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文章通过回顾厚数据研究的理论起源和发展,利用WOS和CNKI检索相关文献,梳理国内外厚数据研究现状,剖析和解读研究中的前沿热点和问题,为后续研究提供支持和建议。当前国内外厚数据相关研究主要集中在厚数据定义研究、厚数据应用场景研究和厚数据分析方法研究等方面,未来应继续围绕基础研究问题进行深入探索和改进,并尝试在厚数据融合研究、厚数据方法研究和厚数据应用研究等方面不断进行拓展。  相似文献   

刘英梅 《图书情报工作》2016,60(15):116-125
[目的/意义] 对国外图书馆领域心智模型研究文献进行调查和分析,拟为我国图书馆领域心智模型研究提供参考。[方法/过程] 以读秀知识库和国道外文专题数据库收录的文献为基础,综述图书馆领域心智模型研究文献的研究方法、研究内容和心智模型测量方法。[结果/结论] 从图书馆员、用户和团队3个层面阐述图书馆领域心智模型研究文献关注的主要问题,分析心智模型测量方法和研究内容中存在的不足及图书馆领域心智模型研究发展趋势,建议国内研究从4个方面展开:拓宽研究内容,关注新背景下的新课题;扩展研究视野,增强图书馆员层面和团队层面的研究;探索新的心智模型测量方法,开展实证研究;重视图书馆员层面和用户层面之间的比较研究。  相似文献   

总结、梳理美国报纸媒介涉华报道研究的现状和特点,分析比较国内外此类研究,在选题、方法和结论方面的异同和侧重点,并对研究文本内容的优劣和创新性进行必要的分析和甄别,由此发现目、前此类研究尤其是国内研究存在的诸多问题。最后,针对此类研究提出了一些新的研究议题与研究方向。  相似文献   

图书馆学术史研究有助于理性把握图书馆学研究的本质问题,有助于推进图书馆学理论研究的发展。图书馆学术史研究与图书馆史、图书馆学史和图书馆思想史的研究之间既有密切的联系又相互区别。要加强图书馆学术史研究,应明确图书馆学术史的研究范畴,重视对学术发展中重要阶段和事件的研究,重视对学派和图书馆学家的研究,重视国际学术文化交流和影响。  相似文献   

本文结合有关文献,对国内外有关中国网络公共事件的研究进行量化比较。研究发现,中国大陆、港台和国外研究在文献数量、命名方式、研究议题、理论视角和研究范式、方法等方面均存在较大差异。研究议题方面,中国大陆、港台和国外学者分别重视管理应对、抗争动员和概述研究;理论视角方面,大陆学者较多应用传播与舆情理论和危机管理理论,港台学者应用较多的是社会运动理论和公共领域理论,国外则以社会运动理论、话语和对话理论为主;研究范式方面,大陆学者的主导范式是对策研究,港台和国外学者的主导范式是抗争研究;研究方法方面,大陆学者以思辨的方法为主,港台和国外以实证的方法为主。本文进一步探讨了不同学科研究的差异和国内外研究各自的局限。  相似文献   

2007年国外科学计量学理论与应用进展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学计量学主要通过运用数学和统计等方法对科学的投入、产出和过程开展分析和研究。2007年,国外科学计量学领域研究主要围绕科学计量学的投入、产出和过程3个方面,具体包括科学发展规律研究、科学产出向专利转化的研究、科研合作研究、创新评估和创新模式研究、学科发展研究前沿和趋势预测的研究。这种大范围、跨学科的研究,大大推动了科学计量学的发展。  相似文献   

从分类法自身研究、分类法应用研究和其他类型分类法研究三个方面,对我国2006年到2008年的分类法文献予以综述,指出分类法基础理论和同类书区分研究是分类法研究的薄弱领域,分类法构件研究、分类法修订和分类法作为一种信息组织的基本思想和基本方法的研究是未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

唐果媛  张薇 《图书情报工作》2014,58(22):138-145
采用人工判读法、文献计量法和对比分析法,从定性和定量两个角度对共词分析法在国际上和中国国内的研究现状进行分析.通过人工判读法,将共词分析法的研究分为理论研究和应用研究,其中理论研究分为5类,应用研究分为4个层次;通过文献计量方法,对共词分析法在国际上和中国国内的总体研究发展趋势、文献类型、引用情况和应用领域进行分析;通过对比分析法,比较分析国际上和中国国内共词分析法的理论研究和应用研究之发展趋势的差异、在各类型共词分析法研究中的活跃程度和影响力的差异,以及共词分析法具体应用领域的差异.  相似文献   

陈人语  韩滨 《图书馆》2012,(2):105-107
老唱片作为有声资料的先驱,不仅在载体形态方面改变了信息传播的方式,还为研究近现代社会生活提供了丰富翔实的资料。鉴于老唱片独特的历史文献价值,本文从版本研究和目录研究两个方面提出了图书馆学的研究思路。在版本研究方面,详细论述了版次研究、年代研究和版本价值研究的具体内容;在目录研究方面,分别介绍了书目研究和编目研究两种方法。  相似文献   

钱存训对中国书史研究的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以美国芝加哥大学钱存训教授的书史和印刷史研究为对象,主要从以下几方面进行讨论: 对印刷发明前中国书史的研究,对中国造纸和印刷历史的研究,对印刷术的发明和技术史的研究,对纸和印刷术的传播和影响的研究,对学术研究方法的启示,旨在探讨钱存训对中国书史和印刷史研究的贡献。  相似文献   

张娴  方曙 《图书情报工作》2016,60(20):140-148
[目的/意义] 对现有专利引用网络主路径方法研究内容进行总结梳理,为今后应用该方法解决技术演化进程中的关键性专利技术识别和主流线索提取提供理论支撑。[方法/过程] 系统梳理相关研究成果,从算法研究、应用研究、方法优化扩展研究三个方面总结现有研究内容与特点,分析当前研究的局限性,探讨未来研究发展方向。[结果/结论] 当前研究的主要局限性在于:对路径发展驱动力的多元性与系统性揭示不够、忽视不同引证关系对路径演化的影响差异性、对演化的动态性关注不足、多主路径方法本质上仍属单目标搜索。未来研究将关注以下几个方向:对算法思想进行实质性与创新性拓展、更强调动态性与未来预测性、优化计算效率以增强适用性与实用性、发挥专利引用主路径在产业化扩散研究中的独特优势。  相似文献   

于晨 《档案学研究》2023,37(1):140-148
脱酸技术的方法、效果、质量等是纸质文献保护研究的核心问题,当前学界缺少对脱酸技术研究现状的整体回顾。本研究采用文献研究法和内容分析法,依据布拉德福定律确定文献样本148篇,通过对内容的编码分析,将其分为机理、效果、产品、方式等四个研究主题,并依据“机理-技术研发—设备应用—评估”脱酸流程,构建脱酸技术研究体系。研究发现,当前脱酸技术研究存在基础理论滞后于应用研究、无水纳米技术异军突起、重研发而轻评估的现象。基于此,本研究提出自主研发脱酸新技术、脱酸技术与多种修复技术集成化、健全现有理论与应用研究体系的建议,为我国脱酸技术研究发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This study proposes a way of mapping open innovation research structure by quantitatively analyzing open innovation research papers retrieved from Web of Science database. A total of 130 papers are retrieved in this study and 62 papers which contain keywords are chosen for research structure visualization. Open innovation research networks are quantitatively investigated by combining network theory and keyword co-occurrence. Contour maps of open innovation are also created on the basis of networks for visualization. The networks and contour maps can be expressed differently by choosing different information as the main actors, such as the paper author, the institute, the country or the author-keywords, to reflect open innovation research structures in micro, meso, and macro-levels, respectively.The quantitative ways of exploring open innovation research structure are investigated to unveil important or emerging open innovation components as well as to demonstrate visualization of the structure of global open innovation research. The quantitative method provided in this project shows a possible way of visualizing and evaluating research community structure and thus a computerized calculation is possible for potential quantitative applications on open innovation research management, e.g. R&D resource allocation, research performance evaluation, and science map.  相似文献   

论科技期刊与科研活动的相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从科技期刊和科研工作相互关系的角度研究科技期刊对科研活动的影响,分析科技期刊对科研工作和科研人员的影响以及科研活动对科技期刊的影响.论证科技期刊对科研活动的支撑作用主要体现在科研成果的发表对科研人员的发掘与培养,而科研活动对科技期刊的作用体现在对科技期刊学术影响力的提高以及对科技期刊编辑科学素质和学术水平的提高.  相似文献   

Developing research capacity in health librarians: a review of the evidence   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This critical review considers current issues of research capacity development in UK health care and the role of health librarianship in this context, placing particular focus on the use of research networks. There is a growing literature base recognising the need for librarians to engage more with research. The concepts of evidence-based health librarianship and clinical librarianship are discussed in the context of research and examples of existing good practice are reviewed. It is suggested that librarians should build on this through better consideration of evidence based methodologies, hierarchies of evidence, improvement of research skills, and a collective endeavour to identify research priorities. The importance research capacity is being given in the Department of Health R&D strategy and the use of networks in achieving this is discussed, and it is suggested that the utilisation of networks and collaboration should be undertaken and explored in more depth in developing research capacity in health librarianship. Areas where librarians currently engage with research and use networks and collaborative practices to contribute to the research base are reviewed. A co-ordinated approach to developing research capacity is called for and it is argued that the use of networks would be beneficial in assisting the process.  相似文献   

Information policy research is a critical tool in the arsenal of library and information science researchers. As developments occur in information access, use, technology, and management, information policies require more attention and research. The article describes the nature of government information policy and policy research, characteristics of policy research, and examples of research methods and approaches that can be used. The differences between textbook-based policy research and how policy research might be implemented in action are also discussed, as are the inter-connectedness of information policies and ways to describe impacts of information policies. The article recommends that researchers and professionals give greater education, training, and professional association attention to using policy research on a day-to-day basis.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from an international survey into the research involvement and support of university teaching staff in a relatively new profession‐orientated discipline, publishing studies (PS). It uses these findings to consider barriers and opportunities for academic research both specifically in PS and more broadly in other profession‐orientated disciplines. Greater understanding was felt to be of value as universities internationally are increasingly being pressurized to create close links with the wider economy, produce employable students, and encourage relevant and implementable research. The survey suggests that while there is strong agreement among respondents that it is beneficial for those teaching PS to be research‐active, there was considerable variation in current levels of research activity. Respondents rated their research activity highest in departments with an active research culture and effective research support processes. Lack of time was the main reason cited for reduced or non‐involvement in academic research and while this is a common issue for academics, PS respondents isolated a number of exacerbating factors. Suggestions are offered for addressing identified barriers and pursuing new opportunities for research. The paper argues that as research outputs of academics are increasingly monitored it is important to consider how the full range of disciplines housed within institutions can be accommodated within research support. Overall, the research has a strong relevance for interdisciplinary areas, and other profession‐ and practice‐orientated subjects within universities.  相似文献   

Research in the social sciences has shown that there are gender differences in the selection of research methods, with women often opting for qualitative methods while men prefer quantitative methods. However, it is important to consider that research methods are generally chosen based on the research topic. To figure out the influence of gender on research method selection, a study was conducted in the field of library and information science, using a more fine-grained method classification system and an automatic classification model called CogFT, which is based on full-text cognition. The findings showed that women tend to use interviews while men prefer theoretical approaches, across a range of topics. Insights into the specific research design processes that contribute to gender differences in method selection are offered and ways to promote gender inclusivity and equality in academia by considering research method use and guidance are suggested.  相似文献   

The Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care published by the Department of Health in 2001 provides a model of best practice and a framework for research in the health and social care sector. This article reviews the Department of Health Research Governance Framework, discusses the implications of research governance for library and information professionals undertaking research in the health- and social-care sector and recommends strategies for best practice within the information profession relating to research governance. The scope of the Framework document that covers both clinical and non-clinical research is outlined. Any research involving, amongst other issues, patients, NHS staff and use or access to NHS premises may require ethics committee approval. Particular reference is made to the roles, responsibilities and professional conduct and the systems needed to support effective research practice. Issues such as these combine to encourage the development of a quality research culture which supports best practice. Questions arise regarding the training and experience of researchers, and access to the necessary information and support. The use of the Framework to guide research practice complements the quality issues within the evidence-based practice movement and supports the ongoing development of a quality research culture. Recommendations are given in relation to the document's five domains of ethics, science, information, health and safety and finance and intellectual property. Practical recommendations are offered for incorporating research governance into research practice in ways which conform to the Framework's standards and which are particularly relevant for research practitioners in information science. Concluding comments support the use of the Research Governance Framework as a model for best practice.  相似文献   

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