million children under the age of six in India's poorer communities. It is argued that children need supplementary nutrition to survive and that ICDS is a sound vehicle for this task but that the psycho social development of the child is equally important and deserves further investment. The paper calls for upgrading of initial and on the job training, and the upgrading of the centres which provide an education and community service.  相似文献   

International authors have argued that social class inequalities can influence parental engagement in education. Lareau argued that middle-class families possess the resources to actively cultivate their children to succeed academically, whereas working-class and poor families feel they lack such resources and allow their children to develop limited and passive relations with school. This article applies a core element of Lareau’s typology of child rearing to examine disadvantaged British mothers’ experience of engaging with schools. A study involving 77 parents and caregivers of secondary school children, considered disadvantaged, sought to understand the experiences of parental engagement in primary and secondary education. Selective case studies have been chosen from this larger study, using a thematic analysis, to understand how these mothers interpreted their experiences of engaging with secondary education, their feelings of frustration, powerlessness and distance from secondary school. The stories presented illustrate that the ‘accomplishment of natural growth’ provides a contemporary class analysis framework to interpret the experiences of some disadvantaged British parents. Recommendations are made advising how Lareau’s typology of child rearing can inform policy and practice in the British education system and recommendations for future research are made with the purpose of promoting equal access to educational engagement and opportunities.  相似文献   

成人弱势群体是社会资本匮缺的群体,主要体现在社会关系网络窄、社会信任程度低和社会规范意识弱等方面,这成为成人弱势群体职业发展和社会交往的障碍。弱势群体是成人教育的重点关怀对象,成人教育是提升成人弱势群体社会资本的有效途径。通过开展形式多样的社区教育活动,拓宽社会关系网络;推进文化素质教育,加强社会认同;构建学习型团体,培养社会规范意识,能够有效提升成人弱势群体的社会资本。  相似文献   

Part of a multimethod ethnographic study that aimed to explore the knowledge of local parents concerning children learning to talk is described. The study was carried out with parents from several different ethnic and language groups in a socially disadvantaged part of Sheffield, a large city in the northeast of England.
In the phase of the study reported here, parents (either English, Urdu/Punjabi and Arabic speakers) took part in interviews, as well as contributing to the validation of the project. This study found that parents from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds living in this socially disadvantaged area, believed learning to talk to be very important and that family, community, including faith community, and professionals, have roles in promoting learning to talk. They indicated that local community groups, including faith communities, could play a positive role in supporting and developing their knowledge.
This paper will be of interest to those seeking innovative ways to support parents in socially excluded communities, particularly parents of children learning to talk, and so contribute to better outcomes for children, families and communities. It also contributes to our understanding of the development of parental knowledge about learning to talk in socially disadvantaged communities.  相似文献   

During the summer vacation children who are economically disadvantaged experience declines in reading achievement, while middle‐ and high‐income children improve. Previous research has demonstrated that the most widely implemented intervention – sending economically disadvantaged students to summer school – has not led to increases in reading achievement. In this longitudinal randomised trial, a randomly assigned group of exiting First‐Grade children who were economically disadvantaged was enrolled in a seven‐week summer reading day camp. The intervention students' reading achievement was then compared to control group participants at four time points. Results showed noteworthy differences for intervention students in reading comprehension.  相似文献   

城市贫困群体问题是我国现阶段社会发展中需要高度关注的问题。解决城市贫困群体问题必须在经济上解困济贫的同时,注重积极采取措施为这一社会群体提供心理支持。当前,要针对我国社会支持网络缺失现状,通过积极推进再就业工程、完善社会保障制度、大力发展慈善事业、建立社区保障体系和优化社会心理环境等方面入手,构建社会支持网络,这是城市贫困群体获得心理支持的正确路径选择。  相似文献   

This paper explores how starting school at a younger age affects the developmental score gaps between relatively advantaged and disadvantaged children. While previous findings suggest that delaying school entry may improve school readiness, less is known about whether it has differential effects for advantaged and disadvantaged children. For disadvantaged children, starting school early may be a better alternative to staying at home for longer as school provides a more stable and educational environment than the family home, overcompensating for the penalties of starting school early. This may be less applicable to relatively advantaged children who generally have greater access to resources in the home and who are more likely to utilise formal pre-school services. We use the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children to investigate if there is support for this hypothesis. The endogeneity of school starting age is addressed using the regression discontinuity design. We find that an early school start generally improves children’s cognitive skills, which is even more pronounced for disadvantaged children. In contrast, an early school start tends to negatively affect children’s non-cognitive skills with both advantaged and disadvantaged children affected in similar ways. Thus, our findings suggest that an earlier school entry may narrow the gaps in cognitive skills, whereas the gaps in non-cognitive skills are not affected by the school starting age.  相似文献   

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