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远程学习者在线学习行为无疑会影响到远程学习效果,研究远程学习者的在线学习行为是远程开放教育重要的课题之一。研究设计了三组实验.以明确远程学习者在线学习行为的特征、影响因素及远程学习者在线学习行为与其课程成绩之间的关系。研究表明:远程学习者的在线学习行为具有习惯性、适应性特征:远程学习者的在线行为会受到学习者有无远程学习经历、所在班级学习共同体及年级学习共同体的影响:远程学习者在线学习行为与其课程成绩之间无直接相关关系。最后,针对研究结论,提出了改进远程学习者在线学习行为的相关建议。  相似文献   

国外远程学习者在线学习障碍研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程教育中在线学习障碍成为人们新的关注点,文章在文献调研的基础上,整理和讨论了国外远程学习者在线学习障碍的分类、影响因素和原因以及解决对策和建议,并与国内的研究情况做了分析和比较。  相似文献   

网络教育中,新生入学时所具备的学习技能和期望,对于网络教育机构开展网络教学具有重要的意义。本研究采用问卷调查法,以华南师范大学网络教育学院广州市各学习中心482名新生作为样本,展开调查。根据调查结果分析,作者提出学生学习支持服务和开展网上教学的建议,希望能对网络教育实践工作有所推进。  相似文献   

长期以来,在线课程研究与实践一直被“高辍学率”困扰。传统文献对其原因的消极解读是在线课程定位失准、对在线互动机制理解片面、在线学习评价主体错位的结果。因此,本研究对将“高辍学率”理解为在线课程和课程学习者失败的合理性提出质疑,从学习者投资理论的视角,对在线课程与学习者的关系进行重新诠释。研究发现,在线课程“辍学”是学习者的一种主动选择,同时也是线下教师策略整合及在线课程资源属性的体现。基于“高辍学率”现象中隐藏的积极意涵,研究进一步从教学组织过程、学习评价模式、共同体实践等方面对在线课程学习机制进行了重构。  相似文献   

The article describes a study that attempted to characterise Portuguese students’ conceptions of learning and approaches to learning. A sample of university students answered open questions on the meaning, process and context of learning. Results, derived from content analysis, replicate most conceptions of learning described by phenomenographical research (i.e. distinction between learning as memorisation and learning as comprehension). Moreover, new variants of known conceptions of learning emerged (e.g. learning occurs through: exploratory practice; learning to learn; motivation) and an apparently new conception (i.e. learning as understanding and application). The same sample answered a questionnaire which attempted to measure motivation and learning strategies. Through factorial analysis of results it was possible to confirm the presence of three well-known approaches to learning: surface, deep and achieving.  相似文献   

This article presents a summary of the results from phase 1 of a two‐phase research project. Drawing on the principles of problem‐based learning (PBL), the aims of phase 1 were to design, develop and evaluate a set of flexible online teaching resources for use within a virtual learning environment. Participants in the project (n = 10) were volunteers from students registered on a two‐year distance education programme of study for specialist teachers of children with visual impairment. Two case scenarios were developed for the project, each of which was based around a fictitious support service for teachers of children with visual impairment. Following a campus‐based study day, the participants were assigned to one of two ‘PBL Activity Groups’ and completed a series of tasks within each case scenario. Participation in the project was supported by members of the Project Team over a period of one semester, following which participants were asked to provide feedback through an online questionnaire. A summary of the feedback is presented, and key findings discussed. The results suggest that, with appropriate resources, adequate preparatory training and effective tutor support, online PBL can be an effective method for supplementing the continuing professional development of specialist teachers studying through distance education.  相似文献   


With the growth of online and distance education in social work, faculty training and support need to be provided to ensure high-quality online social work education. A model for training social work educators in online teaching is outlined that focuses on pedagogy, technology, and social work values. Columbia University School of Social Work’s Online Campus provides a five-week Institute on Pedagogy and Technology for Online Courses for prospective social work instructors. The Institute provides a faculty training model that can be adopted in other social work programs, and seeks to model best practices in online education.  相似文献   

This study is framed under the student approaches to learning tradition. The aim was to identify convergence in quantitative and qualitative responses of individuals when measuring their conceptions of and approaches to learning with a mixed methods design. A sample of 1110 Spanish Master’s level teacher education students completed a scale on approaches to learning (R-SPQ-2F), and a randomly selected subsample of 111 answered an open-ended question on how they learned. Overall, the qualitative and quantitative data did not support each other, as inventory responses showed a clear predominance of a deep, non-surface approach to learning, whereas qualitative answers reflected a tendency towards lower-order conceptions of learning. Inconsistencies in the results suggest future research ought to use a combination of techniques when exploring constructs such as learning should they wish to draw valid conclusions.  相似文献   

Socially responsible educational development issues include examination of whether students in diverse situations have access to educational programs. Within a global society that supports equal opportunities for individuals, issues of access to educational content have merit at both individual and societal levels. A framework for thinking about social responsibility in educational access three primary areas is examined. These include (a) meeting the needs of underserved populations, (b) preparing for and capitalizing on diversity, and (c) using access to build society. Online learning offers one viable strategy for social responsibility by providing significant benefits in the areas of educational access for underserved populations, exposure to and experience with diversity, and building social communities through shared electronic communication.  相似文献   

Research regarding the development of students’ learning approaches have at times reported unexpected or lack of expected changes. The current study explores the idea of differential developments in learning approaches according to students’ initial learning profiles as a possible explanation for these outcomes. A learning profile is conceived as the degree to which students use aspects of deep and surface approaches in their learning process and taking into account the dynamic interrelations between these aspects. Two cohorts of students in a teacher-training course-module completed questionnaires measuring their learning approaches, in a pre-test post-test design. Analyses on the whole sample indicated few significant changes in students’ learning approaches during the course-module. Only a significant decrease in the deep motive subscale was found. Hierarchical cluster-analysis revealed four groups of students with specific initial learning profiles: a deep approach profile, a surface approach profile, an all-low profile and an all-high profile. Using a regressor variable approach, significant differences in growth were found for the initial learning profiles on the surface approach to learning and the deep strategy scale, even after controlling for other significant background variables such as students’ academic discipline and gender. These results suggest that unexpected developments in students’ learning approaches, or lack of significant changes at a whole-group level, may be partially due to dynamic (contradictory) tendencies at the sub-group level. Findings point towards the need of looking at approaches to learning at a more fine-grained level.  相似文献   

在线环境下学习者协作解决问题的策略研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该研究在综述国内外在线环境中学习者协作解决问题的经验与不足基础之上,构建了在线环境中学习者协作解决问题策略的初步框架,并依托LAMS平台开发了相应的在线课程。研究采用基于设计的研究(DBR)并历经三轮循环实验,结合问卷和访谈进行持续改进,最终形成了在线环境中学习者协作解决问题的策略。该研究从指导者、协作学习者和资源环境三个角度出发,以问题解决过程为主线来构建协作问题解决的策略:在情境创设阶段,基于“最近发展区”理论设计在线协作解决的劣构问题;问题表征时指导者需提供部分学习材料,引导学生利用支架开展协作分析问题;在问题解决阶段进行组内与组间协作,从多角度思考解决问题的方法;构建多元评价机制,将学习结果智慧共享;指导者引导学生将所学知识和能力进行迁移应用;同时添加“学前准备”环节避免在线协作问题解决学习中的信息迷航、目标偏移等问题,以期为在线学习者的协作问题解决提供理论和实践指导。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between degree of participation and learning outcomes in an e-learning course on medical informatics. Overall activity in using course materials and degree of participation in the discussion forums of an online course were studied among 39 medical students. Students were able to utilise the course material in discussion groups focusing on the lectures, quizzes and students’ own notes. Each student’s data recording of activities and individual participation in discussion in the online course was analysed in order to assess which activities predicted learning outcome. Higher course grades were associated with studying the course material frequently and also with regular participation in reading postings and replying to them. There were no connections between learning outcome and the students’ original contributions to the discussion forums. There were no statistically significant differences between male and female students in how they utilised the various components of the learning material.  相似文献   

This one semester case study intended to explore the roles of the instructor and students in design activities based on project based learning via cloud computing technology. Participants were 13 pre-service computer teachers enrolled in an internet programming course at faculty of education. Online course records, interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data. The data were analyzed via qualitative techniques. Results suggested that cloud computing facilitates planning, collaboration, and communication and also supports individual learning in online project based design activities. The instructor exhibited the roles of guidance, technical support, administrate and communicate. Students’ roles were found as cooperation, coordination, communication, leadership, practice, effort provide in project based activities. The results are hoped to provide insights about the roles of the instructor and students in online project based design activities. Along with the study findings, some implications were discussed for using cloud computing effectively in project based learning.  相似文献   

Distance learning has evolved over many generations into its newest form of what we commonly label as online learning. In this second-order meta-analysis, we analyze 19 first-order meta-analyses to examine the impact of distance learning and the special case of online learning on students’ cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes. We examine to what extent distance learning generation level, and instructional setting moderate the influences of distance learning on cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes. This second-order meta-analyses also analyzes the first-order meta-analyses for methodological quality and robustness. The findings revealed a statistically significant overall average effect size (g = 0.156, p < .001 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.087–0.224) of distance learning impacting cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes in comparison to face-to-face learning. Meta-analyses on higher education had a statistically significant larger effect size than K-12 education. Limitations, implications, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to identify the development of students’ self-reported use of metacognitive learning strategies during high school. Therefore, the study analyses the differential development patterns of 1,432 students, between grade 10 and 12, in a longitudinal sample. The results suggest that, from a global perspective, there is no development of students’ self-reported use of metacognitive learning strategies during high school. The expected gender-specific differences in favour of female students are replicated in this sample. However, the self-reported use of monitoring and evaluation strategies tends to converge between genders during high school, whereas the differences in the self-reported use of planning strategies remain stable. The consequences for the understanding of metacognitive development are discussed.  相似文献   

Against the background of an adaptation of Cognitive Load Theory to learner-controlled settings we investigated the impact of learner characteristics on information utilization strategies, cognitive load, and learning outcomes in a hypermedia environment. Based on the data of 79 students, five clusters of students were identified according to their learner characteristics by means of a cluster analysis. Further analyses showed that learners with more favorable characteristics (i.e., higher prior knowledge, more complex epistemological beliefs, more positive attitudes towards mathematics, better cognitive and metacognitive strategy use) tended to show a more adaptive example utilization behavior, reported less cognitive load, and solved more problems correctly than learners with less favorable characteristics.  相似文献   

Mike Jess 《Education 3-13》2013,41(3):225-237
With career-long professional learning increasingly seen as a significant element of teacher education, this paper proposes that there is a need to acknowledge the complex nature of the professional learning process. The paper explores lessons learnt from over a decade of professional learning efforts by the Developmental Physical Education Group at The University of Edinburgh. With the group's traditional initial continuing professional development efforts having limited impact on teachers' practice, the paper considers how more recent efforts have refocused on a longer term, participative and situated approach that appears to be having significantly more influence on teachers as professional learners.  相似文献   

Growth in distance education is increasing the need to examine students' learning strategies in distance and blended learning environments. Students' cramming or spaced-review behaviors were measured and compared across delivery formats as well as examined related to course achievement and attitudes across a term. Although theory would predict that spaced study rather than last minute cramming would yield higher achievement, researchers report mixed findings in both areas. One hundred fifty-seven students in distance and blended course formats were blocked into 5 groups based on their cramming/spaced-review patterns a week prior to each of 3 posttests. Significant differences were observed in cramming/spaced-review behaviors between delivery formats and for achievement and attitudes.  相似文献   

In Canada, all regular K-12 teachers face the challenge of teaching both native and non-native English speaking students. Consequently, working with students who use English as a second language (ESL) has become everybody's business, irrespective of whether they are teaching language or mathematics, at elementary or secondary levels. As a result, it is essential for in-service teachers to gain knowledge and develop skills in working with ESL students. Teaching English as a second language (TESL) courses have been delivered traditionally at the Faculty of Education at Queen's University through on-site training and with opportunities for working with ESL students. These courses, however, are now delivered online to teachers in different locations across the province and even in other parts of the world. This paper addresses the challenges of converting the on-site courses to an online format.  相似文献   

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