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Mrs. Deri, after stating that in Hungary today there is a satisfactory number of women students in higher education, splits up the total figures for women students at university into fields of study and shows which ones women usually prefer. She then reviews briefly the results of a sociological survey concerning various questions related to women in higher education, before and after graduation, their professional choices and career opportunities

Mrs. Vera Deri is attached to the Pedagogical Research Centre for Higher Education, Budapest, Hungary  相似文献   

Environmental education based on ecological knowledge should be present at all levels of education in Hungary. It should be interdisciplinary and should progress in a linear fashion from kindergarten through postgraduate studies. Its most important goal should be the formation of environmental consciousness in students through the application of pedagogical techniques which make them sensitive to the principles of ecology. It is particularly important that all teacher training programmes include a strong environmental consciousness component as well as instruction in interdisciplinary teaching techniques.  相似文献   

The college system of Hungary is introduced. Colleges have a long history in Hungary and operate at a level similar to that of the Fachhochschulen of Germany. The main areas of study and research which they cover are listed as are their admission requirements. Their system of governance is described as are also the ways in which they are funded. A table of facts and figures on Hungarian colleges is appended.  相似文献   

大学生社会化的目标实际上是由人格形成、专业知识与技能形成和社会技能形成三个方面构成的统一体。目前,校园文化工作存在着重物质文化建设和知识传授,轻内涵建设;娱乐性活动过多、心理卫生工作不足;校园文化工作缺乏足够的适应能力等问题。有鉴于此.校园文化通过教育与引导的规范与约束和凝聚与稳定与陶冶与激励两条途径实现其功能,主要对应于思想政治教育、校园德育、专业知识技能教学和校园文化娱乐活动、校园心理卫生工作等方面的校园文化工作。  相似文献   

This study uses a revised integrated model ofundergraduate persistence to examine first-yearretention at a private, highly selective researchuniversity. Findings from the study provide strongsupport for use of the model in futurestudies.  相似文献   

The article begins by reviewing the main problems facing young people in higher education and the kinds of problems with which they might need help. The approach is psychological and does not include problems of physical health or sociological, socio‐political, or strictly educational problems. For people looking at this age group from a distance, admission to a university or another type of institution of higher education can be seen as a process of arrival. One might think that the uncertainties and stresses from an earlier period of life would have ceased and the oppressive worries of adulthood not yet have begun. In reality, there are many possibilities for crises between the ages of eighteen and twenty‐five. It is one of the main tasks of the provision of psychological counselling in higher education to help adolescents resolve these problems.  相似文献   

This study examined the possibility that notonly women, but also men, face what Hall and Sandler(1982) call chilling behaviors when theyare students in a major considered nontraditional oratypical for their sex. The population for this studywas all upper-level students (N = 1,992) in accounting,education, engineering, and nursing at a publicuniversity in the mid-South. A random sample of females and males, or a total of 426 junior and seniorfull-time and part-time students in these majors, wasmailed a survey about chilling practices in their major.Analysis of variance was used to clarify the relationships between the independent variablesof students' sex and academic discipline and theinteraction of students' sex and academic discipline andthe dependent variable of perception of practices in their major. The findings indicated that,regardless of their sex, students in these majors didnot perceive practices in their major to bechilling. However, there was a differencein perceptions as a function of major. Both education andnursing students perceived a warmerenvironment in their major than did accounting andengineering students. The pattern was the same for bothfemales and males since there was no interaction of sex andacademic discipline.  相似文献   

This report considers the problems of assessing Professional Potential and makes some suggestions for assisting students in the professional socialisation process  相似文献   

In an era of declining college enrollments it is vital to identify potential causes of absenteeism and implement strategies for reducing it. To accomplish this two open‐ended approaches were used to generate a list of reasons for missing social science classes. The combination of these two ultimately led to 51 reasons for missing class that appeared on the Class Attendance Survey in Likert scale format. This survey was shown to have both internal reliability and validity. The dependent variable on the survey was the number of absences reported by each student for the class in which the survey was taken. It was administered in class on or about the last class day by 24 social science professors to 25 classes. This resulted in 402 usable surveys, of which 351 were complete. A factor analysis of the independent variables yielded six factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 and factor loadings higher than .50. Four of the six entered a stepwise multiple regression equation. They combined to produce a highly significant F value. In descending order of their beta weights they were labeled “fatigue associated with excessive socializing,” “low attendance incentives,” “irresponsible pursuit of leisure,” and “external responsibilities.” F values for each of the beta weights were significant. Several recommendations for reducing absenteeism were made.  相似文献   

The Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research, in cooperation with the Institute of Social Development Studies of the Austrian Academy of Science, elaborated a model of the future development of education in Austria. Elements of this model were taken into consideration in the formulation of the forecast of higher education development in Austria. This forecast constitutes a part of the recent report, published by the Federal Ministry for Science and Research, entitled “Hochschulbericht 1978”.

The following article is based on the part of this report which deals with future numbers of students and higher education graduates in Austria.  相似文献   

While the educational benefits of student self‐assessment are being increasingly recognised and self‐assessment procedures introduced into post‐secondary courses of many different kinds, the use of self‐assessment for grading purposes is a more controversial matter. Is there a role for student self‐assessment in formal assessment proceedings? If there is to be a role, what should it be? This paper focuses on these questions and examines why a marking role for self‐assessment should be considered and what evidence is available on the reliability of student‐generated marks. The implications of these findings are considered and strategies are proposed to improve student markers reliability and to incorporate self‐assessment indirectly into the formal assessment process.  相似文献   

近年来我国高校学生事务管理机制日益完善,国家出台了一系列政策,使学生事务人员的职业化与专业化得到加增强、组织机构不断细化.由于起步较晚,我国的学生事务管理仍不够完善,应从以下几方面进一步改进:一是机构应进一步改革,完善服务功能;二是构建学生事务工作的行业标准;三是法制建设刻不容缓;四是完善信息化建设.  相似文献   

匈牙利自称是马扎尔人,语言学上属于亚洲系和芬兰乌戈尔语族。音乐史上和德国,特别是和澳地利密切相关。20世纪开始,由巴尔托克和柯达依等人的研究使之得以明确的匈牙利民歌特征,是和居住在前苏联的伏尔加河沿岸的少数民族共同的,在旋律构造上具有亚洲的特征。在古老风格的音乐中,重视歌词的节奏,以组细密的装饰音、自由节奏和像说话那样地歌唱为特点的旋律,令人联想起来以亚洲为起源的民族性特征。其中,几百年前开始就有的古旋律,使用的是无半音的五声音阶。在比较(?)近的旋律中,则发展了六声音阶和七声音阶。如今,这种古老风格的音乐极为…  相似文献   

National political reorganization in a post-communist era has reconceptualized both the societal role of education and the cultural significance of schooling for citizens in emerging democracies. To date, attention has focused primarily on changing structures rather than on participant perceptions within those structures. In this policy analysis of Hungary's overlapping decentralization and de-sovietization process, the author constructs macro and micro depictions of contemporary social and educational change. These two columns of inquiry illuminate the interactive dynamics between political, economic, and educational systems and the reidentification process of individuals within evolving systems. Because the decentralization of Hungary's educational system began long before the political break with Moscow in 1989, this case enables a more comprehensive and comparative perspective regarding the reorganization of power between school and state.  相似文献   

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