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Although school development can be viewed as an emerging responsibility of teachers, special needs education in Germany does not leave sufficient room for non-teaching tasks, leading to a knowledge gap in the professionalisation of pre-service teachers with regard to school development upon entering the profession. This study focused on the preparedness of pre-service teachers in school development as a professional task at the end of their initial teacher training. The respondents of the interview study are 12 pre-service teachers enrolled at master level in special educational needs at a German university. The findings of the study report on the marginal situatedness of school development in the curriculum, the associated understanding of pre-service teachers of school development and their low assessment of the relevance of school development within special needs education. The study closes with practical recommendations on how to tackle the low level of preparedness for school development tasks in German teacher education.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of trainee teachers on secondary school student outcomes. The additional resources which schools receive from being involved in teacher training offer them an opportunity to raise standards, but this has to be set against the possible losses due to school students being taught by inexperienced beginning teachers and the diversion of mentors' efforts away from the classroom. Inspection evidence is used to assess whether trainee teachers affect school students' test and examination results. The findings of this research are that the number of trainees has no significant effect on school results at A‐level or General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), or on the overall value added between Key Stage 3 and GCSE level. However, at Key Stage 3 level at age 14, while there appears to be a very small depressing effect on achievement in schools with low numbers of trainees, there is a significant positive effect on achievement in schools with larger numbers of trainees.  相似文献   

The report on teacher training in Belgium is included here because it describes a pattern that was typical for all of Europe in the past and still prevails in many countries. Its main characteristic is the training of elementary school teachers during the last years of secondary education at a "normal school." The system is being upgraded in Belgium—as the article discusses—but not to the level of primary teacher training found in England, Sweden, and West Germany, for example.  相似文献   

This study looks at the impact of the recent changes in teacher training at an East Sussex Secondary School where teachers have responsibility for mentoring initial teacher trainees (ITTs.) While this has provided an opportunity to become more involved in the preparation of new teachers, a chance to change focus and, to a certain extent, increase job satisfaction, the speed of change has presented some practical difficulties and problems in implementing and fulfilling the role. Specific reference is made to Physical Education as the nature of the work in this area can pose unusual problems. The 'partnership' between the school and the Higher Education Institution is examined to ascertain the extent to which mentors feel that they are being adequately supported.

The information gained was collected through informal interviews with colleagues in school and Higher Education Institutions. This information has been analysed and forms the basis for some recommendations for partnerships' in initial teacher training.  相似文献   

化学学科"教师教育一体化"的模式中的化学专业有关课程设置,要体现出对教师职前培养和职后培训的全程规划。用"无机化学中的一些热力学问题"这一为高年级师范生开设的课程为例,讨论师范生在职前培养中的大学——中学化学教学的衔接问题的意义。并要注意其与职后培训的相互衔接。  相似文献   

了解毕节地区初中数学特岗教师对培训的需求,是开展该地区初中数学特岗教师有效培训的前提。本研究主要以问卷调查为主、座谈为辅的方式,获取毕节地区初中数学特岗教师对培训需求的信息,并以调查结果为依据,提出该地区初中数学特岗教师培训的一些建议:应当更加关注特岗教师的培训需求;通过调查结果发现,抽取样本中的大部分特岗教师都希望培训内容包括适合农村学生的典型教学经验、观摩优秀教师的公开课、了解新课改理念、班主任管理方面等;也希望增培训机构在设置培训方式时,应当以研讨的方式进行培训,而不是以专题讲座的方式进行培训。这些建议旨在对贵州师范学院“毕节地区数学特岗教师”培训的效果起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

"国培计划"的实施充分体现了国家对中小学教师整体素质的高度重视。但是,我国的教师培训仍然存在着许多不足或问题,这些问题主要有:基层教育行政部门或学校对教师培训不够重视;培训内容缺乏针对性;缺乏专门的教师培训队伍;教师培训形式单调以及缺乏有效的评价机制。  相似文献   

A large-scale longitudinal study was conducted in which the elementary mathematical knowledge and skills of a large group of Flemish preservice elementary school teachers from 15 different institutes was assessed by means of a paper-and-pencil test that was administered both at the beginning and at the end of their 3-year training. The 30-items test covered the new standards for mathematics in the elementary school curriculum in Flanders. The test was divided in six subsets differing in terms of the curricular subdomain and of the cognitive operations being addressed by the item. The results confirmed the frequently heard concern that at the beginning of their training preservice elementary school teachers have rather weak mathematical competencies. At the end of their 3-year training, the overall test performance had become substantially better, although there were still reasons to be seriously concerned about the readiness of some student teachers to teach mathematics to elementary school children. A number of more specific comparisons helped to identify the relative role of two different factors—selection and instruction—in student teachers’ gain from pretest to posttest. Besides documenting the development of elementary mathematical competence in preservice elementary school teachers, the study also resulted in an instrument for (self-) assessment of elementary school mathematical competence. This instrument is now being used in many institutes for elementary school teacher training in Flanders.  相似文献   

美国教师领导教育是在20世纪80年代兴起的美国教师教育改革背景下产生,并在90年代后逐渐发展起来的。教师领导以权力重新分配为基础,把教师放在学生、同事、学校发展的核心地位,对教师领导者提出了诸多要求。教师领导教育体现了大学与学校合作培养、教师合作学习、学习和实践相结合等特点,为美国当代教师教育发展开辟了新的领域。  相似文献   

This article is to explore the possibilities of mentoring for school based teacher education in Australia. Traditionally, supervision at the school level during the practicum in Australia has been focused on the classroom teacher whose role was to oversee and watch the direct work of the student teacher. However with the reforms in teacher education within the higher education sector which began in the late 1980s, a new challenge has arisen, which emphasises a shift of focus within the practicum from the role of classroom teacher as supervisor to one of mentor. Therefore, teachers who wish to become mentors will require new skills and competencies which extend beyond those of supervision, which necessitates the need for further training and education of classroom teachers. This article examines the mentoring role and the skills needed by teachers in supporting the development and education of student teachers into the teaching profession. The article also briefly examines the implications that this shift in focus from supervisor to mentor may bring for the participants involved in the education of student teachers.  相似文献   

In initial teacher training and when providing in‐service training for teachers we hope to make a contribution to science education by preparing people to become very good teachers of pupils. Recent Circulars produced by the Department for Education prescribing the content of teacher training courses in England include an explicit assumption that ensuring strong subject knowledge in teachers is the major contributor to good teaching and hence high standards in pupil achievement. This article reports on a small‐scale research project designed to look at the characteristics of good primary science teachers. The question is raised as to how these teachers came to be good teachers of science in the primary school. The findings call into question the efficacy of an approach to initial teacher education that focuses so much on the development of subject knowledge.  相似文献   

融合教育需要融合学校和融合教育师资,融合教育师资的培养需要有适应融合教育的课程。“语文课程与教学”是师范院校小学教育和特殊教育专业的一门重要课程,为了适应融合教育师资培养的需要,必须对这门课程进行改革,构建新的课程体系,在课程性质、结构内容和课程资源建设各方面体现融合教育理念和语文教育特点,以区别于普通学校“语文课程与教学”和“特殊(聋、弱智、盲)学校语文课程与教学”,并把这门课程纳入融合教育师资培养的课程体系中。  相似文献   

Teacher leadership is increasingly being seen as a key vehicle for school improvement and renewal. However, research on this phenomenon is limited, especially outside of the US.This article presents findings from an empirical study of teacher leadership in the UK, aimed at exploring both the ways in which teacher leadership can influence school and teacher development, and what in-school factors can help or hinder the development of teacher leadership in schools. The study was undertaken using a qualitative case study approach, purposively selected as being sites where teacher leadership was operational.Data indicated that teacher leadership was characterised by a variety of formal and informal groupings, often facilitated by involvement in external programmes. Teacher leadership was seen to empower teachers, and contributed to school improvement through this empowerment and the spreading of good practice and initiatives generated by teachers.A range of conditions needed to be in place in schools for teacher leadership to be successful, including a culture of trust and support, structures that supported teacher leadership but were clear and transparent, strong leadership, with the head usually being the originator of teacher leadership, and engagement in innovative forms of professional development.  相似文献   

在职培训模式研究是当前特教教师专业化成长领域中研究的热点。本研究通过问卷调查及教师访谈,对湖北省70所特校教师培训现状、问题与策略进行了研究,结果表明,特教教师在职培可供选择有6种模式,即"以学校为中心"反思式校本培训、"以龙头校引领片区校"合作研究、特教专家巡回指导、特教高校集中培训、远程培训、职前培养与在职教育一体化。加大每一种模式的应用实践效果的研究是下一步研究工作的方向。  相似文献   

教师培训是教师发展的重要举措。当前的中小学教师培训,存在如何分析"培训需求"、如何制定培训目标、思想观念如何有效传承等问题,影响着培训的有效进行,致使培训实效的偏低。基于教育问题解决的教师培训是针对当前中小学教师培训中的困惑,立足于受训教师面临的问题,在解决问题之中,系统、灵活、高效、针对性地丰富教师的知识,提升理论的素养,提高自身的实践能力,合理的达到培训者的预期结果。  相似文献   

通过对湖北省部分特殊学校进行问卷调查与部分培训教师进行个别访谈,回顾湖北省特殊学校教师的培训历史,提出省特殊学校教师的培训明显地存在类型单一、理念相对滞后、教学方法缺乏实用性、行动研究处于低质与新教师培训明显弱化等问题,并针对性地从培训机构的师资、管理、教材资料与经费方面对培训问题进行了初步分析,从而增强特殊学校教师在职培训的实效性。  相似文献   

特殊学校教师对随班就读的态度调查研究   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
本研究对特殊学校教师随班就读的态度调查结果进行了分析。结果表明 ,从总体上讲 ,教师对残疾儿童随班就读的态度是积极的 ,但存在一定程度的不够理解或偏见 ,甚至存在对残疾人拒绝、隔离的倾向。盲校教师的态度相对其他三类特殊学校的老师来说最积极 ,聋校教师的态度最消极。目前随班就读师资的培训对提高特殊学校教师对随班就读的认识有一定作用 ,但一般的特殊教育知识技能方面的培训对提高特殊学校教师对随班就读的认识作用不大。教师的性别、所教的科目、职称、年龄等因素对特殊教师的态度影响不显著  相似文献   

2006年,教育部、财政部启动了中等职业学校教师素质提高计划,在中等职业学校中开展了国家级骨干教师培训和省级骨干教师培训,有力地提高了我国中职师资队伍整体素质。但中职师资培训中也存在着一些问题,如课程开发能力不足,培训中缺乏针对性,培训基地没有与企业建立实质性的联系,中职学校和中职教师参加培训的积极性不高等。因而应通过构建"立体化"中职师资培训体系,建立培训的科学的动态调整机制等完善中职教师培训体系,使得中职师资培训迈向深入、持续、健康发展的新天地。  相似文献   

校本培训核心思想解读   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在整个师资培训的框架中,校本培训是教师培训的一个有机组成部分,对每个教师的发展有其独特的作用。当前,校本培训正作为开展中小学教师继续教育的重要策略而被倡导。其核心思想是形成学校的特色和促进教师专业的可持续发展,具体表现在基于学校,在学校中,为了学校;基于教师,在教师中,为了教师。  相似文献   

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